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Posts posted by Stuka

  1. Thats odd, I'm doing the same thing to him as well....

    Gotta love my ears (thanks kitty), why else would I set you up as Paras in our game? And Peter NZ as well, in fact anyone who wants me to set them up in a game will be given Brit Paras, just so you can gaze lovingly at my image each time you click on a unit.

    Its the least I can do, in a way it helps take the edge off the horror I feel each time I click on a german unit and see Maces ugly mug.

    Even Germanboy looks more german than Mace, and he looks japanese!

  2. 900 T-Bird

    MSI K7T Pro board

    32mb prophet2 MX W/TV out

    30gb HD

    19" LG 995E Monitor

    128mg RAM

    This system is smoooooth and the graphics are phenominal! The only minor slowdown has been on a 5000pt armour battle on a large map, and even that was not too bad at all.

    Like many others, I did a lot of research on the components via various reveiw sites before making what was in the end, a fairly well informed decision and I'm glad to say that I'm very happy with the results.

    Go the T-Bird for sure and make sure you go for a decent graphics card, I'd have gone for the 64mg GTS 2 card but at the time (Nov 2000) it was a little too pricey. Now it may be alot more affordable.

  3. 900 T-Bird

    MSI K7T Pro board

    32mb prophet2 MX W/TV out

    30gb HD

    19" LG 995E Monitor

    128mg RAM

    This system is smoooooth and the graphics are phenominal! The only minor slowdown has been on a 5000pt armour battle on a large map, and even that was not too bad at all.

    Like many others, I did a lot of research on the components via various reveiw sites before making what was in the end, a fairly well informed decision and I'm glad to say that I'm very happy with the results.

    Go the T-Bird for sure and make sure you go for a decent graphics card, I'd have gone for the 64mg GTS 2 card but at the time (Nov 2000) it was a little too pricey. Now it may be alot more affordable.

  4. *Checking Leeo's details*


    Leeo, it would appear that you are a sinful consumer of hops and yeast based products. The 'pool is a teetotal collective of god fearing hard core christians who meet regularly for bible readings/prayer recitals and self flagellation {Thank you, brother Bauhaus, you may be seated} and as such we condemn sinners such as yourself to the fiery pits of Hell. {Berli, your'e on.....}

    If you are truely rependent of your evil ways and are prepared to let god into your heart, then you may ask God yourself. Seanichie is in the refectory....3rd on the left after the sacrificial altar.

  5. Originally posted by Hamsters:

    Stuka, you imbecile, this is the new thread, keep your Hi Momming to yourself!

    Well, slap me silly and call me Elijah!

    Since when has this cockneyed excuse for a thread become the mutha thread, Hammy old fruitbat?

    The Swedish thread is not locked, so I am forced to assume that you are attempting a manoeuveourist hijacking of the 'pool for your own egocentric concerns.

    You really should keep a better control over your inner Croda. The little bugger is getting too big for his boots.

  6. Originally posted by Hamsters:

    Obviously you would be attritting the dead beast with your thingie, as this mathematical model shows:

    Stuka(Thingie)^.6* x Dead(Hamsters{Noshing}Deer) / You Sick Bastard2

    You can just mind your manners too, young man. Or else I may take it upon myself to give you a right royal spanking on the field of battle and then throw your tender tushy to Bauhaus...and nobody wants that.

    Except maybe Mace.

  7. Well now, isn't that sweet...Mr Blowsmice is out trawling for games like he doesn't have a care in the world.

    Muhahaaa. Let it be known that I am currently dishing out the kind of ass-kicking that 'ole Blowsey can only dream about.

    As per a gentlemans agreement, we have embarked upon an infantry only game, no vehicular support of any kind.

    The game so far, in a nutshell: My uberhamsters initially run forward and lightly hold 3 of the 4 VL's. Blowseys doughboys advance more cautiously to the same flags and suffer losses reaching them. His weight of numbers force my split squads to withdraw from those VLs and losses are about even.

    Now here is the inspired part.

    As blowsey consolidates his hold on the VLs, my HMG and arty opens up in a prearranged "turkey shoot", forcing his guys to cover and preventing his reinforcement of the center (major) VL. It is here that I have withdrawn all troops to a wooded area to the rear of the Flag, where they leave several split squads in 'hide' mode, the bulk of my force holes up in woods further to the rear. Sure enough the blowsien Arty barrage falls and falls and falls, on the forward (lightly manned) position until he is sure nothing remains standing. Oh ho ho! no sooner does the last shell fall when the glorious troopers of Stook arise and like a vast feldgrau mass, storm the US center position in force from 2 directions under covering HMG fire. Cries of "Woot!" rend the air as US squads break ranks and flee to the rear, only to be cut down like autumn wheat.

    Oh yes, the sweetness of wholesale slaughter...Ummmmmm!

    PS. Blowsey went 'veteran' too...MUAhhhahhhaaaaaaa!

    News on other fronts, I hereby proclaim Peng to be a gamey rat git. Who else would send an empty wasp carrier for a hot lap of my town to scout out positions? Mind you, my tactical genius came to the fore once again, as a champion shreck team in 'hide' mode watched and waited as the wasp sped by, then with the coast supposedly clear, Peng gambles with a Daimler A/C only to get plinked by the same shreck team! Ho ho, 3 turns to go and the podman has a lot of work to do. Be vewwwy careful with those churchills Pengy, you may need them.

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