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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. The Justicariate proposes, the Olde Ones speak, and we come to a moment of decision in the Peng Challenge Thread I do not enjoy the role of casting out supplicants. But rather than waste the time of the Thread with idiocy (mind, it's hard to believe, but the Time of the members of even this Thread is more important than some people's posts), I now propose this: If all three Olde Ones abjure a participant, the Justicar shall review that decision, and call for someone to speak well of the applicant. If no Knight or Squire shall come forward to speak for the judged, the Justicar shall pronounce them anathema, and prohibit all righteous members of the Peng Challenge Thread from responding to them. In the old days, we used to do this in a sort of half-assed fashion, but there weren't as many of us then. Time, then, to put it on a more formal footing, aimed at fairness to mainly the Peng Challenge Thread, but giving stupid applicants half a chance.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost: Point of order, Sir!! It is quite obvious that you have mistaken Monsewer Croda and myself once again. It was I who "whored" myself out for other games and their messageboards. I am the one who holds the culpability for this and many other crimes against the pool. I do know that your eyesight and bladder are failing because of geriatric issues. I also know that you imbibe all too often and like to read poetry to passersby. I also hear that you have a nice tree to climb in your yard. A little drunken bird told me. If there is a merciful bone left in your flabby body, I would request that you blame Croda for what he has done and leave my crimes out of it. We can help you to your comfy chair to research the differences between the little knights that scamper around your feet. For some history, it was Croda who showed up before me. I came up with many many famous sayings and he would take credit for them. For instance "Hi Mom" was my invention and he stole it. <hr></blockquote> Oh my stars and garters, but it's good to have everyone back again, what with the Season and all. Our Hiram's back. I told you all he'd be back, didn't I? Told you I did, and that's for sure. Still got our game, all tucked away, just waiting until he felt like playing again. What with Hiram back, and Croda, why, a very merry Christmas we'll have, I'll be bound! Now, if only Meeks were back, and truly back, well...well, actually, that would be quite hideous. Christmas tree full of singing rats, ****ing all over the carpet, vulgar abuse, boasts about fabulous Asian babes and gamey play from beyond the grave. A roight Cesspool Christmas. Sod us, every one! [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: Find the door?, you guys need to make up your minds on the settings of this thread, is it a "pool" or a "room"? One senile old mans banterring said i was in the deep end of a pool, if so, where would there be a door? I would find this thread more of a puddle then a pool, the only thing that seems to be swimming in here are pesky mosquito larvae.<hr></blockquote> Bah! I neglect to even wave my hand at this. Everyone's had a go at him, many have responded beyond his desserts, some have even tried to help him. He's been challenged, and played no game. Its only purpose now, apparently, is to see how many responses it can eek out of the folk of the Peng Challenge Thread. Unless Iron Chef Sakai should arrive back here, bearing a mighty challenge against a specific member of the 'Pool, I declare him SUP. No more replies to his idiocy. He Challenges Well, and gets a game, or he fades, leaving behind only the ammonia smell of spilt urine. We make an end of him, now.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: Seachai, it sounds like someone needs some midol, and i'll give you a hint, it's not your inflata-mate. ok so let me get this straight, you combed the whole forum and checked every single one of my 300+ posts? and then you go on to say i'm not making any friends? well you may be true, but it looks like i've found an obsessive fan instead. instead of stalking the fourm, mabe you should go back to your crossword puzzles, and regis in the morning show. since you want to bring up dates of birth, i would'nt doubt if your age has been posted more then once by that robust weatherman on goodmorning america. don't get all upset cause todays youth is not familliar with all the names and writers of such hits like good morning america, and rise and shine with regis and random annoying co-host. oh and as far as being crutchless, i think you got all senile and confused, you meant to say that you were crotchless and not even the double dosage of viagra your taking is helping right? so i have a solution for us all, why don't you go back to walking up hill both ways braving the harsh elements to make it to one of your local reataurent to complain about the soup being warm and the crackers to hard for your dentures.