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Everything posted by chrisl

  1. Much too garish for you. I think you need something more subdued, but which will stab you in the eye with a sharp stick when you aren't looking. Edited to wonder why Master and Margarita didn't make it onto the book list. Crime and Punishment, too. And who can overlook Bear Attacks, Their Cause and Avoidance. [ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: Since I won't be able to attend bring me back a black velvet and silver sombrero<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You think I would drive that far to encounter the horror that is the only bunch of people in the SD area who manage to suffer from severe ricketts and have become chair shaped and bloated (except for the ones who forgot to eat, who are emaciated) from doing nothing but play CM for two years? A little south of Oceanside (Del Mar/Solana Beach) those guys would get arrested for body fat and lack of sun violations.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: Mark IV, Fresno is not "SoCal." It's just . . . well . . . Fresno. =\ But hey, if there's some kind of drunken SoCal CM orgy planned tomorrow, how come I wasn't invited? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You need to suffer like the rest of us who leave the pool for a while and do penance by reading every post since you left. Going on a two week vacation this summer nearly caused me to claw my eyes out trying to read the threads that went by during my absence. I imagine you'll be jamming pencils deep into your ears and trying to saw off your own head with a rusty hacksaw if you read the last zillion or so threads. As for MkIV he's in Oceanside now-- further SoCal than you or I. 360 or so perfect days a year, and smog only when the wind is from the north. The San Diego/ Southern OC (that's Orange County, not obsessive/compulsive, though many of the grogs probably qualify as the latter) contingent is meeting in a seedy bar somewhere in that general vicinity. A bit of a long drive to meet with people who are just going to annoy you to death. (edited to note that I was right the first time and that I am not quite as OC as Andreas) [ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Oh, and I want to know if Dalem is actually inhabiting a specific neighbourhood here in town, or staying at the Workhouse in Plymouth while completing his Rehab. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Rehab would explain the centipedes. It would also explain why he moved to Mpls-- outside of the flour industry, and a prosthetic limb industry that's been sliding since the decline of the railroads, rehab is about all there is there.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: So I tell you guys I'm moving to Minnesota, and, with all the warnings and jokes about snow and mosquitos and rabid folk singers, no one remembered to mention that there are centipedes here the size of steak knives???? Who the hell thought that was a good idea??? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think those are from the drugs. If they don't go away when it gets cold then they're all in your head. If they're real then they'll probably have invaded your head by that point, anyway.
  6. The MG42 LMG gets 25 ammo default value. The MG42 HMG gets 95 ammo default value. The extra guys are mostly carrying ammo--there have been about a zillion threads on this in the past. Check out the FAQ to see if there are any pointers to some of them.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: I had no idea that kind of stuff was modeled in the game. I assumed that each vehicle was modeled the same for simplicity's sake--that's cool they went the extra mile to make it that realistic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Select each vehicle and press "return". It will show you the vehicle characteristics, including hp, weight, ground pressure, rate of fire, rate of turret rotation, armor angles, smoke dischargers, amount of food stored on board, stereo system, etc. All that and more is modeled, and it's different for different vehicles.
  8. Lorak Some time ago MrSpkr sent me an abomination that was apparently created by the evil Berli, in which the entire German army set off to take a bridge defended by a squad of green american engineers. Now, after much pain and bloodshed, the outcome has been decided. Please get out your hammer and chisel and etch into Peng's skull, er...the tome: chrisl: major victory MrSpkr: sucks morse has sent me another vile thing created by rune. It looks even more bizarre than the creation that I sent to Peng and Seanachai, and is so huge that I may well have to buy a new computer if I get any reinforcements, otherwise the turns won't compile.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad: Hey look over there. It is a whole wall full of wine. This can't be too bad, except for the company. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aitken, here's where you say "for the love of god, Montressor..."
  10. Here's a few pages from a quick search on yahoo. I saw a page a while back (from a URL posted on this board) that had the whole history of the development of the VT fuze and its application, but didn't bookmark it. fuzes and shells more fuzes site with good details Essentially they're a simple RF (radio frequency) transmitter and receiver. When the fuze approaches something (a plane or treetops or the ground) the amplitude of the reflected signal is increased. The reflected signal (picked up by a simple receiver) is mixed with the transmitted signal, probably resulting in something like an audio frequency signal (easier to make circuits for) which is used to fire a detonator. This is based on a quick skim of the last site listed. Do a little reading on the web for more detail. (I hadn't scrolled all the way down when I started typing, but it looks like the last link I listed is the one (or pretty similar) with the whole history and details of the VT fuze. Enjoy.) [ 09-19-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]
  11. A while back someone (it might have been an überFinn) posted a couple quotes out of an artillery handbook from their local army on how to clear mines with arty. I don't have a pointer to it, but it may show up in the FAAQ somewhere. At any rate, the amount of fire necessary to clear a minefield was truly amazing, and well outside the scope of CM. You could sterilize a good sized map with that much arty, and you certainly wouldn't bother using it on a minefield if you had it. As for wire-- listen to Chuppie. Wire is nice floppy stuff that's mostly air. The probability that a bit of sharp stuff from an artillery shell is going to hit a piece of wire is fairly small, and the chance that it will cut it (if it manages to hit) is most likely small as well, since it will probably just flex the wire a bit and ricochet off somewhere.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo: I wanna play the blender with someone!!!! I know! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I recommend the version that Sneezy and Peng are playing. The concept is the same, but the units are a little different. It's only 45 turns because that was during my phase when I liked to see things played out, rather than end while some Greyhound is drawing a bead on the back of a KT at 10 m. It really should be over by 30 turns or so. The extra turns are there so that the players can play until it's decided, rather than cut off prematurely (calm down Bauhaus, that's not what we were referring to).
