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Everything posted by PawBroon

  1. Isn't 6 kids and 13 Grandkids a wee bit gamey? Err, what is the Historical TOE of the Wilders?! Of course I'll have to say congrats like the others but you hadn't done anything at all. Face it Old Lunatic! Your grandkids did all the hard work... Now of course I'm sentimal like most of my fellow buggers, so I'll go along and say: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH Xmas must cost a lifelong of savings!!!
  2. Quite frankly and as fate has it, I started both the Archer and the Daimler. As stated when I first MODed the Humber and UC, I wasn't anywhere near any of the other talented MODers. That's why I chose to take on those uglies because they wouldn't be the first to receive the attention of my own personal Pantheon. To date, all of what I contributed to this community had been dedicated to those real talented guys (you know who you are Ye Bastards!). Since then, there had been more and more people like Feldgrau who contributed far more than I could ever cope with. So to make a long story short, I stopped MODing those and did some things for friends in Counter Strike and such. I'm as disapointed as you are that those lazy MODers hadn't done them. Sheesh! I still have both the Work In Progress and the material on my HD and if none of my MODing friends had started on those 2, I'd give it a shot again. Don't hold your breath for too long though. I for one would rather have a Daimler done by someone else rather than what I'm using now. No for some of you who think that novelty beats improvements, take a look at those Shermans from the Shrine. Now that's dedication. Marco, that's a Sherman Obsession! People are screaming murder for Chaffees and TDs. There's even a French I know of who would rather play with your Daimler than his own. That's it. It's to be released BTW. But that's only Shermans and CMMOS 3.0 so all of you Chaffee huggers could not be bother...
  3. Guys, That last one could be mailed to me in one go (I'm ADSL) and I will then forward it the way you see fit to Mensch or any other Kesselers. Would help unburden your ISP and help spread this gorgeous Churchill MOD we had been testing. Drop me a mail to keep me posted. marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Arouse sympathy, and, most importantly, make anyone who doubts him look like a Stormtrooper.<hr></blockquote> Of course not, you Pillock! Your last as well as your later posts eloquently exhibited that you are an essentially clueless life form. Mind you, what Emma and I love to call the Drastically-Out-Of-Date-Hair-Style-Or-Lack-Thereof-Gate pic posting seriously hinted to that in the way of giving pointers... But out of respect for you, I'll just be admonishing a simple Shut Up this time. There is nothing more cathartic than the Rodney Kinging of idiots. Gives a sense of purpose to the mob and is the mortar with which are glued the bricks forming a community. You're all more or less Americans, eventhough you can't help it, so go on and be a LynchGrog. Now just because of that certain Yankness (Note to Self: Don't forget to insert YANKERS in all new MBT occurences) you shall be reminded that one does not lynch before weighing the prospective usefulness of the would-be lynchee. Lynchees shouldn't be female in shape nor French in rearing. Lynchers shouldn't be of the female persuasion either but beards could be bought at the flee market before the throwing of pebbles... And now for something completely different, please be aware that I have yet not resumed any of my games with you lot. I am not German so it won't give me some false sense of Pride or Security but at least it does hint to the fact that my parents were ethnically conscious when they TRPed my in France. Now I'm off since I have nothing to say to any of you in particular, just consider that you've exceeded your usefulness wholesale.
