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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Well let's see... Do bears **** in the woods? Do Baptists drive buses? Is the Pope, Catholic? Is the U.S. President, American? Did the Germans invade Poland on Sept. 1, 1939? Was Operation Overlord launched on June 6, 1944? Do the members of the Cesspool (aka PENG'ers) have too much time on their hands? Does BTS only sell CM over the Internet? Does BTS provide excellent customer support? Is CM the ultimate WWII gaming experience? Is playing CM just like being there? The answer to all of these questions is YES. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  2. And the mad bald one is happy to get away from TGN. So I assume your old TGN email address is no longer active? ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  3. Oh OK, was not aware that you had all the links working now.
  4. Yeah, they take quite a beating before they blow. Probably something to the equivalent of a large heavy building plus a light house. Seems like I destroyed one with a barrage of 105mm artillery. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  5. Yes, but mine are mainly just typos and brain farts.
  6. First of all, do you have Winzip installed? It sounds like your computer doesn't recognize the .zip extension. The files themselves are just .zip files in which you simply unzip them directly into the bmp folder or in seperate folders and manually copy over to the bmp folder. I suggest the latter as most mods come with a readme, optional textures, etc. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  7. Yeah, go to CMHQ and get DD's uniforms. The site itself is moving, but the links aren't ready yet at the new location so go ahead and grab'em from the provided link above. I think they're listed under untested mods. They are some really top-notch additions to the look of the game.
  8. Ah man, that one is just too easy, so I won't. BTW Rob, it's "data base". Use that little spell check button every once in a while. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  9. Just one little tip Rob, convert your .bmps into .jpgs before posting. Makes download times much shorter. Err, um maybe not, as they are .jpgs. Well reduce their dpi or dimensions instead then. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-03-2001).]
  10. Nah, just the 195,xxx + posts on this forum are all full of complaints, flames, and bitching. Of course it is, you goof! Look at it this way, whatever you pay for CM, (based on exchnage rates, or whatever) you'll save 10 times that amount from having to buy other games. You buy CM now, you won't have to buy another game for a long time. Trust me. I've only bought one other game in the 8 months since CM has been out and that was Europa Universalis just this week. I used to buy a game or two every month prior to that. BTS is the best is customer support. We've undergone over 10 patches (7 official and 4 beta) since the release, not to fix run-time problems, but to fix small bugs and AI enhancements. Plus the fact that the game works perfectly well straight from the CD. But be sure to get the v1.12 patch as soon as you get it, for the newest CD is only v1.11. But if you wanna go spend $50 on a game from Hasbro (or Hasblow as it is known around here), go right ahead. But not only will you get the best WWII strategy game on the market, but you will become a part of the best on-line community on the web. Along with some awesome mods. You think the graphics are good in the demo, you ain't seen nothing yet. Just about EVERYTHING in the game has been modded even down to the camera movement arrows. See every texture in the game is a simple BMP. Those are easily painted and modified. So there are literally an infinate number of different camo schemes for any unit in the game. The terrain can even be modified. Terrain mods substancially change the look of the game. For those, I suggest DD's grass and trees/tree bases and misc. and Panzertruppen's Building set. Get the game and we'll be happy to direct you to the best mod sites. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  11. I've seen it all now, and boy is that a scary thought! LOL! ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  12. Ahh, I see you took my advice on the "mystery textures". I always wondered why you never painted those. That was one of my pet peeves about your earlier work. I was like, "He's not doing all the files!" ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  13. It is *indeed* a driver problem. You need to update to the latest driver that you can find for a Voodoo 3000. For example, I use a 32MB TNT2 card, but the latest driver for that particular card is a year old this month to be exact and it still works just fine. Just make sure that the new driver is DX7 compatible. As for the smoke graphics looking like transparent squares, no, that is *not* the way they are supposed to look. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  14. OK, you're probably gonna flame me for this, but I just gotta... Yep, those iMacs, et al. Great gaming machines! For those supposedly faster rated MHz ratings they sure do pack a low punch for VRAM. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-03-2001).]
