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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. Guy, Thanks. I actually play for fun outside doing the AAR just to get a taste of game's true pace. Well, the key against the AI or a human player is to launch Sea Lion as quickly as possible. Giving the British too long to improve their defenses is not a good thing. Don't forget I still have to get the Soviets out of my back yard. My first goal is always trying to improve Industrial Technology. Getting the unit prices down has a HUGE lasting effect. Also, with my eye toward a successful Sea Lion, the Germans will provide air patrols to watch for US transports while the Italians provide naval units and garrisons in the cities. So, German research will focus on air power while Italian research will be concerned with naval power. Of course the Germans will also have to make some progress with ground units for the fight in Russia. Yes, I am. Like I explained to BB, there are holes, but they can be covered somewhat by using the higher difficulty settings. You're welcome and thank you. Feel free to send me the money.
  2. BB, Thanks. Yup, I suspected everybody would now have some insight into the way things really work. I'm using the default settings, so things are definitely a bit easier than they should be. I have played a few times (much quicker when not writing an AAR ) with higher difficulty settings and the AI definitely does a better job. Now, there will always be holes in the way it does things, but the higher settings make for a good challenge. For a true challenge, PBEM is the way to go. To be perfectly honest, the lack of a replay feature has not diminished my enjoyment of the PBEM experience at all. I believe the version I am using is the same as the demo (without the 1-year limit, of course). I may be one or two tweaks ahead of the gang, but it's not much.
  3. Previous Installments: War Is Declared! The Polish Campaign Scandanavian Surprise The French Disconection July 14, 1940 The war map shows the expanding gray areas on the map, indicating our early successes. Since only one major nation is currently at war with us, there is no point in risking the involvement of the other two. So, the majority of our focus will be on Operation Sea Lion, the invasion of Britain. While our ground forces prepare for the Channel crossing, our air units will begin a campaign of reducing the enemy defenses and strategic assets. At the same time, an army group will be raised and sent to Yugoslavia in an effort to secure the Balkans. The Italians will be responsible for tying down as many British troops as they can in the Mediterranean. Notes from Germany -Luftflotte I and II Air Fleets begin the attack on London in an effort to eliminate the enemy ground forces and draw the British air units into battle. It is hoped that their air cover will be all but eliminated before the invasion begins. The opening round does not go as well as expected, with our side taking moderate losses. On a positive note, however, the British did commit RAF Coastal Air Fleet to the action and they suffered casualties as well. -U-30 begins to make another run for Brest. If successful, it will re-supply and prepare to cover the western flank of the coming invasion. -Manstein and Bock move their army groups into position around the Antwerp and Brest ports. -Runstedt’s forces begin moving toward the Yugoslavian border, but the HQ stays near Antwerp to assist in preparations. -1307 MPPs are available this turn. Having this much to spend will be fun!  -56 MPPs are spent to reinforce 8th Army. -54 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte IV Air Fleet. -450 MPPs are spent to raise 1st Strategic Bombers in the northwestern Low Countries. This unit will prove very useful in pounding the British strategic targets. -360 MPPs are spent to raise Luftflotte II Air Fleet in Paris. Our agents have told us the British have no more than two air fleets of their own, so we should have a 2:1 edge in the skies. -250 MPPs are applied to developing Long Range Aircraft. If we can get a quick turnaround on this investment, it will be invaluable to our pilots fighting over Britain. Notes from Italy -369 MPPs are available this turn, but they will be saved to organize an HQ unit. July 21, 1940 -Germany collects 269 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -The port at Brest is bombed by British air units, causing only light damage that is quickly repaired. -The USSR annexes the Baltic States, pushing their border precariously close to Berlin. We’ll have to be sure to keep an eye on them. July 28, 1940 As before, preparations must continue for Operation Sea Lion and the attacks on Yugoslavia and Egypt. London is bombed again. This time, 1st Strategic Bombers flies with fighter escort from Lutflotte IV Air Fleet. As expected, British fighters intercept our planes and a furious battle erupts over the city. Both sides lose several planes, but our fighters are able to keep the enemy away from our bombers and they deliver their bombs on various targets around London, causing moderate damage. A second flight from Luftflotte I Air Fleet is less successful, resulting in more planes lost. Notes from Germany -U-30 continues its run for Brest -Ground forces continue to gather around the ports of Brest and Antwerp. -The cruiser Scharnhorst docks at Antwerp. It will dash through the English Channel and make its way to Brest. The cruiser and U-30 will be used to cover the western flank of the invasion force. -361 MPPs are available this turn. -29 MPPs are spent to reinforce XVI Panzer Tank Group. -33 MPPs are spent to reinforce 10th Army. Notes from Italy -484 MPPs are available this turn. -410 MPPs are spent to assemble Balbo’s HQ unit. Now the attack on Egypt can commence! August 4, 1940 -Germany collects 269 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -Our U-Boats disrupt Allied shipping in the Atlantic and cost them 6 MPPs. August 11, 1940 -We must continue the buildup for Operation Sea Lion. Things are going well with a planned launch in September. -The Italians are nearing completion of their preparations for the drive into Egypt. The plan is to start before the end of August in an effort to draw British attention away from their homeland. -Yugoslavia is still a secondary objective, but the necessary forces are to be assembled as quickly as possible. London continues to be punished by 1st Strategic Bombers. As before, fighters are sent along to escort the heavy bombers. This time, the task falls to Luftflotte II Air Fleet and, as expected, they tangle with the British fliers. Despite getting through with only nominal losses, the bombers fail to hit any of their targets. Fortunately, the defenders are not able to entrench in the face of this consistent pounding, but our air units are taking a pounding. On a bright note, Luftflotte IV Air Fleet did hit their targets in