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Papa Khann

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Posts posted by Papa Khann

  1. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    ... I was at a meeting last evening...

    Dear Boo,

    Hope the treatment sticks this time.

    Now stop tossing about and send me the final turn for our game. I want to finish crushing you so's I can start crushing you all over again with new stuff.

    Originally posted by dalem:

    ... Am I a moron?

    Dear dalem,


    Also, assuming you did what you said you were going to, which admittedly is not unlike expecting pigs to fly, I'll get a turn back to you later tonight. Could you hurry up and crush me faster so's we can start a new game and I can get some much deserved revenge? Just drop some more of that ****e from the sky or something.

    Originally posted by Lars:

    ... blather ...

    Dear Lars,

    After perusing your posts, I'm not sure if you're holding a hockey stick, a bottle of cheap wine, or a Girls Gone Wild video in your trembling fingers. On second thought, given that you're Lars, I'm thinking I don't want to know.

    Nevertheless, drop whatever it is you're holding and send a setup, git. You are challenged. And for once I'm not referring to your lack of personal hygiene or your deficient wit. I mean the glove is off and has been raked across that protruding jaw of yours.

    You pick the sides and the theater (and no, you dolt, I do not mean one of those places downtown where the types of bawdy theatrics presented would make Joe's video tapes filled with exposed adolescent breasts seem most tame by comparison).


  2. Originally posted by dalem:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I can't be having with that. Not at my age. Remember, tomorrow I'm picking up a new car. All of you fecking sods in North America are only a drug-addled high-speed drive away. I have people I knew in college who are still paying me to never come to their hometowns. Given a 30 year intensification of everything that was ever wrong with me, do you really think you yappy small dogs are up to a visit from an angry UberGnome?

    I think not.

    My place on Friday. We'll eat cheap Mexican food and watch loud movies. You can plant your foot up Papa Khann's bunghole and rest it in his colon if you so choose. I, cleverly, will not have to do much because it will be here, at my place. All the standard louts are invited of course.

    -dale </font>

  3. So it's to be a Blood Hamster match between Boo-Boo and Boggs? Excellent! This should be real fun. It's been too long since we threw any bodies into the colliseum and turned the lions loose.

    And how could one ask for two more suitable opponents? At least one of them is sure to perish, and the other may well be mortally wounded in the process. It could be a real win-win all the way around.

    dalem, get out of my seat! Where's my popcorn? No, dalem, I don't want you to sit next to me either. Go over there and sit by Lars. Come to think of it, Lars you need to move farther away from me. There we go. That's right. Now lets see some good old fashioned slaughter!


  4. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    ...I am looking forward to driving around again and having a life.

    Seanachai, I've driven you from here to there a dozen times now. I don't want to discourage you too much, but I don't expect driving yourself around in a different vehicle to prove any more fruitful in procuring a life for you.

    Better to just accept the fact that you're going to have to get along without a life and send a setup along. At least this way you'll be able to take solace in the fact that you make fine cannon fodder for Panzer Armee Khann.


  5. The Apocalypse must be coming. For once I find myself agreeing with Joe. At least regarding the serf first, then squire, and finally, someday maybe (but I doubt it) Kannigget part that is.

    As for the other portion of his message, where he implies that Seanachai and Beergut are idjits... well that clearly goes without saying. Only a dolt like Joe would spend time reiterating that.


  6. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    ...They hit me one and a half times, and reduced my realm to nothing except a few lightly scorched bars and brothels.

    So you're still feeling ok then, right?

    ...I spit on their shadows, as I wouldn't want my saliva to touch their unclean flesh. To have them role in weasel dung would be to foul the dung. Vultures wouldn't feed on their corpses for fear of cheapening their image as loathsome scavengers. I cast them from life. I would insult and belittle them further, but it sullies hatred itself to apply it to such unworthy puddles of pus.
    Seanachai, my boy, I was going to taunt you yet again, but alas I cannot bring myself to do it. That paragraph of pure unmitigated hatred is one mutha beautiful rant. Much as I hate to credit any of you tossers in here (Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course) with anything, I have to give credit where credit is due. That tirade of verbal abuse twas fit for royalty. It's art.

    Can I give you a hug?


  7. Originally posted by The Garden Gnome:

    And you shower of useless bastards can call me 'Toto'. If you re-watch that movie, you'll notice that short-legged dog was the only one in the entire film who had a fecking clue as to what was going on.
    Is it just me, or is he asking us to start calling him a small dog?



    dalem's animals still like me best. Not sure how treating Seanachai like a diminutive cur will effect the situation. I am of course willing to experiment with it.

