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Papa Khann

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Posts posted by Papa Khann

  1. Originally posted by Lars:

    See dalem? If you had a significant other like Berli and I, you wouldn't have figure out these little problems or cut the grass.

    Or use proper grammar...

    "wouldn't have figure out"?

    So is Shary going to have to start doing your speaking for you too, Lars? (We already know she's doing your thinking for you. And trust me on this one, WE ARE THANKFUL.)


  2. Dear dalem,

    I'm glad you feel like a "Genius!".

    Well, at this point I suppose it's more likely that you felt like a "Genius!". At least for the 2 hours and 7 minutes that elapsed between your post and Persephone's reply.

    Take heart, dalem, for 127 mintues of feeling good about yourself is more than many lowly unfortunates get. (Not pointing any fingers here... but basically I mean Boo, Boggs, Joe, rleete, Lars, this new Paramecium guy, and pretty much the entire clan of inbred, mentally deficient miscreants who populate this thread... Ladies of the Pool excepted of course.)

    For them, life is a seemingly endless toil of drudgery. Much of it spent milling about on street corners hoping, however much in vain, to be visited by the muses. Even if only for the fleeting moment that would grant them their 15 minutes of fame. It is a sad commentary indeed. But hey, you managed to score an extra 112 minutes for yourself!

    Of course, now that's all over and you're just some guy standing there stinking of salad dressing.


  3. Boggs, you make a fair point. Compliments the one on top of that slab of gristle you call a head quite nicely too.

    Now where is my turn? And none of your excuses about being "at work". I defy you to give me one example of a Floridian with a job that doesn't allow them to slip out of "work" long enough to dash home, boot up their computer, and click the "GO" button. Go on, I dare you.

    Why, most of the Floridians I've met need to have work-at-home jobs anyway. It's the only way they can avoid violating the multitudinous restraining orders placed upon them.


  4. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Oh, and flanking maneuvers by Papa Kahn and his stupid Panzer Armee Kahn's klankety things. I really fecking hate that.

    I'd love to take credit for this, Boo. But can we really call it a flanking maneuver when all I have to do is park my tanks on the reverse slope of a hill and wait for you to drive your AFVs aimlessly back and forth across the battle zone?


  5. We keep trying to rent Lars out as cheap labor to other states. The idea being of course that once he's off Minnesota soil, we bar the gates and refuse to readmit him. One time we almost got Ecuador to take him off our hands. Unfortunately, they wised up at the last minute. Personally, I think somebody has been ratting us out.

    Still no turn? Shall I resend?


    [ May 06, 2004, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

  6. Boo,

    Only a fruitcake (and I'm talking about one of those old fruitcakes that's been passed from hand to hand at Xmas for years because nobody is willing to crack the seal on the thing) from Ohio would watch drivel like the friends finale.

    Though I have to admit I thought Monica had stepped on either the duckling or the chick...

    Check your inbox again. If you don't have a turn from me then something is rotten in Washington state again.


  7. Originally posted by rleete:

    Hey everybody, I was afraid Papa Khann would know what to call me so I changed my name back again.

    followed by more blah, blah, blah...

    Dear Entity,

    Sorry your life sucks so bad.

    Well ok, not really. Actually listening to you drone on about how much your life sucks makes me feel better about myself.

    Please continue.

    Sorry for the interruption.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled posting by the Entity.


  8. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    I'm at work and don't have CM on my Mac. Even if I did I don't think the head honcho would appreciate me spending my afternoon playing a game.

    Oh, but evidently the official in charge of the monkey troupe doesn't mind if you spend your day trading bucolic "witticisms" with Boggs?

    I'm curious though.
    Yes, I suppose that's one way of putting it.

    If you too are at work does this mean you're able to play CM while "showing your wares" down on the corner?
    Boo, if I've told you once, I've told you at least twice (woefully inadequate for one possessed of your retentiveness, I realize), some of us, unlike bumpkins such as yourself or oh say for instance Boggs, live in major metropolitan areas. Thus, we have access to marketing tools and techniques far superior to standing on the local street corner, flapping our jaws (and in your case threatening to unbutton your trenchcoat, I'm sure).

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go see if my publicist spelled my name correctly on this week's flyers.


  9. Joe, stop spoiling my fun. If my airborne troops can't actually fly, why then are they called "airborne", eh? Answer me that. But send a turn first.

    Lars, I'd tell you to pipe down with your drivel and do something constructive for a change, like send a turn, but I see that I owe you a turn.

    Boggs, I'll send a setup along after a bit. Right now I've got better things to do. Like examining the contents of my fingernails, taking a nap, and trying to decipher just what the h*ll this new incarnation of R Leete is all about.

    Leete, or whatever it is you're hoping we'll call you, I must say that I find your imagination truly astounding. I mean, when you came up with a byname that consisted of your first initial and your last name, that was really innovative. But this whole dropping of the first initial thing you have going on now is awesome! (Why it's almost as interesting as Boggs calling himself Jim Boggs.)

    And so, since you appear to be incapable of conjuring up a respectable nickname for yourself, I suggest we refer to you as The artist formally disparaged as R Leete.


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