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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. This will be a very orderly transition. I think we should use my suggested title next time. It'll drive the Outer Boards wild with loathing.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Lorak I nominate YOU to bless the new thread, mostly because, well, you're here. SO here is my proposal, nominations for the NEW thread will be posted HERE. Lorak will, before we reach 300, choose one, bless it and the new thread will be created by the lucky winner. MY Nomination: If Peng Challenges No One In The Forest, Will He Still Lose? Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't mind Joe's, but I'm feeling more epic. Why not try: For Peng's is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Challenge, Forever and Ever.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: Lorak! Please do not scribe thusly: As a result of the use of the following two items, namely... ([) Selecting a huge and confusing Operation; (Miss) An ale-swilling keyboard; (]) A physical co-ordination worthy of me at 0100 Sunday mornings; and, (*ahem*) RealLife demands coupled to mind-altering drugs... Seanachai has finally had a lucid moment and pulled the plug on our game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that was nobly done. Especially for this place. I told Iskander he could have the victory as I'd wasted his time for ten turns in which his main option was to offer colour commentary on the erratic advance of my troops. Sir Iskander, I could easily handle a QB up to 1500 points. I don't know what the point total on that operation was, but trying to find all my troops amidst all those buildings, and trying to keep units moving forward with any hope at CoC was breaking my spirit. I actually contemplated calling in my own artillery on my positions to eliminate units and make plotting turns easier. Now, having acknowledged this most worthy action, which undoubtedly was carried out dead drunk and will cause consternation later when the 'lost time' incident is over, I return to calling my opponent by his Greek moniker (which if translated correctly from it's original, Macedonian roots, means 'setting the ferret to graze beneath the tunic'), and telling him that a dog-walker specializing in pugs, yorkies and toy poodles would handle troops with more elan and authority than he shows himself capable of. [ 06-28-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: And you, you cranky winged aussie git, may kiss my organ!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't do it, Stuka, 'cause then he'll want to kiss yours. Once you get slobber on the keyboard, it usually stops working. [ 06-28-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene: Disclaimer: I have lost a Blood Hamster match to the dreaded Abbott, who now owns my .sig file for one month. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Please note that proper accreditation of the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread should be made regarding the Blood Hamster™, and Blood Hamster Signature Battles™, both trademarked and brought to you by the Peng Challenge Thread. Remember, we're not merely vile outcasts, we're vile outcasts that have our own attorneys. City: Minneapolis State: Minnesota Nationality: Peng Challenge Thread [ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  6. Shaw and Dalem. Thank you for one of the most...disturbing exchanges in some time. Now, I want both of you to go sit somewhere quiet, and contemplate just what kind of horror your immortal souls are going to endure in eternity.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: Its spelled armor on this side of the Atlantic. Really. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was born with the heart of an English Gentleman, but at a young age was kidnapped by a band of vagabond Minnesotans. They raised me as their own, and instilled in me a deep love, not only for our own beloved state, but for Canada as well, with whom we share the longest, unguarded border in the world. Working through the sometimes conflicting inclinations of my persona has led me to hit upon the spelling which you (foolishly) object to. Moreover, as I so often play the Brits, I find that my orders suffer less liklihood of misinterpretation if I conform to the spelling expectations of those under my command. In all, I find your objection presumptuous, proceeding as it does from a resident of New Jersey, which has never bothered to develop a written language of its own, but simply uses that of the rest of the nation out of sheer laziness, indifference, and ineptitude. Finally, I think that 'armour' makes for a nice distinction with 'armor', donned by the Knights of the Cesspool on ceremonial occassions, as opposed to the former, which we lead into battle; when against inhabitants of New Jersey, most often victoriously. In summation, then: Bah! I wave my hand at you. [ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. I have a simple question for Captain Foobar, rightly abused in song and story, and the Canadian digital vermin, Roborat, famed amongst pest control circles for his non-response to normal poisons: Are you two still playing the scenario, with map by Berli, in which every single freaking thing in sight, including the rocks, are on