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Papa Khann

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Posts posted by Papa Khann

  1. Joe, stop spoiling my fun. If my airborne troops can't actually fly, why then are they called "airborne", eh? Answer me that. But send a turn first.

    Lars, I'd tell you to pipe down with your drivel and do something constructive for a change, like send a turn, but I see that I owe you a turn.

    Boggs, I'll send a setup along after a bit. Right now I've got better things to do. Like examining the contents of my fingernails, taking a nap, and trying to decipher just what the h*ll this new incarnation of R Leete is all about.

    Leete, or whatever it is you're hoping we'll call you, I must say that I find your imagination truly astounding. I mean, when you came up with a byname that consisted of your first initial and your last name, that was really innovative. But this whole dropping of the first initial thing you have going on now is awesome! (Why it's almost as interesting as Boggs calling himself Jim Boggs.)

    And so, since you appear to be incapable of conjuring up a respectable nickname for yourself, I suggest we refer to you as The artist formally disparaged as R Leete.


  2. That does it, Boggs. You can make fun of my posts in the outer boards. You can make fun of me. But copy my "huh?" and you're cruisin' for the proverbial bruisin'.

    Consider the glove raked across that sloping brow of yours. You are challenged.

    I suggest the CM:AK scenario "Fervent Anticipation", as I have not played that one yet and it looks interesting to me. Plus, if I get to be the Germans, my guys will have little wingy thingies on their uniforms.


  3. That does it, Boggs. You can make fun of my posts in the outer boards. You can make fun of me. But copy my "huh?" and you're cruisin' for the proverbial bruisin'.

    Consider the glove raked across that sloping brow of yours. You are challenged.

    I suggest the CM:AK scenario "Fervent Anticipation", as I have not played that one yet and it looks interesting to me. Plus, if I get to be the Germans, my guys will have little wingy thingies on their uniforms.


  4. Dear Mr. Bug,

    Of course you did. But the fact that you appear to be unaware of the fact that I was aware of your gross misrepresentations of my postings in the outerboards can only lead me to assume that you lack sufficient awareness. Clearly, you're insensible demeanor is overshadowed only by your oafishness.

    Plus, you freely admit to having had your limited awareness expanded by the likes of Leete! Leete, no less! A known carpet fondler and bed wetter. Could you possibly stoop any lower? And having stooped to the level of a gutter snipe, you no sooner turn around and announce the fact to the world?

    Show some backbone, lad. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Stand up straight and walk tall (well, as close to it as you can come with your no doubt simian stature). Or if you need me to spell it out more clearly for you, deny that you even know who Leete is! Cover it up, man. Ye gods.


  5. Dear Mr. Bug,

    Of course you did. But the fact that you appear to be unaware of the fact that I was aware of your gross misrepresentations of my postings in the outerboards can only lead me to assume that you lack sufficient awareness. Clearly, you're insensible demeanor is overshadowed only by your oafishness.

    Plus, you freely admit to having had your limited awareness expanded by the likes of Leete! Leete, no less! A known carpet fondler and bed wetter. Could you possibly stoop any lower? And having stooped to the level of a gutter snipe, you no sooner turn around and announce the fact to the world?

    Show some backbone, lad. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Stand up straight and walk tall (well, as close to it as you can come with your no doubt simian stature). Or if you need me to spell it out more clearly for you, deny that you even know who Leete is! Cover it up, man. Ye gods.


  6. Originally posted by CMplayer:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

    I love the fact that the trajectory of each AP round is tracked individually,

    Unfortunately it's not. That's just eye candy. The engine decides 'hit or miss' then it does some animation to make it look nicer. </font>
  7. Call me gamey and unrealistic, but I fail to see why BFC wouldn't improve the map and LOS tools in the next version of the engine. We are, after all, using a computer to play a GAME. And the great thing about computers is that they can do all the drudge work for us. Don't buy that? Just compare playing CM to playing ASL with mapboards and cardboard chits. I used to do that, and I ain't EVER going back.

    Now I for one appreciate the efforts BFC has placed on making CM as realistic as possible. I love the fact that the trajectory of each AP round is tracked individually, my men's morale may not allow them to do what I want them to do, targets are mistakenly identified, etc. But on the topic of terrain elevations and the LOS tool, why not provide us with better tools that are easier to use?

    We aren't playing the role of a single battlefield commander in CM. If you want to do that, IMHO, you'd really need to find a program with no 3d graphics or movie playbacks. Not to mention no ordering individual units around. No, that game would probably need to use an orders interface with an overhead map, and text messages reporting troop movements and casulties. Doesn't sound like a very fun game to me. Maybe the realism police would eat it up though.


