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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: No, no Berli, as one who is dedicated to the procedures and policies of the CessPool, I would not be the man I am were I not willing to humble myself in the cause OF procedures and policies. It is a far, far better thing I do ... or something. Joe<hr></blockquote> Shaw, you idjit, did you not explain to the anal-retentive moderator (who, while only doing his job, still strikes me as a humourless, beady-eyed Jack Webb sort of character), that you were a dear, personal enemy of Lawyer? That you two shared a camaraderie that transcended the narrow boundaries of the their 'quacking duck' simulator forum? Apparently it never occured to you to simply send him the message: "My dear firm, steely-eyed, and touchingly humourless Moderator, many apologies! It is with Lawyer (no bolding for trolloping around on other boards) and myself as it was with D'Artagnan and the Comte de Rochefort! We are the dearest of enemies, and share our close lack of regard and joy with laughing taunts and jolly banter, eh?! Did you not notice the reference to Berli, not a personage on this board (but one with whom you'll doubtless become acquainted after death, what fun!), and other references to indicate our camaraderie and rivalry? I acknowledge and hold beloved all the rules and policies of this lesser board, as it is no Combat Mission Forum, and therefore holds not to the Peng Challenge Thread Code. But you must see that my little jests, laughably silly in the place from whence we both hail, are no attack upon your just and stiff-necked principals, but rather the (much restrained) greetings of Landsmann encountering each other in this foreign land. We both eagerly desire to participate in this forum, dedicated as it is to the the glorious knowledge that men can achieve the flight and intelligence of birds! Please believe me when I say that all my future posts will be 'eyes front, expression empty', and as proper as could be desired! Please, please, allow me to course the sterile frigidity of the skies, and cast me not back to the coarse and welcoming embrace of the earth! If I am allowed back into this concourse of raptors, I shall ever after refer to you as my very good ami le pillock, and never refer to your game as the 'chess of twitch games', nor call into question the need for more than dozen hard-wired brain stem functions between the eye and the hand/feet/bowels. Your Happy D'Artagnan of the Skies, Joe Shaw
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas: Mr. Peng's Hunan restaurant is to Chinese food what CMBO is to wargaming. Both Ethan and I had a whale of a time, ate too much of the gorgeous stuff he peddles, chatted with Mr. Peng, and were thorougly glad that he is no relative of our Mr. Peng.<hr></blockquote> Peng, we will need to obtain tickets to London, and take care of this...situation. There can be only one...
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon: Persephone, I'm very sorry to have sullied your presence with the "offending thing"... I don't know what came over me and trying to be clever is really no excuse for such base, low and depraved behaviour. Seriously, I was OTT with my posts and didn't really think about what I was writing. Seanachai, did I miss another fair maiden? Yeknod<hr></blockquote> Yes, as Persephone has pointed out, the Fair Emma, or Yk2. But, Yeknod, you have amended your ways. You stand, if not righteous in the sight of the Olde Ones, then no longer under a cloud of disdain and lowering doom. A firm but loving demeanour shall set the child on to the way that it should go. But with you lot, it works a hell of a lot better to beat you with iron rods, concuss you with the Brick, and curse you until you shape up and pull your head out. It is also much more amusing and emotionally satisfying.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: Scurrellous curr! Checkist thy in-boxeth oh ye of the withered cranium. By mine owne hand I didst verily send thy turn some 4 moons gone. Ceasest thy scampering and gambering amidst the may and tend to thy task.<hr></blockquote> The last turn I got from you was #7, and sent out turn 8 on 12/30. I just resent turn 8. If you've already played it, resend turn 9. If not, it's on it's way. Elvis, my apologies as we, by means of math, logic, and organizational skills, attempt to achieve what you do by instinct and shameless fumbling. One day, we may all devolve, and you won't be subjected to this sort of discussion.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus: So, you've been soiling the new mattress while watching the 14 Monty Python DVD's? Gives new meaning to the term, wanker.<hr></blockquote> SIT DOWN, BAUHAUS, YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE MAN!
  6. I believe that if either of the games this thread appears to be about were played with handgrenades, they'd be a damn sight more interesting. In America, for one, they'd finally justify the salaries handed down. Equally, had the war been fought with baseballs or cricket balls it would have been far more amusing.
