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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Here, the Lorak, I have news to report. Last night I concluded a game with the viciously satirical Simon Fox, who isn't a 'Pooler as such, but is rather a 'Pooler of the other sort, as such. He doesn't post here regular, like, but he does come in from time to time and sneer in a thoroughly Peng Challenge Thread way, and besides which, he's another of that creeping plague, the Southern Cross Colonials, to wit: An Australian. And, as I had sworn to crush all Australians (for reasons that the lesser folk need not know, nor would they understand), and as the aforesaid crushing of Australians is going Damn Badly, it is important that his victory be made apparent, his presence be made manifest, and his utter vileness be available for frank and open discussions, I move that you open up a category to be entitled (what an apt description) "Guests of the 'Pool", or some such, so that we can properly record the hollow victories/glorious losses of those Non-Poolers that don't completely reek. And not just the recording of the rather trollopy philandering out on the Main Board, or, worse, Ladders, that you see here occasionally by Members who are, as my Grandma said, 'no better than they should be', but acknowledgement of those folk who are actually willing to put on waders and descend in to the Cesspool to have their say. Such a one is Simon Fox. So, record, oh Lorak: Simon Fox: Tactical Victory Seanachai: Failure to Crush Another Aussie
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I have pulled my dirk You'll go blind if you keep doing that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I very much frown (suppressed laughter) on these sorts of 'thingy' references! I demand (gasping sounds and repressed giggling) that this cease at once. How can we keep souls like Bauhaus in check, if we allow ourselves a good, hearty, sodding laugh over things like this, and yet maintain public order (that being 'order', all, not 'ordure').
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Better yet, can we replace him with the 100 monkeys using the 100 typewriters? Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, won't do. The monkeys get union scale, and they have an anti-defamation league. If we want effusive gibberish cranked out in tremendous quantities, our best low-cost, 'abuse him to your hearts content' option is Panzer Leader. I'm working on how to cope with him. More anon.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: Hello Jshandorf, Your confirmed competition to date is as follows: Michael Dorosh, SuperTed, MickOZ, Fionn Kelly, Bill Hardenberger, Martin "Moon" Turewicz, Fuerte, Ari Maenpaa, and Berli. Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Goodness, that's a fairly impressive line-up. Except for all those non-'Poolers, of course. I suppose you have to fill in as best you can to keep the roster up.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Seanachai!, Correction! Get your facts straight<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, the crackling of the flames sometimes obscures some of your remarks. I missed the opening words on that one.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: Oh well if you guys can contribute then so can I. Hmmmmmm now where did I put that old 1/2p... on second thoughts better make it 10p Don't want to give us Scots a bad name.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is an extremely old joke, but you can't stop me if you've heard it before, so there. A Scotsman goes into a pharmacy, strides up to the counter, and asks "How much for a prophylactic?" The pharmacist tells him "they're 12 for $8." "How much for just one?" The pharamacist shrugs, and tells him "They're $1 apiece." The Scotsman pulls out his wallet, and fishes out a ripped, battered, and frayed condom. "And how much to repair this one?" The pharmacist considers it, and tells him "Well, let's say 75 cents." The Scotsman tells him, "Aye, this'll bear some thinking on, then," gathers up the condom, and leaves. The next day he returns and announces: "Alright, lad, the Regiment has voted to repair!"
