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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Please take a moment to stop and consider that, by Pre-Ordering, you are a member of a dedicated band, standing shoulder to shoulder not only in support of CM, but with your fellows. How can those of easy virtue, who simply stroll into a store and buy it off the rack, compare to you? You could just go to a store. You could just grab that retail version. You could walk up to some register, hand over your money, and walk away with CMAK. You could do that. But that would be the easy way. It wouldn't be the Cowboy Way. You are heroes, each and every one, and I salute you, my pre-ordering comrades! Umm, does that help any? Anyone feel any better?
  2. Please take a moment to stop and consider that, by Pre-Ordering, you are a member of a dedicated band, standing shoulder to shoulder not only in support of CM, but with your fellows. How can those of easy virtue, who simply stroll into a store and buy it off the rack, compare to you? You could just go to a store. You could just grab that retail version. You could walk up to some register, hand over your money, and walk away with CMAK. You could do that. But that would be the easy way. It wouldn't be the Cowboy Way. You are heroes, each and every one, and I salute you, my pre-ordering comrades! Umm, does that help any? Anyone feel any better?
  3. I was simply expressing myself in the traditional manner of my people. Your disparagement of the multicultural diversity of this Board has been duly noted.
  4. Look, in order to reveal my godhood I can send some scantily clad tart who has lost her moral compass to your door while your wife is visiting family, but given that I'm now the God of the Apocalypso, the Universe will simply end when she gets there and you open the door and she gives you a smile. Is that what you want? Shaw, you have to come to grips with the fact that, as the God of the Apocalypso, the only way to prove my godhood would be...rather final. Although the soundtrack will be great!
  5. Deary, deary me. Looks like some of my new putative henchmen are feeling the stress of the change in management. Perhaps I should have the HR people sit down with you lot and sort out your attitude problems? We're looking at some very, very disturbing performance reviews right now.
  6. It has been brought to my attention (Peng held my head up from where it had fallen on the desk, and showed me 3x5 cards that he'd written the relevent posts on), that there has been some muttering about my 'godhood'. It has been implied that I am not simply a 'god', pure and simple, good at all godly stuff, but that people feel that I have to be a god 'of something', like wine, or parking ramps, or kiwi fruits or something. I would laugh this concept to scorn, normally, but then I got to thinking (something most of you only read about in books; or would, if you could read). Perhaps I should concentrate. Have a 'divine focus' as it were. But what? And then it hit me (Peng allowed my head to thump back down on the desktop with a rather meaty sound): I proclaim myself the god of the Apocalypso All you Anthropomorphic Personifications of Elemental Forces are working for me, now. Get busy. I want to see some progress reports regarding the End Times chop-chop. Also, I'm not happy about the way you lot are running this Forum. Do you realize the dreadful and uncalled for language that is being used out there by some posters? What're you doing about it, eh?
  7. I see some of the new chums have come by! Is everyone making them feel welcome and valued?
  8. If he wasn't, you pillock, who would take care of Sten the dog and Joe the cat? SSNs need to think these things through.
  9. My general post was replied to with a personal dismissal that didn't simply insult me, but... Ah, bugger. When Dorosh comes in and provides the voice of reason, I'm simply not up to maintaining a high horse. UberFunBunny, I so deeply beg your pardon. I regard you as a veritable paragon of 'proper thought' on the Forum. I'm sure that, had the times been different, and I'd been sent to your 'reeducation camp', I'd have learned proper thought. I humbly bow my head. TeAcH, I apologize for going off on you. I think I probably took your remarks far too personally. Thanks to A.E.B., but I'll not edit my remarks, because that would be the coward's way out. Not to mention that the significant portions were almost immediately quoted by someone who doubtless loves me like his own brother. I wouldn't have edited them, in any case. UberFunBunny can get...um, raised to Sainthood. With a vengeance. TeAcH, you might consider that not every disagreement some people might post is an attack on what you said. It might just be their personal opinion, in response to many, many other similar posts. And that you might want to consider how you address their 'style' of posting in the future, if you don't want to get kicked in the fork. But I admit I was overly vicious to you in my response. The whole thing could have been handled much better through satire. UberFunBunny, have I told you how much I look to your teachings for my sense of self?