  7. You would think that, after the movie Fargo, Minnesota police officers would be more 'hip' and have a better sense of humour. My apologies to you poor mites, bereft these last several days of my presence. To my long suffering (but not suffering nearly enough) opponents, I am all caught up on turns. If you don't have one, it's because you owe me. Yeknod, thou hast transgressed. To harass a Lady of the Pool is to die unnoticed, and sink into your own filth (which is a lower grade filth than we would ever allow here). I see that you have attempted to rise, amended your post, and seek now the proper path of taunting, by which redemption may be achieved. Go the whole way home, lad, and apologize to the Lady. Normally, we're not much on apologies here in the Peng Challenge Thread, but there are certain transgressions for which no other solution will suffice. Mace, your Incarnation of the Thread of threads is hideous. It redeems your horrible Sonny Bono photograph. Persephone, Mistress of Illusion and Truth, the treatment of Goanna was inspired, the portrait of Shaw and the Mormon Wives™ was the most grotesquely humourous thing of my past year, but the portrayal of Hiram Sedai, the Knight of the Woeful Countenance, was – Priceless. I can die now. Of course, if I do, who will teach the children about the Peng Challenge Thread? Best I stay alive just a bit longer. After all, I still have to complete the History of the Peng Challenge Thread, Part II.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon: Wibble Yeknod<hr></blockquote> Yes, yes, your ability to play upon such classic pieces of siliness as 'Black Adder' does not go unnoticed. What is under scrutiny, however, is your actual goddamn ability to pick someone out, Challenge them, and taunt them in the way of getting a game. Now, as far as I remember, 'Yeknodathon' is one of those Hebrew festivals that fell into disfavour when they couldn't get enough Prophets and Elders to sign up for guest appearances and cameos for the fund-raiser. You look to be going the same way, lad, as you're not gaining any real support here on the Peng Challenge Thread. Quite possibly it's because you haven't made any real effort to take a read on your potential opponents here, and get a grasp, however aimless, on what is needed to both sneer at them, and interest them in playing you. Don't be afraid, lad, to admit that you're almost magically half-witted, in awe of even the most apparently useless of our membership, and embarassed by the fact that you don't seem capable of walking in here, looking one of our (lesser) members straight in the eye, and stating: Here, xxxx, I think you're a bit of damp underwear, and will be difficult to wash out! My tactical abilities far surpass my taunting, and I would prove it to you on the field of battle! Although I am almost completely useless, I wish to be regarded as one amongst the not completely useless, and therefore I have sat up all night long, and composed a special taunt, just for you! Now, then, person of more worth than I can presently aspire to, what say you to a batttle? In the Peng Challenge Thread we jest. We mock. We taunt. But we play. And why do we play? Because Combat Mission gives us the Challenge of Steel. Because it gives us the ability to meet each other in honourable combat. Because it is the Chess of the 21st century, where warriours brood on turns, and fling insults between them. If you can't get behind that, then run off and post on boards reserved for those who are neither opponents, nor warriours. We mock. We belittle. We Taunt. Because we Play. If you've no Challenge to make, then piss off. This isn't a thread to profile your mother's lack of evolutionary competence. We're more than ready to accept a bastard, here. But only one with something to contribute. [ 12-30-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Right then, this whole Croda you suck! ... Huh uh, YOU suck Hiram! merry go round is just about more than I, or anyone else, wants to hear. If you MUST continue with this tiresome over and over and over repetitive potty taunting, at least include something about the game so that we know that you're not just recycling posts from 18 months ago. Joe [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]<hr></blockquote> Now, Joe, while I admit that the level of taunting has been...limp, to say the least, I just want to say that I'm very glad to see Hiram here, posting and taunting again in his own jolly way, not to mention the return of that awful sod, Croda. Do you remember how long it took, how much cajoling, how much reassurance it took to get Hiram to attempt to taunt at all? Now, while I do think their recent exchange was rather long on scatology, and markedly short on wit (although I admit to a definite guilty chuckle over Hiram's remark about his cat repeating Croda's name into his shoes; anyone else notice that Hiram uses his cat to good effect, in general?), we have to take some comfort in their return to us. Also, while they abuse each other, they're gainfully employed, and not annoying anyone else. As for you two rascals, we of the Peng Challenge Thread are delighted with your return. You fill a need previously met by a number of 4x4 wooden balks . These can now be more gainfully employed as witty conversationalists. Anyone else notice how during the Holiday associated with Family and Religion, most Thread regulars were here and posting constantly, but now, as we approach the Holiday associated with drunken excess, the posts have dwindled down to repetetive posting by the Australians (for whom New Year's Eve is just another encounter with police, barristers, and the rest of their drinking buddies)?
