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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B: Target the Greyhound as you did, but then give the Hetzer a short Hunt order towards the other enemy vehicles. No delay. Vehicles will turn to target when executing a hunt order. As soon as the Greyhound had died, the Hetzer would have executed the short hunt movement, bringing it to face the M10.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're exactly right. The fact of the matter is, is that most of the complaints of this order can already be done given that the person knows how each command works. In this case, the Hunt order would have done everything (except the extra pause, which in this case I don't even think was necessary) that SenorBeef wanted to do. Because as Vanir just said, here's what would have happened: You give the targeting order to fire at the Greyhound. You then give the Hetzer a Hunt command to move in the direction of the hill crest you wanted to face forward on to face the Sherman and M10. You could have plotted any length of Hunt you wanted to. However, even a Rotate would have worked depending on initial angle. But I'm not sure if that would have worked though as a Rotate is actually one of the first things the AI does if not given a regular Move order. I'd have to do some tests to verify that. But anyway, here's what would have happened. The Hetzer would have turned to engage the Greyhound. If the Hetzer would have destroyed it, then it would have then started following its Hunt order. However, with the Hetzer's extremely low RoF, you would have been lucky to do all that if the Hetzer did not connect on the first shot. Hetzers are really not good at engaging multiple targets quickly. They are good stand-off AT-guns that can pick off targets as they come into view. Of course trying to do all this with a non-turreted vehicle to begin with, was not a very good idea anyway. But anyway, the moral of the story is: to know how the commands work and use them properly. It may seem gamey at times, but then it is a game that depends on its Tac-AI to do most of the thinking. But just try playing CM without Tac-AI. BTS commented on that once before where trying to play it before they programmed the Tac-AI. They said it was attrocious. [ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  2. Excellent. 'Bout time you lazy oaph! LOL!
  3. Umm, the roadblock bitmap is the same as for the rubble. So unless you want your destroyed buildings looking like Dragon's Teeth, that's a no-go.
  4. I'm telling you guys, my original repaint (first screenshot with labels) is just about right on for the subdued look. Really I made a mistake by calling it gray. It is really more green than gray. Look at it in-game in a scenario and you can tell it's more green than gray. MakJager is going to do a camo version of it along the lines of Kitty's KT pallete. Red-brown with Dark Yellow. It should be interesting.
  5. Manx, Winter Trucks are forthcoming as well. Gordon sent PawBroon and me an Alpha last night.
  6. [sigh] So what did you do? Do some file renaming to put FJ uniforms on American troops?
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kmead: Maximus: I prefer the first one you displayed as it appears more gray than green, the second is definitely a green tank in US color range.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's not US drab, it's Russian Green baby! And look, if you squint real hard, you can pretend that it's a T-34. :eek: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The one thing I find very disturbing is the nearly black weld line on the side plate to upper glacis intersection and the strong nearly black line at the shadow where the front glacis meets and sticks up above the hull top in front of the hull hatches. The shadow under the shurtzen rail and gun cleaning tube is also too dark. On the dinkelgelb version the shadow areas are also verging on too dark but the welds are more a shade change than a dark line and have some detail of the weld bead in evidence.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> kmead, take that up with Fernando. All I have done is repainted them. Those "shadows" are what was in Fernando's original textures as you can see from the comparison shot(s). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I do like the gray version, it would be a nice variation to have.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, me too. It's just green enough not to look too gray. ----------------------- PS-MakJager, would you like my Greenish Gray version to do a camo version on? [ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jgdpzr: Maximus, Actually, on my computer screen, the grayish green appears fairly close to panzer green. Panzer green does have a slightly gray tint to it. However, it probably should retain just a bit more a green tint. As Private Ryan said, the second one seems to be relatively close to Russian armor green.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Agreed. I like the first one better as well. The all "green" one, just doesn't look right on the CMBO battlefield, but the original greyish-green one does. But Pvt. Ryan's right, that green Panther with Red Star would be acceptable as a captured Russian Panther.
  9. That's funny, 'cause I use (254,0,254) and it still works. In fact, Madmatt told me this level WAY back when I did my first mod.
  10. OK, lets look at them again. Here's the first version: And here's the darker green version: OK, now which is better? I still like the original attempt better. It just looks more in-tune to the sub-dued look we all kinda want doesn't it?
  11. OK, I've tried to do a dark panzergrun version. It is quite green, even a little darker than the picture of the Panther F above. I could try lightening it up a bit. But it just doesn't look right in-game. My original version looks best, IMO. Question is then, what color should the Panther A be then when Fernando gets around to doing it?
