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Everything posted by TankDawg

  1. Okay, FYI, I am not as dumb as that post appeared to make me. I know who Robert E. Lee is. Just not Bobby Lee. DOH! ------------------ Jeff Newell TankDawg
  2. Who is Bobby Lee? And I worked hard not to turn this into a "All Germany is Evil" thread. That was not the original point. Please read the first couple of posts in this thread. We really have gotten off topic. ------------------ Jeff Newell TankDawg
  3. Wow! Where do I start? I did not accuse the board, CM, anyone of 'worshiping Hitler and Nazis' or anything of the sort. In fact, what accusations did I make? None. Just observations. Nor do I have any problems that Germany is in wargames ( I don't even know how to address this one). In fact maybe I should just stop right here. Nah! I did not say 98% of the things you are accusing me of. And Mortiis brings up 2 points that I will comment on. You say that the SS scenarios are great because it allows us all to beat up on them. Yet 98% of the AARs and game comments you see on the list are always from people playing the SS. I mean how many people have brought up questions about the Villers-Bocage operation from the British side?? (answer: none) And we wouldn't bring up a discrepancy in Sherman Armor thickness because we do NOT worship the vehicles like so many do the German vehicles. Most of us have no idea what the proper thickness is. But all the germanonphiles on this list sure know what the side armor of the 1944 Panther Ausf. D is. Look, again, we just need to keep our eyes open to some of this. ------------------ Jeff Newell TankDawg
  4. Hi Wild Bill, I always, always play the US, British or Canadian in CM and ASL. The only exception are tournaments(roll of the dice) or once when Blackhorse (MAJ Carnes) made me play the Germans in a QB (I got killed!). I just find it so much more challenging. I lose a lot more, but have fun. ------------------ Jeff Newell TankDawg
  5. Billwoodagain, AMEN! Especially about SL/ASL. I love and play ASL all the time, but it too is SO pro-German. The last 5 years, a lot of SSR's and helped the poor Americans but most scenarios are still tough on the US. Yes, I always crack up when someone (right now even) is whining about the 88mm. Too funny. ------------------ Jeff Newell TankDawg
  6. Bill, The 70th was a good unit. Look forward to it. Goanna, Points well taken. I just want us all to keep our eyes on this. That's all. Jeff TankDawg
  7. Hey, Case in point. Check out some of the usernames right now on the "I have some German marching songs, who want them???" thread. And they all want Nazi war songs. Again, geesh! If this kind of stuff gets out, CM has a PR disaster in the making. I saw it almost happen on the ASL Mailing list a couple of years ago. Jeff TankDawg
  8. Hi Wild Bill, Have spent more hours than I can recall in Pool Hall. He was a GREAT tanker. Sorry, I was not going after your scenarios at all. You have a lot of GREAT tank vs. tank scenarios (as I have told you before, ELSDORF is the BEST!) However, just look at the scenarios at "The Depot." Then look at how many have SS in them. Then see how many of them they are "Fanatic." It is pretty amazing. I don't know how the Allies won. nuff said. Just wanted to clarify. Jeff TankDawg
  9. Dr. Brian, Boy, are you right-on! If it was an error in the Tiger's armor thickness or spelling Meyer's name wrong, there would already be 50+ posts on it. I just always roll my eyes with all the German-worship on this list. I mean 4 guys have Jochen as their user name. Geesh. Check out the number of 'SS on the attack' scenarios. I am a proud, current US tanker and so admire that most of our doctrine and tactics come from German armor practices of WW2. That having been said, I always remember to separate the tactics from the worship that is so prevalent on this board and even in professional circles. Anyway, a little off your original post, but needed to vent. God Bless Maj Howard. Jeff TankDawg (Proud of my US Armor fore-fathers that went up against the Mighty German Tanks and their Tank Heroes and beat them time and time again)
  10. That's too bad. I think the TACAI does use them effectively, but I would also like to control them. The TACAI will pop smoke and reverse. Why can't I do the same?? Seems like one more option on the Orders Menu would not hurt too much. Jeff TankDawg