fire? In which I set up the units, naming all significant AFVs and such after established Cesspool members (including Berli, Peng, and Myself?). If you two are just now winding up that hideous nightmare (gosh, didn't we used to have fun taunting the newcomers in the old days? Those were days filled with our joyful banter, and pointed comments on how they did it during the Inquisition), then all I can say is: What the hell have you two been doing? My sister had a child quicker than you've completed that game! If it is the same game, I move that they not only be made Knights upon its completion, but that they get some sort of Cesspool Medal. Oh, and that we all stand around and point at them and laugh, and make disparaging comments about the intelligence of individuals that would actually play through one of Berli's cruel 'if you would cross the bridge of doom' scenarios.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Lorak point of order! If the wins and losses represent (as I suspect) Wins and Losses (call me crazy but I sense a connection there) then surely a WIN can only be scored if the person who didn't WIN (i.e. the one who had the LOSS) didn't WIN because of something the one who WON did. Right? and then Shaw goes on at some length, but to no particular purpose, all of which is designed to do a little Utah tap dance around the fact that he lost <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lorak, to cut to the heart of the matter with Joe Shaw (a consummation devoutly to be wished for), it is, to state it simply, thus: Seanachai: Won, due to (for the first time in CM history), his consummate handling of armour, his normal tenacious infantry defense, and the fact that Shaw has pioneered the concept of making others feel 'adequate', by allowing them their little moment in the sun at his expense. Shaw: Loss, due to Seanachai's finally doing something approaching an intelligent use of armour, Shaw's early on decision to surrender the VLs to the forces of justice, and Seanachai's shameless taking advantage of Shaw's distractions in the Real World™ to rack up a win. Scribe it, Oh Lorak. It is a far, far better loss that Shaw has suffered, than he has suffered before; it is a far, far better rest he goes to, than he has ever known.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: I like my home brew. Its cheap and effective, much like a Hetzer on a Sunday morning drive around some enemy held VL's eh Seanachai?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You are a low and vulgar fellow, but I forgive you. You may win this one, but from this game I don't doubt you've learned a certain honest respect for your betters, which is mainly myself. You have moved up in my affections to the point where I'd allow you to buff by shoes, and I would even tip you. No, no, don't thank me. The disturbing look of wonder on your plain, simple, open, half-witted Aussie face as you're allowed to actually touch my footware is thanks enough. More than enough. Mind, I wouldn't allow Mace to touch my feet, even with my shoes on. There's something not quite right about Mace. After Goanna I'd come to believe that Australians were, well, regular blokes. Someone you could hate and despise, but have a certain fellowship with. But you Aussies, you're a very mixed lot, arent' you? True, you're all despicable, and need crushing, and, true, you have a tendency to bear your young live and then keep them in a pouch because none of you arrives fully developed. But after that, it gets more mixed. There's the brutally satirical Simon Fox, for example, who I feel should come in here, and demand membership. I mean, what has he to lose? He's already a member of the last, brutally euro-colonized nations on earth. He and all his countrymen are perceived as a nation of criminals. And he's not getting much help from either Speedy or Stuka to dispel that impression (and we won't even mention Mace again, which is getting to be quite normal). And then there's Goanna, the Lizard King. He seems fairly allowable (I have it on good authority that he was partying in a most unseemly manner with Berli and his evil minions, Moriarity and Bauhaus...well, perhaps not true evil minions. More like henchmen. Half-witted. You know, Moriarity as Igor, and Bauhaus as Igor's Igor, or rather, Moriarity as Renquist, or whatever Peter Lorre's character was called, and Bauhaus as...oh, I don't know, 'Spot' or 'Percy' or whatever Evil Vampire Lords are calling pets that piss the rug these days...but I digress. In any case, Goanna struck me as pretty much an acceptable lad; bit daft, mind. But then, consider. Why is it he's forced to travel to every hellhole on the planet? What could force a man to leave Australia, and go skipping about the global landscape to places that I wouldn't go to for a dare and large sums of money? I'll tell you what. The man's deeply bent. Again, we run up against that cosmic Australian failing. Something not quite right. Well, anyway, let me just leave you with a bit more singsong, jolly night, isnt' it? It's absolute ****e here in Minneapolis, Ninety-tumpty degrees, and who needs that, I ask you? You can bugger a bat, using echolocation You can bugger an heiress, using drunken persuassion But even when using hundred proof alchohol Well, the Hedgehog can never be buggered at all Sing, you swine! You all know the chorus!