<hr></blockquote> I have read your reasoned approach, and your reply to my requests for you to show some manhood and ability. I will let your statement stand for itself. I will not analyze or attack it, as I cannot imagine that anyone of any wit or discernment won't perceive it for what it is. I gave you an opening to show us what you could be. You remained what you are. Now, then, in the fine old tradition of the Peng Challenge Thread, and with all attention to detail, just let me wish you a lusty Sod Off! I have always been one of the most welcoming of the Olde Ones to New Arrivals. But you bore me, and have nothing to contribute. I would refrain from pointing out that participation in the rapturously new 'medium' of the Internet and World Wide Web doesn't free intelligent and thinking individuals from the need to use written language in some sort of intelligible way, but in your case I feel the need to make an exception. If you can't find the shift key to capitilize words, look at your keyboard more closely. If you can't be bothered to use something approaching correct grammar, I take joy in your future as someone who's spent hours learning off by heart the phrase 'do you want fries with that?' Hundreds of years to create a written and spoken language of power and beauty, with a literature that can entrance the soul. Reduced to so much undifferentiated and spiritless diarhea in the hands of someone who will not take the time to think, speak well, nor write correctly in his native tongue. You are a shame to the Great Spirits of the English language. Laugh, mock, and disparage, and make the usual comments regarding 'but I don't care about that stuff, dude', so that we can ignore your useless little arse. To quote Cyrano, who knew the glory of language without that glory being the English language, "And of letters? You need but three to write you down. A-s-s." Now, if you cannot write something that will amuse and entertain, begone. I've grown tired of you. Now, who will not, in the wake of this idiot, speak better of AussieJeff, and grant him at least the benefit of Serf?
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: I am really surprised to see you make this mistake. Contrary to our own freedoms? The Swastika is not completely banned in Germany. For instance, if you are writing a book on the history of the period, the swastika may be used. The are not allowed in games. As for our 'freedoms', when was the last time you saw nudity used in ads like it is in Europe, or when was the last time you saw a commercial on TV for cigarettes? The German law was enacted by a democratically elected government and as such is most definitely not contrary to our own freedoms. [steps off pulpit]<hr></blockquote> I bow to your corrections, and to your point of order. But I spoke from the framework of our own 'freedom of speech' culture, with First Amendment protection, which is granted a fuller protection than almost anywhere else on the planet. Right or wrong, you are more free to speak your mind on the American media than most places on the planet. And Berli, my smoking friend, you should acknowledge that Freedom of Speech in America is not the same as Freedom of Salesmanship. The Constitution enshrines freedom of 'self-expression', and the freedom of 'political speech'. It nowhere enshrines the concept of freedom to advertise. Here in America, we have, through our freely elected officials, enacted into law the concept that the need to make a buck is not all ways, and by all means, a protected right of expression.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: ok the natives are getting restless, i think what everone needs to do is calm down and have some........SEA URCHIN ROE!!!!!!<hr></blockquote> A Disabled Christ Without Benefit of Crutches, Crawling Towards Bethlehem, but you're useless. You've posted innumerable idiocies here without the slightest goddamn clue as to how to be other than a Useless Goddman Pillock, but now, little lad, I'm here to show you the way home. I've found your age on the thread where such stuff has been posted, and I've read your posts, each and every one, which were almost completely useless. I'd grant you the benefit, laddie, if your stated age weren't twice your apparent age. You post like you're 12, but claim to be 24. No mercy for a goddamn 24 year old idjit. Post like a man, or begone. Now, in the interest of preserving you from the utter, incontrovertible, and apparent fact that you're a bloody half-wit, I suggest you either post like you've some ability, or piss off. I post this as your friend, because you're not winning any friends here, and I've yet to find a post on the Outer Boards where you didn't sound like a goddamn idiot. Post something large, something expansive. Post like a man with something significant to say, or shut up. Otherwise, tell us what shade of pastel you'd like used for your epitaph. Right now, you're working on Urine Yellow.
