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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chrisl

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Can you sleep, Chrisl, knowing that you shall be the worm that elevates Iron Chef Sakai into mastery over the 'Pool?<hr></blockquote> No, but it's only because I have to work graveyard for a couple of nights. After that I can sleep just fine.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Peng can no more gamble with his name, than others can claim that the Thread does not belong to him. He is our's, and we are his. <hr></blockquote> Peng is not a pod, or the login of some pennsyltuckian freak, or even the name of some strange monkey hanging from a tree in Minneapolis. Peng is a concept. A concept that will continue to exist whether or not some guy who who has little enough life that he has to hang out with Elvis and Hiram changes his handle to reflect his true nature, which is that of a Gates-slut. He worships at the altar of Gates (in addition to the altar of the porcelain god-- he is after all a polytheist), he is one with the blue screen of death, and even studies the new black screen of death that comes with that Gatesian spyware XP. When you boot him he even plays a really annoying chord. It is only right that his handle accurately reflect his Gates-slut nature. Worst of all, he worships the xbox... [ 01-06-2002: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>
  3. I'm sure you're all overjoyed at my return from the holidays. I spent two weeks trying to track down the missing MkIV. The first week I spent in lovely Detroit, just a few miles from the childhood home of the missing person, and despite my best efforts, which mostly consisted of laying on the couch playing PS2 and eating chips, I was unable to find the wanker. Aftward, I made a quick trip through Oceanside, his present place of alleged residence, and launched a few loogies as I pedaled through, expecting him to scurry out and roll in them. Alas, it was all to no avail and he remains missing. Most likely he wandered into Camp Pendleton and is sitting in a military prison somewhere having his fingernails removed with pliers. In more exciting news, the Gates-slut formerly known as Peng has surrendered to me in our match in which our very own handles were at stake. As you all have pea-sized brains, and probably are incapable of remembering the match, his penalty for losing is to change his handle to The Gates-slut formerly known as Peng. Had I lost, I would have been stuck with all caps for mine. The battle was an utter rout, and with his surrender the score was 96-4. I still had a rather enormous amount of 105 VT available (among other arty), along with TRPs to drop it on, and he was walking directly across said TRPs. Things were rather quiet at the start, with him losing a few vehicles and men to the arty, and then in the most recent turn he lost most of his halftracks and some of their occupants to a nice collection of AT guns manned by cheap green troops dressed in olive drab. I would like to thank the Academy, my parents, my cat Speckles, and most importantly, Moriarty who acted as my second and made a brilliant map selection, as well as putting in my unit purchases.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by l3w53r: or why cant crews abandon mg's? I mean they can no longer move after getting 3,4 casualties and are just waiting there for the enemy to overrun them. <hr></blockquote> They can abandon mgs, but only under very limited circumstances, and the result is that they become zombie troops. Not a pretty sight at all, though I have been witness to such an event. Much less funny than the armored clown car.
  5. What month is the scenario? A quick check shows that wheatfields provide the best concealment only during June, July, and August (you can see 40-60 m in) and the rest of the year you get LOS as much as 150 m into the field. There is probably still some concealment much of the year, but it's not nearly as effective as the peak months. I didn't do a comprehensive check, just a verification that it does depend on the time of year.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty: I will serve as your second, chrisl<hr></blockquote> Many thanks, Moriarty. The Peng soon to be known as Gates-slut suggested a random map. Would you or Shaw care to generate one and send it out to us, or shall we play blind? In that case we will each require the month and year of our battle. And please, no caps until it's over.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: because your acceptance<hr></blockquote> Apparently, dear Shaw, you didn't do very well in reading comprehension. You'll note a few pages back that I made the initial challenge to the Gates-slut formerly known as Peng, and he initially declined, until challenged again via email, where he biliously accepted, and provided the condition that should I lose, I should have to use caps in my handle. The posts here are a mere formality at this point, other than the request for seconds. That said, and since you choose to be a pillock, I will request the services of a real second. And I'll go unbold your name a page back, as well. (Done) [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: Oh, by the way, we are playing for handles. If he wins I am the Gates-slut Formerly Known as Peng for an undetermined amount of time, and if I win he must use ALL CAPS in his. That should show the lower-case bastard, eh? <hr></blockquote> I don't recall that it said all caps in our email exchange. I was thinking just one or two, carefully chosen. Just the "h" perhaps, as it has a nice symmetry when capitalized. Ah, well, so be it. I will play for ALL CAPS vs the Gates-slut. In the interest of not causing such a furor as OGSF with his stinkin' long name, Peng will have the option of simply using Gates-slut, with the formerly known as Peng part left in his sig or the body of his post. I too shall need a second--unless Shaw would be so gracious as to populate the map for both of us. [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bullethead: There is a limit to the total number you can have at once, which I bumped into in the huge "Sherbrooke Fusiliers" scenario, but it's over 100, more like 200.<hr></blockquote> I just checked-- it's only 30 ambush markers. I've come up against it more than once. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> But that's no problem because you can hit the X key to remove the targeting line, then the T key and target the HQ unit on an earlier HQ marker.<hr></blockquote> Or leave the HQ hidden without a target. I like to keep them hidden, because once they get exposed they draw all the fire in the neighborhood. You can also create an ambush marker with a unit way up at the front, and have a unit way at the back (AT gun for example) target it. That gets you around the 300 m limit for ambush markers created by AT guns.
