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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. Tom of TCMHQ's Fame did an outstanding CD Cover for CMBO. Maybe he's itching to do another one for CMBB?
  2. True. But this time around I'm waiting for my game to come from the good US of A through one dedicated individual. So I'll still be playing it after you...
  3. BUMP since it was such a big issue. Thanks BFC for your usual level of dedication and level headedness...
  4. And now I'm sure you're happy there's that darn PDF Manual in here.
  5. Shouldn't there be Challenge somewhere in the title you Wankettes? Anyway, you're a Scot so you can't preorder the MBT through CDV before the 4th of Oct.
  6. Most of PS Commands and Tools are in the other paint softs. Maybe not under the same name or menu but here nonetheless. For example, Photopaint does a better job for painting textured things like charcoal and things than PS before PS7. Doesn't mean you can't do things with one or the other. The Tutorials and the ones to come are and still will be for Photoshop because it's easier to adapt such walk through to other programs than the reverse. You might even have the equivalent of some of PS Tools if you browse through the Help of your own prog. If all else fail, just ask about specific points and we might be able to help. Between MODers I know of at least 4 different paint softs being used. So you just have to ask the one using yours...
  7. Got there and had the goods. Thanks Hubert for those improvements. I noticed that the port off Bordeaux is still ARACHON and not ARCACHON as it should. I guess you're saving that for the TCP/IP patch. Outstanding support as usual.
  8. I checked again and it is happening in the Tutorial. Not in Yelnia Stare for example. Weird.
  9. You're feeling low Johan? The Hiram in you is having a good time...
  10. Aren't Russian girlfriends somewhat gamey?
  11. The one on the Bren Carrier is a Type 96 IIRC. Hadn't bothered most I'd say. But it's an old story.
  12. That would be Scum Sucking Newbie. Nothing personal of course.
  13. Yes it is. BMP 1936 as opposed to 1937. Small view being 25033 and 25034. Go check on the Demo. Walther or NOT, both the Russian & German HQs have the same one. But the Models is a Tokarev for one and a Walther for the other... I've played CMBO with a Bren Carrier yielding a Japanese LMG, I guess I can survive such a small detail.
  14. Are all Russian HQs going to sport German hardware or am I missing some Walther look alike Tokarev?
  15. Join IN. A Weathering Tutorial is to be found at MODs & MODers and the one used by Gordon (a spin off he told me) would be posted also. The more of us do this and the faster the game will be to our liking. With the outstanding Stock BMPs, a simple weathering would do for most MOD Sluts needs...
  16. What a MODing Animal you are Tiger. Nice memories from the early days of CMBO really. With your speed and the already detailled HiRes Stock Textures, I'm sure you'll do wonders. This one needs a BUMP.
  17. Don't be paranoid. I don't need excuses to suck at games with friends. If you had hanged out in here longer you'd know that. What I want is the ability to sit back and have the turn played BACK again. As with a VCR just like with Combat Mission. Not to chance a different outcome. When you have kids under 10, they sure want to see you trounced AGAIN by that air fleet or some such. Now I appreciate you giving me credits...
  18. Is it possible to have a Cmd to Replay the turn please? I mean, short of doing a Quit & Redo from scratch? I wanted to show the kids some moves and I ended up with a PBEM reloaded a gazillions of times. Quite frankly even though this occurence might only happens once in a Blue Moon, it's sorta annoying. Outstanding game anyway!
  19. Andrew is plowing ahead with his regular (IE Outstanding) talent with the Pershing and the Chaffee. Gordon & Marco might be MODing for CMBB already so that the game could be shipped by the 20th of Sept. MARCEL (All CAPS?!) might be French...
  20. You're firing on La Rombiere. Some knowledge of French slang might help you in understanding why your shots could only have come in beams...
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