  7. Bah! Berlichtingen, Peng and I are older than the Peng Challenge Thread, which is Eternal. You people don't look good in our future; try to shape up, you sorry lot. -One of the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: Ey ey, Mr. Bard sir. But begging your pardon, I am still trying to figure out exactly what Freiherr Goanna, Rittmeister von Oz und Überlizard means. And you know, bablefish doesn't work quite as fast from the Land-O-Sand as it does from my T1 line in Sydney. I mean, after Berli handed Mace the section of paddock which most clearly and obviously belongs to Stuka, what could he possibly have had in mind for me? To tell you the truth, I was waiting to apply the cane to his groggishness Simon Fox because I didn't think he was finished. These grogs typically go on for pages you know, and I expected that he was perhaps just getting in the opening jab on the issue. Honestly, when is the last time you saw a grog bring up two propellor head issues like phenotyping AND DNA fingerprinting in the same sentence and just stop there? But on to weightier issues, Bard. With your current belittlement at the hands of yet another Australian, how goes the quest to "Crush all Australians". I would think it high time you pronounce us all, as a creed, the crunchiest of all opponents!. Or, would you care for another go at me, Don Quixote?<hr></blockquote> Now, Goanna, the Title was Berli's, and he's a good lad, with a keen discernment, but with no sense of Myth. Surprising, really, but there; after all, the Lad was Cast Out. Now, Goanna, as all here should know, your actual title is Seniour Knight of the Cesspool, and Eldest of Australians. What this means, lad, is that, for you Aussie lot of underdeveloped Marsupials, you're the Aussie equivalent of the Olde Ones. Mind, you're not us, but you're the Marsupial equivalent. And that's not a bad go. Eventually, of course, after innumerable internecine combats, negotiations, and the odd sing-song, you'll help us to elevate two other Aussie Bloody Idjits to the rank of "Oldest Australians", and we'll have the Eldest Australians of the Peng Challenge Thread. They won't be anywhere near as powerful, nor as endearing as the actual Olde Ones, but I imagine that we shall have to grant you your own mythology. Mind, if Mace is one of you, your mythology will involve near non-stop bestiality. Can't you people get him into some sort of program? As regards my temporary inability to "Crush All Australians"; send me a setup, you pillock. Long have I desired to once again meet the Lizard King in Combat Just, and send him yipping back to his proto-mammal fellows.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: how come the ss symbols are in the game then? i mean did'nt they have a big hand in those atrocties? i understand the waffen ss were not the ones doing it, but the symbol for the ss and waffen ss remain the same. again i do not like nazis, but in this case it just doesnt add up. i mean people did'nt ban the cross after the spanish inquisition did they? i'm not tryiong to start a crusade here or anything, my only point is that some stupid swastika on a computer game is not going to make me think it's cool or something, and morons who actualy do think it's cool are going to whether it's modeled in a computer game or not. any thoughts?<hr></blockquote> Here, why don't you try this: Try to post as often, but with less attitude. Try to remain inquisitive, but don't assume that people of far more experience in the world are bloody morons who do things for no reason. Try, now, young person (and, frankly, I imagine you are very young, and I don't regard that as a put down, but you should regard this explanation as being more significant than your need to be regarded as an adult) to imagine a nation guilty of the one of the most significant atrocities in contemporary history. Try to imagine, if you can, a nation that methodically and without benefit of the qualm of conscience, sent millions of people to death as though they were nothing more than infected farm animals that had to be properly disposed of. Can you imagine that? I hope not. I hope no one can assume the mind-set necessary for a crime like that. Now, try to imagine a nation, scarred by war, racked by guilt, anxious to reassume their position in the international community, and yet burdened by a past in which they'd committed the worst of crimes, the deepest of atrocities. Imagine them saying: Never Again. Never again will our nation committ genocide. Never again will our nation be known for their bigotry and racism. Never again will the canker in our soul find another voice, to destroy us all. And so Germany enacted laws, contrary to our own freedoms, to limit the ability of their demons to rise again. They traded personal freedom of expression against the desire to never again be the perpetrators of horror. Honour them their desire, and understand the choice they made. Or shut up. It's all one to those who understand the choices this proud but anguished people have made in the pursuit of No More Treblinkas. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Just in case anyone is unclear, there is no SULFNBK.exe virus. It is a prank desigend to get unsuspecting PC users to delete a necessary file.<hr></blockquote> Annoying, useless, and demented but correct Peng Challenge Thread members: Kicking Butt for Goodness!
