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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sven: It's been quite some time now since the Beta version was released, are there eny news about when the real 1.06 patch will be released? I don't care about TCP/IP, but other fixes would be nice.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm, if you want a v1.06 patch, you'll be waiting a long, LONG time. Because the next patch will be the finalized v1.1 patch. That's why all these Beta patches are labeled v1.1b(something). See v1.1 is the same as v1.10 therefore it is larger than 1.06. As for when we'll see CM2, probably summer of 2002 if we're lucky. About the same time Star Wars: Episode II comes out.
  2. The ONLY way textures won't show up is if they aren't in the correct folder. If they are in the Bmp folder within the Cmbo folder, they will show up no matter what because that is where CM looks for them. If they are just within the Cmbo folder, they won't show up. They must be in the Bmp folder. The game cannot revert back to old textures if they have been overwritten, no?
  3. What about me? What about Raven...er, ummm...Maximus? [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 12-27-2000).]
  4. How 'bout a Coor's Lite? Or a Busch: the King of Beers.
  5. It should be able to be destroyed. I destroyed one just the other day in v1.1b24 in the Cat's Den scenario.
  6. Now that you mention it, I *have* had a Panther immobalized and even abandoned by Arty.
  7. The Canadian and Polish have also lost the Firefly IIc and Sherman III.
  8. To my knowledge, there is no program for such a thing. Also, there is no way to save non-PBEM game movie files for doing what you wish.
  9. CM has two game modes: Scenarios and Operations. Scenarios can really be classified as firefights or minor engagements, because the scenarios only tend to last around 30 minutes of actual game time. There is also no ammo replenishments during scenarios. Operations are several battles fought on one LARGE map. The map will change from battle to battle depending on how far the attacker has advanced or been beaten back. Previously knocked out vehicles will still be on the field if they are within the new battle map. Between the battles, units will receive additional ammo and hopefully re-acquire some of their wounded. (Not all casualties in CM are KIA, in fact a very small percentage are KIA.) But to bluntly answer your question, no, CM does not feature Campaigns as such like other wargames. The reasoning behind this is that it is in fact, *unrealsitic* because most combat units only served in one or two campaigns through the war anyway. The idea behind having CORE units in which you take through the whole war is not realsitic based on what I said above. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 12-26-2000).]
  10. Hate to break your bubble, Tiger, but that doesn't look Hi-Res to me. Take note of the wheels, still crudy and blurry.
  11. In a recent PBEM, a 150mm mortar (I think) damaged the gun on my Sherman Jumbo 76 and the blast that did it landed about one tile (20m) away. Ironically it was the last shell that landed after the 60 seconds was up. Needless to say I was pissed because my opponent still has 2 StuGs roaming around and I'm out of anti-armor assets.
  12. Just a hunch, but try running the v1.1b24 version and not the v1.05. There are two different executables. If you've got Shortcuts, make sure you have one that makes reference to the Beta executable. I have a desktop folder that contains both executable shortcuts plus a TON of shortcuts to batch files that install mods.
  13. Well you knew B-17II, or whatever it's called, would be another one of those pieces of crap that they over-hype and people go out and blow their money on them just because of name-sake. I haven't bought a new game off the shelf in a long time just for these reasons. The last game I bought was BGII and it's pretty good, although a little dated now. I'm looking forward to SSI's sequal to the original D&D Gold Box game Pool of Radience. Pool of Radience: Ruins of Myth Drannor featuring a turn-based system using pull down menus much like CM so you can formulate REAL strategy in the D&D world. Unlike BioWare's Infinity Engine where it only pauses AFTER and action has occured, PORII can run as a real-time game or as a turn-based game by setting the turn timer for infinite time or a second or two.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marco Bergman: If, unlike Maximus, you don't care WHY the batch system works, you should find the transition painless. Just copy all the files, and run your old shortcuts as usual.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well yeah, that's what I meant to say. However I had to convert to that _noncamo (Firefly) method instead of my original fix method.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marco Bergman: Could someone please tell me why the Canadians no longer can get a Firefly IIc? I know I have seen pictures of Canadian Ics before.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whoops, kinda blows your mods doesn't it? Polish have lost the Sherman III as well as the Firefly IIc. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 12-23-2000).]
  16. Same thing occurs with the full version. If you try to play a scenario that was created with say v1.05 with v1.03, that v1.05 scenario won't work with v1.03 of the game. So the Beta scenarios won't work with the Gold demo. All your problems will be solved if you get the full game. Plus you can download around probably 400 or 500 more scenarios.