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo: "If I were a hammer..." <hr></blockquote> You'd actually have achieved something like utility, doubled your IQ, and sent nails across America rejoicing over their liberation. Now, be a good lad, and attempt to rise to your level of competence, and imagine yourself as a tree stump, or Strom Thurmond.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: I am still the same individual I was this time last year although events have occurred to dim the hope I once had for justice in this world. Strive to not be a Seanachai junior. Grab your own identity and maybe we will start to respect you.<hr></blockquote> There's no one over the age of 25 that wants justice, lad. As you get older, you vastly prefer mercy. And 'Seanachai' juniour? My name's being bandied about in a number of odd and unsavoury ways, lately. Don't make me turn my hand to a bit of writing to straighten you all out.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: And a "right awful" visit will be differentiated from your regular visits which include the standard celtic fanfare followed by much retching and weeping by all those in attendance exactly how?<hr></blockquote> I'll give you a bloody great smooch on the cheek, tell everyone we've been best friends for donkey's years, and then begin a go-round of visits with whatever few of your friends and family still accept you, showing up late at night and pretty much in the bag, demanding a place to stay, and identifying myself as your Old Friend Seanachai. I'll stay right up until they're on the phone calling the police on one line, while dialing you up on the other.
  13. And now, a bit of a Holiday sing-song and celebration of the lasses and ladies of the Peng Challenge Thread. You say, "Well-met again, Lock-keeper! We're laden even deeper than the time before; Oriental oils and tea brought down from Singapore." As we wait for my lock to cycle I say, "My wife has given me a son." "A son!" you cry, "Is that all that you've done?" She wears bougainvilla blossoms. You pluck 'em from her hair and toss 'em in the tide, Sweep her in your arms and carry her inside. Her sighs catch on your shoulder; Her moonlit eyes grow bold and wiser through her tears And I say, "How could you stand to leave her for a year?" "Then come with me" you say, "to where the Southern Cross Rides high upon your shoulder." "Come with me!" you cry, "Each day you tend this lock, you're one day older, While your blood grows colder." But that anchor chain's a fetter And with it you are tethered to the foam, And I wouldn't trade your life for one hour of home. Sure I'm stuck here on the Seaway While you compensate for leeway through the Trades; And you shoot the stars to see the miles you've made. And you laugh at hearts you've riven, But which of these has given us more love of life, You, your tropic maids, or me, my wife? "Then come with me" you say, "to where the Southern Cross Rides high upon your shoulder." "Ah come with me!" you cry, "Each day you tend this lock, you're one day older, While your blood grows colder." But that anchor chain's a fetter And with it you are tethered to the foam, And I wouldn't trade your life for one hour of home. Ah your anchor chain's a fetter And with it you are tethered to the foam, And I wouldn't trade your whole life for just one hour of home. -Stan Rogers [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  14. Ah, well, back again on the only Thread that can keep the cold winter away. Persephone, Fairest of Brides, the Challenge presented by Goanna, Eldest of Australians (those bastards), is intriguing, to say the least. And anyone who makes the mistake of questioning or neglecting the bolding of Yk2's, Persephone's, Cest Bon's, or Kitty's names, shall suffer a right awful visit from the ÜberGnome.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Fraser is absolutely the best. The Flashman series is, of course, his best known but don't overlook the "McAuslan" series of short stories. It's roughly based upon his service in North Africa with a Highland Regiment and is GREAT. AND he does a Scot accent better than OGSF. Now go back to your maps and OOBs and ... stuff. Joe<hr></blockquote> I have said it before, but most of you are so half-witted and/or drunk that it bears repeating: OGSF is the Poor Man's McAuslan. Now, one should also not ignore George MacDonald Fraser's historical writings (as he is, by calling, an historian). Check out 'Steel Bonnets', long out of print, and recently released in a decent trade paperback version. For those who can barely handle the written word, but like amusing dialogue and pictures, the movie pair "The Three Musketeers" and the "Four Musketeers" (not the latest string of abominations in this genre, but originally released back in the 70s); the screenplay for these two was written by MacDonald Fraser. I'm not caught up, I owe everyone turns, I had a lovely Christmas, and I hope that most of you caught nothing more over the Holidays than can be cured with a few extremely painful injections of inordinately expensive antibiotics. Must run, as I owe everyone turns, and I'm not caught up.