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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. The Australians. Make 'em look like they did in The Road Warrior.
  2. Time again, you fools, to follow the bouncing Gnome to your new home: Multilingual Peng Challenge [ December 05, 2003, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  3. Please make your way quietly to your seats. There are only two rules: All courtesy to the Ladies of the 'Pool, especially our honoured Queen. For God's sake say something interesting. Anything. Now here are some suggestions: Refrain, thou, from base and pointelss vulgarity. Curb thy uncivil tongue that would clack and clatter on bigotry and the unsavoury aspects of your personal Real World hatreds. Challenge someone to a rousing game of Combat Mission, whatever flavour of it you delight in. You may challenge Anyone, but no one need accept your challenge. If it's a good challenge, you're more likely to be taken up. If you cannot follow two simple rules, or make even a stab at the suggestions, then sod off. [ December 08, 2003, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  4. You're not entitled to a 'shrine', you Anthropomorphic Personification of Emptiness. Only those who've been deified are entitled to structures of religious significance. Now, I'm off to my Temple to add my CMAK disc to the iconography.
  5. Tis but too true that the fairest flowers are nutured still and bloom their best above a bank of manure. See we now this blossom pale, how even here amid the ordure and the filth, does yet offer a vision of better things and takes us far from this midden with her words. Especially those expressing suspicion about Shaw, which is spot on. Welcome, SheWhoMustBeObeyed, who I will liken unto a Rose, because your posting sweetens the air in this den of vulgarians, and because it's way shorter to use than 'She Who Must Be Obeyed'. And because, I judge, that you are more like unto a rose than the harsh and judgemental figure that Boo paints for us.
  6. Never happen. I have no ability to write that much to say absolutely nothing</font>
  7. Canada's been reduced to a single point? Someone should tell Dorosh, so he can make sure it's the place he's currently standing.
  8. As the website allows no forum for explaining Finnish superiourity or how many Russians one's grandfather/father/uncle/etc. killed with the most primitive equipment available, it is unvisited by Finns.
  9. At my request, BFC agreed not to dedicate the game to me, and pulled the full page photo of me with said dedication from the manual. My well-known humility and self-effacing nature wouldn't permit such an effusive outpouring.
  10. You were actually hollering and screaming something incoherent about Dalem, in fact. It was hard to make out. There wasn't enough there, though, to send the police over to Dalem's house, so I just watched the news later for stories about 'drunken argument results in slaying'.
  11. That's just because I'm the 'Nice One'. And Cabron did hate me. He was just ADD and couldn't stay properly focused. He even spit on me. All he ever did to you was insult the Marine Corps in an awkward and amateurish way. Of course, he did accuse Dorosh of performing a lewinsky on Uncle Sam, so I guess he hated him the most. No surprises there, of course.
  12. You gotta ask yourself how long we'll continue to see an actual 'total posts' at the bottom of Dorosh's post. I imagine that at some time in the not too distant future they'll have to go to some sort of abstraction, the way McDonald's did with their 'number served' notifier. Sometime next year we can probably look forward to seeing Dorosh's 'date registered', and next to it: "Millions Annoyed"
  13. What's been happening? I've been detained. Hey, Papa Khann, they really have fond memories of you at the Hennepin County Workhouse. Your name really opened doors. Pity they immediately closed and locked them again.
  14. Be a bit leery of this one, Grog Dorosh. He was just after hitting on people in the Peng Challenge Thread. Not that we weren't flattered. Except that he was a bit full of himself. You know how off-putting that can be.