London without suffering any losses. Notes from Germany -U-30 clears the shipping lanes and should be able to reach Brest without any problems. -The Sea Lion first wave forces are in place. We’ll wait for the second wave forces and the naval screen to get into position. This will give the air units a chance to continue softening London’s defenses. -The cruiser Scharnhorst dashes through the English Channel without incident. -568 MPPs are available this turn. -72 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte I Air Fleet. -54 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte II Air Fleet. Notes from Italy -Balbo’s HQ unit makes the journey to Tobruk at a cost of 40 MPPs. He is not a strong commander, but his presence will give the offensive some much-needed direction. -A task force, consisting of the battleships Ciao Duilio, Andrea Doria, and Vittorio Veneta and the sub Liuzzi are assembled off the southwestern coast of Greece. If the British navy decides to leave Alexandria and challenge our advancing ground units, they’ll be in for a nasty surprise. -189 MPPs are available this turn. -100 MPPs are spent to repair the damaged cruiser Fiume. I upgraded to beta version 1.30d. August 18, 1940 -Germany collects 269 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -Our U-Boats disrupt Allied shipping in the Atlantic and cost them 6 MPPs. I thought U-30 had cleared the shipping lanes, but a convoy was located and attacked. Since the sub’s supplies werre running low, the engagement was cut short after only two transports were sunk. -British planes from Malta raided the unprotected city of Tripolitania, causing minor damage. The loss of a few MPPs can be justified since the Italian army that was there will be needed in Egypt. August 25, 1940 -Yes, preparations for Sea Lion are to continue. It has taken a long time to get everything ready, but this will likely be the only opportunity to knock Britain out of the war. We may be ready as early as September 9, but it will not be later than the 23rd. -The Italians must push hard for Alexandria. If the British are denied one of their three ports, the Mediterranean will be ripe for the picking. The focus of our bombing campaign changes, with improved results. 1st Strategic Bombers now targets the port of Gillingham, resulting in moderate damage to the facilities. As expected, the British fliers intercept our planes but losses are light on both sides. Since the port was hit hard, the victory is ours. Speaking of victories, Lutflotte I Air Fleet continues the bombing of London. Despite causing no significant damage, the enemy forces in the city are likely in no condition to provide much of a defense. Notes from Germany -U-30 had moves closer to Brest and calls for a supply sub. If one is able to reach them quickly enough, the planned invasion will have a solid west flank. -All of the ground and air forces are ready for Operation Sea Lion! If the naval forces can be ready to screen the transports during the dangerous Channel crossing, the invasion can commence! -The cruiser Scharnhorst docks at Brest and takes on supplies. -The cruiser Gneisenau reaches Antwerp and prepares to provide an eastern screen for the invasion force. -U-47 patrols the waters outside the harbor at Antwerp. -710 MPPs are available this turn. -54 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte III Air Fleet. -90 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte IV Air Fleet. -11 MPPs are spent to reinforce 14th Army. -11 MPPs are spent to reinforce 3rd Army. -450 MPPs are spent to raise 2nd Strategic Bombers in Paris. These bombers will help to subdue the enemy and fend off any naval units that attempt to intercept our transports. Notes from Italy -10th Army pushes deep into Egypt without meeting any resistance. I suspect there is only a garrison force in Alexandria and it is unlikely they will stop us for long. -The task force is joined by the cruiser Fiume and steams forward to positions southwest and west of Crete. This force should be more than a match for whatever naval units the British have in the eastern Mediterranean. -162 MPPs are available this turn. They will be saved for an air fleet, which will be most useful in the desert campaign. September 1, 1940 -Germany collects 269 MPPs and Italy collects 114 MPPs. -Again, British planes from Malta raided the unprotected city of Tripolitania. This time the results were much better for us. The Italian AA gunners were ready for the enemy planes and their accurate shooting brought down at least 12 fighter-bombers. The losses so disrupted the British that they thought better of the attack and returned to base. September 15, 1940 Our forces waiting to be given the word to launch Operation Sea Lion can be seen in the Low Countries and western France on the war map . Also visible is the Italian ground and naval units moving east toward Alexandria. The Italian mainland is dangerously exposed, but the British can scarcely afford to launch an invasion at this time. -Sea Lion will be launched! After months of preparation, the time has finally come. If we are successful, then we can turn our full attention to the Bolsheviks in the east. -The Italians are to begin their assault on Alexandria. The bombing of the port at Gillingham continues, with heavy losses being suffered on both sides. 2nd Strategic Bombers sees its first action, receiving fighter escorts from Luftflotte III Air Fleet. As has become the expected procedure, our fighters engage the enemy and furious dogfighting breaks out, filling much of the sky above the English Channel. Our fighters are successful in keeping the enemy planes from getting at our bombers, but they pay a terrible price in the process, losing over 30 planes. The enemy has also suffered losses, but their pilots are going down into friendly territory whereas ours are likely being taken prisoner. In the attack on the port itself, several bombers are shot down, but not before they deliver a crippling blow to the facilities. The follow-up attack on the port by Luftflotte II Air Fleet is much more successful. They only suffer light casualties, but they’re able to nearly finish the port off completely. British XIII Corps After a long march, the Italian 10th Army reached the hills to the west of Alexandria and decided to make camp for the night. Not long after the troops had fallen asleep, the sounds of muffled screams could be heard on the southern edge of the camp. As the weary soldiers stirred, they soon came to realize the enemy had infiltrated their camp. After getting their bearings, the Italians quickly engaged the British in hand-to-hand combat. There are few things more terrifying than being locked in mortal combat with an enemy that can only be seen as a silhouette against the night sky and men from both sides bolted when the fear overwhelmed them. The knife ruled this night and shots were only fired in desperation. It is