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Well I'll be bug..errrr.... honoured SK Seanachai, to do Battle By Byte with ye. Ponder that, Sir Seniour Knigget, whilst yon Conscript-only-slaughter-fest wends it's torturous way to your electro-mail. Let the Battle begin!! I feel another glorious loss a'comin' on.......or will you disappoint yourself?? We shall see ....... AJ<hr></blockquote> Sigh. Lad, I am, of course and by extension, a Seniour Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread. But I am, first and foremost, one of the Olde Ones, establishing my reality, which redounds to your credit of garnering a game for the honour of Australia against me. Get it right. Doubtless because you and your kin have so recently evolved to the status of actually nursing your own, live-born young, even though they return to the pouch for the final stage of their gestation, you've missed the fact that, since the beginning of time, and beyond, the three Olde Ones have been crouched in the Wasteland, awaiting the arrival of the Folk. Even such low and useless arrivals as yourself. Ah, AussieJeff, how you bring to truth the lyrics of one of your national songwriters: And it's a hard time living in the Lucky Country Hard, hard times They try to make you civilized They just don't seem to realize What they touch they bastardize Hard, hard times.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon: ...ooohhhhh, right... with you now.... okay, okay... ahem (cough) er, just a small, tiny, minor point: "SINGLE SOMEONE OUT" Errrrrr, Homo Sapien? Bit optimistic here! Okay, lets broaden the net.... humanoid? Errrrr, nope, nope don't see anyone upright on two legs.... okay, raise yer paw if you CLAIM to be a mammal.... dodgy... 1, 2, oh, that one's doubtful.... oh, yes, I see, unnatural breeding... count you as 1/2 then.... got some reptilian crawlers, even got a marsupial... that count? BurpLactating, where'd you feature in this evolutionary freak show? Yeknod [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]<hr></blockquote> I choose your 'worst post' to reply to, hopefully, your best intention. I found your pseudo "Slash Me Own Throat" Dibbler posts to have some merit. You've been uneven, but I've actually found you somewhat amusing. But now things are at a turning point for you, lad. You've shown no particular interest in actually Challenging someone. That's what we're here for, actually. Oh, not the playing, not the winning, not the losing, not even just the insults. We're here for the Challenge. And that's a whole bloody concept. It's the wandering in and drawing sword. It's the appraisal of the field, and picking an opponent. It's the choice of song, story, and villification to gain notice. It's the heady rush of being noticed, acknowledged, dismissed, and being acknowldeged again. It's the game that is gained, the community that laughs, and gibes, and belittles, and then grudgingly makes way for you. It is, in a phrase, the Peng Challenge Thread. All the people who sneer, and abuse, and toss urine at you. They all came in here, lad, and suffered the same. Well, except for the Eldest, and the Olde Ones, but they'd for the most part already endured a lot of ****e. So, the main strike against yourself here in the Thread of threads, is your stupid Profile. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we prefer an individual who's got enough hair to post a full profile. An email address to which Challenges can be addressed, and which verify the Reality of the challenger. Amazing, really, how many 'long time posters' on the Outer Boards are so inconsequential as to start up a new Forum personality in order to come into the Peng Challenge Thread and act tough, talk trash, and risk nothing concerning their established Forum personality. Besides all that, of course, here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we prefer to know our opponents. We are amongst the harshest of posters, and granted a leeway of personal expression and interaction that you'll never get on the Outer Boards. And why? Because we Despise and Honour each other. You will be treated here to abuse, and cast abuse, that will never pass on the Outer Boards. And because of that, we don't suffer anonymous bastards lightly. Those members who haven't a currently published email address, location, personal info, etc.; well, lad, we know who they are. If they behave like arseholes, we know how to deal with them, how to contact them, how to awake them to their role, duty, and place within the Freedom of the Peng Challenge Thread. But there's no one here that will extend themselves to acknowledge some pillock who makes no proper Challenge, and is anonymous as so much trash thown out a car window to litter the highway. We have been characterized as unwelcoming, elitist, vicious, pointless, and disgusting. We are all this, perhaps, and far more than the muddy dreams of the Outer Board can accept. But we know our own, our duty, and our fellowship. Post a True Self, make a True Challenge, and Rise. Or piss about, and be ignored. It's all one to us. You've shown certain abilities. Show us your personal honour. [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ] [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Persepone I have done some research on Gnomes and have determined that Seanachai is a House Gnome. A description follows: The house gnome is a special sort. He resembles an ordinary gnome but he has the most knowledge of mankind. Owing to the fact that he often inhabits historic old houses, he has seen both rich and poor, and heard a great deal. He speaks and