  12. Send'em my way Juju. davem@shawneelink.net
  13. Yep, remember that Marco is from New Zealand and New Zealand disbanded it AirForce so Marco is having to pull double duty. LOL! No, I along with PawBroon, Gordon, OldDog, and I think someone else, are Marco's Beta Guinees and we receive an update about once a week or so, give or take a few days. Seems like Marco isn't taking to the weather change too well this fall. Marco sent us US Cav options this time along with a new hull top for the FF M20. The base textures have been done for quite some time now. He's just working on markings and stuff now. Well he did add a new locker dealy between the two quarter panels.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: This phenomena is known as...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...speeding. However this phenomena will also get you a nice visit from a county mounty or state bandit. Unless of course if you live in Montana where there are no Speed Limits, but then so what. Anyway, while Gustav was desperately trying to maintain his sanity by wanting some links to something. However these links were not what everybody expected, they were actually....
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: Nice work for once Max Its you old friend Rob [ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I just repainted it Rob. It only took about 10 minutes.
  16. I dunno about PSW 234/1's, but PzIIL's sure do let loose with their 20mm cannon on infantry. EDIT: I'm sorry, I mis-spoke. It was a damned M5A1 Stuart that was poking the hell out of my infantry that I was trying to use to close-assualt it because I was totally out of other AT assets. [ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but in CM2 will there be two sets of skins for each vehicle that was around when the color transition from grey to yellow took place? Or will certain variants of a vehicle be restricted to one color or another?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I dunno, but I'd assume that the change took place around the time when PzIV F2's came out. Weren't all PzIII's panzergray? or were some of the later ones yellow?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Runyan99: There is no doubt that these mods are beautiful, BUT... Does anyone else think that these Panthers are just a little TOO perfect? They look like they just got detailed at the car wash. Don't battle tanks have some dirt and some dents and scratches on them!?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well we can always let Tiger have'em and he can apply his special "weathering" technique after he screws around with the dpi.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by highlife: Yes, its an "F" model which never saw service but conveys the color idea.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually I just looked at it in-game again, and it *is* more green than gray, so you should be happy. In fact, I'd be happy to email it to you to take a look for yourself. It's only a ~550K file or so.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by highlife: Well, while I don't have a fraction of the artistic talent of Fernando or Maximus, I have spent 26 years researching german armor colors and have to disagree with the idea of Panther G late models in panzer gray. There is however, good evidence for small numbers of late war tanks leaving the factory in solid dark green. So I would rather the color stay slanted toward green rather than early war dark gray.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well you see, that's kinda what I thought too, but Fernando seemd to think-through his own research-that some G-Lates left the factory in a panzer gray, as by that time, the factories were using any color of paint they had. However you're right though. I kept telling him that there needs to be some differentiation between this set of Panthers, such as a green-ish base or something like that. But he kept persisting that all were painted sand brown. Well hell, here's what he said in his email to me: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally emailed by Fernando: From Feb 43 onwards all vehicles were supplied in the Dunkelgelb (dark yellow) factory base coat. AFAIK in 1945, every paint on hand was used, old stocks of panzergrau included, so every camo pattern was possible. However, there weren't Panther Gs at the time. From August 44 onwards all Panthers produced at the factories were G late, so if you want to have a Panther in panzergrey then IMHO it should be a G late.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So actually this late war "panzergrau" is probably more accurate than early war panzergrey.
  21. Well here's what I did and what Fernando told me. My first attempt was too bright. I had only used the green color. Fernando told me to make a grey version and darken it and then add blue to it. Well, making the grey version was easy. I just selected WHITE and the "Hue and Saturation Only" filter. Painted it. This basically grey-scales the model. This is how I do the winter mods as well. But this time, I clicked down on the BRIGHTNESS instead of up, which darkened it. Then I went back over this darkened grey version with the same GREEN color I used previously and got the result you see above. If you squint real hard, it looks blue. [ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Yep, its gray all right.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well actually it's an olive drab green painted over white. Using the "Hue & Saturation Only" filter, of course.
  23. Well, after some correspondence with Fernando, we have come to the conclusion that some Panther G-lates could be painted a Panzergrey. He said, all Panther Gs were painted Sand Brown, but some G-Lates did leave the factories in panzergrey. I've sent the files to Fernando and we'll see what he thinks. He didn't like my original attempt. But after some tweaking based on his suggestions I came up with this color. What do you think? [ 05-28-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
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