unknown whether friend or foe was being hit, but soldiers who feared for their lives did not ask such questions in the heat of battle. After nearly an hour of vicious fighting, the high-pitched sound of a whistle pierced the night and the British soldiers promptly turned and ran from the camp. As the Italian soldiers attempted to regain their composure and catch their breath, mortar rounds began falling among them! They scrambled to find what little cover could be found in the open desert among the heavy equipment. No sooner had reached this cover than the shelling ceased. The next morning the casualty report listed nearly 500 Italians and 150 British. It was enough to force 10th Army to delay its planned attack on Alexandria for several weeks while they regrouped. Notes from Germany -The invasion is on! Transports from Brest and Antwerp are loaded and launched, heading for the southern coast of Britain. Manstein’s HQ (36 MPPs), XVI Panzer Tank Group (29 MPPs), I Panzer Tank Group (29 MPPs), 3rd Army (22 MPPs), and 14th Army (22 MPPs) moved into position and await the command to commence the landings. Screening the transports to the west are the cruiser Scharnhorst and U-30 while the cruiser Gneisenau and U-47 cover the east. With four air fleets available to cover the transports, they should be well-protected from the air and, despite its powerful navy, the British will be hard-pressed to get past our screening forces. -363 MPPs are available this turn. -67 MPPs are spent to reinforce 1st Strategic Bombers. Notes from Italy -The task force moves into position east of Crete, effectively bottling the British naval units into the eastern end of the Mediterranean. Since it is unlikely the Italian ships have been spotted, they should be able to strike first and ultimately destroy or cripple the enemy. -276 MPPs are available this turn. September 29, 1940 -Germany collects 269 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -The British launched a furious attack on our forces in the Channel and losses are heavy everywhere. Land-based bombers and carrier-based fighter-bombers from the enemy carrier Courageous are escorted by fighters and initiate attacks on our transport ships, causing extensive damage to I Panzer Tank Group. Fortunately, our fighters from Luftflotte I and IV Air Fleets arrive and drive off the enemy planes. Losses are light for our air units but the price paid in the Channel is steep. -Our screening units also come under heavy attacks from the enemy’s formidable fleet. The enemy battleship Resolution mauls the cruiser Gneisenau, knocking out two of her guns and sending a shell through the bow. Resolution is also damaged in the engagement, but definitely has the upper hand. While Gneisenau covered the east end of the Channel, our cruiser Scharnhorst patrolled the west end. When the enemy cruiser Hood engaged her, the results were again disappointing, with Scharnhorst taking several direct hits and the enemy avoiding any serious damage. -On a bright note, U-30 was able to use stealth to its advantage while operating with Scharnhorst. The enemy had attempted to swing the battleship Rodney around the flank of our crippled cruiser, no doubt hoping to break through and get at the vulnerable transport ships. As they soon discovered, the captain of U-30 was waiting for just such a maneuver and had positioned his sub to insure not being detected. As the enemy battleship raced eastward, it was clear they had no idea a trap had been laid for them. U-30 crept forward, getting into position to launch a full spread of torpedoes. They were able to get within 800 meters of the battleship before launching four torpedoes in rapid succession. As the crew waited and the captain eyed his stopwatch anxiously, an explosion rocked the sub violently. They had been spotted! The enemy ship was firing rounds at them and one exploded only 50 meters to starboard, causing minor damage. The crew, however, began to panic, expecting the next round to hit home. The captain remained focused on his stopwatch and waited for the sound of a distant explosion to exact revenge on the enemy. It came right on time and a cheer rose from throughout the U-boat. The captain quickly peered into the periscope to survey the enemy ship for damage. Damn! The first torpedo exploded before reaching its target. There were three more to follow, but his ship was vulnerable to enemy attacks. Before he had time to consider his options, the second torpedo found its target and ripped a hole in the side of the Rodney. This explosion was quickly followed by a second one that nearly lifted the battleship out of the water! It seems the third and fourth torpedoes found their marks at the same time, tearing a large section of the stern from the now-crippled enemy ship. The captain wanted to finish the job, but he knew their position had been compromised and decided to submerge to the safety of deep water. -The British also sprung into action in the Mediterranean. They continue their raids of Tripolitania, but no significant damage was suffered by either side. To the east, things were far different. The Italian task force intercepted the British fleet steaming west from Alexandria. In the furious fighting that ensued, the Italian battleship Vittorio Veneto is able to cause extensive damage to the enemy carrier Ark Royal, despite being constantly attacked by the carrier-borne planes. The situation was far grimmer for the battleship Ciao Duilio as she attempted to fend off the battleship Warspite and the cruiser Gloucester. The enemy ships were able to penetrate the Italian ship’s armor with catastrophic results. Despite being hit as well, the enemy ships continuously rained shells on the Ciao Duilio as her crew fought desperately to get the ship afloat. -British XIII Corps, not content to await the coming attack on Alexandria by Italian 10th Army, launch probes. The enemy suffers only light casualties, but more importantly, they are not able to improve their defenses. Every little bit will help when the assault finally comes. October 13, 1940 -It is imperative that our ground forces push toward London and the critical port of Gillingham in order to assure supplies are able to get to them. Also, the second wave needs to be launched. The screening forces need to maintain their positions and every opportunity must be taken to destroy or cripple British ships. British Battleship Resolution 3rd Army lands and immediately makes its way to positions overlooking the port of Gillingham where the enemy battleship Resolution is positioned. Our artillery is brought forward and opens fire before the enemy realizes what is happening. After nearly an hour of continuous shelling, the enemy ship attempts to escape the port, but several rounds have already pierced the thin deck plating. Fires have broken out and men can be scrambling around and diving into the water. The ship is able to move no more than 