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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. To go along with this argument, you can't discount certain Sherman guns. The Jumbos and 76mm varients can handle Panthers pretty well.
  2. Yeah, the SPW250s need some work bad, their wheels are just too bright.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: AND As Maximus says, kill ALL the opposing units and the flags are all yours anyway. Focusing just on the flags can get your guys killed too quick. Try also finding out where your enemy is weak and attack his units there. Then Exploit that weakness and continue the attack, if you are doing well killing the other guys units the flags when eventually fall to your control. Anybody who plays a scenario in CM with the intention of starting out to take all the flags will likely end up getting their advancing forces all killed off far too quickly for my liking. -tom w<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> FINALLY, someone who sees it my way. The way I look at it, look at the BIG flag as THE main objective, forget about all those little flags scattered around the board. Then go after the enemy. Eliminate the resistance and the flags don't matter. I'm not gonna waste a platoon of men guarding some little flag in some obscure corner when I can use it to help destroy the enemy in more important areas. Besides who counts Victory Points in War? So its like the when the Eighth Air Force went on it numberous bombing runs over the Third Reich, it considered its targets by how many points they were worth. Hell no, that ball bearings plant was probably worth about the same as that oil refinery. The objective is to win the war, not how many flags you hold at the end. And to win the war, you have to incapacitate the enemy. Holding a "Flag" back at Cherburg is not gonna win you the war. If a lot of you play these scenarios as just a capture the flag, then those games must be boring as hell. Hell, even when I am on the defense and I start getting the upper hand, I counter attack in order to destroy as much of the enemy as I can before they surrender. When Gen. McClellan didn't pursue the Confederate Army after Antietam, just because he held the "Victory Flag" on that battlefield, he lost the chance to end the war sooner. Why do you think my original Handle was "Ol' Blood & Guts", because I admire his "Attack, Attack!" mentality. We don't need to garrison Paris if we keep driving those SOBs back to Berlin. Appreciate it, Tom, for seeing it my way. And Croda makes a good point also, why spread yourself thin like that defending areas that are notreally importanty in the game.
  4. Well, just yesterday I send all the scenarios that I had to my buddy in 3 ZIP files. Damn near 6 MB worth. Including the original 50. I even told him that he could delete his Scenarios folder because I had modified a few maps slightly and truncated the ones that started with "A" and "The".
  5. Thread topic sounds like a good title for a Metallica song.
  6. Somebody is gonna get a bottle broken over their head if they're not careful.
  7. Typically, Hi-res mods are double the dimensions of the original files which allows for clearer details. Go to Kump's CM Outpost to see some comparison between the hi-res and lo-res.
  8. Spelling Bee, whoever the hell you are.. First of all, I never could drink beer...gave me the ****S, so to call "these" sort of beverages, one of the finer concoctions ever made in life is beyond me. A drink that makes you sick, oh yeah, I need a bunch of those.
  9. Those wouldn't happen to be my Winter Panthers would they? Actually if you use all of my stuff as a set, then they WILL fit in. As I have done all of my stuff to match with one another. When I play with all of my stuff, it looks great in-game. When ever I get my website up, you'll be able to download the complete set. There's some stuff that Madmatt has not posted or has never received from me.
  10. SPW251/1s, SPW250/1s, M3, and M5 Halftracks Mobile HMG platforms. Use a platoon of these (empty--no passengers) as lead force against a suspected enemy infantry force. Talk about suppression! I've had these babies totally annihilate a enemy force. And don't tell me that its gamey either, SHEESH! [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 11-09-2000).]
  11. How has CM affected my alcohol consumption? It hasn't affected it a bit. I'm still as sober now as I was before the game was released. Maybe that's why I kick everyone's ass. One tends to react quicker when one's sober. These threads like this are totally stupid. Maybe if you all would lay off the booz, then you wouldn't be complaining about stupid little **** when you get beat. It's like trying to explain to an officer that that STOP sign just jumped out in front of me as I neared the intersection. And just for the record, I'm well past the legal drinking age in the US. I just choose to not be stoned out of my mind when I try to concentrate on kicking someone's ass on the cyber battlefield.