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: chrisl: Uh, hardly seems fair that I risk my name, which is by far more well known, disrespected, loathed even, than your modest moniker, while you risk NOTHING. Let's instead put a bottle of Laphroaig on the line, shall we? If I win you owe me a bottle of Scotch, and if you win you owe me a bottle of Scotch. Now THAT, sounds like a fair challenge. The Gates-Slut Formerly Known as Peng.<hr></blockquote> Pffft. yes, Pffft. That's what I say to you, you pustulent little gates-slut. I made you a perfectly fair offer, in which I was risking a large amount of my time looking at poorly executed turns that you sent, and the possibility of having to poke a stick in my own eye rather that look at one of your moves, while all you risked is your overused name that you are already prepared to disown (you've lost control of the trademark, you know, you're like kleenex, and in more ways than I really care to enumerate here) in favor of the far more appropriate "gates-slut". It's what you really want, you know, and I was just helping to give you an excuse to change it. Who knows, we might even let you back into the pool as a squire with the new moniker. (edited to annoy Andreas and because my typos were starting to make me sound like OGSF) [ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Germanboy: I jabber when caught in a spelling mistake.<hr></blockquote> That was all you had really earned. Peng has done much better, and has earned a challenge in which, should he lose, he shall forevermore be known as "Gates-slut". But that's how we'll all always think of him anyway.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: The Gates-slut formerly known as Peng<hr></blockquote> Put your login where your fingers are. I challenge you to a PBEM (and not one of my heinous creations-- a QB, or a third party map with byo, or a heinous creation by someone despicable, like Rune), and if I win you have to change your login (yes your login, non of this blood-hamster-sig-for-a-month stuff) to "Gates-slut" and if you win you get exactly nothing, except the satisfaction of knowing that you were spared from changing your login from a vaguely respectable "MrPeng" to the truly idiotic and sycophantic "Gates-slut". And when all you get on your x-box is the blue screen of death, well, don't go crying to BTS.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Germanboy: You know, some of you sorry and bedraggled lot make the later Byzanine Empire appear to be a model of vitality. . . . Not edited to show off my brilliance.<hr></blockquote> That ought to read Byzantine.
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: Woot <hr></blockquote> Bah. You tried that once before, and it had no effect. It might even have increased the quality and quantity of posts for a short time. The problem is that this thing has taken on a life of its own, self propagating and oozing along, much like a slime mold, or the stuff that you left in the refrigerator too long, or the gunk that grows between your toes. A slime mold is a bunch of ostensibly identical cells all in a nasty icky sheet (from the point of view outside the slime mold) but somehow the cells organize and form little buds that then emit spores (or some appoximation thereof). This is much like the operation of the MBT. It's gone completely amok, and if it weren't for the fungicidal properties of a certain mad bald one, would take over the whole board, which, given much of dreck out there, might not be such a bad thing. You're just in a bad mood because there wasn't any good schwag at comdex (I just had dinner with some people who went and were disappointed at how small it's gotten (bauhaus, you know the drill)) and that Las Vegas has become a third order approximation of Disneyland, where the differences are now a few decimal places in. The all you can eat buffets are now more than $5, and you can't even eat that much anymore because you spend too much time in a chair and are slowly beginning to be shaped like one. What you really need is to kneel down in front of the porcelain god and have a good session of emitting all the food you stuffed yourself with today. Then stick your head in, inhale, and flush. It will make you feel much better.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: but I'd dearly like to know when in f'ing hell I'm going to see a turn from Mark IV? <hr></blockquote> I'm going down to San Diego in a few weeks. If you go and extract from dalem the file that he owes me (preferably extracted through his nose, with tongs), I'll stop by MkIV's on the way to SD and the two of us will sit on the beach, in the warm sun, gazing at the ocean, playing CM on a laptop, and discussing how nice it is to not be stuck in the great white north with winter well underway and nothing to look forward to but pbem files from the likes of Peng.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Dalem sends me turns in our interminable Franko tankfest every time he gets a new computer. Maybe next year... <hr></blockquote> I seem to be having the same problem with him. I haven't seen a file in a couple weeks. It's time that we sent the Gnome of the Gnorth (that's you Seanachai) to dalek's door to regale him with jolly sing-songs until he starts sending out return files. Or at least jams sharp objects in his own ears all the way to what little brain stem there might be. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by the ultimate consumer: So this weekend, I have accepted home delivery of a new 50" HDTV, a new digital Dolby 5.1 DVD and surround sound system, <hr></blockquote> You probably weren't smart enough to get one that would take an XGA input for playing CM (it's probably not a plasma display), but on the off chance that you got lucky, and when you get your kids to read the manual and hook it up for you, I'll probably be in DC the second week or so of January and would be glad to come and kill your little digital men on the 50" screen with the surround sound cranked up. I promise I'll only buy arty in the 150 mm and up range, since it will really showcase the performance of your surround system. (edited to annoy Andreas) [ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by karch: 1. Will not adding it hurt sales 2. is the application broken if this is not added 3. will adding this feature boost sales 4. how much will it cost to add 5 will we recoup our costs and make a profit from the time spent adding a new feature. <hr></blockquote> 6) and what cool simulation feature(s) will get bumped due to lack of time? (and would you rather have them or one fewer email per turn)
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf: You might miss out on the duck-duck-greyduck. <hr></blockquote> You've got to be more careful with your terminology--Now everyone knows that you're a cheesehead. Too bad Lorak is shipping out, or else we could have him photoshop a big foam cheese onto your picture on his site. Maybe I'll remind him when he returns. Maybe I'll just send Peng and Berli twenty bucks to buy a foam cheesehead, get you drunk, and get your picture with the cheese. Then again, they'd probably do it for free. As for morse, my attack resembles Monty's only because we have inordinate amounts of time to drink tea in between files from you. (Edited because I can, and to note that since I'm beating dalem in our latest match, his cd drive managed to get flaky so he can't return files) [ 10-24-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>
  19. I think this has actually come up before, or something pretty close. The problem with this scheme is that all of the movies are calculated on the same machine--that of player 2. BTS several times mentioned something to the effect that they chose not to allow this, so that if one person managed to hack their machine or the file, the damage would be reduced. This was before the TCP version was released. Now that TCP uses only one machine for computations (the reasons for this were addressed a while back), this barrier has been broken, and BTS may be willing to reconsider a similar arrangement. Then again, they might not, since it would be much harder to hack the file in the short time available in a TCP match than if you created a file editor and could go through and edit at your leisure before sending it to your opponent via email. In fact, all player 2 would have to do is crack player 1's password to gain a substantial advantage, since he could watch the file before sending it off, and redo moves accordingly. (edited to note that the advantage of having the opponents password is slightly greater if all the calculations are done on one the machine of the person with both passwords). [ 10-23-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>
  20. Peng, I'd like to wish you a very happy anniversary of your hatching (or whateever), but I can't bring myself to do it. So I'll wish you a miserable one instead, in which slushy snow falls from the sky too early in the year, and is discovered to be yellow just after you take a bite from what was expected to be a pleasant snow cone made from freshly fallen flakes. Lorak, sorry to see you going, and I hope all turns out well.
  21. And I thought you were planning a surprise birthday party for him.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Glad to see that you cannot read...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, he was referring to Henlein, not Heinlein. The former wrote a number of novels about chickens and other barnyard fowl, whereas the latter wrote science fiction.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife: 15th & Portland here. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow-- how long have you been there? I lived at 16th and Park for 6 years (1990-1996)? (And one more thing-- get out of the pool) [ 10-16-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MacOberGruppenBloodyStompinRevisionistSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy: Ah thank at's verry nice. Whaddaye feed at? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, right. Like that's what you said. Now you're going to claim that your evil twin did it, or the wee spaniel was walking on the keyboard. This one, and the quickly edited one on the next page. Maybe eddy's in the space-time continuum again, mucking about with things, and in one of your alternate realities, you're a boring philospopher, while in the one we usually see around here you're a boring scot wannabe.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSFMacJimmy: I found a rant generator, but forgot to run it through the scottish brogue generator <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I liked the Scottish OGSFLMNOPJimmyMcDuck better. This is too much like Dieter, but without the monkey or the dancing. And no, I don't want to touch your monkey-- why don't you ask Bauhaus.
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