400 meters before a round rips through the aft turret. Apparently this causes a chain-reaction in the magazine below the gun, resulting in an explosion that can nearly knocks our artillerymen off their feet at nearly 3 kilometers away! When the Resolution finally stops, it quickly rolls to its side and slowly plunges into the water. British XXX Corps Following close behind 3rd Army, 14th Army makes its way toward the southwestern of London. Ahead of the ground troops, planes from 1st Strategic Bombers and Luftflotte II and IV Air Fleets are pounding enemy positions in the city. These attacks not only damage enemy defenses, but they also cause confusion within the ranks. When 14th Army begins its push into the city, this confusion leads to all-out panic and the British soldiers flee before our forces. Eventually they are able to stabilize the line, but not until after suffering heavy losses. A concerted thrust should be all that’s needed to wrest control of the city from them. British Battleship Warspite The Italian Navy got exactly what it wanted; a battle for supremacy of the Mediterranean! After early enemy success, the Italians strike back with a terrible fury, engaging the British at point-blank range. First, the sub Liuzzi approaches the battleship Warspite, firing two torpedoes that both strike their target and destroying the enemy ship’s rudder in the process. When the cruiser Fiume moves to finish off the crippled battleship, it is desperately moving at top speed in ever-widening circles as her crew manages to slowly regain control of the ship. It does not matter after Fiume launches a barrage that sends another British battleship to the bottom. British Aircraft Carrier Ark Royal While the Liuzzi and the Fiume were tangling with the Warspite, the Italian battleships Andrea Doria and Vittorio Veneto pounced on the enemy carrier Ark Royal. The British ship attempted to stay out of range of the Italian big guns by launching several sorties of fighter-bombers. Initially, this was successful in damaging the Andrea Doria, but the battleships pressed the attack and eventually brought the carrier into sight. The thin armor plating was easily pierced and the British ship was resting at the bottom of the Mediterranean after being hit over 50 times! Notes from Germany -2nd Strategic Bombers hit the port at Gillingham, causing minor damage, but suffering too many losses in the process. -The second wave of Sea Lion departs from Brest and Antwerp. Bock’s HQ (36 MPPs), XIX Panzer Tank Group (29 MPPs), 8th Army (22 MPPs), and 10th Army (22 MPPs) follow the path of the first wave and wait offshore. The cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau screen the western flank while U-47 patrols the waters to the east. The British still have a strong surface fleet and will likely exact a heavy toll on our screens. Hopefully they will not get through to the transports. -U-30 withdraws to Brest for repairs. -427 MPPs are available this turn. -72 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte I Air Fleet. -54 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte III Air Fleet. Notes from Italy -The battleship Ciao Duilio withdraws toward Taranto. There is no need to risk losing a battleship since the eastern Mediterranean is soon to be in Italian hands. -10th Army launches a probing attack toward Alexandria, but little contact is made. -391 MPPs are available this turn. October 27, 1940 -Germany collects 269 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -British bombers en route to attack 14th Army are intercepted by fighters from Luftflotte III Air Fleet and turned away. Few losses are suffered, but it seems the fighting spirit of the enemy fliers may be waning. -An unidentified enemy tank group strikes the extremely vulnerable I Panzer Tank Group. As a result, our armor unit is completely wiped out. -Two unidentified enemy corps engage 14th Army southwest of London, resulting in light casualties on both sides. -The enemy cruiser Hood returns to the Channel waters and attempts to finish off our damaged cruiser Gneisenau. Our ship may have few operational guns remaining, but her engines are still in working order and the captain orders a hasty withdrawal. Both ships score direct hits, but the damage is mostly superficial. -Once again, the enemy air unit stationed in Malta raids Tripolitania. Also as before, damage is minimal. -The British XIII Corps ventures forth from Alexandria and suffers more casualties at the hands of the Italian 10th Army. This is precisely what the goal of the African campaign is. If the enemy is forced to spend MPPs there, they will not be available for the defense of Britain. November 10, 1940 -Now that a significant force will be on British soil, the goal will be to solidify our positions and make the concerted push needed to take London. -The US seems to be getting a bit anxious with our troops so near to London. Their chances of entering the war jump from 32% to 52%! As long as we remain focused on knocking Britain out of the war, it is unlikely the US will be able to save them in time. -A massive air assault is launched against the unidentified British tank group far to the west of London. All four air fleets, supported by the cruiser Scharnhorst, relentlessly pound the enemy armor into submission. When the attack ends, the entire area is covered with burning wrecks. British XXX Corps In an effort to keep the London defenders off balance, 3rd Army and 1st Strategic Bombers launch an attack that stalls well short of the city perimeter. Despite the lack of progress, the enemy suffers losses, which is just as important. With Britain’s dwindling resources, it will become increasingly difficult for them to reinforce their units. Our losses are almost irrelevant, assuming they are not outrageously high. British Unidentified Corps Another enemy unit is subjected to an all-out assault by our combined forces. 