understands man’s language; gnome kings are chosen from his family. These gnomes (Farm and House) are good-natured, always ready for a lark or to tease; they are never malevolent, with a few exceptions, of course. If a gnome is really wicked -- which happens only once in a thousand -- it is due to bad genes that result from crossbreeding in faraway places. I really don't think it is a case of bad genes, so it must be the troll who has taken his place. Troll, I demand you confess and tell us what you did with Seanachai. Free him at once! <hr></blockquote> Oh my gods, she's spectacularly cruel. This was at one and the same time both wonderfully precious, and savagely humiliating. Women. I suppose it's because they give birth to all the addled lot of us that they have the ability and insight to both elevate and demean, to both stroke and kick. To paraphrase a quote from the Author Evangeline Walton: Women are the first lawgivers that any of us encounter, and that is why some men go to any lengths to demean them, while some of even the worst of men respect them, that respect nothing else.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Noba: Oh, Jo snore: Your reply to AJ...... [q]Don't you EVER read the rules you ignorant pillock? SSNs should never expect a Knight, let alone a Seniour Knight, let alone an Olde One to listen to their pathetic whining mewls for a game! Now SOD OFF![q] You forget. Seanachai listened to this THIS SSN;(Australian - OF COURSE)...when I reported to the pool after ME telling him to SOD OFF! in the Aussie thread. The mere fact that when I dutifully arrived, (At that point I thought it correct to do the right thing to protect Aussies) the EX-Mighty one actually listened and replied. It makes light of your statement. So your useless dribble of a reply to AJ means bugger all. I remind one and all in this pox ridden den of senile old ones .... SEANACHAI IS LOSING TO ALL AUSTRALIANS HE IS PLAYING. Noba.<hr></blockquote> Well, this is not quite right. Near as dammit, but not on. I am, in fact, thrashing Speedy, an Australian and Seniour Knight of the Cesspool. But, good Justicar, the lowly and unutterably vile Noba makes a worthwhile point. I currently fight many battles with Australians. I will need to bring these low and loathsome creatures in here, from time to time, in order to carry out my Holy Quest. You see, I'm not some cheap tart that goes haring off after opponents on the Outer Boards. I limit my games to members of the Peng Challenge Thread. And, of course, the vile Australians. Why not merely begin a thread challenging Australians, you may ask? Well, frankly, such may be perceived by the Powers that Be, and the Mad Bald One, as merely Cesspool spillage. But, more importantly, it's because I only wish to challenge those, even Australian, who will come in here and taunt me. However poorly. And, to answer Noba's taunt regarding my current showing against the undeniably lowly Australians: Lad, it is a most Holy Quest that I have undertaken, and it is not through mere victory that my duty and destiny will be observed, but by my opposition to Australians. Should I fall in these battles, what marks me out as the Paladin that I am, is the vigour with which I arise from each defeat, and cast myself into battle again with the forces of Australianism. Strike me down, you may, but you shall never take from me my Quest. Australia shall be crushed, and the gods shall witness my devotion to this pursuit of Goodness. Now, all that said, I propose Noba as Serf. I see nothing in the useless bastard's postings that would hold him a lowly SSN. Oh, and I fear that I will have to accept the (somewhat puerile) challenge of AussieJeff. It is true, Oh Shaw, that the Useless should not raise their eyes to a game with those far above their merit. But I have brought this upon myself, in my Challenge to All Australians. As purposeless as AussieJeff appears to us all, he is here, and he has taunted and Challenged me, however poorly. Send me a setup, AussieJeff. Nothing above 1500 base points. I leave it to you to determine what conditions you will choose as most likely to bring you an unearned victory.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander: BTS! PLS FX R DO SUMFINK!! Allow me, not to get this straight, but get this Pooled: I have 204 OK; Seanachai has 43. I have 57 KIA; Seanachai has 108. AND THIS IS A FECKING DRAW?!? Given that it's the Xmas season, I'd like to take this result to hang some mistletoe over my ass and invite you all over. sheesh!<hr></blockquote> Iskander, my dear little lad, if you peruse the innumerable postings on the 'Pool about games with myself, you will notice a certain pattern. Not a pattern of confident wins. Not a pattern of Roman conquest. Not a Stalinesque steely defense. No, what you will notice is an almost magical ability to deny Fate and Justice. Those confident of victory are presented with galling Draws. Those who assume they will at least, suddenly discover they've lost. Those who anticipate a massive win, are either presented with some paltry victory, or suddenly find themselves losing by some strange, paltry margin. It is a gift. Now, obviously I have my losses, some of them quite brutal. But my special ability is to annoy, rather than win. This is the power granted to me as one of the Olde Ones. You are a fine and useless opponent; one of a long line of disgruntled and bitterly annoyed individuals who've smacked the back of their hand against the monitor shouting 'What the Sodding Hell!' You should have seen the four games I've won against Berli (out of 6). You can't begin to understand pain until you've seen what he's had to endure.