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Papa Khann

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Posts posted by Papa Khann

  1. Originally posted by dalem:

    Send me a turn you ponce! Work is exceptionally slow this day and I want to finish crushing you.

    Oh dear. This is one of those rare moments when the tree is so replete with fruit that I hardly know where to begin picking first.

    First, do I really need to remind you AGAIN that some of us need to get off the couch... excuse me.... that some of us need to get out of bed in order to do our work. And that furthermore, we need to actually leave our homes (or in your case, burrow) once in a while? Apparently I do.

    Second, while I am able to post the occassional bit of tripe here during work hours, I have a wee sneaking suspicion that my client may frown upon me booting up the game on their PC...

    Third, what sort of day on god's green earth does it have to be in order for you to proclaim that "Work is exceptionally slow this day"? Do I need to send paramedics your way to check your vitals? In order for you to move any slower while pretending to have a "real" job, the planet will have to stop rotating.

    Fourth, you're a git.

    Fifth, you are winning. This is not right. You should have tanks and they should be burning. Something is out of whack here. Perhaps Charles can whip up a patch or something to fix our game.

    Sixth, you're a git.

    Seventh, your animals still like me best.

    Eighth, have I mentioned that you're a git yet?

    Ninth... well ok there is no number nine. I am deficient in number nines right now, but rest assured that when next we meet, I'll have a number nine for you.



  2. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    ... Tomorrow, my agent; she that styles herself 'Dori, Adjustor for Progressive Insurance', shall...

    Hey! I've seen those ads for Progressive Insurance on bus stops around the city. Well, the parts of the city I wouldn't ever want to tarry in, anyway. More like when I'm flooring it trying like hell to get out of a neighborhood, I'll occassionally notice the Progressive slogan on a bus bench.

    Or at least I think do. Aren't they the ones that claim they can insure the uninsurable, no matter what the cost to you?



    You git, where's my setup?

  3. Seanachai, I'd show you my heart, but as we both know, I share a certain affliction with one of the characters from The Wizard of Oz. Comes in right handy in my new line of work.

    Now send me the promised setup. I know you probably don't remember promising anything because, well, you were mightily intoxicated. But when haven't you been? Now off with you, lad. Something in the desert, if you please. I want to imagine what it would feel like to be warm again.

    dalem, you're a dive-bombing, machine gun strafing cur. No matter. Regardless of your puny efforts to humiliate me, your animals still like me best.

    As for the rest of you, sod off. Ladies of the Pool excepted, of course.


  4. Originally posted by dalem:

    Aww, you guys could have stayed in the basement. smile.gif Incidentally I discovered I had moronically left all the ceiling heat vents locked closed, hence the icebox effect. It's toasty down there now.


    Confirming once and for all that the man has freaking ICE WATER running through his veins.

    dalem, your entire house (while being very clean, nicely decorated, and a fine spot to gather at) is freaking freezing all the time. I was this close to volunteering to have Lars reenact the flame tank scene by setting me on fire. At least I'd die warm.

    Are you cold-blooded, dalem? Do you have any sensation in your body at all? Wait don't answer that.



    dalem's animals like me best.


    Seanachai, I'm concerned that you've misintrepreted my demeanor as "looks a little smug sometimes". Whenever you're around, I feel smug all the time. Just wanted to clear that up.

  5. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    Which is just about par with being an aspiring axolotl, isn't it?

    What? Me, cold-blooded? Why I assure you, Boo, nothing could be further from the truth.

    Truly, if I were to find myself responsible for securing you lodging, I would insist on placing you in the most expensive hovel a git such as yourself could afford. But, Boo, it would be for your own good.

    It's always for their own good. Why can't they ever understand that?


  6. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    What's been happening? I've been detained.

    Hey, Papa Khann, they really have fond memories of you at the Hennepin County Workhouse. Your name really opened doors.

    Pity they immediately closed and locked them again.

    SomeNachos! You old pants puller. I'm glad to hear that you've been off the street for awhile. Nice to see my tax dollars put to intelligent use for a change.

    If I recall correctly, the last time you heard from me I was hollering and screaming something incoherent into your answering machine. I honestly don't remember what all that was about. Whatever it was, I'm sure I had good reason. And if I didn't, then I blame dalem.


  7. Originally posted by Boo Radley:

    The usual tripe, and....

    You've a mind????

    Ahhhhhh. I wake up one morning after being away from the MBT for months and realize that the world continues to turn, the birds continue to sing, and if I drop a chunk of reeking bait in front of Boo, he'll snap it up with those rubbery fish lips of his in two seconds flat. Which proves once again that while the rest of mankind continues to evolve, Boo is still stuck in Akron.

    And so there Boo lurks, cappering about in his little cave, accussing others of being Midwestern rubes and at the first opportunity wrapping that protruding jaw of his around such an obvious lure. Yes, I chose that wording just to draw you out Boo-Boo. Yes, you specifically.

    And now that I have you out in the open, no doubt shielding your eyes from the sunlight, I expose you for the predictable simpleton that you are, Boo. And I challenge you to a game of CM:AK.

    Pay no attention to the fact that I do not have the game yet. Pay no attention to the fact that even if I did, I couldn't install it because my CD-ROM drive still isn't reconnected. (There's wires and stuff in that box and every time I muck about in there I seem to end up with a different result. And never quite the one I was hoping for either.)

    But nevertheless, some day the day will come when I'll have CM:AK and it will be installed on my computer and on that day, Boo, I'm going to administer a righteous *ss whupping unto you. You peachy little monkey.



    And let's try to keep it straight. I'm an aspiring mobile home salesman.

  8. Originally posted by dalem:

    Ahhh. My mood improves.

    Great news!! Now all we have to work on is your speech impediment and that mono-brow.

    And oh by the way, before the handful of lackwits to whom I have owed turns for the last few months rear up on your hind legs and start crowing at me, sod off. I was busy. So there.

    Plus those of you who have failed to completely pickle your brains in rubbing alcohol (so Boo, SomeNachos, and Lard can just excuse themselves) may recall that I'm the world's laziest S.O.B. Before I can complete any CM turns I have to reconnect my CD-ROM drive. Don't ask why it's not connected. I don't remember anymore.

    To the rest of you that I've had dealings with before, I wash my hands of you (Ladies of the pool excepted, of course). To the current batch of SSN's, I wash my hands of you. To Joe, once my former Liege and Lord, I'd wash my hands of you if I thought it would do any good.

    Actually I'd hoped that given Joe's age, he'd have been put out to pasture by now. Clearly Joe has entered into some sort of pact with Satan. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    To the SSN's, a word of advice, make all the pacts with Satan you like, just try to avoid pacts with BeerGutLickGin. I hear the price is HIGH. On second thought, go right ahead. I've a mind to order up this newfangled CM:AK thingie, and I'd appreciate a bit of rank thinning prior to the return of the vaunted Panzer Armee Khann. Too many SSN's in the field clogs up my tank treads.



    Question. If I've missed hating you all so very, vey much, does that mean I like you?

  9. Originally posted by dalem:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PondScum:

    So probably no turns tonight, you bastiches. You get to live another day. Heck, I bet even dalem sent me a turn, and it's still in the queue somewhere.

    a) stop breaking my internet. If you pig up the backbones too much AOL will cry. And when AOL cries, they cry to me.

    And THAT, my friends, ain't pretty.</font>

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