  12. What are you guys talking about? Every German, soldier or citizen was a Nazi. Nazism was THE political party of Germany from ~1933 to 1945. Hitler had everyone brainwashed in believeing in Nazism. Also Nazism is nothing more than extreme Nationalism. Of which could also be classified as extreme Patriotism.
  13. Well in finding this game, it does help if you have been into wargames before. Most of us have been waiting for a game like this for a LONG time. The unique thing about CM is that it never gets old like ALL other games. You can quit playing for a while like if you buy a new game, but then you come back to CM and it's like, it's so COOL! The graetest thing about CM is all the mods out there for it. One of the first things you'll wanna do is to go to CMHQ and check out all of the mods available to the game. You'll wanna start with the Mad-Dog Mod Packs and then build from there since the Mod Packs really improve the overall look of the game. Then you'll wanna start grabing all the scenarios at the Gamers Net Scenario Depot. Don't worry, scenario files can be as small as 4K up to ~25K, because all the files are is just the editor map information and units involved with just a "marker", the game engine renders the map information.
  14. Aren't the roof files 1400 & 1401? Whoops, they are 1201 & 1202. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 11-09-2000).]
  15. Well before this one gets locked up.. Madmatt... I'll throw in my $1.00's worth of politician jargone. Some people say, Al Gore is a liar, in that he resends some of his previous quotes. Hell who doesn't when they realize they've made a mistake. But George W. Bush is a complete babbling idiot. You thought Dan Quayle was bad? Just wait and see...IF he does win. Bush makes stupid or obvious comments and stands by them. Like "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country." It's like no ****, George.
  16. As a dude on MSNBC just said, "Today's Headlines on the New York Times...'BUSH WINS!'...today's paper, yesterday's news."
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadDog0606: Besides, who cares who wins? Both Bush and Gore owe big time favors and it will be goverment as usual. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is why people tend to stay home from from the polls. Its the inability of some people to make a decision that causes these problems. Just like Sean on "Survivor". He tried so hard not to piss off people, but what it got him was people pissed off because he couldn't make a decision. Remember the incident when he got to choose someone to have breakfast with him on the yacht?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead: The sadest part of the election was that turnout was only around 53%.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Where did you get this figure. I just heard 76%.
  19. Hmm, interesting. Well the initial procedure is the same as for siogning up, but instead of using a machine we just use a stylus to punch holes in the card.
  20. So what calibre gun did you use to punch holes in that Tiger? A 75, 76, or 90?
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maj. Bosco: Careful Maximus, they'll start calling us jingoistic again. Remember when there were like three or four threads about how the US didn't win WWII? Posts responding to CavScout were often montages of that word. We're not important. Remember that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Huh? I haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Btw, does anyone else find it strange that the state where Jed Bush is governor and where Bush's campaign manager holds high office is the state where Democrat ballots are being lost and "mistakenly" counted as Buchanan ballots?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Duh? Exactly!
  22. As we all might know by now, the issue is the "butterfly" ballot in the Palm Beach county in Florida that is at the center of contraversy now. This butterfly ballot is one which contains two pages of candidates with the voting holes/check boxes in the center spine. This one in question has alternating holes, ie, the choice on the left has a hole/box, then the one on the right has a hole/box. It was done like this, they say, so it could have larger print for better visibility. Palm Beach used a punch card. Most of Florida used a write in paper ballot. My state, Illinois, uses a Punch Card ballot, which to my knowledge, has never done the above mentioned "Buttlefly" ballot. So just to get some idea of this situation, what kind of ballot did you all vote on this time.
  23. Anti-Polish thread? I was just making an observation on what I saw during a scenario. It was everybody else that took offense to it the way they did.
  24. Screw the padlock. This is a very intense subject matter concerning the whole world. And if you don't think so, then you're kidding yourself. ------------------ "Rule#3: You must be a member of my Meta Campaign to take part.(doh!)" - Rob/1 Edit or was that George W. Bush who said that? [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 11-08-2000).]
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Private Parts: God help us all:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tell me about. He's the biggest bumbling idiot since Dan Quayle.
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