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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Oh so the History Channels's program and personal interviews with Waffen SS vets were wrong? Try looking at the argument un-biased. The quote I stated above in the first post was just that. A direct quote from the site.
  2. Oh don't start that "Hi Mom" crap on this one. As for the residents of some concentration camp, I assume, apparently you didn't read the above explained differences.
  3. I was just about to say that about how Matt does it with CMHQ, but with the latest current standing of the slowest AAR ever, that doesn't surprise me. So you sign up witha high-bandwidth server and you generate too many hits for their service? Gee, makes you wonder doesn't it?
  4. Some of you may already know this, but judging from what some of the discussions lately have touched on this to some degree, some people may not know this. DID YOU KNOW that there were TWO branches of the SS? The Allgemeine SS and the Waffen SS. In fact, I just found out about this imformation after watching the History Channel this morning on a "Weapons of War" episode entitled "The Elite German Forces of WWII" I have taken the below information from the site The SS Archive. While watching the show, they interviewed several Waffen SS vets and they feel disturbed that they have been coincidually compared to the Allgemiene SS. They feel that High Command should have made more of a distinction between the two branches of the SS. To them, they were just another branch of German Army fighting for their country, even as the country was run by the corrupt political Nazi party. The Gerbirgsjager, the Fallschrimjager, the Panzer Lehr, the Afrika Korps, the Brandenberg Commandos, and several others were elite German forces as well and yet they don't get the bad rap that the Waffen SS get. Besides I sure the Russain Guard units were supposedly as elite as some of these German formations. NOTE: I am in no way associated with SS and Nazi propaganda, I just saw this information on the History Channel this morning and thought I'd share it in one of our "Dispel the Myth" threads. Besides we all know that the Waffen SS are overpriced hamsters anyway! LOL! ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-05-2001).]
  5. Looks good. When you gonna post it? ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  6. When you play Quick Battles of any type,, whether it's versus a human opponent or the AI you are given the option to either buy units or let the computer pick them for you. Also depending on what type of engagment, combined forces, armor, infantry, etc you start will dictate how how many points you have to spend under any group. During TCP/IP games, pressing the ~/` key will let you chat over the line.
  7. Actually, I wouldn't doubt it that they won't be a whole better if any than what the community has made so far for CM1. Remember that the community has made some of the original graphics for CM1. I doubt we'll see any change in the trees past the current 2-sided poly. What I think we'll see is more graphics in the "hi-res" department. But again, with certain artists we have now, we've already got those. I know Kwazydog is BTS's graphic artist. And we all know his quality of work. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  8. There are some pretty large maps in CM when you play some of the large battles and operations. But generally the maps in CM2 will be larger as the land in Russia is generally not as mountainous and the tank duels took place at longer ranges. Also just to clear up for you new guys that just appeared on the scene this weekend, BTS has plans for at least 3 more sequals with this current engine. CM2: East Front (Russia) CM3: Mediterranean Theater (N. Africa, Sicily/Italy, Greece/Crete) CM4: Early War (Poland, France) ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  9. Yes, I saw the commercial for it this morning, but my father just doesn't buy the "failure to wake Hitler" theory. I mean com'on, you have several generals in Normandy watching the approaching ships and they are afraid to wake Hitler? Must've been some very loyal commanders to not have the guts to wake hitler from his beauty sleep.
  10. Yes, and what other gun would it have? Remember, historically accurate data. If you use it alot, I'll be glad to play you in PBEM and I'll laugh as its 20mm shells bounce off of my M4A1's cast hull.
  11. I know this question keeps popping up. But why is it that people still argue the point. Yes, the freakin' StuGIV uses the same 3D model as the StuGIII, but they both have their OWN side file. As we've said before, the StuGIII is 3270 while the StuGIV is 4600. Just as 4601 is the StuH42 gun. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  12. You are in fact correct, but if you're smart enough to set up a RAM disk, then Windows 98 can utilize more than 128MB. TechTV talks about this from time to time, if I'm not mistaken.
