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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Well, but wasn't that situation (I only remember the basics) a little different, Michael? He wasn't simply whining, he was actually accusing you of cheating somehow, wasn't he? Personally, I love whiners. It lets me know I'm having the desired impact. It's even better if you can get them to cry.
  2. Oh, and DingoBreath, you're using emoticons and not grovelling enough. If there's one thing the Horsemen like, it's a good grovel. Get down there and really worm it, lad.
  3. Oh, good. This is a pointless and silly thread, that even more usefully invokes the names of the Four Horsemen. I shall conduct my Great Struggle with Emrys from here. I will teach Famine that I am not to be trifled with, nor disparaged, nor made mock of, nor a number of other things that he has done, or contemplated doing, I'm sure. Michael, are you ready to deal with me as your new Mortal Enemy?
  4. Someone call an ambulance, Berli is talking to himself again. </font>
  5. And this woman is responsible for leading children through the hallowed halls of learning. But, as it's the children of Minnesota it's not as if anything's being lost now, is there? </font>
  6. Awful. Simply awful. Doggerel standing on the shoulders of a limerick to get a look up out of the sewer into the gutter of bad versification. Do another one. This time make it about CMPlayer's wolf-fondling.
  7. You can get the buildings that close together, but you are right that the pavement thing looks new. Or if it's possible now, I certainly don't know that trick. You can get the corners of large buildings to overlap a road tile, but those city pavement tiles stay building free. </font>
  8. The guy who fielded the call didn't get their phone number. He didn't even have the good sense to learn the little 'frown is not a noun' song down by heart so I could reproduce it for you here. I told him he was foolish. That woman spent God knows how many minutes immortalizing the fact that she was a halfwit in song. The least we could do is learn her song and sing it forever after as cruel mockery. She was, I'm sure, the kind of person so busy learning Neurobiology that they think AFV fired rounds sometimes just turn around and explode behind the firing tank.
  9. Maybe it shot forward but the shell ran into the volleyball net that sprang out held between suddenly extruded metal arms from the German tank you were firing at, catching the shell and then propelling it back toward the firing tank? They nets retract quickly, so maybe you missed them. [ November 12, 2003, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  10. No, but you're the only one I know of who has seen a round land behind the firing tank. I quote you again: Perhaps if you worried a little bit more about about what you wrote on message boards, we wouldn't see statements like that one. Neurobiology? Wow! If you're as attentive to its study as you are to statements here, you should set the discipline afire! And I haven't 'become' bitter. I was always bitter. Ever since my hopes for a career in Neurobiology burst like a soap bubble. Couldn't handle the math. I think Emrys might have become more bitter. I blame the crowd he runs with these days. [ November 12, 2003, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. Well, my latest attempt to explain to Frunze that the U.S. Constitution does not say what he believes it does was, unfortunately, unsuccessful. So, I decided to seek resources more developmentally appropriate for neo-Marxist stooges. Steve </font>
  12. Lars, here's a smart career changing move: If you're going to run a successful chop-shop, steal a better class of car. Or rather, in your case, have your innumerable criminal cousins steal a better class of car.
  13. And we, the ones who will hear await your clear voice, revealing all parting the clouds of time, and making much of warriours lost and abandoned, they yet triumphed not every victory, results in fame. Damn! This is some good posting! JonS, you're a bigtime Grog poster, but you choked the poodle untimely here! Greeks and self-proclaimed Not Greeks have called you to question here! Interesting thread. I know very little about this aspect of the war. But I know way good posting when I see it!
  14. Please tell me you aren't going to vamp your way into an old Nancy Sinatra song. Please? </font>
  15. I bleeive the prpoer wrod in tihs csae is 'wacky'. BTW who was the original 'wild and crazy guy'? I can't place it... Belushi? Ackroyd? Steve Martin? Must've been one of those three. </font>
  16. I loved your post. That was the vaguest, most incoherent spoiler I've ever encountered. I would like to see the movie now, just to try and sort out what you were on about.
  17. Oooh, look! The fact that our irreverent banter has kept this lovely collection of graphics on the first page has run up against another fecking artiste! Another Forum judge! Oooh, Squire! pulls forelock with great deference, so sorry! We'll all just bugger off now, shall we? That's alright then? Because you've got something significant to...add...to...a simple collection...of two graphics. Don't let me stop you. Nor any of us. We'll just piss off, then, eh?
  18. Thank you, Dr. Science. You've discovered a CMBO vehicle that would eject rounds through the back of the turret, or did rounds circumnavigate the game world and come up on the other side? Beginning...to...lose...interest...in...poster's...opinions...
  19. Hope springs eternal in the hearts of every living creature, including wiener dogs, eh, Hiram?
  20. Everything looks to you like a woman with her arms around a boy. Lord, Soddball, people are going to start to talk.
  21. Lawdy, lawdy! I has me a mordant emily! I's a'shakin' in mah boots! Or at least I would if'n I had me any shoes... Famine </font>
  22. I drank Australian beer once. It made me want to maim and kill...
  23. That's it, Emrys! I can no longer brook your abuses of me! Having currently no Mortal Enemy of my own (and deeply feeling the lack, I might add), I have set myself to become your Mortal Enemy! To quote: No, sir, you are quite mistaken. I will take this fight wherever you choose to attack me. If, however, we agree to let this matter rest in the deep grave that has been dug for it I will never speak another word in your direction. There you have it, sir. I have learned from experts. Consider youself stalked, and await the beginning of my Reign of Error!
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