  15. Try this one on, you Ozzie bugger: We left Macquarie Harbour it was in the pouring rain none of us quite sure if we would see England again some fool muttered death or liberty there was six of us together a jolly hungry crew and as the days went by you know our hunger quickly grew some fool muttered death or liberty So that night we made fires out of twigs and out of bark and our stomachs they were grumbling all through the night so dark we were only trying to keep ourselves alive but when the sun came up next morning well the six had turned to five And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown, Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe, When I get down to Hobart town All five of us were nervous and I'll tell you that’s a fact bu you should have seen the bastard who was carrying the axe He was a sick man he had murder in his heart And then we reached the Franklin River, and it took two days to cross we were wet and almost starvin’ and for food were at a loss we were hungry men with murder on our minds. So that night we made a fire out of twigs and out of bark and our stomachs they were rumbling all through the night so dark, And they were making noises the dead could not ignore and when the sun came up next morning, the five had turned to four! And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown, Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe, When I get down to Hobart town Well the four of us kept marching to a place called Western Teirs A country full of tasty game but for us it held no cheer we had no guns we were traveling without hope. But the axe it loomed so ominous and God's hand was at play a sick man is a type of game which can not run away so stay easy, my poor man, your time's at hand. So that night we made fires out of twigs and out of bark and our stomachs they were grumbling all through the night so dark I can't say I feel guilty, after all it wasn't me but when the sun came up next morning the four had turned to three And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown, Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe, When I get down to Hobart town well the three of us kept moving but one was fading fast he had been bitten by a snake and you could see he would not last stay easy my good man your time is at hand and when he could last no longer his days were fading fast we were far to weak to carry him subsistency comes first stay easy my good man your time is at hand So that night we made fires out of twigs and out of bark and our stomachs they were grumbling all through the night so dark It was a messy job but it was one we had to do but when the sun came up next morning the three had turned to two And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown, Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe, When I get down to Hobart town Now he had been looking at me funny, sort of eyeing me for days, And you would not need to be too bright to know that bastard’s ways: He was a sick man, he had murder in his heart. But even bastards have to rest, and even bastards have to sleep, And when he was in the land of Nod straight over I did creep, and the axe that he had wielded now was mine. So that night, I made the fire, out of twigs and out of bark, and my stomach it kept rumbling all through the night so dark. I can’t say that I enjoyed it, and it wasn’t exactly fun, but when the sun came up next morning, the two had turned to one! And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown, Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe, When I get down to Hobart town Well now history is a pack of lies, as any fool can tell, So when I got down to Hobart town I told my story well, But do you think they would believe one word I said? For they thought that I was covering for my mates still at large, Said they’d be roaming in the bush so wild and free, And back to old Macquarie Harbour they sent me But I remember the fires made out of twigs and made of bark and my stomach it was grumbling all through the night so dark And this young fool he just said to me it's liberty or death and he looked a rather tasty one, I just could not help it singing And I said, right there’s another one, don’t you frown, Chew the meat and hold it down, It’s a tale they won’t believe When I get down to Hobart town A tale they won't believe "A Tale They Won't Believe" -Weddings, Parties, Anything There's some mighty tasty looking Aussies on this board, don't you think? [ November 28, 2003, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  16. MrSpkr is a great big nattering ponce: Final-Recipient: rfc822;hinestribe@sbcglobal.net Action: failed Status: 5.3.0 Diagnostic-Code: smtp;553 5.3.0 <hinestribe@sbcglobal.net>... Addressee unknown, relay=[] As to when we'll have a rematch, you Lawyer in the Occupied Territories of Mexico, I can only respond: As soon as you pull your thumb out, and hold yon ISP to account for their failure to acknowledge me godhood. Pillock.
  17. You can have some of mine. White out conditions right now. Fifteen to twenty centimetres by tommorow night. :mad: </font>
  18. We've got snow all over the place. I've shoveled twice. I'm glad I'm not Axe2121... Do you know, I don't think I've ever meant a comment more!
  19. Am I the only one concerned about the fact that after reminiscing about sex, Boggs suddenly shouts 'Eureka' and heads off to the Goodalers thread? Heads up, guys! Crazy Floridian pervert headed your way.
  20. Aren't you down 7 T-34s in a game with a complete neophyte, Lars? A neophyte that I schooled in the ways of Combat Mission?
  21. Please take a moment to stop and consider that, by Pre-Ordering, you are a member of a dedicated band, standing shoulder to shoulder not only in support of CM, but with your fellows. How can those of easy virtue, who simply stroll into a store and buy it off the rack, compare to you? You could just go to a store. You could just grab that retail version. You could walk up to some register, hand over your money, and walk away with CMAK. You could do that. But that would be the easy way. It wouldn't be the Cowboy Way. You are heroes, each and every one, and I salute you, my pre-ordering comrades! Umm, does that help any? Anyone feel any better?
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