  5. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time not reading any of your posts. The knowledge that I wasn’t missing anything of interest was enough to keep me at bay. And since I wasn’t perusing the Pool, all of your posts were thus boringly the same. Non-existent... But even though, through the clamour of fans and the adulation of foreign women, I couldn’t help but be told about the decaying of what you once stood for. That some people could become mere shadows of their former selves, when they weren’t anyone to start with, is commendable. But amongst that, like a jewel laying in the muck, I once again met Fair Emma. The fact that Charles Darwin had missed the importance of centuries of bag-piping in the evolutionary process of the Scots in their enhancement of my social life is proof enough that he never dreamed of being a skinned goat. But I’m digressing. Emma then, tried that age old Highlander lass’ trick of offering me some whisky to get me in the mood. That’s crass and a gross display of not knowing the French for we are born pre-moody and would just pretend all along to get to the point where alcohol is shed. By now, most of you (even those trained by Pembelitos) would fret and wonder what would be my point. In my own Seanachaiesque way, exceedingly long and boringly devoid of interest, I am here to inform Peng of the whereabouts of his left testicle. Upon offering me a Limited Edition of Glenmorangie 1975, Emma told me up front: You know Peng would give his left testicle for a bottle of that!. Of course, it’s almost genetic for a Scot to tell you just how expensive a present is, but while the whole of Europe is about to use Euros, I was stunned to learn that the Scots were into Testicles… I guess that her being privy of such information is to be credited on ICQ. So now I’ll go on living my surprisifying life (don’t jump at me, I am merely throwing a bone at GermanBoy) and go sip from it. Some of you are thick so please bear with me that I am solely talking about the bottle. For short, Peng, if you’re looking for your left testicle, it’s here in Paris…
  6. Mine was W32.Sircam.Worm@mm. As the Pod said in his own colloquial Penguism, get an Anti-virus and keep the Virus Definition File up to date. Mine was or I wouldn't have stopped it. Eventhough it is SIRCAM, I don't believe it is strictly coincidental. The wargamer oriented text of the mail fits too closely with our community for it to be random. Regular subject/text are the classical Here is the memo you requested or Check this it's too funny. In any case, you should never open an attachment you weren't expecting when the subject/text is weird to the extreme. Unless you're playing Seanachai that is... For those who still have the offending mail, do a cut and paste of the headers and send it to me so that I could do a cross trace and report the abuse to the ISP. [ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]</p>
  7. Just got one. Here is the text: Combat VP derive from many variables. The base amount awards you 1 VP for each enemy killed or wounded, and penalizes you 0.75 VP for each friendly loss. This base number is modified by adding the overall percentage of casualties suffered by the unit in the battle so far times the number of casualties just sustained. Example: an enemy unit that began the battle with 1000 men has already suffered 200 casualties. Mail originated from jfson@viaccess.net with a reply to jgson@viaccess.net. Those are fakes and parsing of the headers told me that the most likely culprit is who can't be traced to the last hop. The attached file was Signals.pif. Since I'm firewalled and use and anti-virus, the infected file was detected and deleted before I had even the chance to read my mail... It seems that someone is after wargamers. Take care, go download some demo version of some anti virus softwares and install ZoneAlarm.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Purred: I am pure evil!!<hr></blockquote> I'd hate to burst your bubble but it's obviously a fake. Besides, everybody here worth his salt can tell that T-Rex is badly modeled. Now while I'm here, I've come to report a rare ChupYorker sighting. Seeing how he lived in a country freed of all cooks by a mere constitutional twist, the lad had shaven off at least 10 kilos since his last Imperial War Museum pics posting. What gave him away was the usual wearing of a bona fide blue sweater which was oscillating somewhere between being a trademark and a gimmick. Needless to say, I had him stuffed with all kind of alcohol and with an insane amount of food. When I saw him off, he was pale even for Brits' standards and was looking as if a puke was the next upcoming fashion. Voila... Some of us First Hatched could also meet here in Europe. For those of you who truly know me I have to tell, no, eventhough I Shandorffed him up to his hotel, we had no sexual relationship whatsoever. None that I remember actually.. [Edited because I've lost track of those UBB codes.] [ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]</p>
  9. Five in the morning. Bruised and battered by too many PBEMs, I stand up and stay still, erect. My stiff body is aching for a coffee. Five in the morning and I’m already thinking stiff and erect in the same damn minute… There’s no coffee left. In Hell’s Kitchen , you’d be better off if you wanted to ground cockroaches instead. I go down and head straight to the shish kebab store where beaten cops and abused whores are waiting for the night to wear off. It was supposed to be simple though. If you were not part of us then you were most certainly expected elsewhere. If you weren’t a True Patriot, chances were that some of your French neighbors will report you to the police because that’s how them buggers work. If beyond all reasons you decided to stay there, then do as the Romans do. Now you got me going all classical. I hate you. We didn’t need you to realize how superior we were as opposed to your blundering idiocy. Number your turns. Respect your mother. Beware of the Bald One when the Moon is full.