  15. What's a "date bace"? Is that when you score with your girl? ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  16. No, no, no. The file range you're looking for is 4000-4018. The brown bmp in question in your pic is 4000.bmp. When ever you do a FlaK gun (37mm, Quad-20mm, 88mm) and the PaK 43 and PaK 43/41 88mm AT-guns paint up 4000.bmp. It is both the shield backing and the top of the gun breach. It is also the inside side walls of the PSW 234/1, Wespe/Marder III, Marder II, Hummel/Nashorn, Ostwind/Whirlewind and Kubelwagen. It's also used on a couple parts on the front of the 57mm/75mm guns of both field guns and the vehicle mounted guns in the Marder II/III and Wespe. Basically any open topped vehicle uses 4000 as the inside side wall. 4008.bmp is used for the front and rear inside walls of the Hummel and Nashorn and a piece of the Wespe front shield. This file is also used as the front and rear of the Ostwind/Whirblewind. 4014.bmp is used as the rear inside wall of vehicles like Marder II/III and Wespe. It is also used in the front shield of those vehicles as well. Hence when I did my winter vehicles a long while back, I included winterized versions of 4000, 4008, and 4014. 4016.bmp is used as the top of the gun breach of the Infantry & Howitzer guns. There may be others. But when you find a strange solid brown texture on a unit, look through the 4000 through 4018 files. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-03-2001).]
  17. Well, here's a plan. Just wait until CM3. After CM2 is complete, we'll have all the necessary German vehicles. It's just a matter of repainting them which of course is no big deal now. Honestly, I believe that once CM2 is done, the next two sequals will come pretty fast as there won't be as many additional units to make. In fact, I would be perfectly happy if BTS keeps the same basic look of the units (polygon counts and such) through the entire series until CMII. Then by then they will be able to code up some higher poly models and textures. I wouldn't change a thing about the engine up through CM4 besides a few enhancements and features such as city fighting. I think we need to keep CM1 thru CM4 pretty much the same. So we don't suddenly outdate older versions. I mean as succesful as the game is, why fix what isn't broke?
  18. Well first of all, every German tank is barred by a boccage tile. However all Allied tanks can pass through them due to the "hedge chopper" that was applied to the front of tanks. The "hedge chopper" was a framework of steel in the shape of a combine attachment that would up-heave and cut through the boccage when a tank plowed into it. The device was simple, yet it worked wonderfully. And yet, I do believe that this information IS in the manual. Look under Boccage. I don't have my manual handy to give you an exact page #. OK, you've said that when you take your tanks up to a hill crest and you can't see what's on the other side, just take them a little further. Simple as that. Remember, the graphics are just a representation of *about* where the unit is. Also use "realistic" scaling to better see what the circumstance really is. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  19. What's up with the funky green and brown wavey lines? And you should have the screenshot image centered vertically.
  20. How much memory does that card have? 16MB? Also read about the grass above.
  21. Incorrect texture placing is a VRAM issue. What type of video card do you have? Also, judging from the screenshot, what grass are you running? If it is hi-res (512x512) then that's eating up your VRAM, for every hi-res grass tile is taking something like 720K of VRAM. Shrink the grass files to 256x256 and they'll become 193K. A BIG difference! Doing this will probably solve most of your problems. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-02-2001).]
  22. Are you joking, feed the pockets of Steve Jobs, never. Ever notice that EVERYTHING (hardware-wise) that you buy for Macs *has* to come from Apple? I try not to feed monolpolies as much as possible if I can keep from it. Besides, I understand you Mac users have trouble using hi-res mods because of a lack of VRAM. Well, no thank you. I'll stick with PCs and their 32-64MB video cards. And if what you're saying of PC's gamma settings, oh well, we can change them. We don't have to have EVERYTHING preset, because I consider Macs as computers for dummies. No offense BTS. That's why they stock elementary schools with Macs because their simple, almost too simple, interface is more child-proof. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  23. You're Welcome. After about 3 months, yes it's been *that* long, through many, many tests, we have finally been able to release these. And I'm not gonna lie to you, we've had some small, but not overcomeable problems along the way. For instance, Marco had sent me alpha copies of the HVSS hull tops long ago, both FF & US, and he along with the rest of the beta team had lost the FF version. Luckily I still had it so I sent it back to Marco. Saved him some work. We also went through some experiments on what kind of weathering effects we could use, unfortunately, the only thing that really worked was the rusty bolt hole line along the hull sides. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  24. I wasn't born yet. OH! I thought you meant during the 1968 New Madrid Fault quake. If you mean the Seattle Quake, then well, I was back here in Illinois where I always am. However, my sister *could* have been there when it happened for her job with CMT would have had her there at the time if it hadn't have been for a rescheduling of some event. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  25. OK, I must apologize to Marco...Bob screwed the pooch! LOL!
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