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: {sigh} Just doing his job lad, Simon Fox, after all, is the Official Grog of the CessPool. A weaver weaves, a fletcher fletches and a Grog ... well a Grog ... Grogs! Mind you his suggestion for DNA testing would likely be useless as the results would simply be "AUSTRALIAN", thus ruling out any chance of a civilized ancestry. Joe<hr></blockquote> Well spoken, Old Foul Joe. Simon Fox, amongst the most egregious of Australians, does no more than nature intended of him, by proclaiming his Grog predilictions. Goanna! Eldest of Australians! Get your arse in here and kick your people into line. [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Fieldmarshall: Fine we will come up with a more politically correct term than Zone of Control..how about Sphere of Influence???? Also, those stupid kraut hypocrites, the next replacement for the swastika is displayed below: [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Fieldmarshall ]<hr></blockquote> I didn't think you could become more tedious, but it just goes to show. You display no intelligent perception of the way the (admittedly flawed, but not in the way you suppose) VLs behave in Combat Mission. And your sudden 'political' consciousness helps to explain why Totalitarian and Fascist regimes are able to so often and easily come to power. It's no great challenge to drive sheep.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander: the figure pushes forwards against the driving rain, occassionally losing his footing on the treacherous path that leads to Schloss Peng. Fortunately, the high level of alcohol in his bloodstream counteracts gravity at all the right moments. he passes corpses of SSNs that have accumulated over several Threads; so many?, he wonders, thinking that perhaps the load he bares may allow for a final solution to the newbie question. I bear with me the scalp of an Olde One! From a Battle fought for the Honor of a Dame! Gather 'round that ye may hear the tale! nothing happens Oh, and I brought four litres of Talisker, too! all rush towards the figure... to be continued... shortly... kinda....<hr></blockquote> Berli: Who comes, bearing the scalp of an Olde One? Peng: And Talisker. Berli: Let us see this scalp, for it can only be Seanachai's, if it is indeed the scalp of one of us. Peng: And the Talisker. Let's see the goddamn Talisker, too. wobbling drunkenly, with trews undone, and with clothes reeking of alcohol and stomach acids, Iskander staggers forward, and holds up a mat of hair Iskander: Behold! The Scalp of Seanachai! The two Olde Ones peer at the proffered item for several seconds, then exchange glances and shrugs Berli: That's never Seanachai's scalp. Peng: Certainly isn't. It's not white enough, for one, and nowhere near disheveled, touseled and tossed by the vagaries of Fate and the winds of life to be Seanachai's. Berli: I'd pay a nice sum to see his scalp ripped from his head, but this simply isn't, you drunken sod. Peng: (sniffing a jug, and licking the rim I don't think this is Talisker, either. Berli: What?! Peng: Christ, I think it's 'Johnson Bros.', the scotch you can drink again the next morning out of your own toilet, without loss of flavour or character. Both glare at the reddening drunkard Iskander: I swear by Zeus and Hera that when I arrived here, this was Seanachai's scalp, and that was 20 year old Talisker! Peng is seen cautiously sampling the contents of the jug, and sneering. A figure strolls up, and peers over Berli's shoulder at Iskander Seanachai: Dear me, is that young Iskander, claiming to have my scalp? Sorry, lad, what you've got there is a strip I ripped off OGSF's Spaniel in our second to last game. Oh, and I rather enjoyed the Talisker. Hope you don't mind, but I was a bit miffed about our Draw, and I had a slash in the jug after I emptied it. Peng is seen dropping the jug and spouting fluid like a Venetian fountain. Peng: I'll do you for that, Iskander! Berli: No Seanachai scalp, and no Talisker? Your advancement, Iskander, to status of Seniour Knight of the Cesspool has been...delayed. Pray to my Wife for intercession, you little scotch denying bastard. Yes, my ratty brethren, it is true. The proud and o'er weaning Knight Iskander, confident, as he should not have been, of his victory, has achieved no more than a resounding Draw in our recent game. This game was significant, because we had entered into combat for the honour of a Fair Lady, one Emma, the Lady of the Peng Challenge Thread, with whom Iskander had been unduly forward and ill-behaved. I sought to punish the knave, the rascal, the goddamn pillock. Ultimate victory was denied me, but I shall yet bring him to heel, and make him kneel before Yk2, and abase himself, and maybe even do a bit of a merry song and dance routine, and proclaim himself wrong, and she the greatest daughter of the Goddess. A quick footnote on this useless sack of pickled guts known as Iskander: Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we all have our own personnas, and we have all moved to make our mark on this, the most noble of the Combat Mission forums/threads. Some are long-winded Bards who peer down al the written words to a remembered time of spoken story, and nod and smile with fondness over the Dreamtime. Some are erudite and entertaining curmudgeons, who will sit and smile, beautific as kings, when they have an IP game to play, and a surfeit of Bread and Beer. Some are the Prince of Darkness, frowning on mortal foibles, but curiously devoted to a quiet woman with a wicked sense of humour, and with a house filled with dog toys (multiple headed hellhounds need a great many toys). Others are the bastard sons of Robbie Burns, others are Naked Skydiving Daredemons, some are Courteous and Smiling Murderers, others are Justicars, standing with sword bared to keep the Thread of threads peculiarly sancrosanct. But one man had the fortitude, gall, and inebriation to arrive in this most disreputable of roistering parties, and portray himself as the Drunkard of the Peng Challenge Thread. And that is Iskander. How did you pillocks let him get away with it?!