8th and 14th Armies, along with XVI and XIX Panzer Tank Groups, hit an unidentified British corps from three sides. The carnage is terrible, with the enemy troops being overwhelmed immediately. The appearance of our tanks in such large numbers clearly broke the recently-conscripted and poorly-trained enemy troops. Many threw their weapons to the ground and fled without firing a shot. Still others surrendered en masse. Our troops and tanks were able to advance virtually unopposed. British Cruiser Gloucester The chase is on! Gloucester breaks contact with the Italian surface and races to the west. It is assumed she is headed for Malta or perhaps Gibraltar. The Italians give chase, hoping to eliminate the last British naval threat in the Mediterranean. The cruiser Fiume moves ahead with the battleships Andrea Doria and Vittorio Veneto close behind. The enemy cruiser attempts to use a bank of fog to catch the Fiume off guard and they are able to score several hits. However, the three Italian ships quickly close the gap and pounce on the once-proud Gloucester. The battle rages for two hours, with the enemy cruiser maneuvering desperately to avoid the hailstorm of shells and still trying to launch volleys of her own. All this scrambling is to no avail and the British ship is struck repeatedly. Eventually, her guns became silent and she slowed to nearly a crawl. The only thing left for the Italian ships to do is finish her off before she reaches the safety of the air cover of the British planes at Malta. Notes from Germany -The cruiser Gneisenau withdraws to the French port of Arachon for much-needed repairs. -U-47 moves west in the English Channel to cover the cruiser Scharnhorst. -461 MPPs are available this turn. -90 MPPs are spent to reinforce 2nd Strategic Bombers. -81 MPPs are spent to reinforce U-30. Notes from Italy -The battleship Ciao Duilio steams for Taranto and the safety of a friendly port. -Once again, 10th Army keeps the pressure on the British XIII Corps in Alexandria, but they only succeed in absorbing light casualties. -5th Army departs Tobruk (25 MPPs) and moves into position off the Egyptian coast to the east of Alexandria. The extra unit will give the Italians to ground attacks per turn. -505 MPPs are available this turn. -400 MPPs are used to raise 1st Air Fleet in Tobruk. Alexandria will now have to withstand three attacks per turn! November 24, 1940 -Germany collects 279 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -Hungary joins the Axis! The MPPs will help considerably more than the army and the corps they bring. However, the army will help with the coming invasion of Yugoslavia. -The exposed cruiser Scharnhorst is the target of a furious enemy attack. Fighter-bombers from the carrier Courageous and land-based bombers appear over our ship and immediately begin their attacks. Two Air Fleets (Luftflotte I and III) meet the enemy head-on, only to find escort fighters waiting for them. As the fighters from both sides are engaged in a bitter struggle for dominance of the skies, the enemy bombers continue their relentless assault on Scharnhorst. Several bombs find their targets, setting the cruiser alight. The flames do not stop the enemy. They continue until a massive explosion rips the doomed ship’s hull in two, sending the pieces below the Channel surface in a matter of minutes. Both sides lose many fighter aircraft, but our loss of one of only two cruisers is going to cost us dearly. -Canadian 1st Army and an unidentified British army throw their combined weight at XVI Panzer Tank Group, holding the area southeast of Birmingham. The enemy suffers 40% casualties in the assault, but our armored unit’s casualties reach 50%! This campaign is definitely going to be costly for both sides, but we should be better able to replenish our losses than the enemy will be. -In a desperate attempt to break our encircling forces around London, an unidentified British corps hits 14th Army to the west of the city. Initially, our troops are surprised by the enemy’s tenacity in the face of overwhelming odds and ground is given. The local commanders are quickly able to bring things under control and launch several small counterattacks. This response stops the enemy advance and inflicts moderate casualties while 14th Army suffers only light losses. December 8, 1940 -Our forces are in position to take London, so the time has come to start dismantling the once great British Empire. Also, Alexandria will continue to be pressured. -Our operatives in the United States have confirmed that support for Britain is growing rapidly, reaching 72%. It will take them several months to mobilize enough forces to cause any trouble for us. British Aircraft Carrier Courageous U-30 leaves the port at Brest and quickly makes its way around the Isles of Scilly, off the western tip of Land’s End in Britain. From here the carrier’s planes can be seen patrolling the skies to the northwest. The submarine creeps ever closer, still undetected. 2000 meters and moving forward. 1500 meters and an enemy patrol seems to have spotted the submarine. It flies overhead for a closer look. 1000 meters and a squadron of torpedo bombers begin taking off from the carrier. 900 meters and the first enemy T-B begins its attack run. 800 meters and the torpedo misses its mark. Now there are three enemy planes with torpedoes waiting their turn to attack. 700 meters and a torpedo explodes only 70 meters astern! The submarine crew loads all four torpedoes and floods the tubes. The captain now sees that the enemy carrier is already badly damaged and realizes that only one direct hit will be needed to finish it. 600 meters and the third T-B flies much closer to the surface in its run, bring the torpedo on line for the submarine. The captain of the sub orders “All stop!” The enemy torpedo hits the water. The submarine comes to a stop. The torpedo begins cutting through the water under its own power, on a course to strike the submarine’s bow. The captain yells “Fire torpedoes 1 and 2!” and they are immediately launched. The enemy torpedo is only 300 meters away while our torpedoes are 400 meters from their target. 200 meters to the submarine…300 meters to the carrier…100 meters and the submarine crew hears the torpedo coming. There is panic and the crew scrambles to move the submarine out of harms way, but it’s too late. The U-boat is struck and it rocks violently to the side. Water rushes into a forward compartment, but the crew quickly scrambles to seal the bulkheads and things are brought under control. The situation is vastly different on the enemy carrier. While our crew is fighting to keep their submarine from sinking, the British carrier crew is rejoicing, not realizing two torpedoes re closing fast. Much of the enemy crew had made their way to the flight deck to watch the action. They see the plume of water from the torpedo that strikes the U-boat and many assume it has been sunk. As they begin to dance wildly on the deck, the first of our torpedoes hits its mark, ripping a gaping hole in the hull. Dozens of enemy crewmen are sent over the side while the rest are knocked to their feet. Now, the British are scrambling to save their ship, but a second torpedo insures their efforts will be in vain. This time, the explosion causes the ship to immediately begin sinking. In less than four minutes, the bow slips beneath the waves and it is over… Canadian 1st Army The push to break the British line begins around the vital road intersection of Birmingham. 