  10. As a matter of fact, feeling grief and anger in a time of loss is OK. Posting OT Threads to keep informing what as become friends because it's their only access to info is OK. Starting multiple Threads to draw blood and throwing names is a sure way to have all of them closed. Remember that the previous bad one was American born. This one could be a French fed up with McDonalds. No matter how hard it is, try to keep this unpolitical...
  11. Frontiers closed with both Canada and Mexico. USA sealed off. If they are after symbols in NY, they might as well crash on the Statue of Liberty. Hope you get enough planes to fly CAPs all over the place. Security has been increased in most European capitals and I'm quite certain that world wide cooperation and unprecedented manhunting will take place when time is due. [ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
  12. Aww ****. They are airing insane footage and close ups of people waving with clothes through windows to get spotted then jumping from the top of the Towers to avoid being burned alive. The FAA is rumored to be saying that not all planes are accounted for. Flying CAPs should be for those still to be heard of planes.
  13. AA stated that people on the planes numbered to 156 passengers and flight crews. Those were Filght #71 & 77 if memory doesn't fail me...
  14. Confirmed 4th plane crash at Harrisburg is the 747 doing the Chicago-NY flight. God help those of you knowing people in all those tragedies.
  15. 4th plane at Harrisburg is confirmed. Casualties at the Pentagon believed light, some 8 or so. Rudolph Guilliani said those numbres in NY should be "terrifying". Nijis, sorry for the unPC-like expression, I was angry. For all I know it could be another Timothy McVay (sp?).
  16. 4th supposed plane crash is NOT Pittsburgh but supposed to be Harrisburg. More info coming in when I have some.
  17. Oh God! 4th plane is said to have crashed in Pittsburgh. Unconfirmed CNN info so far.
  18. Storming Heaven by Dale Brown. For what it's worth, it was ALL in the book. Some towelheads had learned to read I'd say. As for flying CAP (since it's so very much like this book) there is still the fact that you'd have to down an airliner full of civilians and then have it crash anyway somewhere. That's a bad one. Rome and some other European airports shut their services so that no more planes fly your way and to avoid possible bombing of US assets abroad. God help you all guys...
  19. As seen on French TV, the Pentagon is NOT in good shape. I can't say for structural damages but there is HEAVY smoke over there. Supposed near miss but fire caught on or so they said. Sorry guys...
  20. Looks like that Dale Brown book where the USA are under attacks from within through planes crashes. One should never feed too much the terrorists with wacko ideas... Because we had been hitten quite bad in France some time ago and had the troops armed in the streets, I can only relate to you guys and offer my deepest sorrow to all of you as a People and to those who lost relatives. I'm not a war monger but you should exercize due force to whomever did that to those poor people.
  21. So far we are testings gazillions of MODs. One might expect some huge updates when time is due. What's nice about CMMOS and about the Team releasing the MODs is that they are FINISHED products. So expect something nice but don't expect it every week.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: I recently sold my super-expensive digital camera, because I'm not sure I care to concern myself with anything which is not part of the immediate world around me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does that mean we are no more under the threat of having to cope with Threads dealing with paved roads and lack of 6 liners in downtown Glasgow? And lest I forget that one, the flowers et the windows plus the examplary number of pubs. Are you saying we are safe?!
  23. That's what you get when you're identified as THE FRENCH on the Forum. I did a profane MOD a while back but I sounded like Daffy Duck and that was too much even for me. Now if you don't mind the Wave where I sing I'm Popeye the Sailor Man!! [ 09-09-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]
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