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda: Ahhh, yes, the return of Hammy-Hamsters. Another venerable Knight of the old pool. Speaking of which, I may not have posted on the first page, but I wasn't too far down the line, you know. How about an honorable Senior Kanigget Status to old Croda, he of the PT Boat and father of Libby's children?<hr></blockquote> Your case will be taken under advisement, but there's no way in the short run you're getting a Seniour Knightship. You disappeared to whore yourself with foreign devil games, then pronounced yourself 'bored and burnt-out' with not only CM, but the Cesspool itself. Now you're back, and although we find that as reassuring and seasonal as the appearance of snowmen and Herr Oberst's nervous rash, you got some 'splaining to do! Croda, although a Knight of the Cesspool, is currently on probation regarding any enhancement of status, until we determine if he's just being a bloody tease.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Queenslander?!!!! Be buggered! I ain't no banana-bending brain dead red neck (PS Hi Stukes) I'm a Victorian, I am! Mace<hr></blockquote> He probably is. In her later years, that Sheila certainly looked like a ewe. Not to mention that the Victorians, pound for pound, were probably the most deeply disturbed, sexually repressed and fetishistic gang of deviants the Empire had ever known. The whole buggering lot of them made the LA bar scene look like Disneyworld. Anyone ever remark on how much of Australia seems to be named after some aspect of the whole Queen Victoria cult? Makes you breathe a deep sigh of praise for the poor bloody Aboriginals, doesn't it?
  16. Oh, and although I will go into more detail later, I have just lost a game to that horrid Aussie, Stuka. I laboured mightily, but victory was not mine. In fact, victory took a rather lengthy detour around me all together. It was a Major Axis Victory for the Aussie daredemon. I thought, after his previous victory, that my hatred for him was a stable,established,and comfortable thing. But after this defeat, I find I must hate him at a new and more dramatic level.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Stand by for the Senior Knight list Peng, ta Hell with the Gnome... didn't care what he thought anyway<hr></blockquote> Well, I was going to tonight. But your list struck me as fine, except you forget that idjit Speedy. He came in on the first page of the original thread to lay odds on my game with Peng, and never really left again. As he's an Aussie, most likely he simply could not find the door. And Peng, your tribute to bread was simply beautiful. Makes me wonder what heights you could reach with a tribute to beer, or whiskey.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Too late, on the way already.<hr></blockquote> Okay, whatever. Just so long as you know I hold you in the lowest esteem possible.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by l3w53r: I was just wondering,why crews couldn't man their weapons (like AT-guns or tanks) again after abandoning them. Like maybe after getting into contact with an hq.like the HQ goes, "man that gun for goodness sake,the enemy tanks are full broadside to it and no enemy infantry has a clear shot at it!move it!..." or why cant crews abandon mg's? I mean they can no longer move after getting 3,4 casualties and are just waiting there for the enemy to overrun them. just some thoughts<hr></blockquote> Jesus Wept. You know, the incredibly intelligent game developers, untold beta testers, and horribly demanding and rabid thousands of posters have pondered this very same question. And now, in the interest of not being an arsehole, I'll leave it at that. Perhaps, those who want an answer, could do a bit more reading on this forum.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Better have that looked at. By the way, a setup is on the way.<hr></blockquote> I will not rest until you are perceived as what you are: a slack-jawed, arse-scratching, gun-toting, Australian wannabe. A man who screams 'Freeze, scumbag, or I'll fill you full of lead' while describing his part time job and stuffing himself to the point of rupture on appetizers at family gatherings. A man without honour. A man without purpose. A man who is less than a man. Not more than 1500 points, oh dis-esteemed opponent, and something like reality in unit choice.