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Everything posted by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer!

  1. I'm up in Hunters Glen in Thornton, just north of 128 and next to Washington. My game arrived on Monday, again one of the lucky ones. I suck pretty bad at CM, but my troops bear the most of the brunt. I'm up for a PBEM anytime. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  2. These are the things I would try, in this order... 1) Check the web for the latest video driver for your graphics card, download and install it. If not fixed or improved, then.... 2) Uninstall, reboot, then reinstall the game. 3) You didn't say how much memory your system has, but the lag after x number of games could be your RAM getting used up and the system starting to refer to the swap file more and more. I assume you are running Win95or 98. If this is the case, you need to upgrade your RAM. If you hear the hard drive spinning up when the game gets laggy, I would say insufficient RAM is the problem. Ober
  3. Howdie, Howdie... It sure sounds like your RAM is getting full. When the game starts getting laggy, fo you notice the hard drive spinning up fairly frequently - whining noise, flashing LED on PC case? That woul dbe proof positive of full RAM, because the system is then going ot the swap file and causing delays. Best thing to do is upgrade your RAM, say to 128MB. The $ free way to get around this problem is to save your game and reboot your PC every 8 to 10 moves. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kazom: NOTE: I did not have this problem with the beta demo either. I could see the background sky graphics then. Any other ideas?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> G'day Kazom, At this stage of the troubleshooting process, it's time to uninstall and reinstall the software. You may have got a file corrupted or something didn't land on the HDD quite right. If after that you still have a problem, perform a thorough scan disk in case you have a bad sector or something messing up the file. The other thing to try is to delete the "prefs" file in your demo folder. (Just trying to get my posts up to "member" volume) :^) Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: the prefs file is in the same directory as the demo.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks FB. I eventually looked there. ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  6. What Mikester said. As a WWII buff, closet grognard and avid PC gamer, I reckon CM is simply brilliant. Thanks to Charles, Steve and CM guys from me too. I am feeling for the guys still waiting for delivery, hopefully tomorrow will see the end of the wait. But whatever the wait, and I know it's been months for some folks, rest assured the full game is worth every minute of it. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  7. I played the Tutorial scenario as the Americans and then as the Germans. As the Germans, I left the two Pz IVs in the roadway by the woods, one a bit behind the other. The infantry I moved up and sent one half into the woods on the Germans left front and the other into the scattered trees to the right front of the German position. So I had the road leading up to the cross-roads from the Allies position flanked with troops and armour in the center, but back a bit. A brief exchange of fire as the two Shermans came up the road. Germans 2, Americans 1. The main Allied infantry advance was through the woods on their right flank, pretty much as the tutorial says to do it. But the Germans were waiting in the trees, with a fire base across the road pouring flanking fire into the Americans. Basically the Americans were stopped cold and could not get passed the German positions until time ran out for them. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: I suspect my jerkiness problem was due to virtual memory not behaving properly. In any event, I downloaded half a dozen various Win98 updates, reset my virtual memory, and deleted the CM prefs file. After restarting the game it now runs smooth and clean. And all I can say is... wow!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have the same problem I think. The video "pauses" momentarily every few seconds. I downloaded the latest Win98 updates and moved my virtual memeory to the same drive as the game. The only thing I haven't done is delete my CM prefs file. Where is it at? I have a PIII 450, 129MB RAM, 16MB Voodoo3 card with the latest drivers. Hard to get much faster system, so it has to be settings. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  9. Wow you guys know some stuff! Anyway, with the talk about the 1870 war leading to the 1914 war etc. I heard an interesting view on the History Channel a while back which hadn't occured to me before. Basically, the contention was that the first world war did not finish until 1989! The loose logic goes like this. WWI was not properly settled - Treaty of Versaille and so on- which led to WWII. WWII was not properly settled with the Allies and Stalin at loggerheads. So the taking down of the Berlin Wall was the final resolution of turmoil which had erupted 75 years earlier! Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  10. This is a purely subjective and emotive observation, but it seems to me that when I play as Axis, my schreck men are for the most part lilly livered, run-away, die like flies wastes of space (Well, *once* I had a chap who stood up and actualy fired at the flank of a Sherman efffectively). On the other hand, when the cused AI is playing as Axis, *it's* schreck men are made of steel and all sprang from the loins of John Wayne! *sigh* It's been a long weekend and I want my copy of The Game to arrive. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  11. I just went back and reread the Manifesto. And I found this..."Are you the sort of person who prefers reading Stephen Ambrose to John Grisham? Would you rather see Saving Private Ryan or Cross of Iron twice rather than Titanic even once? Do you find yourself glued to documentary programs on the History Channel while everyone else is watching Ally McBeal?" Well, apart from much preferring John Keegan to Steve "One Eye" Ambrose any day of the week, that little paragraph describes my lurking habits pretty well exactly. I'M NOT ALONE ANYMORE!!!!! Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..." [This message has been edited by OberGrupenStompinFeuhrer! (edited 06-18-2000).]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Renaud: Lanzfeld: ps bonus points for knowing where the term 'spike' in this usage originated! [This message has been edited by Renaud (edited 06-18-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ooh! Ooh! I know! Comes from a time when cannons were used and "spiking" the gun meant hammering a spike into the touch-hole so it could not be fired again. *beams proudly cos he knew sumthin* Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  13. Teechers? I dunno. Edjukayshun never dun me no good! ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  14. G'day Abrams, Have a go at Valley of Trouble, first as the Americans and then as the Germans. You could post for a PBEM before that, but you would be at a serious disadvantage. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  15. G'day, I played CE as the Americans against the AI, and gave the Germans +50% units. The first time they got a bunch of extra Stuggs, but the second time they got one extra Stugg and *a million schrecks*!! They just poured out of the woods like lemmings and there was not end! I couldn't shoot German troops fast enough and after holding them off for about 8 moves, they just overwhelmed my position. I had to run away, and managed to save one sherman and four men. I'll try again, but someone please...tell me it can be done! (That the Amis can beat those odds). Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  16. Wait! Wait! I'm an idiot! Wrong sig, I wuz thinking of my previus one.... "They come on in the same old way!" "And we shall meet them in the same old way!"
  17. Awww Lorak! I wuz gonna say "Full Metal Jacket". Okay, and my sig is from which movie/battle/general? Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  18. It does not seem quite so clear cut to me. On the face of it, #1 and #2 are definitely gamey, as it demonstrates prior knowledge of the game and a weasel way of taking advantage of that experience. However, if everything I have is gone and all I have to wait on are reinforcements, I am in a world of hurt anyway. Even playing against the AI, I once moved two Shermans up there to be rady to take out the PantherG, by wide flanking around the American left flank. Lost both tanks to shrecks along the way. So I didn't control the field well enough. But on the face of it, 1 and 2 are both gamey and I would be annnoyed if some weasel camped or FO'd the known reinforcement site. But as Germanboy pointed out, it's a fairly obvious arrival spot in V0T for the German reinforcements. Nowhere else makes much sense. But who's to know the reinforcements area coming and when? Creeping along the map edge is a legit move I reckon. I am in a PBEM with a friend and he tried on the exact same thing....a flanking move (he's American)up the American right. Trouble for him was I had the IG and a full platoon of troops hiding behind the crest waiting for just such a tactic. But on VoT I think it is one of the obvious places to attempt an advance. Straight up the middle would be a bad idea usually. Ramble, waffle, etc. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  19. Allan, a P200 is a plain old Pentium. A PII-233 is an upgrade, not a huge one, but an upgrade none-the-less. And your price is right. :^) Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  20. Good point Spook. I think it *is* reasonable that we could expect a heavy weapons team, assigned to a location for field of fire and under orders to stay there, to remain for the duration of the battle. In VoT this is all of 35 minutes. If they panick and bug out, that is one thing, but to be deliberately redeployed some 10 minutes or whatever after the battle starts is not realistic. If you are going to do that, put the bunker in the other place to begin with. And if they are suitably placed to confront infantry, with as much protection from artillery spotters or tanks as possible (schreck nearby?), they will last longer than an unbunkered MG team. Having the option to abandon and reman a bunker would be akin to a tank crew abandoning a tank and remanning it a few minutes later at the players orders. Again not too realistic, but akin to doing the same with a wooden bunker. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  21. Oh dear, Oh dear! To ladder, to ladder, I've got a full bladder and nothing else will rhyme, I need an opponent, Be back in a moment, *pause* Thank you, I made it this time. I'm thinking that first up I want a pool of players to contact and play against. Second up, how accomplished they are or otherwise is not too important to me. If they are good, I will learn. If they are not so good yet, I get a moral boosting victory. And the chance to bayonet their medics. Slaughter their baggage handlers. Pee in their soup turins. Loosen the tops on their salt shakers. So I would join the ladder to find opponents. How will I find the non-ladder players so I can play them as well? (Real question there, if anyone knows the answer). And then I would fill their combat boots with shaving cream. Jam potatos up their exhaust pipes. Place sachets of mustard under their toilet seats. Smear Vegemite around the eye-piece rims of their binoculars. But my ladder ranking wuld be iffy, as the accomplished players would be forcing me to surrender with honour. Of course, if I only played the people on the *bottom* of the ladder....... Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by thomasj: There are people today that will tell you that second to only the concentration camps, the fire bombing of Dresden was the largest atrocity ever commited during the war. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What was third, Coventry? But I digress, this is a CM board. ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  23. I have to go along with London's idea of a series of "lives" that were squandered by Hitler one by one, until it was too late. However, there have been some interesting points raised in this thread and I'd like to toss my 2c into the ring. I agree that the Bomb would probably have ended the war, if Overlord had failed. But Einstein wasn't the only one involved in making the Bomb, I believe the Germans had their scientists as well. I am not certain of the year (1943?) but the Brits mounted a Commando raid on a German heavy water production facility in Norway and destroyed the installation. This effort set back the German quest for the A-bomb by several years. Had the raid not been carried out, or failed, Hitler may well have had the Bomb available to him before the Americans did. An argument could be developed that Mussolinin was responsible for the lose of one of Hitler's "lives". As Hitler was preparing for Operation Barbarossa in 1941, Mussolini invaded the Balkans and got his arse kicked (again). Hitler had to invade Greece and Crete to bail him out. This "side-show" effectively delayed the start of Barbarossa until there was not enough summer left to get the job done in Russia. But one could as easily argue that Germany would never have defeated the Russians, even with the capture of Moscow. Look at the map, Russia is *huge*. End of 2c worth. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Well, I'm not Lurker. Not trying to be an asshole, just wondering how you can "lurk" over a BBS for so long and not participate<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well I read the board probably about 2 to 3 times a day, and have done so since I discovered CM:BO. And this is probably only my fourth post. I find I learn a lot about the game, and tactics, by reading posts from the more experienced and learned contributors (not to be confused with the most prolific, althought the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive). I believe BTS have a lot more pre-orders than just from regular posters. From BTS's perspective I'd guess lurkers are considered to be participating. A number of friends of mine have found out about the game through me, engaged in PBEM's with me, and also pre-ordered the game. There are three aspects to this CM:BO experience which I most appreciate and enjoy: 1) The game itself (obviously), 2) The accessibility and responsiveness of Steve and Charles, and 3) The maturity, intelligence, creativity, humour and generosity of the majority of contributors to this board. Reasons enough to hang around and feel like I am participating. Are Lurkers participants? I reckon so. Even regular posters need someone to read their posts! Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
  25. I enjoy reading other "battle reports" on this forum, and thought I'd share a particularly nasty ending with you. I played VoT as the Amis, full fog (of course) against the AI. A routine build up - artillery barrage to knock out the 75mm, then I chose to move all six Sherman's plus infantry support up the center, towards the flag in the middle, left of Plomeville. The Panther duly appeared and I got lucky, knocking it out for the loss of two Shermans. I lost another Sherman to a Panzershreck team, who paid with their miserable lives. Plomeville reduced and captured. Okay, now the awful (for the Germans) part. I still had an Artillery Spotter with full ammo. The German infantry reinforcements were moving down from the wooded rise in the center rear of the German end towards the woods behind the center of the map. I had flanked the woods with a Sherman, who was sitting just to the north of the road almost level with the last German flag on "mortar hill". I had Amis infantry moving forward through the woods in the center. I hadn't planned this, it just sort of developed, but the AI had put a lot of German troops in those woods. As the American infantry advanced through the woods, the German infantry squads came bailing out and heading back towards their rear. They met the advancing German reinforcements as they were moving up, in the open ground between the woods and the wooded slope in the German rear. At that moment the artillery barrage I had called down on the wooded slope began. The Sherman on the flank opened up on the exposed German troops who, pressed from the front by the American infantry, had little option but to turn and flee to the rear - straight into the 105mm artillery barrage! I actually felt sorry for the littel guys, but they wouldn't surrender - they just kept running into the maelstrom. Even more of them were being flushed out of the woods in the center, being fired into by the Sherman and then the sorry survivors were pulverised by the artillery as they reached the rear. I only had artillery left to fire because my spotter had panicked and been routed earlier in the game and so I had not been able to use him when I first wanted to. Ober ------------------ "Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."
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