1st Canadian Army is covering this area and is attacked by a combined arms force from 14th Army and XVI Panzer Tank Group. Prior to the assault, planes from 1st Strategic Bombers soften the defenders’ positions. The attack goes without a hitch and our side loses only a couple dozen tanks. The Canadians, despite taking horrendous loses, continue to hold the city of Birmingham, denying us access to the roads leading north to Manchester. British XXX Corps The plum is ripe for the picking! London’s defenders will now feel the full weight of the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe. 8th Army advances from the southwest while 3rd Army moves forward from its position south of the city. Three air fleets (Luftflotte II, III, and IV) provide close air support, knocking out key defensive positions in the city. Several days of bloody fighting ensue, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides. The British fight honorably, but they soon crack under the immense pressure applied by our forces. British Unidentified Corps Now that the enemy troops in London have been eliminated, we need to strengthen our position and prepare for potential counterattacks. 10th Army moves into the ruined city and launches an attack to the northwest against an unidentified British corps. While our infantry is preparing for this attack, XIX Panzer Tank Group moves through London and to the north, providing flank support for 10th Army. Bombers from 2nd Strategic Bombers make several passes and insure the enemy infantry remains in place while our ground forces prepare to attack. Once the enemy’s defensive line is reached, most of them turn and flee. The battle is over in less than two hours and the way to the north is clear. British XIII Corps The diversionary attack by the Italians increases in intensity with the landing of 5th Italian Army to the east of the city. Immediately upon arrival, they mount a determined attack while 10th Italian Army strikes the British garrison from the west. The defenders are starting to show sign of fatigue and the Italians are able to take and hold the outlying areas. With the British taking moderate losses, they will be hard-pressed to reinforce here and defend Britain itself. This is precisely the dilemma we had hoped to create for the enemy. Notes from Germany -1st and 4th Armies join 1st Hungarian Army on the Yugoslavian border, preparing for the coming invasion. -569 MPPs are available this turn. -175 MPPs are spent to repair the cruiser Scharnhorst. -90 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte I Air Fleet. -293 MPPs are spent raising II Panzer Tank Group in Brussels. The armor may be needed to help finish the job in Britain. If not, they’ll move south to aid in the conquest of Vichy France. Notes from Italy -1st Air Fleet crosses the Egyptian border and positions itself to support the continuing assault on Alexandria. -With the exception of the submarine Liuzzi, the Italian fleet returns to port for repairs and resupply. The Liuzzi heads toward Alexandria, hoping to disrupt supply ships. They will need to be at maximum strength to face the remaining Allied forces in the Mediterranean. More importantly, the US will likely be entering the war soon and the Italian surface fleet will provide the first line of defense against this new threat. -195 MPPs are available this turn. -180 MPPs are spent to partially repair the battleship Ciao Duilio. January 5, 1941 -Germany collects 295 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -The resilient Churchill has moved the British government to Manchester. No matter, we were heading in that direction anyway. -Our submarines were very busy, disrupting shipping in the North Atlantic (6 MPPs) and the Mediterranean (7MPPs). The 13 MPP loss will add to the British woes, moving them a little closer to the brink of destruction. -The British cruiser Hood, likely sent to find our submarines, was surprised by U-30 north of Land’s End. The submarine is able to cripple the enemy vessel and submerge back out of sight without being spotted. -XIX Panzer Tank Group came under attack north of London. Planes from the enemy aircraft carrier Glorious targeted our tanks while the big guns of the British battleship Nelson pounded our positions. Fortunately, fighters from Luftflotte II Air Fleet quickly responded and chased off the enemy planes. Both sides suffered moderate casualties, which will likely have a far greater impact on the enemy’s ability to fight than it will on ours. -The time of reckoning has come! The United States (92%) will be entering the war, so we need to finish the British and set up the Atlantic Wall. Without a base of operations in Europe, even the mighty American military will be hard-pressed to launch a successful invasion. -The Soviet Union is also beginning to stir, jumping from 41% to 61%. The combination of Hungary joining the Axis and the fall of London has likely made them realize they are next. February 2, 1941 -The target now becomes Manchester. Even if its capture does not convince the enemy to capitulate, they will be all but eliminated from their island. Alexandria is nearly ready to fall into our hands as well, opening the way to the oil fields beyond. With the coming entry of the United States, the Atlantic Wall must be started. Finally, the invasion of Yugoslavia will be postponed in order to keep the Soviets at bay for as long as possible. British Cruiser Hood The enemy vessel is in no condition to fend off the attack of U-47 and is sent to the bottom. British HQ-Montgomery The screen of enemy forces for Montgomery have been eliminated or chased from the battlefield. Now, we are able to engage the leader of the British forces with the goal of breaking the entire British armed forces. 10th and 8th Armies pounce on the lightly defended HQ unit and wreak havoc. The enemy withstands only moderate casualties, but they are in a precarious position. If they pull back to protect the HQ, their air units will be exposed to attack. On the other hand, if they stand pat, they risk losing their leader. Either way, our forces are pushing ever closer to victory. XIX Panzer Tank Group swings into position to hit Montgomery’s HQ from the southwest, but they stumble upon the badly mauled Canadian 1st Army further to the west. The commanders of the tank group decide to take advantage of the opportunity and easily destroy the remnants of the enemy army. That leaves one less unit blocking the way north. British XIII Corps The Italians continue to chip away at the British defenders in Alexandria. 10th and 5th Armies, with support from the Italian 1st Air Force, squeeze the city from the east and west. Italian losses are a bit higher than expected, but the British continue to take losses as well. Notes from Germany -1st and 2nd Strategic Bombers hit the British battleship Nelson, causing extensive damage. Enemy interceptors from airfields and the carrier Glorious cause only minor losses to the bomber groups. -U-30 heads back to Brest for repairs. -The cruiser Gniesenau makes its way into the English Channel, moving east to engage the enemy naval units. -Luftflotte I, II, and IV Air Fleets relocate to bases in southern Britain. -XXIII Corps and 1st and 4th Armies head for Poland to bolster the line before the Soviets decide to attack. -306 MPPs are available this turn. -II Panzer Tank Group transports from Antwerp to Gillingham, costing 29 MPPs. -126 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte II Air Fleet. -87 MPPs are spent to reinforce XVI Panzer Tank Group. -56 MPPs are spent to reinforce 14th Army. Notes from Italy -130 MPPs are available this turn, but they will be saved for reinforcing units. March 2, 1941 -Germany collects 328 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -Our subs continue to hammer at way at the Allied supply efforts. 