  8. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    That's right, Cowardly Lion! You tell the Tin Man and the Scarecrow that all we need do is make our way to the Emerald City, and when we get there the Wizard will give you some courage, and Dalem a heart, and Lars a brain!

    Wow. That is the nicest thing you've ever said to me. You're giving me credit for having both a heart and a brain?

    I think I love you, man.


  9. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    ... I'll be in around noon and will be getting a taxi/shuttle to my hotel which is the Crowne Plaza Northstar at 618 2nd Ave. South.

    My God, he's staying downtown, I tell you, DOWNTOWN!

    Obviously, the management at the airport hotels has wised up and told Joe he'll be welcome again right about the time Hades freezes over. Can't say I'm surprised.

    So feck the Mall. We're going downtown, I tell you, DOWNTOWN!

    Noon won't work for me. I do need to work after all and besides, I'm not sure I want to be seen with Joe in broad daylight. Lets allow the sun to go down first.

    If some of you get an early start, I'll catch up. Since we're talking about Joe and dalem here, there'll be no need to let me know what the plan is (I know, I know, as if that lot could come up with a plan). I should be able to start at Joe's hotel and just follow the trail of empty booze bottles, geritol gel-caps, spent cartridges, and sobbing females narrating descriptions of their assailants to law enforcement officers.


  10. Originally posted by dalem:

    To say the least, I find the fact that you not only have a toy phaser, but admit to it on a public forum, disturbing.

    There are several places inside the Mall of America that are worthy enough to eat and/or consume potables in.

    The advantage of this is twofold. First, its proximity to the airport and (I assume) Joe's hotel. Second, the notion of entering such an unabashed commercial Mecca will no doubt send Seanachai into a tizzy. His head may well explode. And that would of course be great entertainment.

    The disadvantages would be the "you've walked through the door so obviously you're willing to pay extra to be here" Mall prices, and the fact that we can only watch Seanachai's head explode twice. (Or has he had that unfortunate second growth surgically removed?)

    Being who he is, Joe will no doubt wish to visit Perkins. Or perhaps Denny's if he's feeling extravagant. But I figure if we ride together to pick him up, one of us can distract him with shiny objects (bottle caps have always worked in the past) while the other slips around behind him with some duct tape and a pair of handcuffs. Once he's immobilized and silenced, we should have no further problems with that one.

    Lars will go wherever he can drink a lot. Frankly I'm amazed he even leaves his house. Maybe Sherry has started refusing to go out and get his beer for him?

    Xyphorus seldom seems aware of where he is anyway, so we can just tell him he's where he wants to be.

    One practical question to raise... Will any of the ladies and/or children be joining us?


  11. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    dalem you are truly a pathetic meeting organizer. I've seen no flyers, no bumper stickers, virtually NO mention of my momentous voyage (well, technically I'm flying but voyage sounds cooler) to ManyAppleLess and the Third Semi-Irregular, Bi-Quarterly-Annual Peng Challenge Thread ManySodaian Get-to-gather and Meet the Justicar Grouping ... Not to be Confused with Groping though with Lars you're never really quite sure are you.

    My email is FUBAR and any communications with me will, perforce and by necessity be limited to this forum ... and my cell phone ... Seanachai has the number ... Papa Khann too I think but he's probably forgotten it by now.


    Joe, how could I forget 1-900-Hot-Boyz? Sort of rolls off the tongue, so to speak. Or, er, oh wait... you meant your other cell phone number...

    Ok, move along everyone. Nothing to see here. Joe is not the droid you're looking for.


  12. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    ... Oh, and on that note, I've been giving this whole spiritual thing a lot of thought. I think what the World needs most right now is that Old Time Religion. So, not only is the Church of Seanachai a Pagan Church (and very High Church, at that!), but I will, in fact, be manifesting as a different god every week in an attempt to give proper representation to the many, many pantheistic avatars that go sadly unrepresented due to a general falling off in pagan practice.

    If I sign up do I get to nail Boo to your front door?


  13. Originally posted by Lars:

    I'M OUTTA HERE!!!!

    That's right, you drunken pirate wanna-be sots, I'm out of here Friday morning at 6ish {god, I love going on ish time...} headed for the Caribbean.

    Generally speaking, Lars, when you need to flee the country to avoid law enforcement authorities, its best not to issue a notice including the date and time of your departure and your destination.

    Here's hoping the dobermans sniff you out before you make the county line.


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