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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. Now that's kinky! If we plague them with Peng they'll never even start the post setup PBEMoovering. For a more practical Tactishun view, the Plaguing of the Peng will most certainly get us the bottles anyway just to get rid of the Pod...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: Personally, I think it would be in the pools best tradition that Seanachai be Our Brave Sir Knaggit Champion. Seanachai could render them ineffective hors de combat due to excessive windage, and besides he manages the most draws. I'd like to see the winner 0-0-10!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I second that. Since when Poolers are known Tactishuns? Germanboy? Pheeee! That one defunct kraut never won anything against me... Naaah, the Second Coming of the Pemble is a good one. Let those Boardees drown under the constant drivel of Celtics quotes to explain the charm of driving a tank rearward. And, if I may, Senility looks like he is in dire need of cheap SouthAf Vinasse...
  3. That's a good news for BTS distribution wise and should bring in more frogs. But the question is, WILL THEY HAVE ENOUGH CM2 STOCKPILED? If they are shoplifted as BTS was multiple times over, the delivery will be just as bad because it would have to come from the States nonetheless. Because I'll go for Originals every time of the day, I'll order mine through here unless I could be guaranteed a fast Franco-French delivery. Would go for the US version anyway...
  4. Wrong quote BarfBag! You are NOT on a mission from Glod...
  5. I forgot. If you are a broadband user, do NOT hesitate to download ALL of the paint softs. I am not kidding. They basically all do the same things but they do it very differently. So it's all a question of feeling. Marco Bergman and Gordon Molek are both using PSP. Marco's being a VERY old one. Both of them could not produce the same snow results. And that's PSP. Maximus is a PI6 user. Deanco and I are a PS6 users. It all boils down to personnal preferences. BTW, JUJU did his MODs with MsPaint and ACDSee. Try to make sure your soft has a Clone Tool, a Free Transform Tool, a Airbrush Tool and for CHRIST SAKE LAYERS!!! That's it. No drop dead and try to produce MODs that you're proud of. No matter how they'll be considered, you do those for YOU.
  6. Well you hadn't asked for MY advice so I will provide some. That's the obnoxious little French in me that's doing the talking. I am a Photoshop fan. But best bang for the bucks is either Paint Shop Pro or Photo Impact. Both could be downloaded as 30 days TBYB and that should be enough for you to crank a MOD and see what you need soft wise. You can download them at http://www.download.com
  7. Marco released it today for final approval. BTW Marco, you sent it TWICE. A chance I got ADSL or you would have killed my mail box... Outstanding work as usual. I'll get back to you on saturday with the feedback. People, people, that MOD is about to STORM your home towns. Whatever you expect it to be DOUBLE that!!!
  8. Roight Grego! We could do a Pratchettian Duel. One of my fav had always been: Of course there is ALWAYS Dwarf bread...
  9. I sent you a mail for testing purpose. Seen from there I can see some parts that you could easily improve. Get in touch with me and we'll see directly together...
  10. Ahoj CutMeOwnThroat Dibbler!! Nice MOD. I guess Applicationism is spreading. It's a good work you did there. If you want it to look a bit more JagdPanther like, you'll just have to take some texturing off Kwazydog model and duplicate those over your own while keeping up with your own color scheme... Glad you did it and glad some other people are doing MODs.
  11. Now wait a minute!!! Wasn't I supposed to come up with those weird posts where nobody could understand dick at all? Plagiarist!!! Ok Aitken, I know you are already playing me over a PBEM but now I am playing you also!
  12. Or you could tell us which one you fancy (whitewashed, snow, star, no star etc) and we could mail it to you...
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by SueMe!: Blah blah whatever blah blah. [ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ] [ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ] [ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ] [ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ] [ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ] Blah blah... [ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  14. Gentle Worms! I've seen in the Outside World that Winecape is offering to host a Tourney whose crowning would be the offering of cheap Vinasse. I can only shudder at the thought of drinking that ersatz of Heavenly Pleasure... But there is something in this that needed to be furthered. South African wines are all fine and dandy but let's be real for a moment. Pretend I'm both french and lucky enough to be from Bordeaux (don't THAT ring a bell?!), wouldn't those 15 SudAf good wines out of 6000 sound a little jolly? So in a complete Cesspooligan jest I hereby Peng his Tourney with the following: The Winner of the Peng Award for Witticism will receive 6 bottles of fine French wines. It's only fitting that I should name this the PAW... You know the Rules. Those amongst us that want to participate will have to drop me a mail. The games will be played in a total lack of fairness and with my usual disrespect for anything ressembling a schedule. Games are just a media. What will be ranked is the following: Tauntings Rants AAR Posts in the Pool... Chances are that an Elder will win this but I can only assume some SSNs will benefit from the benevolent genius of us Native Poolers. Since Winecape came up with the idea, he wins a Free Ride on this one. Because I know for a fact some of you are Yanks, let me keep this simple: Me stopgap stoopid posts with wine. You mail me. Me rate you. You drink wine. Unless I win my own Tourney that is...