  17. Chupacabra, But wasn't it that way in the first two games? I don't recall it showing you how far you could move with remaining APs.
  18. Recon? Don't you already know what kncoked out the vehicle in most circumstances? Besides, I don't think any crew is going to last long if it goes running towards the enemy's side.
  19. This is mentioned on the second page of your announcement of the Beta 24 patch. There seems to be a bug stemming from the new Tank rotation AI brought in with Beta 23. What happens is this: A tank will have trouble deciding which target to lock onto. This bug occurs if the tank has multiple incoming fire lines (yellow lines). And when the tank tries to pick a target, it gets confused on what to do due to this new hull rotation AI. The tank will try to lock on to a target, but then suddenly switch to one of the other yellow line threats. And begin rotating to it or EVEN vice versa. I had an instance to where my tank, a JgPzIV, was trying to target a dug-in Hellcat and some infantry on about a 40 degree arc to the right of Hellcat. I was receiving a yellow line from the Hellcat and two from two infantry units. The JgPz would target one target, but rotate to a yellow line...and then switch, the yellow line would become a red line and then the tank would rotate back towards a yellow line 40 degrees off. It did this the entire turn. It looked like the JgPzIV was trying to come up with a new Dance Step. I wished I had a save game file, but do not.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Harmon: In the Villers-Bocage scenario last night with b24, I noticed the following strange behavior I have never seen before. Only happened one time each in a couple games, but the AI had trouble deciding which target to lock on to.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I had this happen to a JgPzIV, but with Beta 23. The red line would extend to a target, but the vehicle would rotate to a yellow line. Like it was trying to go hull forward to a threat. But then the red line would switch to what was a yellow line. And then now rotate back to where the red line was, but it is now a yellow line. Again doing the above cycle--trying to target something, but then rotating to a threat somewhere else. It was the damnest thing I ever saw. I was attempting to get a save game file, but couldn't.
  21. The only two ways scenarios won't show up in the list is (1) if they are not in the proper Scenario folder, and (2) if they don't have the proper fie extension of either .cmb or .cmc. Which brings me to a third way really... Check the Operations list. Some of those scenarios may actually be Operations.
  22. OK, maybe I'm not making myself totally clear. Let me try it this way. Say like you have a Flammpanzer 38(t) in scattered trees and looking for suspected enemy infantry. Now what I want for the Hunt command is that when it spots the infantry, for it to stop and fire it's damn flamethrower. Because as it is right now, all we have for that unit is Fast Move and Move. Granted, Move works somewhat, but not really. But I understand what some of you are saying that a Hunt command in general would make a vehicle stop and attempt to engage a target at any range. Well, in this case, the knowledgable person would only use this such command when he is near a "suspected" enemy infantry concentration. Which goes along with what I said above that usually you're hauling ass with these vehicles to get them *near* expected enemy infantry.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ezmartini: could someone please answer my question posted above? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I did. Look above under "DUDES!!!"
  24. I've got a preview/QA copy of Marco's new M5 Stuart and M8 HMC mod. It's awesome guys! He's redone all of the batch files. It's a bit complicated at first, took me awhile to figure it out, and that is saying something. But two main batch files run the entire thing (us_ff_textures.bat and commonwealth_textures.bat) But you will click on the smaller individual batch files. These will call on the larger batch file and it'll do its thing. But anyway, an important note: When you get Marco's new mod, the UK Stuart V and the US M5A1 share SOME files, but NOT all. So you will only be able to view them from one side or another. What is shared is the turret and the lower hull. The top deck, side, and rear are not shared. So if you have British textures loaded. The M5A1 will have a British turret and lower hull. The reason this mod has been delayed, is because the first Beta patch corrected a texture problem with the Stuart V and Marco had to redo some of his work. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 12-23-2000).]
  25. DUDES!!!! All THREE Beta Demo scenarios came on the CM CD. These scenarios are: Chance Encounter, Last Defense, and Reisberg. Just look...they are there. One of the two Gold Demo scenarios are on the CD. It is Chance Encounter...same one as above. The second, Valley of Trouble is only available through the Gold Demo. HOWEVER, you can move/copy/save it (or whatever the hell you wanna call it) from the Gold Demo to the Full Version or you could get someone to email it to ya, like me. I saved it.
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