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: That is how I feel about you Lords of the Cess right now -- ashamed and disappointed. Man, you all bum me out, send me set-up, all'ya, I wanna kick all your asses. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> SCENE I. A desert place. Thunder and lightning. Enter three Figures (that is, quite clearly, with a capital, as opposed to lower case f). One is a dark Figure cloaked in smoke and flame, one is a grim, judgemental Figure with crossed arms. The last is a capering old man wearing tattered robes, who appears to be singing quietly to himself a song about a hedgehog. Berli When shall we three meet again In thunder, lightning, or in rain? Seanachai When the hurlyburly's done, When the battle's lost and won. Peng That will be ere the set of sun. Berli Where the place? Seanachai Upon the heath. Peng There to meet with…Here, why can’t we meet in a nice pub for a change? Seanachai Well, I don’t know, Peng. Traditionally, we meet out here in the wasteland. Berli There’s no SSNs, for one thing. But I wouldn’t say no to some place with a decent pint of Guinness, or a nice single malt. Peng And plenty of it! Seanachai Alright, then. Next time we’ll meet in a nice pub. No reason, actually, that we can’t create one right there in the wasteland, for that matter. That’s the grand thing about being Old Ones of the ‘Pool, create any bloody thing you like. Peng Just have to remember to uncreate it when we push on. I’m not leaving a nice pub sitting around for the rest of the SSNs and Squires to find waiting for them. Berli Too right! Seanachai That’s fine, then. Until then, here. (produces bottle from under rather tattered robes. Berli examines the label critically) Berli That’s not a single malt. Peng Who cares! Gimme! (dramatic sounds of swallowing) Seanachai No, it’s Jamesons. A nice catholic whiskey. Berli If you’re quite done, Peng. (less desperate sounds of drinking) Seanachai In any case, we must decide, and then off to the heath to meet with whoever we choose for the Winecape Invitational. Berli Who’s on the shortlist? Seanachai Hmm…Geier, Mark IV, OGSF, Pawbroon, Iskander, Hiram, and – Shandorf. Peng Send Hiram. Seanachai He’s doing Real World things, is my understanding. Can’t do it. Peng Send The French. That’s psychological warfare, that is. Seanachai More than our life’s worth to cut into his personal life time. You know, modding, posting, Emma. (they exchange significant looks) Peng No good, then. What about the others? Seanachai They’ve all declined, except Geier, who’s not responding at all, which is what Scandos do to be polite rather than saying no. And OGSF may have declined, it was difficult to tell. Berli Who wants to do it? Seanachai That’s Shandorf. Quite emphatic about it, in fact. Rude. Berli Send the toad, then. Seanachai Well, we normally do have the policy that those who want to should not be allowed. Still, perhaps if we send along someone wiser, more experienced, more diplomatic to keep an eye on him and represent…the most established element of the ‘Pool’…(Peng and Seanachai exchange a look) Berli Oh no you don’t! Peng We’re agreed. Berli The Devil we are! Seanachai Don’t invoke yourself, it’s showy. Peng Serves you right after you made me Father Confessor. Seanachai It’s decided. Berli shall accompany Shandorf to the Invitational Tournament of Stars. Berli Bastards. Why me? Seanachai Because I’m an erratic player, and I’ve had pets die in the time it takes Peng to send a turn back. You’ll enjoy it. Now, we must to the heath, there to meet Shandorf! Peng We must what to the heath? Seanachai What? Oh, we must ‘away’ to the heath. Peng We must ‘away to the heath?’ What the – why the hell do you talk like that? Seanachai It’s literary, Peng Berli Anything left in the bottle? Seanachai Here. Peng Why the heath, for that matter? Why meet Shandorf on some scrubby uplands? Seanachai Do you want to be seen with Shandorf in a pub? BOTH (emphatically) No! Seanachai The heath it is, then. ALL Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air. exeunt omnia to be continued [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: WineCape tells me that The Pool has chosen (allowed?)Jshandorf to represent them in this tournament. Welcome aboard Jshandorf if this is true! Post here if you really beat the nomination out of them (or if you sacrificed your firstborn to the gods of Peng to get the nomination). We've also signed up a couple really big stars tonight. Martin "Moon" Turewicz and Bill Hardenberger have agreed to participate. For those of you unfamiliar with these two guys check your credits in the front of your CM manual. Nuff said. Welcome aboard Bill and Moon!! More invitations will be going out in the next couple days. I've got to hunt down some email addresses first. Treeburst155 out. [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Here, point of order. Winecape actually waded into the Peng Challenge Thread and made us the offer of sending over two of our Knights. As we needed a counter-balance to Shandorf, we sent over Berlichtingen as well. He's not only a Knight of the Cesspool, he's one of the Old Ones.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Right! Shandorf and Berli, that's my last word on the subject. Shandorf and Berli are the WineCape tourney reps of the 'pool. So let it be written, so let it be done. Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Once again the process has run its course. The People (and others) spoke, and their words were examined, and found mainly to be gibberish, lies, sputtering abuse, and boasting. Their desires were heeded, and then quickly set down on some newspaper, wrapped in it, and carried on a shovel out to the curb. Their will was expressed, and we compomised by doing what had to be done, and ignoring their sodding will altogether. All in all, it was a very typical Peng Challenge Thread experience. Peng has sent the email. Berli, the Evil One, and Shandorf, the Peng Challenge Thread's answer to incontinent pit bulls (as in: what would you least like to play against in a gentlemanly tournament) have been selected to represent us in the Winecape Invitational.