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty: If nominated I will not run; if elected I will not serve.<hr></blockquote> Sod that, for a game of tin soldiers. You're already a Seniour Knight, you pillock. Stand ready to serve in whatever fashion the Mother Beautiful Thread requires, ya' dangly bit of undifferentiated stupidity.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Seanachai, Peng, It seems there is some confusion as to who is or is not a senior knight. I propose that we look upon this matter and post for an accurate list so the slow witted mortals may thus be enlightened<hr></blockquote> It is true, oh Berli. We must confer. A new and certain standard must be established. The 'Pool is perched on the brink of anarchy. Well, that is, more anarchy. A really unpleasant form of anarchy, in which even really dim pillocks can spew even more useless gibberish than usual. Say, how's Persephone doing? Lawyer had only the nicest things to say about her. Said right up front that she was your redeeming feature. 'Cept she wouldn't dance. But I understand that sort of thing. [ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Precisely and exactly to both of you. Of COURSE the Knighthoods came later, that was MY POINT! I was CREATED a Knight of the CessPool AND fell within the admittedly bizarre confines of the determined Seniour Knights. Stuka, OTOH, was a SQUIRE first and, despite the fact that he fell within the above limits, CANNOT BE CONSIDERED A SENIOUR KNIGHT because he WASN'T a KNIGHT first donchaknow. Now how can he be considered a Seniour Knight when I was a Knight first and he a Squire second? Now perhaps he's to be considered a JUNIOR Seniour Knight whilst my own fine self would be, in addition to being Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and CessPool Drain Commissioner a SENIOR Seniour Knight. <hr></blockquote> Joe Shaw, Olde Foul Joe, I cannot help but acknowledge, as I would for a Knight of your status, acumen, and overall erudition, that, er...I have no sodding idea what to say to you. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO FEELS HE'S ON THE BRINK OF GOING MAD WHEN SHAW BEGINS TO 'MAKE A POINT'? Joe, my own dear and honoured opponent, there is a time and place for everything. Everything, that is, except your OWN DEMENTED FORM OF THE PENG WATER TORTURE, WHERE YOU BENIFICENTLY RAISE 'SHAW'S RULES OF ORDER' #277, IN WHICH IT IS STATED THAT: MEMBERS OF THE PENG CHALLENGE THREAD THAT HAVE MENTIONED DACHSHUNDS, CHIHUAHUAS, OR PUG DOGS IN MORE THAN THREE POSTS, ACROSS THE BODY OF THEIR POSTINGS, SHALL FORFEIT THE RIGHT TO QUESTION THE USE OF MEDIUM ARTILLERY IN MEETING ENGAGEMENTS IN WHICH SAID CANINES ARE SIGHTED AS 'AUTHORITIES ON THE DEPLOYMENT OF FORWARD OBSERVERS' BY THE OPPOSING PLAYER. Gods give me rest. [ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  24. ROIGHT, THEN! THERE'S ONE LAD AS IS A BLIGHT ON THE GLORIOUS PENG CHALLENGE THREAD, AND HE KNOWS WHO HE IS...STEADY, THERE, SLAPDRAGON! I'M SPEAKING TO YOU, MY HAPPY LITTLE MAN! I have, Sirrah, done my best to see that you are treated fairly by this community, and more than fairly. But now, what do I see? You are posting strange, Donovan-esque gibberish on the Outer Boards. They seem to involve whoring yourself and others to no purpose at all. I require a setup, lad. Why, you ask yourself? And well you might. Because I have watched your endless, 'Deputy Dog' posturing with a jaundiced eye, noting your need to portray youself as an agent of justice, and, in company with your horrible Grog postings, to paint yourself as a knowledgeable individual with an actual contribution to make. I reject them all, and laugh your sniveling attempts at significance to scorn. If I had raised a child up to adulthood, and set it too the arts of war, and nurtured it with every breath of my body, and loved it even as if it were my own flesh and blood, and had it turn out like yourself, I would unhesitatingly dash it's brains out with a meat tenderizer, rather than let it carry on like yourself. Wouldst seek Knighthood? Send me a setup.
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