  8. Time for some gamey updates.

    Lars commands inebriated Canadians defending a village against the gallant forces of Panzer Armee Khann. At least I think he's trying to defend. For all I know Lars is too inebriated himselft to issue orders to his troops and is just clicking "Go" repeatedly.

    dalem is a sneaky bastiche, slinking off to the city of Lost Wages during our game. No doubt this is a shameless ploy to avoid a throttling at the hands of the gallant forces of Panzer Armee Khann.

    Boo is driving tiny tank-like thingies around in the desert. I think he may have lost his maps, as his troops continue driving to and fro with no apparent objective. If I can manage to coax him over to the battle, I shall best him with the gallant forces of Panzer Armee Khann.

    Joe's troops are sprinting through the Italian countryside in a brave attempt to storm a lonely two story building. To say the least, his display of supporting artillery and tank fire is impressive. If the gallant forces of Panzer Armee Khann were actually defending that building, I'm sure his efforts would be all the more laudable.


  9. Time for some gamey updates.

    Lars commands inebriated Canadians defending a village against the gallant forces of Panzer Armee Khann. At least I think he's trying to defend. For all I know Lars is too inebriated himselft to issue orders to his troops and is just clicking "Go" repeatedly.

    dalem is a sneaky bastiche, slinking off to the city of Lost Wages during our game. No doubt this is a shameless ploy to avoid a throttling at the hands of the gallant forces of Panzer Armee Khann.

    Boo is driving tiny tank-like thingies around in the desert. I think he may have lost his maps, as his troops continue driving to and fro with no apparent objective. If I can manage to coax him over to the battle, I shall best him with the gallant forces of Panzer Armee Khann.

    Joe's troops are sprinting through the Italian countryside in a brave attempt to storm a lonely two story building. To say the least, his display of supporting artillery and tank fire is impressive. If the gallant forces of Panzer Armee Khann were actually defending that building, I'm sure his efforts would be all the more laudable.


  10. Joe, I've a spot open on my opponent roster. And in a fit of emotion best described as downright pity, I've decided to etch your name in in grease pencil. Well ok, not so much your name. Actually it's a little caricature of you.

    So there you sit on my roster, Joe. Quite a nice likeness too, I might add.

    Yes, I think I've managed to do some justice to that big red clown nose of yours. Not to mention the protruding jaw, the squinting eyes, and those three or four fibrous hairs jutting up from that otherwise barren pate.

    Consider yourself challenged, sir. And for once (just this once, mind you) I don't mean in terms of your intellectual capacity.

    A scenario is preferred. Nothing over large. We don't want to tax that famous attention span of yours (snaps fingers under Joe's nose. Focus, Joe, focus! We're still talking about CM:AK here.)

    Feel free to choose the theater. You as the loser. The glorious forces of Panzer Armee Khann as the victor.

    Be so kind as to make it so, lad.


  11. Joe, I've a spot open on my opponent roster. And in a fit of emotion best described as downright pity, I've decided to etch your name in in grease pencil. Well ok, not so much your name. Actually it's a little caricature of you.

    So there you sit on my roster, Joe. Quite a nice likeness too, I might add.

    Yes, I think I've managed to do some justice to that big red clown nose of yours. Not to mention the protruding jaw, the squinting eyes, and those three or four fibrous hairs jutting up from that otherwise barren pate.

    Consider yourself challenged, sir. And for once (just this once, mind you) I don't mean in terms of your intellectual capacity.

    A scenario is preferred. Nothing over large. We don't want to tax that famous attention span of yours (snaps fingers under Joe's nose. Focus, Joe, focus! We're still talking about CM:AK here.)

    Feel free to choose the theater. You as the loser. The glorious forces of Panzer Armee Khann as the victor.

    Be so kind as to make it so, lad.


  12. Boo-Boo, once again you've managed to demonstrate within a few short sentences just what an inbred backwoods metropolitan wannabe you are.

    First, Lars may claim to be from Minnesota, but his demeanor and wardrobe, not to mention that gap-toothed grin of his, clearly mark his origins in one of the more "rustic" states.

    Second, there is no such thing as a good tuna noodle cassarole!


  13. Boo-Boo, once again you've managed to demonstrate within a few short sentences just what an inbred backwoods metropolitan wannabe you are.

    First, Lars may claim to be from Minnesota, but his demeanor and wardrobe, not to mention that gap-toothed grin of his, clearly mark his origins in one of the more "rustic" states.

    Second, there is no such thing as a good tuna noodle cassarole!


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