  11. Now they say that old Noah, he did 'em in pairs He buggered the oxen, he buggered the bears Up above on the deck, or below in their stalls But the Hedgehog he never could bugger at all!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Geez, if you're going for cheap adolescent thrills, then you've got to remember those nights where the boys drank Mad Dog 20/20 and the girls had their Strawberry Hill. Ahhhh...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is a myth. No actual human being ever drank either of these two piss beverages, except the first occassionaly on Holidays involving a deeply-rooted belief in Yaweh and the need to still git a buzz on.
  13. Has anyone else ever taken note of the fact that Peng and Elvis play more games against each other than the whole rest of the Cesspool usually has going? Now, I know these lads have known each other since childhood when they served as initiates in the same Shaolin temple, but sometimes I think the whole relationship has turned too far inward. As always, the valiant but deeply disturbed Mark IV has seen the way to most quickly heal the wounds of the Peng Challenge Thread, and that is by that most universal and diplomatic device: alcohol. Nothing unites the members here like drink; even their disagreements are fundamentally agreeable. Of course later there will be the rather unfortunate contests involving regurgitation for distance, accuracy, and creativity (this latter event often sends sensitive souls into monasteries). There will be some good-natured pushing, shoving, boasting, and 'knocking to the ground and putting the boot in'. And, of course, there will be the jolly singsongs! (top marks for Agua Perdido and Terence for their lovely mutilations of some very fine poems) Why, I feel a bit of the spirit rising now, in fact! Come now my children, and to you I will sing A song about buggery, a very rude thing. You can bugger all creatures that lope slink or crawl But the Hedgehog can never be buggered at all! No never at all, no never at all Not because he's ferocious, too quick, or too small He's got spines at the back, and no way to get through 'em If you're for buggery and hedgehogs they won't let you do 'em. At all. [ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  14. I am not quite dead. However, my keyboard is. Well, the old one, anyway, as I bought a new one yesterday. What an interesting turn the 'Pool has taken lately. I've been quite busy booking rooms at Hazelden, but the good news is we're getting a group rate! Cheers to Mr Sprkr, my former Squire, now Knight Errant! I always knew you'd arrive, lad. I can't say that you've made me proud, necessarily, but I don't feel like vomiting when I consider your career. As to my other Squire: lad, you shouldn't pay much attention to what's said to you here. Unless, of course, I say it, than I want to see you in classic attentive pose, eyes wide, paws held in front of you, ears pricked (a figure of speech, Bauhaus, and not reason for you to snickering in that disgusting fashion). Also, Mouse, you should never, ever take actual offense to things people say to you here. Even if they really mean them. And most certainly do not huff, and puff, and try to return same. It serves no purpose and makes you look like a complete pillock. This time I shall refrain from applying a hearty caning, because others have so thoroughly catagorized your errors. Also, nods of reassurance and apology to Geier and The Old Firm. Ignore my stroppy Squire, he is still sorting out how to play well with others. He shall learn, believe me.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Why - do you need anther one? OK - who woke the old fool up this time eh? Must be time to change his bag....... Non eo feci! Nemo me vidit! Non potes aliquid probare! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lad, I'm the Old Fool. Berli is the Evil One. And I never sleep. Perhaps I doze, a little, from time to time. Ab Hoc Possum Videre Domum Tuum
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: I have this strange feeling I've just walked into a AD&D session! Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's odd, because for a long time I've had the feeling that you were conceived during an AD&D session.