  13. I totally agree with Gary on this one. If you let politics and personal morals get in the way of "completely" enjoying a computer wargame, then you don't need to be playing them. Because the whole idea of playing a wargame is to try to change history. Whether it is winning as the Germans, or with the Japanese, or the Iraqis, or with Napoleonic France, or with the Confederacy, it in all good fun. The point of a wargame is to use your knowledge and skill against the enemy. It really doesn't matter which side you play. It's just like the thread started by a African American ealier about what his room-mate's friend said about him playing the Waffen SS. The room-mate's friend denounced him for playing the Waffen SS because he was black and out of all people to play the Waffen SS. What a load of crap that was. Actually, he should've played the Fallschrimjagers for they were better troops than the SS as just any Airborne unit is usually better than your standard land grunt. They have to jump out of perfectly good airplanes for chrissake! And just to go back to the comment about that Cleavis only plays wargames that have Americans in them is a very sheltered thought. If you do that, then that severely limits the range of wargames for one to play. So I guess that would exclude any Napoleonic game. Also again to base your opinion towards CM based upon what you learned from CC is just plain wrong. As one of those most repeated statements made by BTS concerning CM is that "you have to unlearn what you have learned from other wargames." I don't know if the main Battlefront.com site still boasts this message anymore or not. But it should. The point here being is that CC's physics were so screwed up that it wasn't even funny. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  14. Pick a different opponent. I personally don't trust anybody with Hotmail, Yahoo, or AOL accounts. But that's just me.
  15. OK, apparently didn't pick up on the accuracy of even the demo. All of CM's data is meticulously researched. From fire rates to armor quality. Of course firing rates differ by quality of crew also. I'm curious, when you hacked CC3 to change the fire rates, what did you take into account?
  16. LOL! I was just about to say the same thing. That is about as far off from the truth as I have ever heard. Losing tanks on a 10:1 basis? Hardly, do you realize that the advent of the T-34 frightened the bejesus out of the Germans as they didn't have anything comparable to it at the time. IIRC, when the Russians came out with the T-34/41, the Germany's top tanks were the PzIIIJ with a 50L/60 gun and a PzIV F with the 75L/24 gun before the up-gunned F2 with the 75L/43 gun. T-34s had, help me here Andreas, 75 somethings with better armor. T-34s had way more survivability than PzIIIs and PzIVFs On a side note: Looking through my Encyclopedia of German Tanks, I have discovered that the PzIV H & J had those spare road wheels on the side of the hull and not the G. Shame the textures aren't correctly mapped for this difference as the StuGIII and StuGIV are. Anyway, I'm not a Russian fan, I'm going to take great pleasure in giving the Red Army a slashing as the best I can while taking great loses of my own as their T-34s will rip through my PzIIIs and IVs. That's why T-34s were used up until about the 1970s in several world armies. Besides, you forget the large metal beasts that Russia built later in the war that overwhelmed the puny Panthers and Tigers. As for the lop sided German victories, I think we're thinking about the earlier BT series of tanks, where yes, PzIIIs and early PzIVs were more than a match for them. EDIT: Whoa, that was a mess, must a been that last beer. Had a BAD typo above if you missed it. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-04-2001).]
  17. No. When you put the CM CD in the drive. It has no auto-run. Just access your CD drive and double-click on "Setup.exe" and the game installs without a hitch. The current version of CDs being sent out is v1.11. There is a v1.12 pacth that came out simulataneously really, so you'll need the new patch to be compatible with any new scenarios made with v1.12 or to play PBEMs or TCP games. As others have said, stick with small battles at first to get the jist of play. Hell for that matter, I don't like playing large battles, mainly because I don't wanna spend the time playing them. For a quick CM fix, I usually play TINY to MEDIUM sized battles. Those sizes are based upon the number of units, not the size of the battlefield. As for add-ons, yes feel free to jump on them as much as you want. As the games code is hard-coded, meaning no 3rd party tweaks, the game remains unchanged as to its playability. But what CAN change is the graphics and sounds. These are known as MODS. There are litterally hundreds of MODS out there. For example a really nice set of Hi-Res Sherman mods have just been released that provide a awesome enhancement to all of the US Shermans in the game along with the British Sherman II as it shared the same textures as the US M4A1. That's a big problem with CM as it shares textures among similar vehicles and stuff. So we are kinda limited as to the specialized variety we can make. Also you'll probably want to grab the terrain mods as they really change the look of the game. The stock terrain looks rather cartoonish compared to what has been released since. Grab DD's Terrain sets and Panzertruppen's Buildings. Also get DD's uniforms as they contain a new more realistic looking uniform for every soldier type in the game. As the game is turn-based/simulataneous resolution there is no frantic pace. You can sit and ponder each move as long as you want. Only hit GO! when you're ready. The game was done this way because there is no way that you could effectively order up to a Battallion + worth of units in real-time on a 3D battlefield. Something the Close Combat crowd doesn't understand, BTW. The order menu interface is very simple and straight forward. Select a unit, right click to bring up the orders menu select your order and draw out lines and right-click for waypoints as to where you want that unit to move or shoot at. And if you plot through impassable terrain, the Tac AI will automatically reroute the movement path around the obstacle. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  18. Oh boy, young grasshopper. As an American myself, I do not limit myself to playing wargames that go along with my moral standards. Take for example, the American Civil War's method of fighting where men stood 50m in front of one another and firing point blank range at one another. I simply detest that sort of fighting, but you know what, it happened. I play wargames for their historical accuracy, not based on if I like the combat methods of the time. So to rule out playing an WWII: East Front game because you don't like the way it was fought is truely selfish. Oh boy, you say that you can't stand to play a WWII game because it doesn't have Americans in it, that is VERY selfish. And as for coming out with an English Speech Mod for CM2. Chalk that up as NEVER. Not gonna happen, bud. These are HISTORICAL simulations, not just games. As the new Desert Rats mod coming out, the authors of it are making Italian Speech Mods, so for someone to make a English Mod for CM2 is like making a Japanese Speech Mod for CM1, what's the purpose? Hate to come down on you like this, but you have to understand. BTS is venturing on making the most historically and accurately detailed simulations that this genre has ever seen. And yes, a Conscript UK Cromwell can take out a German Tiger from the side. Let's not even mention what a Firefly can do. If you don't like the direction, then you need to go back to playing CC. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-04-2001).]
  19. Not to carry on the argument, but you brought it up. I only used the phrase initially as a figure of speech, and then you made a comment about how a figure of speech isn't really what it's saying. Well what's new? Yes the argument is silly, so why even make such a comment in the first place? Oh I see, you picked out the word "just" and made an issue about it. Ahh, like I say again, no imagination. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 03-04-2001).]
  20. Ahhh, should've known. A Canadian discussion. LOL! Anyway, LongLeftFlank, BTS will be doing the North African, Italian, and Agean Sea (Greece/Crete) campaigns in CM3. But until then MikeT and Clubfoot will be releasing the Desert Rat Total Mod set soon.
  21. Now that's not the way I understand it. CMII won't appear until after CM4. Why would CM3 require a new engine? The battles are going to be out in the desert for Christ's Sake! ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  22. OK, I don't understand your argument at all. Yes I've read the rest of this thread and all, but your argument just doesn't hold water. If you truly knew how often BTS tweaked the AI in this game, you'd know that what we have now is just about the best yet. (Although I liked the way it was with v1.1.) Judging by your number of posts since last June, it doesn't seem you've been a very big part of the discussions since then to know what has gone into this game. And you say that you wouldn't want to buy CM3 and CM4 if it were based on CM1 or CM2 engine. Well, IMHO, I wouldn't care if the engine remained virtually unchanged until after CM4. Besides, that's the way I interpreted the birth of the CMII engine is until after CM4 was out. But hey look, if you don't wanna buy the later CMs, then don't. The difference between the CM series and the CC series is, is that BTS cares about its customers while Atomic and Microsoft do not. The CM games will constantly undergo tweaks as bugs are found or enhancements are demanded. I can understand your point about memory AI when enemy targets pop smoke, but what is the tank supposed to do until the smoke disipates? Just sit there? Your lack faith in BTS is very apparent here. Maybe you should be a part of the community more before you go critizing the resolve of the developer. IMHO, if BTS will update older versions up to the current standards of the latest release then I don't see a thing to "worry about" as you said. Now *that* would be the best scenario. Just think if Microsoft updated CC1 to CC2 standards, and so on. But then it would end up suckin' because CC4 & CC5 sucked big time now didn't it? ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  23. Good idea. And also a good way to back up your argument. Never thought about this issue, but yeah, it would be something to look at for CM2. ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  24. Well gee, here again, (see my post on the second page of the Survivor thread in the General Forum) some people just don't have an imagination. So the camera work in the beach landing scene in SPR didn't make you feel like you were there? ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
  25. Anyway, I have worked up a batch file system to swap between the dirty and clean ones. Just add the suffixes "_dirty" and "_clean" to the files and the batch files will work. Email me and I'll be happy to send them, along with some icons, to you. davem@shawneelink.net ------------------ "Upon my signal, unleash Hell."--General Maximus, Gladiator "Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot "I do what I likes, and I likes what I do."--Darrell Hammond (portraying Bill Clinton), SNL
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