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: As Consigliori, I recommend that Winecape be told to stick (deeply) his tournament of "stars" where the sun don't shine. South Africa certainly qualifies in that regard in all matters we care about, if not the weather itself. Why should Winescape be treated differently than any other SSN? He has not followed Cess protocol by singling out a target, showing a pair, or casting enough insults to get a game. He has not EARNED the opportunity of getting a Cesspool opponent. Do you not see the obvious dangers here, Gentlegits? Answering the Winescape invitation is a clear precedent that will surely put the Cesspool on a descending path to legitimacy, fair competition, and good sportsmanship. What comes next? A Cesspool Club Card and an awards ceremony with "Cessies" handed out to sniveling pock-faced gits by a smiling Seanachai in a shiny tuxedo? Get a grip on yourselves! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This simply is not a group that should actually be encouraged to get a grip on themselves. But I like the idea of handing out awards (and I would wear a sober black tuxedo, quite understated and refined, I'm sure. Or perhaps one of those tuxedos you can find at thrift stores, and look as though they were last worn by head waiters in restaurants where they have 'perogies', 'wurst', and 'beets' on the appetizer menu. But the awards, of course, would not be 'cessies', but 'Bryants'. They would be sculpted to exactly resemble the Pod himself, gesturing rudely, with a beer in the other hand. By the by, after this most recent harangue it will come as a surprise to no one that each week Lawyer chooses an embassy or consulate in our nation's capitol and goes by to abuse, torment, and harass them, as 'diplomacy' is not an undertaking that he recognizes as legitimate.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: I am beginning to sense, what with Shagdorff's recent...disply, that there must have been a break in the cesspool recruitment process some time ago. Maybe with the giddiness of the games release, Peng authorized a "Free Kaniggethood -- Today Only!" special or something. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmm, can't remember exactly how it was that Shandorf achieved Knighthood. I believe it was a combination of the fact that, like myself, he lives in God's Country, and as a landsmann was entitled to certain dispensations, and the fact that everyone took pity on his low self-esteem issues. That plus the fact that he was beating the snot out of a bunch of people, and no one wanted to be accused of keeping him out because of vindictiveness. Who was Shandorf's sponsor, come to think of it? Was it Berli? [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Seanachai, Would you just send the damn e-mail to Treeburst and be done with it? Why are we acting like this is some kind of democracy?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Because it keeps them busy. That illusion of participation and empowerment is the most delightful feature of Democracy. But you're right, it is now time for the Illuminati to make manifest the Will of the People. Expect an announcement shortly as to who is representing the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread in the Invitational.
  13. Clearly, nothing has entered into the public imagination as powerfully as the Peng Challenge Thread, other than CM itself. Love it or hate it, it stomps upon the terra.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: I don't know why you all wouldn't pick Berli, who seems the obvious choice. R U stoopid or somefink? Hope this clears things up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, I was working under the assumption that if Berli wanted to go, he would have said so, and that, as they say, would be that. But now Winecape is making us the rather more attractive offer of allowing two of our number to bang grog heads together, and, as Shandorf came in here and postured in a non-testosterone way and actually spoke well (for him), I say we send him and Berli (who truth to tell, would have been my first choice, but I also assumed that as this was an invitational for 'stars' he might already be in it in a non-Peng Challenge Thread capacity). Should Berli not wish to participate, and as there is only one person in the Universe who can force him to tasks against his nature (or two, if you count God), then I, frankly, think Geier should be our choice. He should not be allowed to refuse, of course, as he is foreign and we in the Peng Challenge Thread are not in the habit of allowing foreigners to refuse. Also, may I just say, I would have recommended Pawbroon, but such a majour involvement with a tournament might have seriously cut into his time with Emma, and I am not yet prepared to face the hell that that might have opened before my feet. Should, finally, Geier absolutely refuse (and, although he is foreign, and therefore technically cannot refuse, he is also with The Old Firm, and they are difficult to coerce properly), then I propose we send OGSF. If drafted, I myself would serve, but I fear my play is erratic, at best, and might not bring the credit we deserve to our proud band of completely ungovernable, contentious, and opinionated wolverines.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Very well, if its up to the Old Ones... Shandorf! 'cus revenge is always a good reason<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know, Berli. I imagine Peng will go along with it, but I'd still prefer to see Geier or Mark IV go for it. What says the Pod?
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shandorf: Damn, all of your lice ridden, leasion infested hides!]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jefe then goes on in his normal approach to 'winnging friends and influencing people' <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Unless one of you really think you got the stones I really think the choice is obvious. Bah! Jeff <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> He's right. The choice is obvious. I say either Geier, or Mark IV. Both play a good game, are honourable, well spoken, and not complete idjits. Shandorf is, of course, a fine player, but as well spoken as a skunk.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: So can we have a feature in CM2 where the fine, upstanding forces of capitalism and their low-res Shermans face off against the evil, modded-up commies in their T-34's at the gates of Moscow?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's you all over, isnt' it David? Always on about the politics of Modding. When will you cease your ironical attacks on your betters and learn to keep your head down, spoon in your pasty, and thank the gods you're allowed your pint now and then?