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: It is one and the same then. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It isn't quite the same scenario. Seanachai and Peng got the kinder gentler version, with Canucks or Brits or something like that instead of Americans. It was also toned down a bit, to only about 6000 pts per side, from about 7500 or so for the Leeo/Harpooner game. Let's not forget the atrocity that I gave to Dorosh, either--called "Juno" and with about a thousand yards of clean beach for him to cross into a serious german defense.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: If there is one thing that I despise more than emoticons it is chrisl.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You owe me a setup from before the mosquitos tried to kill me.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: I really liked your scenario, it gave Peng and I a chance to exchange a number of very entertaining e-mails. Peng liked it so much he's driving cross country now to pummel you with a dead mackerel. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, but how did you feel about the balance? And who won?
  16. LOL. I tried to get into miniatures when I was 15 or so, and bought a set of rules "Brew Up!" and some small scale guys (smaller than he ones in your picture-- I had some of those, too though). Somehow the miniatures were never as fun as Squad Leader-- too much detail, I think. But it was fun to set them all up and set up little match rocket launchers (a single paper match launched from a bent paper clip) to try to knock them down. I also once ordered the "100 plastic soldiers for $1" from the back of a comic book when I was about 5, but they really sucked. They were flat, and made from really brittle plastic, and the scale was all goofy-- it included battleships that were smaller than the troops. Sea Monkeys are way better, and I didn't get those til I was 26 or so, but you really have to spring for the deluxe set with the history of Sea Monkeys book.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: because I've resigned. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Then why are you still around? Is the MBT the real life™ that you were planning to pay more attention to?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by argie: Do you remember that old times game, you attacking with Elites and Cracks against my Conscripts and Greens, through an open terrain? Which was the final score? 96/4 or 94/6?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> All too well. That's what I was referring to, in fact. Those guys just kept running straight into close range fire, and when they run they don't fire much to suppress the defenders. They were cut to pieces. My stupid Hellcat wouldn't shoot either.
  19. I've had some mixed experiences with Crack and Elite troops too. They don't break (or even cower), so they put out a huge amounts of fire, which is good. But if you run them at a position and it turns out to be defended with way more than you though, they will get cut to pieces trying to make it there, where regular or vets would be smart enough to run away and try something else.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: When threatened by the irrational, lunacy is the best defense. While denizens of Pengdom are hardly normal, the existence of the thread itself is the very essence of normalcy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro," - Hunter S. Thompson
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: So one of the bloody Finn's ... we have a pee right on his pantsleg.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You idjit. There shouldn't be an apostrophe in "Finns". Otherwise I think you've got the right idea.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: I also shave in the shower - without a mirror.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're insane. You only can get away with it because a) you're a pod, and have some sort of bizarre skin or other outer covering, or you're cheating and use one of them 'lectric things, in which case I would recommend that you get one with a nice long cord that plugs into the wall. They're much better and provide a closer shave than those wimpy little battery powered thingies (no, Bauhaus, not what you're thinking).
  23. It's nice to have the pool back, and without having anyone sneak any chlorine into it or anything while it was closed. I hope everyone is well, except of course for you lot. Game updates: dalem is watching things using a hercules card or something, and it's affecting his game. I think the aliasing is causing his artillery aim (with that nasty VT stuff) to be a bit off. His infantry are taking quite a beating -- I have one squad that has accounted for about a full platoon of his green not-so-meanies. He does however seem to have tanks, and they're starting to drive towards my lines. I better run. MrSpkr appears to have about a battalion lined up across the river from me with which he intends to test the modeling of the M1919 MMG. It's turned out to be better (from the ami point of view) than all the outerboard grogs seem to think. It even looks like it's managed to produce a bit of running capability from his MG42 teams. We have about 3 turns left and he's going to bum-rush the bridge. [ 09-15-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]
  24. Anybody in Brooklyn (near park slope) or the village with functioning net access? If so, please send me a note.
  25. Anybody in Brooklyn (near park slope) or the village with functioning net access? If so, please send me a note.
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