  17. Two figures sit facing each other, staring at a squared off litre bottle perched between them. A scrabbling noise comes from somewhere behind them. Peng: What the hell was that noise? Seanachai: peering It looks like my seniour Squire and some of his friends are doing a theatre production of 'the Rats of NIMH'. Peng: Well, tell them the Watergate Burglars were more adept. Is it your move, or mine? Seanachai: It's yours. Peng seizes the bottle, and knocks down the last amber drops Peng: I win! Seanachai: Not quite, I have another bottle. Peng: AH! Now we both win! [ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Kaniggets: Hearken to my words! I believe I have hit upon something here. Here are my reasons why this would (and should!) work... followed by a truly awful round of gibberish that is so goddamn bad that it's almost worth leaving in place, in the same way that dead vermin are left in place as a warning, but cut here for a reason seldom raised in this place: mercy. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jesus wept. Allah wept. Buddha wept. Vishnu, Shiva, Kali, and a whole pantheon of gods wept. YOU HAVE DAMN NEAR WORKED TO THE POINT WHERE ZOROASTER WEPT, FELLA-ME-LAD! I don't even know where to begin, and that's probably the only time in human history that's been stated, as it's well known that my normal modus is not knowing where to end. Let's try to hit some of the highlights, shall we, Squire, oh my Squire? Geier does not like you. This speaks well for Geier. There is no reason why he should like you. If you wanted to be loved, you should have started posting on the 'Be My Friend: What New Terms of Endearment Have You Taught Your Furbie?’ site. I will go further: Geier dislikes you. In fact, I will go so far as to say that Geier finds you to be an annoyance that, once stepped in, requires the complete abandonment of the pair of shoes worn at the time. You are not here to be liked, and no one cares if your feathers are ruffled. You are not here to be respected, and your only reward for that moment of delusion is raucous laughter, the very hearing of which is doing the Knights a world of good, and gaining the other Squires, and even SSNs a break in the round of abuse they deserve. What you come here to find, you bloody ass, is acceptance. You gain it, or you don’t. Simple as that. Do you want Reassurance? Bugger off. Do you want Acclaim? Bugger off! Friendship? ALL TOGETHER NOW: BUGGER OFF!!! But if you gain Acceptance, you gain all that there is to be gained here. And you will find that anything else you wanted from this rather sordid venue is…well, you’re no longer so concerned with the small ****e, as it were. Being thin-skinned, and deciding that people are making a set at you will get you dismissed out of hand as a ‘fecking idjit’, unworthy of other consideration. I see from your later posts that, after taking a deep breath, you’d realized this. F’ing gods, this will be a long post, and I’m the one saying that. As for being the ‘Defender of the Mutha Beautiful Thread’, see the above tally of weeping deities, you hubristic wee excrescence. This Thread, born in humour, nursed in alcohol, maintained in anger, and flinging feces on all detractors like the ape house gone quite mad, has no need to array you in a panoply of ermine and chain, leather and silk. In fact, you are going to be wearing motley. For a long time to come, from the looks of it. More on this anon. It is at this point that I must offer one ray of light for consideration. I like you , Panzer Leader; I actually, rather, in a horrible way that is undoubtedly the result of a misspent youth, personal loss, and chemical damage, do. And, from the evidence of my emails, I am almost alone in this. So, fellow-me-lad. I have no means by which to actually, physically, and with a right good will beat you as you so constantly deserve. I’ve done what I can in a ‘metaphorical’ sense, and it does not suffice. So, we shall proceed by other means. The demeaning, annoying, and Thread cluttering appellations that have been laden on you such as ‘panties’, ‘panty-liner’, etc. etc. etc. (the intent to shame was there, but the execution, carried out by foolish and vulgar amateurs, lacked) will be foregone from this point forth. I call upon all members of the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread to address you and refer to you in all future posts, as ‘Mouse’, in recognition of my reference to you as ‘a mouse up the pants leg’, and the fact that you are currently a small, squeaking thing, standing on your hind legs and wriggling you whiskers, and chittering demands for acceptance and recognition. To make your status clear, rules of bolding (whatever they freaking are) will be reverse applied to you, and therefore you will be Mouse until you deserve better. Perhaps, if you apply yourself, you might work up to the name Mickey. As you have offended Geier, who is a representative of The Old Firm, and has shown you more patience and mercy than you currently deserve, Mouse, you shall read the novel "Neverwhere’, by Neal Gaiman, and deliver to this Thread a one page precis on the story. This will do you a world of good, mollify Geier and The Old Firm, and go some ways to proving that you are not just a gibbering idiot who has more time on his hands than braincells to juggle. And, because I thought it was a great book, it will prove to me, the one individual who hasn’t demanded that you be neutered, that I am not wasting my time and standing with the gods of the wasteland, as well as the other Old Ones. Now, I think by this post I indicate that things are currently between my Squire and Myself. Other than comments from Peng (who cannot be stopped), and Berli (who should not be stopped), the rest of you lot should sod off and talk amongst yourselves. Oh, except for Geier, who is more than welcome to take another good, strong, and telling kick at the lad (put it in his fork, lad). Frankly, when everyone yells at the dog (or in this case, mouse), it’s very difficult for instruction to take place. How will he know which voice to pay attention to, given that he’s almost completely half-witted?
