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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: further(eth), they shallt becometh liketh the....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...Maximuseth and getting tongue tied-eth whilest tryingeth to speaketh in Bible Talkish. At this very momenteth, the wrathest of Godeth cameth down and swooshedeth awayeth of the Perfecteth Stormeth. So aseth the prison boatish cameth to a calmer state-ish, Mace realizedeth that they wereth now in Down Undereth. "Now then, whateth shalleth thou we do?" Mace asked. "I know!" said...
  2. Well, you're right in both respects. Some sounds or weapons pull from a generic pool of files while some actually have their own files. For example as per your example, all M1 Garands, Kar98K, and Brit rifles all use the same sounds. But the BAR, MP40s, and MP44s use different sounds. There's even a difference between the MG42 HMG and the MG42 LMG. I think there are different sounds for the Thompson SMGs as well. As for a "sound map". If you download a sound mod, there is usually a text file with it that is labeled "CM soundmap".
  3. Where's the Pizza??? I want Pizza, Dammit!!! Hey Makjager, you think you could add some zimmerat to the turret on these?
  4. Randomly for both sides, however there are two side specific faces for the Volksturm.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Probably going to be tomorrow for this update (Sunday). I just too much on my table at the moment, but you know...Anything is possible... Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It wouldn't be a big ol' BBQ Turkey would it?
  6. Well I just brightened it up a bit with a couple click-ups on the Brightness control. Then I sharpened it a wee bit. Used the first level of sharpness (program defaults to the 3rd selection of about 6 initial selections). Then the pants were originally a dark green. I ironically had a color similar to the greyish color in the tunic in my program color pallete. I used my ol' "Hue & Saturation Only" filter and repainted over the green turning it the greyish color you see in the pic. The helmet as I mentioned is from Michael Dorosh's German Uniform Site. I just thought it looked best with this uniform. I can email it to anybody that wants it. I emailed a copy to Scipio already so, maybe he'll post it on his site as version 2 or something. davem@shawneelink.net
  7. Well, it appears that Scipio's excellent Hi-Res Heer uniform thread got buried in the excitemnt of the Normandy release. Well for those that noticed the thread you may have noticed that it was a wee bit too dark. Well I have remedied that and here's my retouched version. I have also used one cool helmet from Michael Dorosh's German uniform site to complete the look. IMHO, this is THE best Heer uniform we've had to-date. Take a look: Of course, that Magua's new Normandy terrain there as well.
  8. Well as far as the strange divided dirt road I didn't use it because I'm using Pud's roads.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sitzkrieg: Maximus posted a topic a couple of days ago asking MadMatt where they were with a screen shot that looked incredible. Anyone know where and when they might be available?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Still on Madmatt's HDD I'd say. Fernando sent them to him about 2 weeks ago IIRC.
  10. Ummm, call me blind, but where are your CM mods on Warfare HQ? Nevermind. Found the link. Ought to think about changing the font or somefink on that side navigation menu. [ 06-16-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  11. I thought your stuff generally went to the Last Defense?
  12. Hi guys, Well for those of you that are using the batch files, we are in the early processes of totally revamping the system. As some of you may know, there have been some errors in the system so far. These problems have been patched into the latest version. However, we have run into a bit of a snag trying to work in the Camo Priest. So what Gordon is doing is he is scrapping the whole system and converting the whole thing into a rather simple EXECUTABLE where you would simply click on a form field dot to select which set of textures you want in at the time in a nice GUI window. So for those that thought that the system was getting complicated, well you're sort of right. Sometime in the near future, look forward to changing out the batch files and shortcuts for an easy to use C++ executable if all goes well, that is. [ 06-16-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  13. Also what other single game has a message board that has over 265,000 Posts?
  14. MUST...NOT...GIVE....IN... AHHH...I...CAN'T...DO....IT What's so great about it? EVERYTHING!!!! It is an extremely historically researched simulation of WWII tactical combat in a full 3D battlefield. And not only that, all the textures in the game are modable as they are simple bitmaps which are easily repaintable. All the sounds are modable as they are simple wave files. And I shall now duck and run for cover as the horde will most definately respond with LOTS more details. [ 06-16-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bog: To be honest, I would rather CM2 shipped with no winter textures and fairly bland vehicle textures, if it would mean we could have the game sooner. I think that our Mod authors could make good textures after the game is out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well that's kind of fine and dandy, but I don't really want to wait around for a good T-34 texture to come from a 3rd party artist. Best to get the best they can muster from the start and then maybe if some need improving so be it, but I don't want to start out with CM2 with graphics like we did with CM1. Only now are we really getting the graphics that it should have had to begin with, IMHO. Luckily, judging by the screenshots we've seen so far, that we won't have to worry about new terrain mods as much as these new ones seem to be fairly adequate, although the tree bases could probably be improved a little bit from that Soviet tank pic.
