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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. My regular answer to that is: Tomorrow or the day after that.
  2. It's only natural. After all, if that AAR is up, it's for you to enjoy it. So I couldn't really NOT care huh?! I've tried to download those files again and it just work so I wouldn't know what the problem is. Hadn't heard from someone else if this is also the case for them. In any case, it doesn't help you much if it's working for the rest of the bunch and not for you... So drop me a mail at marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr and tell me what's your upper limit and I'll mail you the files. Thanks for your feedback and appreciation of my work...
  3. Well it does work WITHOUT any Download Manager and with Downlaod Accelerator Plus. Couldn't vouch for Getright. Have you tried a download without it? I know I haven't exceeded any bandwidth allowance and such so it should work. Keep me posted and I'll see what to do... Thanks for your feedback.
  4. It's working here. Are you using a Download Manager or not? The file is 2.96Mb, if you had the mail header and whatnots, it will make for a bulky mailing. Try again and keep me posted. Anyone has the same kind of problem? Please keep me posted.
  5. Some day Emma, people will think I'm a L'Oreal Shampoo. Thanks for the BUMP.
  6. Thanks for that Gordon. But Mike wouldn't know, he never browses teenagers sites.
  7. With such an ugly MOD no wonder it would want to die...
  8. Gordon is a One Man Army indeed. Someone living around is place please go and let him win at golf! Pheww, I'm sure you'll love the candy...
  9. Yeah I guess that's why some people turn sour after a trouncing by Fionn (please note that this is NOT the case for The_Capt here). I mean, when you buy that much firepower to have it obliterated just like that is pretty much frustrating.
  10. And ain't that the point? Damn I love that game! Latest Turns of the AAR are up. In case you're wondering, this it NOT the ones with Pumas and Stuarts...
  11. I take it you are not a fan of MODs & MODers then? There you are. Bribes to be sent to Gordon Molek...
  12. This time it doesn't look as if he bunched up any... Trust me, if he is to hold back Fionn, there must be somefink. That map was made for reserve, I wouldn't bet on The_Capt having all of those paratroopers stacked in one Hex really.
  13. Marco's TDs (NOT including Hellcat) are just about ready and are close to being released. If you've seen the pics, you'd know it was both major and worth the wait. Of course now the M18 will look out of place...
  14. We're not worthy! Very nice MOD Andrew. As usual. Is that Magua's Trees behind? How come you hadn't modelled the berets already? Since you've MODed the Comet, did you get an extra wish?
  15. Eek a Challenge! This time Warren, please remember to take notes as it will make the next AAR even more educational if both of you are commenting it. As for all of you who have been eagerly waiting for turns 6 to 10, they're UP!!! Now it's a little tricky so pay attention. Usually my updates are always on top of pages. But for an AAR it wouldn't make much sense to have turns going from the last to the first. So Turn 6 is after Turn 5. Annoying isn't it?
  16. Where's PawBroon when you need him?</font>
  17. Next five turns will be up tomorrow. And trust me, The_Capt wasn't there to provide mere background noise. Watch out for some serious moves...
  18. Nope. It's called taking 4 days off with YK2. Believe me, I'm not paid on a per visit basis. And though I do feel proud in the fact that since this AAR Thread was started, over 700 people generated over 2500 pages read at M&M, I am not delaying on purpose...
  19. With the next update. I'll be back at it starting Monday. So next week is as good a guess as you could have. Next 5 Turns are worth the wait anyway...
  20. Nope. MILAN is way more modern. What you're talking about is/was the SS11. Very often used on our AMX13.
  21. Well considering Emma loves football as much as I drool when I'm enlisted in a game of Snooker, I can say it's not that. She's coming to visit here in Paris. That's what the countdown is for...
  22. This wasn't the case for the Red Baron, and I don't see evidence to support this for Wittman. The Red Baron was worn out. He got careless. He got suckered in to a low-flying chase over enemy lines, and worst of all, he forgot to check behind him - the first rule of airfighting. His demise was sealed by Australian gunners on the ground, but the fact that he didn't break off once Brown was on the scene kind of indicates, to me, as far as the evidence I've read will take us, that the Baron was simply careless. He had been fighting far too long, and he never recovered from his head wound. Or, if you prefer, his luck simply ran out. If Wittman was bagged at 800 metres by a Firefly, I am not sure how that leads one to the presumption he was overconfident. I would suspect that like Richtofen, he simply ran out of luck - the key ingredient an ace possesses, for if luck is against you, so is everything else.</font>
  23. Dunno if it's a factor but I'm using Download Accelerator Plus and it's going smoothly till the end. It works without DAP too mind you. On the plus side, if you are seeing the provided link, the site is not down. Andreas? Can you access it?
  24. Well it appears War Heroes can't be SIMPLY dead. Which proves my case. The Red Baron is just like Wittman. The shot which killed him is commonly believed to have come from Australian gunners on the ground (53rd TripleA IIRC), but is also widely said to have also come from the guns of Canadian flier Arthur "Roy" Brown. See? AP? Typhons? Flak? Fighter? You're right. Death is always a Drama. Unless it speaks with A VOICE LIKE THAT... But War Hereos and Idols just don't die like the rest.
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