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Papa Khann

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Posts posted by Papa Khann

  1. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    ... even though we don't really need them because Oklahoma and Texas are God's Country...

    Of course they are. Who else would want them?

    And even in God's case, it's plausible that God is only accepting them so that he/she/it can claim exclusive rights to them. That way God can auction them off to an another deity (admittedly, it will take a deity that hasn't toured this part of the cosmos much) at a universe fire sale. Most likely right after life as we know it on this planet ends.

    With some luck, perhaps God will decide not to wait and just pack all you tossers off to the highest bidder now...


  2. Originally posted by Lars:

    Almost committed murder this weekend.

    I've been meaning to speak to you about that halitosis problem of yours. From a distance, mind you.

    Spent the last month getting the apartment building all primed for the final coat of paint. Saturday was finally the day to go to the hardware store and pick out the final color. Not being a complete moron (like say, Boo, for instance...) I take the GF with. Besides, the hardware store guys have a sign up saying, "All men buying paint must have a signed note from their wife!", so I had to bring her anyway.

    There follows the twenty minute conversation at the paint sample display, "How about this one? OK, how about this one? Alright, this one?" Repeat until happy.

    Finally, a CHOICE is made. And there is much rejoicing. "Spruce Shade". Lovely, eh? Paint is mixed, shaken, opened to double check, test patch put on a chip to triple check, and we're good to go.

    Back to the building, set up mucho ladders, spill paint into the bucket, climb up and start applying paint. GF is happy.

    Several hours later, front of building is now complete. However, in the meantime, the Sun has moved and the front of the building has gone from the shade into full light.

    GF says, "I think it's too green..."

    Bhwahahaha! So you're only mostly a moron?

    dalem, send me a e-mail invite for wargame night. I need to kill something, and Seanachai will do nicely...
    Oh goody new meat! So Lars has to wear the "outfit" then this time, yes? Yes?



    The more I ponder on it, the more I think Yeknodwhatshisname's last post disturbs me.


    dalem, and ONLY dalem, is allowed to set dalem's back yard on fire.

    PS after the PPS

    Boo is still an idjit.

  3. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

    So it's wargaming you want? I say "when"? You name the night.

    Umm...dunno. What works for Papa Khann. I think he should be there, too. He's such a soothing presence when you start shrieking about killing all Third Worlders in job lots, and demanding that all U.S. laws not directly concerned with capital crimes be immediately repealed.

    I'm open any night, although not tomorrow (Monday). Biopsy surgery (again) for me sister.

    End of the week? </font>

  4. Time for some gamey updates:

    Seanachai apparently has time to "share" his little rant about stuffing alcohol and hallucinogens down/up his throat/nose while dancing his tarantella with one hundred and one roaring Cubans in the land of Boggs, but no time to send Papa Khann a setup. I don't think he loves me the way he used to....

    Back in the good ol' days. When men were men and I was d*mned nervous around the lot of you tossers. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

    dalem, after what seems like a lifetime of demonstrating that he's incapable of composing a setup (or dressing himself, or not setting his back yard on fire when he's out to mow the grass, etc.) surprised me by sending none other than a setup. Mind you, it was an abysmal failure of an affair. So much so that I was compelled to redo the thing and send it back to him. But at least the lad gave it a go.

    Now all I have to do is get him to send a turn back.

    Lars, who at least sends turns, has finally conjured up some tanks for himself in our scenario. He's proceeded to drive most of them directly into a river surrounded by my fields of fire, but nontheless our game may become moderately more entertaining for me now.

    Boo is driving commuter vehicles filled with, well... commuters I guess... round and round in the desert. Perhaps someday he'll try to advance on the flag I'm defending.

    It is Boo though. Perhaps he's just lost.

    Joe obviously has forgotten (again) that we have a game going. If anyone sees him, please snap your fingers in front of his face a few times. If that fails to wake him, feel free to apply a liberal dose of the boot.

    On second thought, let's just start off with the boot.

    Boggs is using a supposed power outage as his current excuse for not sending turns.

    Have you lost some of the hamsters, Boggs?


  5. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Is anyone else here seeing what I'm seeing?

    Doubtful. Unless of course they've been into the same batch of bad liquor.

    So tell me, Seanachai, what log have you been keeping yourself under these days? Seems a powerful long time since I've laid eyes upon you. Not near long enough, mind you. But a long while nonetheless.

    I do, however, find myself musing as to your whereabouts and well-being from time to time. I'm like that. Sometimes I ponder upon the most whimsical of notions. And of late, when I find myself in that sort of mood, I wonder where my cherubic little garden gnome has gotten himself off to...


    [ July 28, 2004, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

  6. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I have returned.

    Oh well. I guess we'll all just have to live with it. Perhaps next time we can smear you down with honey before you head off to bear country.

    Now, I...

    shall freaking blather on about whatever pops into my pickled noggin for a while

    ... It was a moment I will never forget.

    Who wants to bet he already forgot?



    You missed the boat ride and the cheeseburgers and the booze and the hot tub. You ninny.


    You may hear unsubstantiated rumors claiming that I in effect fondled dalem's posterior. They are of course pure rubbish.

    However, in the event anyone produces photographs, I want you to hear it here first... It may have looked like I was fondling, when in fact I was attempting to push him off the back of the boat, into the whirling propeller blades. Also, my hand never ventured below the belt.

  7. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    This technique you have for using many, many words to basically say nothing is quite impressive.

    How is it you never got into politics?

    And rest assured, Boo, we're all waiting for the day you decide to do the exact opposite. And I don't mean using a few words to convey great meaning. I mean ceasing to utter those shrill, avian-like screeches you call communication.

    When do I believe this will happen, you simpering mouth-breather you? Probably never. I'm just not that lucky.

    But a man can dream, can't he?


  8. Boo, anything MSN does on your behalf will likely be ineffectual, as usual. Rather than spend your time wrestling with the monkeys they've put in charge of your account, why not just hang up on them (trust me, Boggs is probably used to it by now) and make a proper offering to the internet deities?

    Tell me, have you considered burning rleete at the stake?


  9. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    It's now 7:33 in the evening and there are NO turns in my In box.

    I'm starting a list.

    A sharper mind would have deduced that your email address was once again rejecting turns.

    But who are we kidding here? Boo, your address is bouncing turns again.

    Could you please drive to Washington state and start pounding your head on Mr. Gates front door? I'm sure it won't change anything about your email service, but I'll be a lot happier knowing that you are in physical discomfort.


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