  16. Correction....Reisberg was one of the two original Beta scenarios, Chance Encounter was the additional third scenario. So in fact, rsolano, you HAVE the extra scenario. Now the full game came with all three beta scenarios: Reisberg, Chance Encounter, and Last Defense. The one is doesn't come with is Valley of Trouble. So when you get the game, you might want to keep a copy of Valley of Trouble and just copy it into the Scenario folder once you get the game.
  17. Ummm, just to point out something here in the article. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CM: We're using the same core engine from Combat Mission, but this time with higher-resolution 3D graphics textures. The average person's 3D hardware has advanced since we released Combat Mission, so we want to take advantage of that. Still, the game is automatically scalable and will even run an 8MB card (though we recommend 32MB), so we won't leave people behind.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, so you bastitches that think you going to run CM2 on a P233 with a 16MB card, you'd better think about upgrading for this one. If you can't afford a 32MB card these days, then you shouldn't be able to afford the game itself.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YECoyote: Best looking swamp so far. Are you still tweaking it? Maybe you can add a few more trees.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The trees in the swamp are hard-coded. The game puts them in automatically. The only thing that is modifiable here is the ground texture. [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Let's see. Max is far left wing. You are French. Both sound pretty Communist to me! MrSpkr<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now wait a minute. I'm not FAR left-wing. I'm just left of the middle by a bit. I agree with the Left's political and economical views, but I don't agree with some of their self-destructing laws such as the "no-touch" law in the school systems. (I say bring back the paddle and whack somebody.) When I was in school, a teacher gave swats just for someone's birthday. A swat for each year. There are several other left-wing policies I don't agree with, but I can't recall any one them now until one of them comes up in discussion. I think the tax cut is a BAD idea. Because they've tried it before and nothing happened. ie. Economy did not get stimulated as was thought. The thing I want to know is how does a government see fit to give away a "surplus" when there is still a deficit? How can you have a surplus and still have a deficit? Isn't that a paradox?
  20. Regular Snowy Trucks are forth-coming. I have to break up the zip file becasue my damn ISP won't send emails larger than 3000K
  21. Hi-Res Mods are only important to the computer they are on. OH WHY AM I KIDDING MYSELF??? Hi-Res Mods are the only way to play CM!!! [bang] Oops, I must have had one of those relapses into Mod Snob Land. No seriously. Hi-Res Mods are just graphics. They have no impact on the communication between two different machines.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: ...the sheep for example. So Mace did, and then proceeded to...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ...lube up his wanker and hunt down a fine fresh specimen of the woolly kind. But just then, Mace's boat suddenly jerked violently as it was hit by something. Everybody aboard raced to topside and was immediately shocked except for Mace. As Mace recognized what hit them. It was that crazy Gustav in his fishing trauler! "Gustav you idiot!" Mace yelled. "Haven't learned how to stear that thing yet? Besides what the devil are you doing in the middle of the Indian Ocean?" Baffled, Gustav looked up an saw Mace. "Mace! Well, um...I guess I took a wrong turn somewhere back around the Trubador Current or soemthing. But don't mind me, what are you doing in the middle of the Indian Ocean yourself?" Mace replied, "Well, that's kind of a long story. However if you have time, I'll tell ya. I was just... [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by G0gmag0g: Just going of my own topic here and not thats its important but what gives with the 'Junior Member' and ' Member' status of folk – I'm definately not a junior (except to my father). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That would be 30 posts my big man.
  24. I like it. However the skin tone on the hands is a little, umm, pale I think.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VonFritz: Please Please Help as this game is the 3D CloseCombat Series but without names of soldiers showing the game aint the same. It blws CC away.. But, If they only got tergether and got ot something even more awesome..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well this is something that is hard for CC fanatics to grasp. They can't seem to grasp that while CM is 3D, they still wonder why it is turn-based. The simple answer to that is "scale". There is simply no way to handle this many troops and equipment in a large 3D environment in real-time. As for BTS and CC getting together in making something, it'll never happen. However there is a project called G.I. Combat by the now defunct Talsonsoft that is attempting the very thing you're speaking of. We here at the CM Community have been very skeptical of this project as that it will never work, because if Eric Young attempts to do what he says he's going to do with the accuracy he wants to do it, there ain't no computer that is fast enough to run it at this time.
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