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow: MrSpankie, You Sir are a ChowderHead. If you were versed in the lore of the MuthaBeautiful Thread you would know that at one time the Peng Thread reached almost 3000 posts. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually, the very first Peng Challenge Thread went to either 3100 or 3300 some posts (Pawbroon would know), before Pengerdammerung. In fact, my quote that graces Emma's post opening this incarnation of the Thread was posted within moments of the original cataclysmic loss of cosmic unity, implosion, and death of the original Peng Challenge Thread. On another historical note, was it not the death of the original Peng Challenge Thread that resulted in schism, heresy, and the Wars of Religion, or was that the closing of the second Peng Challenge Thread (which I believe went over 2000 posts before being retired)?
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bilgerat: The cowards true colours are revealed! Down with his flag of convenience and up with the tricolour. Only a Frenchman would stoop so low[/qb]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, no, no, Bilgerat! Pawbroon is French, and Shandorf is an Idiot. Thus, he is a citizen of the largest nation on earth.
  21. sigh… Let instruction begin selects heavy, braided swagger stick, and begins cuts at Panzer Leaders shoulders, back, and head <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: … but I also finally managed to draw that maggot Handjob out of the bloated corpse of roadkill he calls Home. Good indeed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sexually explicit mutations of other members user names Thwack! Thwack! Thwock! is not witty, Thwack! nor particularly funny Thwack!, and is not permitted for Squires Smack!, or at least not Squires who are on probation, such as your worthless Zwack! self, even regarding a nasty little ferret like Shandorf! Crack! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And honestly, isn't that a dream of all of us (including you Emma?) After all, when more than three women are alone together, I am positive they lose the undergarments and engage in "tickle-fights."… … To do so would be an honor. Oh and one other bonus: Emma would no longer be my half-sister, so a certain Taboo would no longer be in our way...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! A gentleman and Knight does not sully the name of a lady! WHACK! And you, toad, are not ever again to sully the name of Emma, CRACK! and of course any mention by you, of any sort, is inherently polluting Thwack!, so at this point you will remove the very concept of Emma CRACK! from the pit of filth and despair that is what passes Thwack! for your mind Thwack!. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now, on to matters of greater import and deeper contemplation. I am bemused by Seanachai's proposal. Bemused on one level, excited on another, perplexed, confused, angrily shaking my fist at the sun while my other arm holds an effigy of the "Paladin" close to my heart.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It is this lack of ‘focus’ Thwack! and fuzzy-headed stupidity Crack! that keeps getting you into trouble. Your only emotional Thwack! or mental Thwack! response, and I use the term ‘mental’ in a very fast and loose manner, you preeminently subnormal little git, Zwack! is to feel grateful and then Crack! fall silent. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Brave brave Sir Robin, Sir Robin the Brave He came along to save the day Than turned his tail and Ran away Brave brave brave brave Sir Robin The brave<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Quoting Monty Python is a time honoured activity here in the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread. However, you suck at it, and are not Thwack! yet considered worthy Swack! to do so. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>…and I am sure all landed gentry here-abouts sees the evil that seeps from Mrslnker like sweat seeps from us, but Seanachai in his blind and charitable goodness has been unable to detect the callous disregard of this villain. Therefore, I could protect our shaky-handed and squint-eyed paladin in his time of need.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> CRACK! Mr. Spkr, as useless as he can sometimes be, has yet occasionally amused myself and others here Thwack!, which so far, Thwack! you have failed to do. Crack! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I also do not want to upset my sponsor Pawbroon, but since no one can understand him anyway, I don't see this as being much of a problem<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OF COURSE THWACK! YOU do not understand Pawbroon, CRACK! as the sum total of things you do not understand CRACK! WOULD FILL WHOLE LIBRARIES! TWHACK! THWACK! THWACK! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thank you now go bump my FAQ<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bump you FAQ?! I shall cudgel your entire frame and being repeatedly, fellow-me-lad, until you are worthy of asking anyone here to do anything. [ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Criminey! A Pool thread started by some neo-Parisian hussy without her undies and you all start fawning about like a bunch of moon-eyed, adolescent ne'er-do-wells..... ...Next week we'll see a pantieless, braless Peng Challenge Thread started by Y2K and her two roving companions. The very idea makes me... well... sign me up!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In honour of Emma's thread, I shall be playing all my CM games during the life of this incarnation without any underwear on. Actually, as that sounds a bit rude, I will have my underwear on, however I shall wear it on my head. Now, I must relate a very recent experience of mine. As I was sitting, about to assign orders for a game I have going with OGSF (who apparently thinks we are playing a QB set in Korea, as he has currently instigated an attack worthy of the Chicom army of that period), I was suddenly overcome by an immense wave of fellow feeling for Panzer Leader. Later, of course, this turned out to be the onset of a very serious and brutal food allergy reaction. However, it did start me to thinking about the silly little sod. Like a mouse that runs up your pants leg, Panzer Leader obviously disconcerts many people here. Like that mouse, you know he represents no real threat to either your manhood or overall well-being, and that, in fact his actions are motivated only by confused and panicky stupidity. But you definitely want him out of there, and end up going to considerable effort to not only remove him, but make sure that he never, ever does something like that again. Now, other than his complete inability to taunt in an interesting way, what is Panzer Leader's most annoying characteristic? Obviously, his ability to post several thousand words of whinging each day. I have thought long and hard on what needs to be done with Panzer Leader, the squeaky mouse of the Peng Challenge Thread. It is all too obvious that the lad needs more guidance. Not simply booting in the arse, as that's being administered nearly constantly and seems to have little or no effect. No, this is a Squire clearly lost and rudderless. Now, as Pawbroon, the tyke's ostensible patron, is too often deeply involved with whimsical modding, cataclysmic lovemaking, and the painstaking effort needed to turn his actually flawless English into something 'French' enough to keep the 'Poolers amused, I propose to enter into negotiations to acquire the Squireship from him. This does not mean, however, that I renounce the Squireship of Mr Spkr (who has come a long way, although a significant journey still lies before him). For one thing, as some of the most unseemly bickering goes on between these two, this move will, in effect, make them half-Squires to each other. That is, the same sponsor, but different, er, mothers. Or somefink. There is precedence for having two Squires. Though generally frowned upon, Joe Shaw (never doubt it, Joe will one day return to us) has, on occassion, had two squires. And, other than their constant attempts to assassinate him, you won't find better behaved nor more obsequious Squires than Shaw's. As a beginning on this project of moral 'suassion, I propose to enter into a game with Panzer Leader. This will start him on the right road, and hopefully his ability to pour his effusive and unending river of gibberish into emails to me will lessen the flow into the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread. Having already failed to provide good guidance to one Squire, (one Hiram Sedai, who nevertheless found his own way in the world, and, after his conversion to 'Phillieism', which I'm still a bit dubious about, but young people often feel the need to explore a world beyond their upbringing, returned to us again) I do not wish to repeat the error, and will labour mightily to mold Panzer Leader into something the Mother Beautiful Thread can be proud of. Or at least, not spew after seeing yet another post from him. So, Panzer Leader, send me a setup. The parameters are yours to set, but nothing more than 1500 points, please.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soddball: I think that a hall of shame idea would be a good one. You could rate someone you've played from 1 to 5 - 1 being scum-sucking gamey wimpsoe, 5 being fair-playing, diamond geezer. I admit that to begin with it would be unbalanced, but as the scores added up for each player you'd start to see an average over a number of games which gave you an indication of the players that you could go up against.