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Papa Khann

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Posts posted by Papa Khann

  1. Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

    Well did you at least get to have some fruit with your beer? How many times do I need to explain to you morons that if it's beer, it ain't the best beer unless you're supposed to have fruit with it.

    So you're the guy who ordered the poofter drink?

    That's one of Australia's greatest mysteries solved.

    Mace </font>

  2. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

    Now that you've chosen to reveal that dainty yet daunting 6" stiletto heels comprise a portion of your wardrobe, I hate Hiram all the more.

    I keep telling you that your ankles are too damned thick for stiletto heels you floosie. </font>
  3. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    I am a full blooded, PURE BRED strain of the greatest that America can offer ... the TRUE TEXAN!

    I may not have mentioned this before since ALL TRUE Texans are modest men, but I was born in Texas, my parents were born in Texas, my grandparents were born in Texas and each and every one of my great grandparents are buried in the sacred soil of the Lone Star State.


    And I can't help but notice, Joe, that they kicked you out of Texas...


  4. Lady Moraine Sedai,

    Clearly, Lars should be flogged. Plus, his posts about me are mostly false. I am too wearing pants.

    I would send a shrubbery, but as the oaf Lars has pointed out, here in the hinterland we expect snow tonight, so obtaining flora may prove difficult. I would attempt to pot Boo and deliver him to you posthaste, but by his own admission his feet are enormous and finding a suitable vessel in which to pot him may also prove difficult. Besides, sending Boo could be interpretted as an affront, which without question I would seek to avoid.

    Now that you've chosen to reveal that dainty yet daunting 6" stiletto heels comprise a portion of your wardrobe, I hate Hiram all the more.



    Have I mentioned lately that I hate Hiram?

  5. Originally posted by dalem:

    ... which is because apparently city-employed hippie activist recycling-gatherers have nothing better to do at 6 o'clock in the blessed morningtime than to search for my green plastic bin full of Coke cans and Papa Khann's beer bottles.

    You mean there are still LIVING city-employed hippie activist recycling-gatherers in your neighborhood? Have you gone soft on us?



    Corona. Mmmmmm good. Beer and fruit. It just doesn't get any better than that.


    Well ok, maybe beer, fruit, and a stick in the eye of dalem, Lars, and Seanachai during drunken Third Reich.


    Is anything that Lars does done in a not-drunken state? Just wondering.


    So when?

  6. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    First, let me say:

    Happy Birthday, v42below, you bloody thirst maniac!

    Next, let me say:

    Happy Belated Birthday, Dalem! I would prefer in the future, though, that you have your Birthday on a day when I am not at a Memorial Service.

    That said, what chance this Saturday that we could do something to celebrate your birthday?

    (sorry, v42below, but I can't get together with you to celebrate your birthday, because you live in Pulpy Green Fruit Land. Dalem lives here in my town, so I can get together with him to make him feel more miserable.)

    Originally posted by dalem:

    I've decided that

    I'm gonna rock it up

    Roll it up

    Do it all

    Have a ball

    Saturday night

    Saturday Ni-i-i-i-i-i-iIIGHT!

    S-S-S-Saturday Ni-IIIGHT!

    And some of that should include some of the wanton gnome-slapping dance.

    So will you two be wearing your special birthday outfits?


  7. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    First, let me say:

    Happy Birthday, v42below, you bloody thirst maniac!

    Next, let me say:

    Happy Belated Birthday, Dalem! I would prefer in the future, though, that you have your Birthday on a day when I am not at a Memorial Service.

    That said, what chance this Saturday that we could do something to celebrate your birthday?

    (sorry, v42below, but I can't get together with you to celebrate your birthday, because you live in Pulpy Green Fruit Land. Dalem lives here in my town, so I can get together with him to make him feel more miserable.)

    Originally posted by dalem:

    I've decided that

    I'm gonna rock it up

    Roll it up

    Do it all

    Have a ball

    Saturday night

    Saturday Ni-i-i-i-i-i-iIIGHT!

    S-S-S-Saturday Ni-IIIGHT!

    And some of that should include some of the wanton gnome-slapping dance.

    So will you two be wearing your special birthday outfits?


  8. Originally posted by Lars:

    ... we mocked Papa Kahn's poor swimming skills on the lake yesterday.

    Seems blondes can do two things at once. As in pick up the anchor and punch the throttle...

    Ah, a day on the lake with sunshine, beer, Lars, dalem, and the ever tolerant Shary. What more could a man ask for?

    An opportunity to give both Lars and dalem a good shove off the back of the boat, no doubt.



    Had it not been for the cauterwauling of Lars and dalem, I'd have made it to the blonde's boat before the anchor was up. Bastiches, the both of them. Rotten bastiches.


    Lars is truly in a class by himself. No one else I know can stay completely dry while purportedly "swimming" in his Captain America Junior Fan Club swimming shorts, only to become completely wet while attempting to drive the boat back to the dock.

  9. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    ... Even more so of St. Paul. A man who shows up in jail reeking of fox urine will be treated with genteel respect.

    "Even more so of St. Paul"?

    Is that some sort of veiled insult aimed at those of us who currently reside "across the river"?

    Or is it a minor compliment intended to redress some small portion of the unending run-of-the-mill snobbery aimed at East Siders by every West End piker and his third cousin twice removed from his mother's side?


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