  11. Hi Gashford, Your question has a fair amount of "It depends." In theory, the road wheels could support movement of the tank for a brief period. However, to do so, the track would first have to be untangled and cleared from the wheels. It is this that stops a tank from moving when the track breaks. Very crude example, but think of the chain coming off your bike and how hard it is to put it back or just take it off. If the track did come cleanly off, the tank could still move around a little - with a very skilled driver. Unless it was a dire combat situation, you would cause so much more damage to the tank, that you would not want to risk it. If I had a bunch of T-80s staring me down in my M1A1 and I had thrown a track, I think we would try to move out anyway possible (and pop smoke, call artillery and air support). Short of that, we would stop where we were, bust out the gear (with my crew) and start fixing it. Hope this helps. Jeff TankDawg
  12. Manheim Tanker, you wrote: "DON'T EVER PARK YOUR TANKS ON TOP OF HILLS! Hawk, please write the sentence above 100 times " I think you need to write that 200 times. What were you doing skylining those Hetzers against me? I think Eishenhower back in London saw those things up on the hill. Could not resist. Jeff TankDawg
  13. This goes back to the problem that vehicles do NOT block LOS. The first logical place the crew would run (unless the tank is blazing) would be behind it to catch their breath. Then they would retrograde back to enemy lines. I think all crews should just automatically rout off the map once their tank is toast. Too many of them are being used for way too many non historical uses. "Hey, you crew, go scout ahead of our company and see who is in that village." Jeff
  14. Almost always the Allies. Much more of a challenge. Jeff
  15. Hi Disaster, You are right, in CM they are only effective in the defense.The problem being is that FTs were Offensive weapons, not defensive. They will really need to get this fixed for CM2 - especially in Stalingrad. Jeff
  16. Wow!! Simply awesome. Leave it to an ASLer to do this type of statistical work. (I can say that, because I play ASL weekly) This will save all of us a lot of time in purchasing units. Thanks! Jeff
  17. Hi Andre', Great job! The AAR was almost as much fun to read as it was to play you. Until I read the AAR, I did not know that my own Arty got those guys. Damn Red-Legs!!! Can't wait to start our next one. Jeff
  18. Hi Guys, Maybe there is a variable that the TACAI uses that allows for the occasional, accidental or deliberate shooting of surrendered troops? Would seem possible. Could include: Type of surrending unit, morale, type of guarding unit, victory conditions and fatigue. On a somewhat similiar note - I had a German squad surrender and then run into a building and start firing at my troops. Jeff "TankDawg" Newell
  19. Hi, Not a Vet yet- but currently serving. Platoon Leader, M1A1s, C. Co., 1-303d AR. Washington Army National Guard. And in our spare time, we work the crowds for WTO in Seattle. 1LT Jeff Newell
  20. Come-on Pieper! Put your money where your mouth is and play KingFish.
  21. I am and have been an avid ASLer for 15 years. Play it all the time. Nothing beats face to face. And... I love CM!! Have recommended it to all my fellow ASLers in the Seattle area and enjoy PBEM with a couple of them. I see many ASL carry-overs that make CM the great game that it is. Jeff
  22. Hi Joe, Thanks for your thourough reply. Those are good points. I agree that TCP/IP will be an improvement. I just don't understand why people are so completely worked up about it. But realtime taunting, er, chat would be fun! Thanks again, Jeff
  23. Of the Ambrose books, Band of Brothers is very, very good. Jeff
  24. Hi, Need some clarity here. What is the big deal about TCP/IP? This game is not real-time. If you want to play the game against a human opponent quickly, just do what I do: My PBEM (Hi Paul, MAJ Carnes, Andre' and Dave) opponents and I know when we are at our computers. We complete a turn, email it, wait 10 minutes or so, get the return email, and play. Hours at time! TCP/IP would maybe shave what, 2 minutes off this turn-around time. Or what if you are playing TCP/IP and your opponent needs/wants to watch the replay 10+ times. That would be even slower than PBEM. Someone please explain what I am missing. Thanks, Jeff
  25. Hi, Great idea for FOW only to be in View 1. That would be very realistic. As it is, after each turn I hit Shift-C 4 times for size and scan the whole battlefield in view 4. Don't think my historical counterparts had that view. Good Thread. Jeff
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