  10. Is that supposed to be funny? I find it offensive. </font>
  11. Edited to say, apologies to TeAcH for losing my temper over such little provocation. An otherwise sincere disagreement rather deteriorated into name-calling, and I regret having been so abusive to him over so little. Take care, TeAcH. Off to make a fruit pie! [ November 28, 2003, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. Shake, shake, shake Senora, shake your body line Shake, shake, shake Senora, shake it all the time Work, work, work Senora, work your body line Work, work, work Senora, work it all the time </font>
  13. Ah, the beauties of language, and the diversity of experience. And as regards 'will there be a CM Pacific Theater game' No, not at this time. Things may well change with the engine redesign. Magic Eightball says: Ask again much later.
  14. I'm seeing a distinct similarity between your argument and my own against my dear ol' dad who frequently assures me that 'art' cannot be made from a mere digital camera. CM is a concept and an idea, and it provides many things. I cannot see, however, that the addition of more realistic graphics will do anything to dilute any of them. In fact, I cannot see that the addition of said improvements will do anything but improve them. If the core elements of CM which we all love so much are given a shiny new set of clothes, how can the result be anything but improvement? Your arguments presuppose that greater graphic quality will necessarily signify a decrease in gameplay, and I believe this fallacy represents Ludditism at worst, and poo-poo schnozzing the boys from ME at best. Open your eyes and arms (and maybe your PC case for a new video card), and realize that immersion in this type of game is no bad thing. ianc </font>
  15. No. Your setup was found to be naughty in the eyes of Seanachai. You're lucky you didn't end up on the 'Abominations' list. You'll get the damn return file when I'm drunk enough to justify my horrible tactical decisions. Now, sing. Sing, Leeo! Sing a song of victory over the Goodalers, you West Coast pillock!
  16. What a wonderfully refreshing departure from the Jerkie Boys' approach to humour. Thank you, Yankeedog.
  17. Vile and repugnant Goodalers. It makes me sad that you must be dispensed with. The Apocalypso approaches. In the ruin that will follow the snappy and syncopated rhythms, your destruction will be complete. But clearly there can be only One. One thread that, for no apparent reason, is allowed to constantly approach 300 posts of utter gibberish. One thread that bespeaks the soul of challenge, the playing of CM, the ordering and employment of taunt, wit, and abuse. That thread will not be the 'Cheery Waffle'. It will be, as all the gods intended (including myself; oh, yes, very recently deified, but getting a lot of positive feedback from other pantheons, 'job well done', 'lot of panache', that sort of thing) the Peng Challenge Thread. A Thread whose boots you are not fit to lick. Repent. Fold now thy tents, and like the furtive Bedouin make thy way to the abode of Peng. An early application for a visa will not only reflect well on your intelligence, but stand you in good stead with the Justicar. Beat the rush. Make your time. Your destruction is imminent. I have come before you not to praise Goodale, but to bury him. Let's not make it a mass grave, now, shall we?
  18. Ahem. I am proved a prophet. Well, I would be proved a prophet if I hadn't, in fact already declared myself a god, and by positive acclamation...or, rather, a ragged chorus of 'yeah, yeah, ****e, whatever, you're a god, now bugger off', been accepted as such here on the Peng Challenge Thread... Do you know, I lost track of that one myself. No idea where I was headed. Ah! As to prophecy. I said that there would be hard times. We are, in fact, in the End Times. Witness KwazyDog's locking of our Thread at a mere 257 posts. He locked the Goodalers at about the same level. And, when questioned by the egregious Snarker, he has replied: Do you see? Do you see that we will soon be in a battle to the death with the vile Goodalers? BFC Moderators are starting to mutter about 'only on or two such threads'. The message is clear. There can be only One. And we will be 'The One'. Rally, all you sons of the Cesspool! The limited resources of the Board are being brought to the sticking point...or something like that. We must destroy the Cheery Waffle, that covers the body politic like badly flavoured and vermin infested dough. The Apocalypso is coming. Ask not for whom the steel drums toll, they toll for thee! By God, and St. Bauhaus, mount up! We ride to battle with the Goodalers! There can be only one thousand!