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Robert Mayer: Again, sorry for the errors.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does that mean we ALL won free subscribtion to your outstanding magazine because of the errors of your way?
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: I may continue kicking you around the battlefield in 19 inches of flat-screen trinitron glory.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Would that mean you'd then be able to see the error of your way and tell Maximus how wrong you were in your non MODing heresy? Be a good sport, go sooth Midgetus!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow: French are lunatics, particularly PushBroom who I still have not forgiven for his premature granting of squireosity on such an undeserving pool floaty as you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well Marlow (You don't mind that I am not even trying to distort your handle?), it was the very purpose actually... As I said in a Thread now lost, if wits, fun and good spirited posts were the only criteria, I'd Squire Seanachai. But that just wouldn't do it. So, seeing as I am less and less interested in what happen in here, having Pee Wee as a Squire is a kind of legacy. So far I have been served beyond reason since I don't have to even post in here anymore for people to think ill of me now. Do you think I fancy his posts as opposed to yours? No. Do I think it stirs things up a little and that in a little bout of Darwinian selection, SSNs are good in a overall scheme of things? Yes... Thanks for your interrest in PL and please note that I do not vouch for him.
  18. I took a closer look at the pics. THERE ARE MGs!!! A quick question, will the existing Axis MODs be moslty compatible with the new texturing. Take the Stug you posted for example, could it be MODed with the previous work released by KwazyDog or Fernando or Tiger? Or if not, would it be just because some new BMPs were added (IE MG) and that it would only require to tweak that? In other words, would we be playing with Fernando's excellent Panther and PzIV in CMBO and with stock textures in CMBB? Niec stock texturing BTW...
  19. Hi Steve! Glad you always manage to find some time to answer those. It's really beyond the call of duty. I'm quite certain CMBB will be as much a shock in gaming experience as CMBO was. Thanks for keeping us posted. BTW, good call you did in that French distribution agreement. Knowing the frogs I can tell a big chunk of customers had been waiting just for that...
  20. I got well over 650 scenarios in my folder and seeing as I do mostly QBs for my PBEMs I'd say there is a margin before I'm tired of those. For stock scenarios I must say that I have a certain fondness for Kommerscheidt. That's challenging. Mind you, Last Defense being the first I ever played before the Beta Gold, it's a special something...
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: Kinda like your sister? I don't think so matey, and just because you happen to be PawBroons squire (trys not to laugh) doesn't give you any rights as far as I am concerned... Still I do have a pic I took tonight in which the expression on my face shows exactly what I think of you wanting to see me naked, now all I have to do is find out how to post the damn thing on here...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Here comes love... For you Sexites, HERE COMES is NOT related to the delivery of bodily fluids. I know doing glands talk is cool because it's like Mom & Dad really, but you should refrain. There is a thin margin between being obnoxious and being pathetic... And do not expect nude pics from Emma, she doesn't know how to post those. As the Scottish Cartoonist said, that Thread is looking more and more like what Boardees said it was. By then we were certain they were wrong... Some of you are taking the expression TO HAVE A PAIR a bit too literally. Discard further talk of, display of and more generally Panzer Leader of. We are into brain and wit. If the Cesspool was about having a pair only, we'd have been locked and banned a long time ago. Now stop typing your posts with your friggin thingies!!! Where are Hakko, Shaw, Seanachai, Germanboy, Meeks, PawBroon (Shameless plug {I KNOW PL that you are willing to tell me where to plug it but keep it for your snuff movies}) and all of those who made it happen? [ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  22. Gordon has done the trucks for winter. Being tested now and to be released later on...
  23. That's the point Ben! Unless the gun is corkscrewed, there is no way I should know. I don't want it NOT to happen. I just don't want to know... I shouldn't be able to know most of the things I'm told anyway actually.
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