9 MPPs are lost in the North Atlantic and 7 MPPs are lost in the Mediterranean. The British will likely have to choose between getting a corps or reinforcing their current units. Whichever choice they make, their overall situation will continue to deteriorate. -Spain finally decides to join the Axis cause! On the surface this is great, but the timing may cause some serious short-term problems. USSR will probably feel compelled to enter the war too, and we are not going to be ready to face them until Britain has been conquered. In the meantime, it will be nice to get the additional MPPs and a crack at Gibraltar, putting even more pressure on Britain. -USA continues preparing for war and are expected to join the Allied side. -Our engineers have finally developed new Level-1 long-range aircraft! This will be particularly useful in the west for the planes that will be assigned to watch for the expected American attempt to get across the Atlantic. -A British army, corps, and the RAF Coastal Air Fleet launch an attack that is aimed at destroying the vulnerable XIX Panzer Tank Group. The intervention of fighters from Luftflotte I Air Fleet help to stem the tide and remnants of the armored unit are able to avoid annihilation. -In a desperate attempt to inflict some damage, the enemy’s bombers attack the Norwegian port of Bergen. Only light damage (2 MPPs) is sustained and should not have any lasting impact. -Planes launched from the British aircraft carrier Glorious to strike at 8th Army. Despite facing planes from Luftflotte II Air Fleet, the enemy fighters are able to reach their targets and cause minor problems along with taking down several of our planes. -As expected, USA declares war. They are not going to have enough time to save Britain from final destruction. Also, once the Italian navy is free to leave the Mediterranean, our defenses will be formidable. So, it will be quite some time until the Americans pose a serious threat. -USSR prepares for war, jumping to 91%! Now, this is bad. If they hold off for another month, there should be enough time to finish Britain and shift our forces to the east. If not, we’ll be forced to fight a delaying action. March 16, 1941 -Well, things are looking a little dicey, but the elimination of Britain will makes things much easier. So, the top priority will be to keep the pressure on them wherever possible. At the same time, the growing threat in the east must be addressed and a defensive line will be established. British RAF Coastal Air Fleet XVI Panzer Tank Group rushes through the gap in the enemy line and attacks the only land-based British fighter group. The enemy air fleet is under half strength and presents no problem for our panzers. Without this air cover, our planes will have greater freedom to operate. British HQ-Montgomery Once again, the enemy’s HQ unit is badly exposed. II Panzer Tank Group, 10th Army, and 8th Army pounce like wolves on helpless prey. Surprisingly, the British troops defend their leader tenaciously and some of them actually survive. With the serious loss of MPP revenue, the enemy will not be able to rebuild this unit without sacrificing other areas. So, even if they regain their strength, there will plenty of soft spots available. British Unidentified Army The push to Manchester begins in the hills south of the city. 14th Army launches several probing attacks, resulting in light casualties on both sides. More important is that the enemy is found to be understrength. Another soft spot… British XIII Corps The Italians continue squeezing Alexandria. The defenders again take heavy losses under the combined pressure from 10th Army, 5th Army, and 1st Air Fleet. The town is in ruins and the enemy troops must be nearly out of food and ammunition. Their resolve is admirable, but it will all be for naught. Notes from the West -1 Strategic Bombers and Luftflotte I Air Fleet are sent to take out the British battleship Royal Oak, which has moved out of range of its air cover. A relentless pounding sends the ship to the bottom, with few of our planes being lost in the process. -XIX Panzer Tank Group moves to the southern coast of Britain to rest and receive reinforcements. -The Spanish 1st and 2nd Armies move south to take Gibraltar. -334 MPPs are available this turn. -54 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte IV Air Fleet. -72 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte III Air Fleet. -56 MPPs are spent to reinforce 3rd Army. -54 MPPs are spent to reinforce Luftflotte II Air Fleet. -90 MPPs are spent to reinforce 2nd Strategic Bombers. With most units being near full strength, the final assault on Manchester has a very good chance for success. Notes from the Mediterranean -245 MPPs are available this turn. -120 MPPs are spent to repair the battleship Vittorio Veneto. -100 MPPs are spent to repair the cruiser Fiume. -6 MPPs are spent to reinforce XXIV Corps. Notes from the East -Now that the Soviet Union is preparing for war, it would be wise to keep a close eye on them. The line we have in place is thin, but our forces in Britain should be free very soon. Once they are, we should be able to concentrate on pushing to the Ural Mountains. March 30, 1941 -Germany collects 335 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -Our subs keep whittling away at Britain’s supply line. 7 MPPs are lost in the North Atlantic and 6 MPPs are lost in the Mediterranean. -A pro-Allied coup in Yugoslavia creates an unexpected situation that will need to be resolved immediately. We cannot afford to have them causing problems while we are dealing with the Soviets. -The USSR continues preparing for war… -Our research efforts are really paying dividends now! Our long-range aircraft have now reached level-2. The extra range will be very useful for spotting the expected American invasion fleet. -Once again, Britain’s Bomber Command strikes the port of Bergen, Norway, causing only 2 MPPs of damage. -As expected, the USSR declares war and enters the fray. Of course, our defenses are far too weak to deal with this new threat, but our forces in Britain should be available very soon. April 13, 1941 -With the entry of the USSR, we’ll have to turn our attention their way immediately. It is imperative that we take Manchester and Alexandria. Also, we need to contain the Yugoslavian situation until sufficient troops can be sent to eliminate it. British HQ-Montgomery There are few soldiers left in