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Everything posted by Danno

  1. I like the idea of having both types of reviews. Maybe one or two set, well played, well versed, qualified etc... reviewers and also a spot where the other players can leave a short review and yea or nay etc. Of course this all runs into alot of time to manage that sort of thing. btw...I like the idea of being able to add a comment about mods, new sounds etc., too. I use comments like those to decide if I spend time downloading mods or not, it really helps. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  2. "The most compelling game we have seen..." PC Gamer "This game will BLOW YOU AWAY!" Games.com "5 years in the making and it shows." Games central This is just a sampling of what top computer game publications have to say about our newest offering. The level of detail has never before been seen. The 3D enviroment will make you think you are living this game. An in game AI with over 200 Billion options in defense alone! Ground breaking graphics which actually show in game characters facial expressions during combat! Sounds? OH YES! We offer a totally 3D sound environment that will wrap your ears in gaming pleasure. All this and more await you! PRE-ORDER NOW! ***NOTICE...as of June 1st 2000 this product has been cancelled*** of course the above never happens with games that NEED to be cancelled...Braveheart? LOL ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  3. I'm wondering if someone who had just gotten the game would actually go online and take time to post it on the board? Awww, yeah I'm sure they would....wouldn't ya? I would...lets see, nuttin' yet. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  4. I've managed to take the panther out 2 times out of 10 times with 105mm arty fire, playing VoT against the AI. One time it was a very big explosion and the panther brewed up, didn't see any crew get out. Direct hit I guess. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  5. *sitting in shadows* I used to be a huge player of West Front and East Front...until I played Combat Mission. There are NO tactics I used in WF and EF I can use in CM. I have to actually think as if I was on the actual battlefield to play CM. And I LOVE IT! ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  6. Tyro, I think the default is sized up one or two notches...(help out if I'm wrong on this someone) try putting the scale to realistic. That's what I play at and I've never seen anything fire through a hill etc...units are hard to see from high up views though. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  7. hmmm, this is not the discussion I was expecting to see under the thread title btw...Canadians ARE in CM...was that the question? ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first." [This message has been edited by Danno (edited 05-30-2000).]
  8. What is your unit scale set to? If you have it enlarged it can appear that strange things happen but it is an illusion. On the other hand, if you have it set to realistic and those things are happening then it does sound odd...at least firing through a hill. Spotting is a hard one to call. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  9. it's about uhhh...Combat! It follows a squad during wwII from D-day on...it was on for 5 season I believe, back in the 60s. Vic Morrow was the 'sarg'. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  10. No divorce court but I have been forced to sign a contract allowing my wife equal time on the computer and guidelines as to volume levels while playing CM. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  11. I like Dutch cooking! mmmmmm, pastries.... ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  12. I found this site while surfing. If you are a fan of the Combat! T.V. series you'll love it! Lots of info on the show and alot more. http://www.jodavidsmeyer.com/combat/main.html ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  13. Welcome to the forum and to Combat Mission. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  14. I just answered my own question on railroad tracks. Did a quick search and one thread came up with Fionn saying that YES tracks are in and YES you can drive on them! YAY! ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  15. This thread brings up a question I have had for a while and keep forgetting to ask....Will there be railroad tracks or railway lines etc in CM? ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  16. I seem to remember someone having trouble with flickering graphics when they used ESC? I searched but couldn't find it. The problem is once I hit ESC and then go back to CM the graphics are flickering and it becomes a bit choppy...but I am able to continue. Anyone know a fix or a way to get around this? ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  17. Great site! here is one I found yesterday http://www.marketgarden.com ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  18. Tom, I think that would make a great scenario! In fact there isn't much I can think of in 1944-45 ETO that wouldn't work with CM....well except for latrine digging, chow lines etc...but ya know ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  19. I suppose you might know an enemy tank is using area fire if he is firing at an area where you have no troops and you can see him doing that. If you DO have troops there then the fact that his fire is missing more than hitting might be a good sign. Just a guess ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  20. My son got a GI Joe for Christmas and this last month I bought him the 21st Century Fallschrimjager uniform set for it. I made sure that he knows it's not GI Joe anymore it's Fallschrimjager Johann. I have the 21st Century Panzer Grenadier standing on the shelf above my computer desk Also check out a company called Dragon, they make high quality 12" wwII action figures and even offer alot of Waffen SS versions...more expensive than 21st Cen. though. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  21. Murgen, You're in luck! The Eastern front is slated for CM II ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  22. Scott is right, ICQ is a VERY big memory hog and on my machine when I played an email game of CM having icq running in the background really made CM choppy and there was an annoying flicker at the bottom of the game screen. Of course it's CM so I played on! I'm going to look into some other things like AOL IM etc... but alot of folks seem to have icq. ------------------ "If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."
  23. Gettin' down and dirty in combat, feeling the ground shake, seeing the dirt fly and hearing the men curse! btw, I recently loaded up some 'other' wargames I have and just couldn't bear to even look at them...oh, those sad hex shaped hills...*bidding them all farewell*
  24. The prefs file should be right inside your combat mission folder along with the BMP and wave folders etc...
  25. Where they running down a hill? Can they pick up momentum running down hill? Hec, I'll have to try that...Maybe they were just running faster than usual. I know, not a very good explanation, but worth a look...i guess.
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