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem: MrSpkr I am forced to agree with the rest of the tripe in here - your lyricizing was perfect. <hr></blockquote> Parts of it, actually, were vile bad. 'Strodinarily bad stuff. But other parts, other parts, mind you, well, they were quite good. And on the whole, on the whole, that is, it was amusing. Even very amusing. Sometime we'll have to have to have a 'Pool tournament. Oh, not about silly ****e like winning and losing at CM, we aren't about that after all, as we are all just lovers of the game, and here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we are all about playing the game, while useless pillocks stress out daily on whether they're winning the Mother Beautiful Game. And, of course, these pillocks whose manhood is totally wound up with whether they are winning Combat Mission, are the same ones who make up a huge percentage of the whimpering, whinging, and disappointed children who wail on about 'mismodeled this' and 'unrealistic that'. The rest who carry on about that sort of thing, of course, are Grogs, and they're only doing their job. No, we should have a proper, Peng Challenge Thread sort of Tournament. One involving the most finely turned insult, or the best parody of a literary work or song sort of thing. It is in this that the true spirit of the Peng Challenge Thread will be found. MrSpkr, well done, you loathsome, spotty little dog's dinner.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Point of order! Railroading! I believe my (mostly) infallible patron of olde has made up his mind to disembowel this wanker without due process. Therefore, I demand a full court hearing! I myself, though I have no knowledge of law so to speak, propose to defend this little panzy to the fullest of my powers. He may be rude, crude, crass, lacking in wit, manners, grace, and even intelligence, but he has nonetheless, by his horrid little posts, thrown himself on the mercy of this the MBT! Now we all know how he wounded fair Seanachai to the quick with his masturbatory quackings, and I think it has caused the g-nomish g-night to see red, and I detect a certain rare and poignant lack of rational thought recently. Call the stenographers! Strap on the wigs! We must try this vagrant! [ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<hr></blockquote> Good Christ, what have you been drinking? Cleaning solvent? Your post was even more bereft of written ability than Iron Chef Sakai's (who we can only assume is the person you were attempting to 'defend'). I'm more than happy to wait (endlessly) for the vote of Peng. Not that he hasn't already dismissed the pillock in question, but I'm gung-ho for an observance of the verities. But a trial? For this idjit? Only if a Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread requires it will it be...oh, sodding hell. You're going to request a full trial for this useless little idjit, aren't you, Jason? Sod all.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: [sneer]Fair?[/sneer] Who the feck cares about being [sneer]fair?[/sneer]<hr></blockquote> Oh, for Go...er, well , for the sake of consensus, Berli, how say you of my proposal
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: There can only be one answer to this. He has proven himself unredeemable. Cast him out<hr></blockquote> Oh, sorry, a quick amendment. Complete and utter idjits can be cast out on the recommendation of two of the Olde Ones, because it's bloody hard to get all three of us posting at once. For example, my current take on things is that Peng is in some sort of bread catatonia right now, and therefore unable to chime in. So, if two of the Olde Ones pronounce an individual SUP, then the Justicar shall review, and proclaim. If, perchance, the missing third Olde One should show up, wearing someone else's pants (on backwards) and shouting things about 'due process', and 'where the hell are the lawyers', and claiming to have good reason for reprieving the SSN under consideration, then the process shall be put on hold until a Full Court shall be convened. Also, should any Lady of the Pool arrive to request an indulgence and consideration of the status of some stupid bastard, the whole 'Pool shall withold (ultimate) judgement and debate it in full. I don't know. Seems fair. What do you lot think?
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem: As a matter of fact I did, you upside down dirtrider. I look almost respectable now. A reshpectawiggle, even.<hr></blockquote> Roight! Than you can have a drink with us, you weak, imported jug o' piss. I propose that the Minnesota chapter of the Peng Challenge Thread meet in January, to condemn the utterly annoying Dalem into our exalted company. He will be greeted and abuse by: Myself, one of the Olde Ones, Shandorf, the egomaniac, Lars, the Minnesota Gary Shandling and killer of the King's deer, and Hanns, notable pervert, and extremely large and poignantly brutish individual... The gods have mercy on Minnesota. These are our Illuminati? Well, thank the gods for Myself, then.
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