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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Originally posted by Mace:

    btw, Stuka you idiot!!!! Revealing that you once lived in England is just not done!

    But I had a whale of a time!

    I was racing Speedway motorcycles professionally and let me tell you, there is not much more thats guaranteed to get the girlies into a hot, blithering frenzy than a man in a full leather race suit. Pommies or not, (some of them did smell a bit 'funny') it was the best time........

  2. Originally posted by Lorak:

    Sadly I see I got the fat, lazy officer look

    And I got the "I'm too pretty to die" soldier look. The one who has the family photos in his breast pocket with the child he has never seen, who gets shot to **** right at the climax {Down etc..} of the film.

    Just to make the audience say "Feh".

  3. I think I am the victim of a little 'ear modification'.

    Youv'e seen Loraks cesspool pikkys and I don't feel I'm quite as big a wingnut as kitty would have you beleive.

    oh yes, ans as far as haircuts go....DaleM was my target earlier which you would have realised if you'd read Germyboys previous post, you eeediot!

    Monster magnet fav song is "Negasonic teenage warhead" ooh yeah momma!

  4. Kitty, you are definitely a top-sheila, spunk-rat and no mistake!

    Jeez, I knew I was handsome but to see me in uniform......I went all wobbly at the knees!

    Mind you, at the other end of the spectrum, I got a cold shiver when I saw the be-speckled nazi type, Berli...oooh...evil personified or what?

    And Elvis? A happy little pommy if ever I saw one. One lump or two in your tea M'lud?

    I don't know how your'e gonna turn Maces sideburns and mo' into something resembling a 40's era photo but if anyone can it'll be yourself.

    Keep it up! Down Bauhaus!

  5. Originally posted by mensch:

    sad realy your wife is writing me how worried she is about you and btw.. she looks real hot in that black nightie .. tell her to send more photos of her on the couch.. those are wow.

    Grego, old Bratwurst.

    Before you trip over yourself running to the spare room to get the box of tissues and the jar of vaseline, how about you send those turns you owe me?

    Then and only then may you continue with your wanking extravaganza.

  6. Originally posted by Geier:

    To MrPeng

    Send me the right file or I'll make bloodpudding (which really is yum-yum)

    out of you

    So good to see I'm not the only one suffering from Peng's "I'll just send any old file I can find" syndrome.

    4 of his last 5 e-mails have contained old turns or my own turns.

    His dementia is becoming more firmly entrenched it would seem.

  7. Doug, that Steve Irwin has his reptile farm about 45 min drive from where I live and let me tell you, he is as complete and utter freeking dickhead in real life as he is on TV when it comes to the care needed to be taken around these creatures.

    Fair dinkum, one day he will make a little mistake and then "BAM" will get 'taken' and man, I'm gonna laugh my guts up when that happens coz he is a total twat who has outrun his luck more times than he should have.

    You should see this guy in the flesh, he just doesn't give a **** and that can only go on for so long before...woops!!!

    Pls don't think he is representative of Australians because most of us have got more brains than that.... I happen to like snakes and lizards but from my time in the north I also know to respect them.....

    Steve Irwin,....Sheesh...dickhead hunter.

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