  18. Oh, I think all this Rune 'evilness' is overrated. He's just a Berlichtigen wannabe, who makes horrifying scenarios.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris Cline: I know. I'm just up very late and quite bored, and throwing out some random, insulting gibberish seemed like fun. Anyone out there interested in a TCP/IP some time tomorrow? I have a 100% win record and I fancy myself at least somewhat decent at the game, though it might just be my exhausted, caffeine-drugged brain speaking.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wallowing jackass alert. Respectfully request that all members ignore giddy idjit that shows up posting like a member of the Osmond family looking for a game. There are places for people like this. It is not here.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chris Cline: Haha, I knew none of you would have the stones to offer a recourse!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You posted idiocy, then waited three minutes to post that no one here had an answer to what an idiot you are. I'd have to agree. It would take a period of several more minutes of introspection to come up with the proper terms to describe what a howling moron you are. Then again, those are minutes I'd never get back to use for something more entertaining, like contemplating why the gods created cockroaches. On the whole, at this point, I'd rather come up with justifications for the existence of cockroaches than speculate on whether a quick and painful death will rid the gene pool of the rather tawdry threat you represent to the future of humanity.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Um, thank yee Seanachai. Though your prose often rises to the summits of poetry, it also sometimes sinks into the nadir of jabberowcky.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Besides the fact that it’s actually ‘Jabberwocky’, your statement is so much confused ****e, as ‘Jabberwocky’ is poetry, you tit, and the nadir of nothing, to coin a phrase. But thank you for the more coherent bits of thought you were capable of. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I thought my earlier, simpler answer would serve the GIT well, but upon reflection, I feel I should pull your soliloquy (everything with Seanachai is so...Robert Frostian) into a cool nugget of absolute crystalline TRUTH. To do this, I shall quote the one man who SHOULD be in the Mutha Beautiful, Charles Bukowski.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Simple answers for simple minds, lad, and the beautiful complexity of the Universe needs be painted with complex passages and language wielded like the brushes of comical housepainters so that the full sweep and range of colours of meaning are splashed across the canvas of reality. Bukowski knew this, when he penned the title "Play the Piano Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit". Myself, I will stay with a love of Yeats, and Eliot, and James Tate, of all things, but there are others who sing, and their song will be heard. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Seanachai, why is it that everytime I read your florid, gilded posts, it takes me back to the days of reading the poems my high-school girlfriend used to write? Is your real name Jennifer? .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can’t answer for your memories, lad, nor your longings. I’ve already known and loved more Jennifers, who were Guineveres, descending back into Gwenhwyfars, than you’re apt to meet for the rest of your slightly humourous life. She that was yours was one of mine, you know, and will be always. When you reach this point of realization, you will have reached a certain level of maturity. Now that you’ve named her, name the brightest moment about her. Or do you remember only yourself with her? Tell us something real, and poetic, or shut the hell up. It’s all you need do to arrive, and be accepted. The taunting will follow. Truth and beauty comes first, otherwise everything else is just vulgarity. [ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Adam Lloyd: Seanachai, In other words: No. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, that might be the gist, lad, perhaps the gist, but it hardly scrapes the surface of the world, lad, now does it? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Adam Lloyd: Sod off? Is that as good as you guys can do? I mean, that's become such a bloody cliche here. [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Adam Lloyd ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As I'm feeling expansive, tonight (Here, I heard those groans! You lot shut up, and I want every last one of you to come up with a decent quote from a song or poem by your next post!) I thought I'd spread myself a bit on the topic at hand. Now, to the outsider, 'Sod Off' might sound like a trite, cliched expression, constantly vocalized here in the Peng Challenge Thread. But I could trace a pattern of useage, and chart for you the introduction, acceptance, and institutionalization of the simple phrase 'Sod Off' here within the Peng Challenge Thread, and reveal it to be as powerful a binding force as any of those phrases that not only enter into societal useage, but define it. "For Thine is the Power and the Glory", "God Save the Queen", "I Pledge Allegiance To the Flag"; are not these all trite expressions we all learn by rote, in many ways shorn of all meaning to any given individual, and yet charged with emotion and identification? Just so is "Sod Off" to the Peng Challenge Thread. Wherever I may wander, whenever I meet another man or woman, who, upon being soundly thrashed on the fields of digital combat, raises some limb or digit in a deragotary gesture and shouts: ‘Sod Off!’ I will know that I have come amongst one of my own. And I will look into their eyes, and make an obscene gesture, and shout: Who Goes With Peng? And when my ears ring with the response: I’ll with Peng, then, you manky bastard, and I’ll put me foot up yer arse and use you and the mule you rode in on as a pair of wellingtons, just see if I don’t then, Gentle reader, I will know that I am in my homeland.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Adam Lloyd: Don't you guys EVER get bored of this? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, everything begins to pale after a few centuries, but Combat Mission holds up better than most things. As far as the Peng Challenge Thread goes, laddie, it’s the CM equivalent of the Dreamtime. We teach those who will be what was, and take them on a CM walkabout to what is. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread we dab ochre on the cave walls and the rocks, and remember the beginning times. We have the sing-songs, and the taunting, the allusions and the illusions. Do you ever get tired of history, lad, or the world? We are all about history here in the Peng Challenge Thread, and we re-create the World every day. The Grogs have their own versions of this, of course, but they involve a lot of numbers, and formulaes, and weighty arguments, and unearthing facts using little wispy brushes to flick away the dust of history. They're like Scientists, ya' see, and here, we're more like Shamans and Fools, and you can't tell who's who, even with a scorecard. You won't get a good sing-song out of the Grogs, by all the gods. They just don't seem to have it in 'em. Go all stuffy and start using 'We' when they post, and huffing in a way peculiar to folk who think themselves to be members of some sort of aristocracy. No time for the entertainments of the 'little people', don't you know. Even here in the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread, lad, the way gets dark sometimes. But you just read this Thread with your eyes closed, and you’ll be able to follow the sound of the digeridoo, and the bullroarer, and a faint, mad chanting. If you listen real hard to the chanting, you usually find it’s someone saying ‘sod off’, and someone else replying ‘wankers’. But the digeridoo and the bullroarer, lad, they’re top-notch!
  24. God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world now that Lorak is back. There was a horrible feeling of...emptiness there, for a while. As though sparrows were falling right and left, and no one was noting their fall at all, at all. To further the updating, Lorak, please note: Pawbroon (Mad The French): German Ubertank Win Seanachai: A Gentlemanly Loss Good to see you back. I'm sure I owe you a CD, or some whiskey, or something. Pick something out and let me know.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: He surrendered!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Of course the Windy Poster was deader than dead and Rigor Mortis was already getting its tendrils up Seanachai's hability to post. The fierce Uberkrauts (I mean, I had NOT surrender OK?!) defeated an assorted force of Illinois baboons mounted on things that went boom with a strong urge to please me. Prozac, refunct yourself and chalk this: Oh darn your gun wasn't damanged then?!:28 Say, you're sure I've to do that to turn you into a Prince?:72<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Pretty much sorted this one out by the second read through. Yes, indeed, I have surrendered to Pawbroon in our most recent PBEM, which was a strictly, and I mean strictly, armour affair. Pawbroon had it slightly wrong, of course, in that I had no Illinois baboons as my troops were Brits (I imagine a number of them were Manchester baboons, or something). I led a platoon of Cromwell VIIs and Sherman Vs (2 Fireflys, 4 Crommies, and 4 Shermies) a couple of Stuarts and a Daimler against 2 Tigers, 3 Panthers, 3 Hetzers, 2 Jagdpanzers, and a few odd Luchs and ACs. I did have the satisfaction of having a Stuart kill a Panther with a side turret hit at short range, and some early success against the lighter tanks, but at the end he still had 2 Panthers, 2 Tigers, and a Hetzer roaming around, machine-gunning helpless crews shouting 'we surrender' and desperately waving their hands over their heads, while the mad French laughed maniacally and went to full automatic fire while ordering the gunners to switch to HE. So, it is true, oh Lost Lorak: Pawbroon: Win Seanachai: A Defeat that, from the moral standpoint, could easily be regarded as a victory of sorts. On another note, who are we sending off to the Winecape invitational? Is it going to be Peng? That could drag the tournament out to something that might well be finished with Elvis's son playing in the final rounds against the Pod. We should probably get Treeburst an answer (notice that coward Winecape sent his deputy in here. Too proud to pull on waders and visit us himself). In any contest, the Peng Challenge Thread should be represented. After all, according to Fred #176, we are the Combat Mission Elite. [ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
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