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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Well, I hope you lot are all very happy with yourselves. I think one of the children has gone off to cry. Poor, wee tyke. Offer him a lolly, Dorosh, and maybe he'll come back. Least you can do. But wash your hands first.
  2. Dear God, we all hope not, man. You can be quite sure none of us wants to touch it. Perhaps there's a manual you can buy that will sort out the mechanics for you.
  3. CMAK now models the ability to socially snub enemy troops rather than killing them. Getting up and walking away lets them know your unit doesn't think they're worth the effort, and puts all the others at the battle on notice that you've frozen them out. British troops will excel at this, and will even depart with a sniff and a muttered 'Not Our Class'. [ November 20, 2003, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  4. Talk to Berli about 'vineyards'. He has some issues with how this terrain feature was implemented.
  5. My Queen! kneels in a reverant, but firmly manly way You are returned! Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of Glasgow. Although it's still bloody cold out, but that's neither here nor there, although it is cold here and probably there as well. We sought for you on both the high and the low roads. We searched for you hither and yon. A select party was sent into the various Goodale threads to rough people up and demand your return. You were nowhere to be found. Leeo, in particular, distinguished himself in his zeal to find you. He was...almost disturbingly thorough. I can't remember a thread I've read lately where he didn't pop up asking for you. They're still puzzling over him on the foreign language opponent finders forum, I'm sure. But now you have returned to us, and we are no longer just a collection of unshaven, aimless stewbums with no morally redeeming characteristics. No, now we are a collection of unshaven, aimless, morally bankrupt stewbums with a Queen! Rather like the Australians, actually. Or very, very rude Canadians. Ah, how my despair falls away from me! It is like a clean, bracing wind blowing away the stench of failure and self-loathing, leaving only the stench of the failure and loathing of everyone else! I feel like a boy, again, when the world was younger, and cleaner, and still full of promise. Stand back, all, as I shall now tilt at windmills. [ November 20, 2003, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  7. I have no love life, lad. When you get to my advanced age, superiour intelligence, and taoist wisdom, you find satire so much more satisfying than sex. There's no clean-up afterwards, there' s no need to make conversation with the object of your attentions, but someone will definitely have been screwed. Still, keep trying. I long for a new Mortal Enemy. But the 'limp dough' remark? Wanting. You need to get beyond your 'mighty manhood' to play with the big dogs, kitten. I like the 'Mr Tittles' thing. It's an interesting Username. It reminds me of something I once ran over.
  8. I...no energy. Since the Queen has gone missing, and taking Emry on as his Mortal Enemy...I just...can't function. Must lie down for a bit. Very tired. [ November 19, 2003, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  9. I have no idea about CMAK, but Emrys is right. I've had target lines in CMBB persist, and sat there going 'damn, how can that be?', only to find out first thing in the new turn that 'it wasn't right', and not at all real. Damnation. I said Emrys might be right. And me his newly selected and barely prosecutorial Mortal Enemy. I don't know. I just don't care anymore. Ever since I declared that I was his Mortal Enemy, I just can't get worked up about anything. I feel empty, and enervated. I think I'm going to go lie down for a bit. So cold...
  10. Damn you, sir! Damn you I say! I will brook no competition in my slandering, belittling, and ultimate 'crushing' of all Australians. And I do not look for unmerited and unwanted help from Australians in posting thread titles that belittle Australians. Retire, miscreant, to your muddy bilabong and leave even passive attempts to insult Australians to those who are much better suited to the task. The very thought of you buggers insulting each other is like contemplating squirrels eating squirrels. Disgusting in the extreme! Sit back down on your barstools and wait until you are called upon.
  11. JonS: Which doctrine can most easily be explained in terms of pretzels by self-important speedfreaks, though?
  12. Anything with the croaking of vultures? A good desert soundset should have the croaking of vultures.
  13. Anglican, or Dutch Reformed aardvarks? I see MrSpkr as more likely Dutch Reformed...
  14. Suddenly the ennui of my existence is punctuated by a sudden thought: Why isn't Jim Boggs in jail? sinks back into slough of despond
  15. At work for a remote and utterly tedious office. No more than a 26k connection on a good day. Worthless work laptop that I will NOT use in any way that involves giving out my credit card. No Demo for me until much, much later. Increasingly esurient...
  16. You guys would do this while I'm at a stupid work computer that I absolutely refuse to use in any way involving my credit card number. And the connection speed is 26k on good days, so forget the demo until I get home... CURSE YOU, SODDBALL! Seems as good a scapegoat as any...
  17. Sick, tired, world weary. There is a loathing that does not go out. Longing for the Apocalypso...
  18. Shut up, shut up, shut up! Seek the Queen! Are you a donkey with no Monarchical spirit?! No sense of Rightness?! And what's that hanging from your...Dear God, have you been doing something unnatural with an inflated garden gnome, you bugger?!
  19. Yes. She said that you went at it like you were trying to clear clear a bit of stuck corn out of your partner's mouth. She also said it was unpleasant. We still see each other occasionally, and laugh about you.
  20. Ah, yes. Hell gapes wide, as it were. Know that before 'line-dancing' I would eat my own liver to escape. Mind, its nutritional content is probably seriously degraded...
  21. Indeed, Michael. To paraphrase the Bard: Some achieve hatred, some have hatred thrust upon them, and some are born to hatred. It's better that you young people take the hatred you achieve, and that which others make yours, and cuddle it to yourselves. But let those of us born to hatred make our way by Right where others can only make their way by dint of foolishness. Grog Dorosh, Michael, will always contest with me. He will seek, nay, demand hatred, where only laughter and banter should be his. Sigh. It does him credit to long for greatness. But it will not be his for some time to come, do you see? Because I am there before him. Forgive, all, the angry mouthings of Grog Dorosh. He does no more than seek to make his mark on the Universe. And impress me. But he is my little lad, and I will not leave him behind.
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