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Everything posted by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer!

  1. I am playing a DYO against the AI, I am playing as the Germans attacking a village. I have a PSW 234/3 barrelling thru the village heading towards the sound of the guns on the other side of the village where the real action is. The PSW approaches a road block and just starts to turn off the road to go around it (as I had ordered it to) when *boom!* it hits a mine. The wheels jam because of the mine. Because the wheels were already turned to the right the PSW carries on rolling under it's momentum in a 180 degree turn, rolling to a rest against the back of a church building. Listed as "immobile"! Brilliant! The best part was, I had the view locked on to the PSW the whole time, at level 1, and "saw" the whole thing from the Commanders view point. One minute I'm barrelling down the road, starting to turn as I expected, then *wham!* and the world starts spinning. I had no idea what was happening. This game rocks! Ober
  2. I quoth thusly from the game manual.... "The ESTIMATED time delay before the strike commences is shown in the artillery spotter's unit info window. Keep in mind that this is only the estimated time and it can take a little less or much longer before the first rounds fall. This "clock"will tick down much more slowly while the spotter dies not have line of sight to the target. Usually about 30-60 seconds before the full strike, a few "spotting rounds" fall on ro near the target." Hope that helps. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  3. Howitzer, what a great idea! I would be in the market for one, as acidly finished and signed as possible! Darn it, now I *want* one! Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  4. I tried these rockets out in a DYO yesterday. I had the target area in LOS of an FO. The impact sites were spread right across the map like a mad womans poop! I can then assume that w/o an FO, half the rounds would have landed off-map?! On the other hand, if I had hordes of Russians puring across the Steppes towards me, that would be just the sort of suppression fire I would want. Otherwise, I think I would spend my artillery points on something else. However, I am wondering what the morale affect is on the troops at teh receiving end of a totally random series of rocket impacts? I didn't notice anyone running away. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..." [This message has been edited by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer! (edited 07-01-2000).]
  5. Stuka mentions the BMWs' being used for recon work. I guess in the context of CM battles, the recon work has already been done. You know the enemy is out there, and you already have the available intelligence at hand. So I figure the BMWs' have done their job already and moved off to the rear. In a DYO, I wouldn't be wasting money on them. Offensively they could tackle an infantry squad. Defensively they would be mush. .02c Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soliloquy: So if you've been defending with 800, he's been smacking you around with 1600 or so. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Soliloquy, My confidence was taking quite a battering, especially as I see him making some tactical errors. I just seem to run out of stuff before he does. I stopped him once, but other times things start to unravel once my "main" pieces get knocked out. I'll try being the attacker next time, just to confirm I really am as bad at this as I appear. :^) Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  7. My first thought was, "it must have taken ages to type all that, why wasn't he playing a CM game"? Then I thought, "Hey, I *know* that song...like from 35 years ago!". Then I thought, " ". Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  8. Someone hinted at this on another thread, but is the attacker given more points than the defender in a DYO? Reason I ask, I have been getting slammed pretty good in a number of DYO PBEMs'. Now I know that I suck pretty bad, but I am always the Germans defending and my opponenet is the British attacking. He seems to have armour coming out the wazoo. I get about three guns and a Panther, plus a smattering of troops. In additon to about three tanks (Firefly, Churchill etc) he gets scout cars, carriers, armoured cars and what seems like a zillion troops. So if we are playing an 800 point game, does the attacker get more than that, more for his buck, or is it really even and I am just that bad? BTW, what do you mean when you say Assault is unbalanced? Am I right in thinking that an assualt just requires the attacker to get across the map as fast as possible? Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  9. I would subscribe to such a venture. A fairly simple newsletter sounds great to me. I would prefer a strong CM focus initially at least, with perhaps a section each tome for "other stuff" such as miniature modelling or whatever. I like the ideas for content so far, in fact all of the ideas are good IMHO. Another idea is a section / article dealing with a particular weapon system, it's strengths, weaknesses, tactical use, perhaps anecdotal info as well - for example, an article on the PSW234/3 or Bren Carrier etc. In fact, I *really like* the idea of a CM newsletter, with lots of wargaming and grognardedly pedantic ;^) stuff in it. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  10. I agree ratings would become a major headache for someone fairly quickly. However, a central "Recommended!" list would be useful to me. One stipulation, the scenario author cannot be the one recommending! But this way "market forces" could be allowed to work somewhat. If I d/l and play a scenario and I think it is particularly well done, I would take a moment to "recommend" it on the list. Then others will at least know someone liked it. The more volountary recommendations a map gets, well, you get my drift. Would that work? Just a list with a link to the d/l site(s)? Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  11. Soliloquy, Why did you have to leave your prepared positions if you were not even engaged? Were you outflanked and had to move back to straighten your line? I haven't played an Operation yet, but I will. I am curious as to this "had to move back" thing. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scott Clinton: No, it does not. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well that sounds pretty emphatic. So now I am confused. I quoted directly from page 28 of the CM manual. But I guess the manual could be wrong? So then I went to a couple of the web pages linked in the other replies above. One was in German, which whilst impressive was unintelligible to me. The other page, linked to by DesertFox, pretty well confirms what the CM manual says about the Nahverteidigungswaffe. It describes it as a short range device, attached to the outside of the tank, and designed to fire either a smoke or HE round. The HE round is actually fired from a flare pistol or similar from inside the tank, using the Nahverteidigungswaffe tube as the pistol port for the round. The Nahverteidigungswaffe has a diameter of 92mm, the early HE rounds were called Sprenggranatpatrone, had a range of 7 - 10 meters, were detonated by a 1 second fuse and exploded about 0.5 - 2 meters above the ground. The effectiveness of the HE round was questionable, and it was replaced by another HE round later on, this one known as a Wurfgranate round, diameter 2.6 cm. The above information all comes from DesertFoxes site. So you can split hairs and be grognardedly pedantic, but the description of this weapon given in the CM manual and quoted by me in my reply to Apocs question is essentially correct. The HE round was not 92mm, the Nahverteidigungswaffe tube was. The CM manual refers to the HE round as being 92mm and I guess this is part of the "misconception" surrounding this weapon. If one of these rounds landed inside a half-track I'm sure it would cause casualties, especially if ammunition was ignited by the detonation. I sure the enemy troops in Apoc's incident did not appreciate the subtelties of the difference in diameter. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  13. I am wondering about the morale issue here. Why did the carrier drivers actually carry out those orders? If you send a squad of infantry walking across open ground towards a MG position, they will invariably drop to the ground for cover, or start running for cover. Only occasionaly will they actually continue into the fire. So why didn't the carrier drivers bug out? Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..." [This message has been edited by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer! (edited 06-26-2000).]
  14. Wahoooo! One for the good guys! Way to go, Charles and Steve! Are we witnessing a "flight to quality"? I sure hope so. Here's hoping that if you ever sell out to one of the "Big Boys", you retain full creativity and quality control! But then, keep this up and you *will* be one of the "Big Boys"! Thanks for an awesome game, BTS. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  15. "the Nahverteidigungswaffe..." Close defense weapon - hurls a 92mm HE or smoke grenade from inside the tank against any enemy infantry approaching the tank. I went to all the trouble of looking it up (thanks to Moon for naming the device), so I figured I'd post it here to save others the trouble. Not that it was much trouble....the game manual is terrific. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ntg84: It would be nice to se some FAMO's or something towing vehicles back to a repair shop. Or field mechanics that fix a broken or abandoned vehicle.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The only place I can see this being relevant to CM is possibly in an Operation. Enemy vehicles being captured and put to use during a battle lasting from 40 minutes to a couple of hours sounds so unlikely as to not be worth worrying about. Even if a squad of GIs' found an abandoned Panther which was still operational (so why is it abandoned?), they would not be trained or experienced to use it effectively. In an Operation, an enemy vehicle might be captured, removed from the battlefield for refitting and returned. But even if this did happen, as I'm sure it did, it would not necessarily be allocated to the company that captured it. Probably unlikely to be allocated to them, I'd reckon. Refitting damaged vehicles from your own side at least has teh advantage of trained crews being available. How many GIs' without special training could operate a German tank at short notice? All sounds a bit gamey to me. My .02c worth! Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  17. Thanks Buckeye! Option one sounds the most likely....I don't trust my timing that much to use the pause command. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  18. I have a game going on where a German tank destroyer is hidden behind a rise (I am Germans). The Allied tanks are a-coming, and I want to have a shot at them without exposing my TD more than I absolutley have to. I want to move up the slope to hull down (I assume I will use "hunt" to do this), designate a target (the big tank, not the scout car!), shoot and then immediately reverse back out of sight. Can this be done, and how is it done? It would seem to be a realistic maneouvre, how does CM cope with it? Thanks in advance... Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  19. REISBERG SPOILER! REISBERG SPOILER! s This thread started out as a non-spoiler, but changed after I posted...sorry s s s s SPOILER! SPOILER! SPOILER ALERT! s s s s s s s s s s s s s s I was also miffed because a Sherman on my right flank had been maneouvering cautiously from shubbery to shubbery in an effort to get a clear shot at an "AT Gun?" concealed on that side of the map. I poked it's nose out and *WHAM!!* - see ya later Shermie, thanks for coming! Later I maneouvered some infantry up close enough to rush the "AT Gun?". It looked like an Infantry GUn, until the guys got within a few yards of it.......then it revealed itself for what it truly was. s s s SPOILER! Last Chance! s s s s s s s s s A bloody great 88mm AA gun in AT mode! I assume the one on the other side of the map was the same. No wonder I was losing tanks left and right. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  20. SPOILER! SPOILER! BLACK POT BOILER!! s s s s s s s s s spoiler s s s s s s s s s s s s s <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Freyland: The troops in "Reisberg", for the beta demo, were fanatics. [This message has been edited by Freyland (edited 06-24-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, that's an answer, because the scenario I am playing IS REISBERG!!! Dagnabidation! How do I take out this Panzerfaust team now? I have already squandered my artillery on stupid things like buildings! But thanks for the tip, because I would have been stewing on this for ages. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..." [This message has been edited by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer! (edited 06-24-2000).]
  21. SPOILER!! SPOILER! REISBERG SPOILER!! s s s s s s s s spoiler! s s s s s s s s s s spoiler! s s s s s s s s sorry! s s s s s s ssshhhh! s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Playing a scenario, but this is not specific to it. I was playing as Americans and had a German infantry squad pinned down under some scattered trees. There were three American infantry squads pouring fire into them from about 100 yards away, plus a platoon command squad, a Sherman tank and a mortar guy dropping HE on them. From behind these German infantry guys comes a Panzerfaust team, *running* straight past them towards the Americans. Every US unit there switched it's fire to the Panzerfaust team, including the Sherman. The mortar team did not have to, because the Panzerfaust guys ran right through the area fire around the German infantry anyway. *THEN* the Panzerfaust team, practically buried in hot lead, stops, kneels, aims at the Sherman, fires and knocks it out!!!!!!! What the @#$% is up with that!??? Fortunes of war?? And this team was rated as "regular", not "kryptonite aware". I *guess* it's possible for a couple of guys carrying a heavy panzerfaust tube and ammo, to have the motzy to run straight into the middle of a fire fight, take fire from over thirty American troops, a mortar team, a command team and a Sherman tank without becoming frightened or dead, then line up on the tank and knock it out through the frontal armour with it's first shot. As a US commander in the field, I find that behaviour a little discouraging. Ober PS I just had another look, and there was an American MG shooting at the Panzerfaust guys from further back as well. PPS I am now a member...huzzah! ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..." [This message has been edited by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer! (edited 06-24-2000).] [This message has been edited by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer! (edited 06-24-2000).]
  22. Unless the Vicar really *did* grease the bannister, in which case Mrs Newton could have been at the fair after all. ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  23. Lessee... Commissars! Commissioners! <-- Ooh, nice ring to that one! (one more post and I'm a member, I think!!!) ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  24. This is straight off the top of my head, but the American assault (defence would be more accurate I think) at Anzio further supports the argument of artillery as highly effective. IIRC, the officer in charge on the ground (I forget his name, he reported to Clarke) was an artillery officer by trade. After hecautiousley dug in and secured his perimeter, the Germans moved up and basically surrounded the American beach head. The way I heard it, this American commander was a maestro with artillery, and counter-attack after counter-attack by the Germans was broken up by virtually the artillery alone. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..." [This message has been edited by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer! (edited 06-22-2000).]
  25. G'day Baevans, Try this and see how you go.... Copy the CD to a filder on your hard drive. Then run the install from there instead of the CD. Might help, might not...worth a try. If you still get the "bmp" errors, press on and go ahead and istall everything. Then download the mod file(s) from HQ, and copy the mod bmps into your bmp directory. So long as the file names are the saem, the mod will replace corrupt bmp files with good ones. Then get the CD replaced by BTS. Good luck! Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
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