  19. Right, I've edited my original post to add the rules and such. I, too, blame MrSpkr. I say that when Shaw next visits Texas he should kick him in the fork. Some idjit at work was demanding I do something, so I had to quickly reassert normality by posting the new Thread, and had to add the rules in as soon as they buggered off and left me alone.
  20. Okay, the last thread, because of an insufferable number of linked photos, became too large. Rules to follow. That was a shuddering moment of horror. The old thread locked for being too large (MrSpkr: I'm lookin' at you, Jimmy!), but the new one was not yet started. Disorienting. So, now we have our own Queen, the Emma Rex I, our own faith C of S (Church of Seanachai), and, well, we have become an Empire. Thus, the title. Here are the rules. Amaze us, entertain us. Post something wild, wittey and interesting. Most of you couldn't do that with an entire choir of sodding angels singing backup and the Bard of Avon whispering in one ear and Cyrano in the other, so if nothing else, try for an amusing challenge to one of the denizens. Most of them will tell you to sod off unless your challenge is quite good. But other halfwits that are newly arrived here, like yourself, might well go for it. Show all deference to our Fair Queen (screenname YK2) and the Ladies of the 'Pool, respect the Olde Ones, honour the Knights, laugh at the Squires and spit on the SSNs (begin with yourself; if you can't hit yourself, you will always be an SSN). Finally, keep within the limits of seemliness. We are scholars and gentlemen. The size of your organ might interest the boys at the bar, or be the talk of the trailer park, but here, we'd rather see wit than...well, what rhymes with wit and absorbs all your waking moments, eh? We have all sorts of ranks and rules and heirarchies and officials and a variety of household pets. You'll get to know what they are after we've told you about them. Sometimes we have to make them up just so we can tell you about them. Now, be a good lad, and bugger off. [ November 24, 2003, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. Well when you're sitting there in your rolling office chair checking out some web pages that you've made well I hope you can see me and this ragged company 'cause you know we won't ever leave you alone Bring you down, Gotz von Berli, bring you down We know that you are the King of the Underground And we will, send you dead flowers every morning send you dead flowers by the mail bring you dead flowers in the Peng Thread And we won't forget to put roses on your grave Happy Birthday, Berli! May God inflict you upon us all for several more millenia.
  22. Frankly, I've never understood this complaint about the 'graphics'. To each their own, I guess, but I have absolutely no problem with the quality of the graphics in the CM series, and I don't even bother with all the excellent Mods out there! I guess it's this bizarre bleed-over from FPS and such. When I play CM, I'm very much playing a game, not immersing myself in a movie. I watch DVDs for that. I love the fact that CM gives me amazingly intricate, detailed and good-looing game pieces to move about, without somehow trying for the false illusion that I am watching Real World combat. I've seen some of the graphics for many of the combat games out there that people are always on about, citing how 'detailed and realistic' they look. They are very pretty. It's like being inside a Hollywood movie with a makeover by the Swiss: everything sort of glows, is unspeakably clean (even dirt, soot and battle damage look like they were applied by make-up artists), and, while it might add levels of detail that are important in an FPS, contribute little to a game of CM's scope: that of modeling small unit tactical combat. Mind, I'm sure that time and the new engine will give us ever greater visual detail, some of which will prove to be important (I've seen discussions of things like dynamic lighting that would help with reading terrain, for example). But for now, and especially within the context of what CM in fact is, I think the graphics are far beyond 'simply adequate'. I think that those who want FPS style graphics are asking CM to be a different game than what it is, just as those who endlessly go on about 'campaign' games and the ability to maneuver larger units are also trying to bend and distort the game outside its purpose and focus. The things they want are cool and impressive. But they are not what CM is about. There are games out there for that. Attempting to make CM into both a floor wax and a dessert topping will not improve it, it will simply break it, and end up satisfying no one. To paraphrase Pierre Bosquet: C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas Combat Mission.
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