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Keep in mind that a means of blacklisting players you don't like or who acted badly, is just as powerful a tool for the people you despise to strike out at others. The stupid ones, of course, will eventually be revealed, but what court will sit to determine the truth of false accusations and slander? Also, I had a PBEM against a player who suddenly stopped responding. Things hadn't been going well for him, but it was very early in the game. I kept putting off doing anything about it, sent him a questioning email or two, along with resent turns, and hadn't heard. About the time I was going to go into the 'Pool and tell people he'd dropped our game, I got an email from him. He was in the hospital for several weeks. He had serious health problems. They worsened, and he told me he wasn't in a position to continue our game. Had I lambasted this fellow player on the public forum, I would have felt a right swine later, believe me. Do not rush to justice. And eventually word of mouth does a lot to weed out the toads. You would be better served setting up a 'community of players' thread, such as the Peng Challenge Thread (though perhaps with different criteria for, er, membership), rather than setting up a 'rating' list, which all too often becomes a blacklist.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Yet I see that what I said does not ring hollow or you would not have dragged out the almighty Peng to unleash his barrage of insults. Infact it has become more important to be a witty and good insulter, then it has to be a good player. I predict no poolers will show at the tourney, but I was not trying to reach the likes of them. It is obvious poolers don't actually PLAY CM. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The individual posting such clearly has a misapprehension* about the Winecape Invitational Tournament, and this thread. The gentlemanly Winecape and Treeburst155, their tournament, and this thread, are in no way affiliated with (or excessively contaminated by) the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread. They were simply courteous enough to come by and invite our members to send forth some participants. As my father always said: Courtesy costs nothing. You might stop and consider that occassionaly. Do you a world of good when you grow up, and might save you some pain in the process. As for your contentions regarding Peng Challenge Thread members and playing CM; well, lad, children worry most about keeping score. Adults generally play for the enjoyment of the game. And what you see on the Peng Challenge Thread is a community (however odd) of people interacting firstly, and keeping score rather as an after thought. Now, I ask that the Peng Challenge Folk that wander in here read, rather than turning Winecape and Treebust's thread into a home away from home, and ignore Ghost538. People who spend a lot of time posturing and shouting their score, like most children, want attention. Doesn't matter if it's positive or negative attention, they just want it. Thanks to Winecape and Treeburst155 for their patience and gentlemanly behaviour. And remember, all, we have a homeland. Out here, we are guests. *this is a courteous way of stating 'is as thick as two short planks laid atop each other.' [ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: What you do on your own time is your business Seanachai, but we'd rather you don't parade the fact that you are an Outer Board tramp in here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now then, that's completely unfair! Simon Fox showed up here on the Thread, and let on as he'd heard that I wanted to 'Crush all Australians', and took me up on my Challenge. Since then, he's posted at least a half dozen times that I remember off the top of my head, and every post was snide, belittling, and not stupid. I don't just play around, you know. All my games come from the 'Pool, one way and another. The last, completely non-Pool game I even attempted to play was: Fred #176 (also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one may post or have merit unless he has the mark, that is, the name of Grog or the detail of its penetration charts. This calls for wisdom; let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a member number, its number is one hundred and seventy-six**), and I did so out of a gentlemanly, in-service-to-the-'Pool wish to reach out to a lost soul. But he ignored me. I made a very gentlemanly offer, and he never even posted a dismissal. I saw where he actually agreed to play Moriarity (and why go all gentlemanly and play Moriarity, I might say, and ignore my offer?), but he never even did me the courtesy of a refusal. Oh, I think Moriarity groveled a bit, and pulled his forelock, and perhaps that's why he got a nod. Not that he's ever filled us in on that game, I might add (sniff). **from the Hebrew translation [ 06-16-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
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