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Papa Khann

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Posts posted by Papa Khann

  1. Boo,

    Tried yet again to write the final chapter of my new epic - "The Infamous Boo Radley File 49 Transfer Affair". And again, I hang my head in shame, as apparently the likes of dalem and Lars have met with success while I continue to fail.

    Clearly, MSN does not take the finer qualities of the sender into account when selecting the emails it shall deign to transmit.

    Have fun visiting with your relatives.


  2. Boo,

    Tried yet again to write the final chapter of my new epic - "The Infamous Boo Radley File 49 Transfer Affair". And again, I hang my head in shame, as apparently the likes of dalem and Lars have met with success while I continue to fail.

    Clearly, MSN does not take the finer qualities of the sender into account when selecting the emails it shall deign to transmit.

    Have fun visiting with your relatives.


  3. Boo,

    I tried the alternate e-mail addy you provided, and received the same bounce-back and error message tripe from MSN (which apparently stands for Mostly Sucks Nuggets, since I recall having these same sorts of problems with them on more than one occassion when I had the misfortune to be counted among their customers).

    Go on, try the bust size increaser. Given where you're starting from lad, nearly any change has got to be an improvement.


  4. Boo,

    I tried the alternate e-mail addy you provided, and received the same bounce-back and error message tripe from MSN (which apparently stands for Mostly Sucks Nuggets, since I recall having these same sorts of problems with them on more than one occassion when I had the misfortune to be counted among their customers).

    Go on, try the bust size increaser. Given where you're starting from lad, nearly any change has got to be an improvement.


  5. Lard, I believe dalem is a card-carrying member of the Good Ol' Boys dojo. They don't actually practice martial arts. (They don't actually get off the couch much either.) But when they do decide to take action watch out. For when the smoke clears, there may not be many left standing.

    Now send a turn, you git.

    Boo, your idjit filter seems to be malfunctioning. Unless of course it's designed to prevent idjits such as yourself from recieving CM turns from your betters, in which case it's working just fine. Please adjust the settings so that I can continue to shoot up your tanky thingies.


  6. Lard, I believe dalem is a card-carrying member of the Good Ol' Boys dojo. They don't actually practice martial arts. (They don't actually get off the couch much either.) But when they do decide to take action watch out. For when the smoke clears, there may not be many left standing.

    Now send a turn, you git.

    Boo, your idjit filter seems to be malfunctioning. Unless of course it's designed to prevent idjits such as yourself from recieving CM turns from your betters, in which case it's working just fine. Please adjust the settings so that I can continue to shoot up your tanky thingies.


  7. Boo-Boo,

    I hate to interrupt your display of charm and wit with Senor Boggs (or is it "Senior Boggs"?), but could you spend a moment or two cleaning out your in-box please?

    The turns are bouncing off the cavalcade of clown porn you've no doubt downloaded to use in your next exchange with Boggs. Come to think of it, it's not unlike the way your 37mm AT shells are bouncing off the armor on my tanks. Or the way innuendo bounces off that slab of meat you've got perched atop your shoulders. Or....


  8. Boo-Boo,

    I hate to interrupt your display of charm and wit with Senor Boggs (or is it "Senior Boggs"?), but could you spend a moment or two cleaning out your in-box please?

    The turns are bouncing off the cavalcade of clown porn you've no doubt downloaded to use in your next exchange with Boggs. Come to think of it, it's not unlike the way your 37mm AT shells are bouncing off the armor on my tanks. Or the way innuendo bounces off that slab of meat you've got perched atop your shoulders. Or....


  9. Originally posted by dalem:

    Gamey Updates you say?

    Well so far we have...

    (Edited to remove a drawn out tirade about various maggots and other sundry sorts writhing in the grip of dalem's surfperches.)

    Papa Khann: What to say?

    (Edited to spare you all the pain of rereading dalem's account of what he was wearing each day he sent a turn, and what his dog had for dinner the day the RAF planes first ignited one of my tanks, and what his cat regurgitated the day I tried to cross that infernal river.)

    Admittedly, we have done less well in this game than we had hoped.

    Admittedly, we have taken slightly more casulties than one might deem acceptable for an operation of this nature.

    Admittedly, were we actually a commander in the Axis forces during the period of time portrayed, the repositioning of our command staff to the Russian Front would have been immediate.

    But hey, it's a game, there's always next time, dalem cheats, the sun was in our eyes, the scenario is unbalanced, and to top it all off I may have eaten something that disturbed my sleep the night before I completed the setup and first turn orders. So there.


  10. Originally posted by Lars:

    Update from the Front:

    Papa Kahn – Losing.

    Losing? Losing? Ye gods you lamer, we haven't even made CONTACT yet.

    It's turn freaking 3 and already this one has been whining to me in his emails to please hurry up and move towards his lines faster.

    Lars, obviously your limited attention span (limited no doubt to alcohol, poodles, and the game formerly known as Twister) is hard pressed to focus for more than 3 turns without something exploding. Either that or you've mistaken me for Boo.

    Patience, grasshophead. You'll get yours soon enough.


  11. Originally posted by dalem:

    Oh I'll PLAY it but I won't set it up...

    I find this aspect of dalem's personality fascinating (that is, if we can agree that even one thing about dalem is indicative of having a "personality").

    By his own admission, he'll play anything. But he won't send a setup.

    When he receives a setup, he simply clicks the "Go" button, paying little to no attention to how his troops are deployed. (I suspect he processes most of his turns this way too... A supposition I find particularly distressing, since I am currently losing to him. Then again, even chimpanzees must have their day now and again.)

    So, Einstein, how much different can it be for you to send a setup than it can be to receive one?

    Inquiring minds want to know.



    You all think I'm making this up, don't you?

  12. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />And speaking of dalem's post count, I can only look at his and some others who shall remain unnamed [but basically I mean lamers like Joe, Lars, Seanachai before he finally blew a fuse, and pretty much all the rest of you 4 digit types (Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course)], then look at my own tiny digit and feel inadequate.

    Damnit, Papa Khann ... Sound Off LIKE Ya Got A Pair, Don't Sound Off ABOUT Your Pair ... from the sounds of it that would be good advice for you.

    Joe </font>

  13. Boo, Boo, Boo.

    Still dangling that old excuse that, of course, you meant to sound like an idjit and therefore really aren't one? Nice try, old chum. Time to clean out the boat and try on some new tackle.

    And regarding the failure of your direct frontal assault... Might there, I wonder, be a small chance that it failed because it was (oh say just for instance) a direct frontal assualt on a prepared position? No, that couldn't be it. After all, this is Generalissimo Boo freaking Radley we're talking about here. You must be right. It was because I always grasp at the obvious (note how quickly I picked up on the fact that you're an idjit?).

    And speaking of dalem's post count, I can only look at his and some others who shall remain unnamed [but basically I mean lamers like Joe, Lars, Seanachai before he finally blew a fuse, and pretty much all the rest of you 4 digit types (Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course)], then look at my own tiny digit and feel inadequate.

    Yes, that's it, downright inadequate.


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