Montgomery’s HQ unit. When the leading elements of 8th Army make contact with them, they see a white flag flying over the command tent. It appears the enemy general is taking the sensible course of action and sparing the lives of his remaining men. Now that the only British HQ unit is eliminated, the rest of their land and air forces should fall easily. British Bomber Command Tanks from II and XVI Panzer Tank Groups race northward to hit the enemy airfields where the strategic bombers are. Our units quickly surround the enemy and quickly brush aside the light perimeter defenses. After the day’s one-sided fighting, the enemy bombers have all been put out of action. Word is sent to our boys in Bergen that they’ll be able to finish repairing the port without further enemy interference. British Unidentified Corps Every plane that can fly is scrambled and sent to pound Manchester into submission. Units from 14th and 3rd Armies, advancing on the ground, look up to see wave after wave flying over the city and dropping their payloads. Over the course of several hours, more than half of the city is burning or in ruins. But, our planes continue relentlessly. Only when our ground forces approach the outskirts of the city do our planes disappear from the skies. The defenders are stunned and offer only nominal resistance, except for pockets of fierce fighting. Once the last pockets are quieted, the battle ends. Our casualties are high, with almost 150 planes lost, but the British have been beaten. Their formal surrender is expected shortly. British Battleship Rodney 10th Army surges into Manchester after it is cleared. The lead units are surprised to find to the badly damaged British battleship Rodney docked nearby in the port at Liverpool. The ship is stormed and the crew is taken prisoner. After everyone has left the ship, it is sent to the bottom. British XIII Corps Another in a series of assaults on Alexandria is launched by the Italian 10th Army and 1st Air Fleet. Initially, progress is slowed by the rubble-strewn streets and stiff resistance by the defenders. Once the first line of defense is cracked, the British realize how hopeless their situation is and send a messenger to request a cease-fire and an eventual surrender. Accompanied by 5th Army, Balbo himself enters the ruined city to meet the enemy commander and accept the surrender. Notes from the West -All the German HQ units begin making their way east for the coming fighting with the Soviets. While Bock and Manstein head for the port at Gillingham, Runstedt takes a train to the northwest suburbs of Warsaw to take immediate command of the defenses. -The cruiser Gneisenau moves to cover the sea-lane north of Scapa Flow. -U-47 takes up position in the English Channel. -The Spanish 1st and 2nd continue moving toward Gibraltar in order to secure the port once the expected surrender comes from Britain. -341 MPPs are available this turn. -131 MPPs are spent to reinforce XIX Panzer Tank Group. -81 MPPs are spent to repair U-30. Notes from the Mediterranean -With Alexandria in Italian hands, Balbo begins moving his HQ toward Iraq, the next target. -The battleship Vittorio Veneto and the cruiser Fiume sail for Gibraltar with orders to help the Spanish ground units secure the port. -The battleship Andrea Doria heads for Venice to undergo repairs. -The battleship Ciao Duilio and the sub Liuzzi head for Taranto for repairs. -1st and 4th Armies are sent to Yugoslavia to help bring that situation under control. -134 MPPs are available this turn, but will be saved for naval repairs. Notes from the East -The defenses are further strengthened. They may buckle but reinforcements are the way to take the initiative and push the enemy back to the Ural Mountains. April 27, 1941 -Britain surrenders, giving us not only the islands, but also Egypt and the coveted fortifications at Gibraltar and Malta! The west is now secure and plans are already in motion to set up a layered defense to prevent the Americans from getting a foothold in Europe. The vast majority of our effort can now be focused on defeating the Soviet menace. This effort will be greatly enhanced by the 907 MPPs plundered from Britain. -Germany collects 422 MPPs and Italy collects 115 MPPs. -Our scientists have great news of their own, further developing Industrial Technology to Level-2. The reduction in unit costs will be a boon against the manpower and equipment available to the USSR. -Soviet units launch several probing attacks along our eastern border, with few significant losses. [ June 02, 2002, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  4. Guy, After you see what I'm about to post, you'll need more than a couple beers! :eek:
  5. BB, Great timing! Your question will be answered in less than 30 minutes...
  6. Guys, Two words for you: File Compression I have a Yahoo! account and compressed files come and go freely. Also, they are only 40 KB.
  7. Aloid, He did, but he didn't give me proper credit. So, the lawyers are now involved...
  8. Guys, I have two soccer games on Saturday and both have championship implications! I'll post the highlights. Also, I am hoping to have a monstrous installment for the ongoing AAR I've been writing. Here's a sample: "There are few things more terrifying than being locked in mortal combat with an enemy that can only be seen as a silhouette against the night sky and men from both sides bolted when the fear overwhelmed them. The knife ruled this night and shots were only fired in desperation. It is unknown whether friend or foe was being hit, but soldiers who feared for their lives did not ask such questions in the heat of battle."
  9. Jeff, Yes, but that just put everything back where it should be.
  10. Grimmy, The Siberian boys don't arrive until winter of 1941, when the Japanese assure the Soviet government that they would rather drag the US into the war instead of helping the Germans to defeat a large, but ill-prepared, EurAsian country.
  11. Geez ST...can't you be a bit less verbose? My eyes can't handle all that text. </font>
  12. RL, As it stands now, I am pretty sure they get 5% of their MPPs while neutral.
  13. Bill, As was the case in the real deal, hang on for dear life and scream at the western Allies for a second front! In all seriousness, the key to defending Mother Russia is plugging holes and keeping the Krauts out of the Caucasus. Your goal is to slow the juggernaut long enough to get Britain and the US to start drawing German resources away from the east. Once this is accomplished, Bagration can begin...
  14. I thought the long awaited "web site redesign" was actually in reference to CMHQ. I never go to battlefront.com anyhow! SUPERTED! WHEN IS YOUR FACE LIFT?????????????????????</font>
  15. Chris, Happy to oblige. Did you notice all the titles are relevant in some demented way?
  16. Aloid, Sorry, I was napping. What did I miss? I'll be back after soccer practice (priorities ) and I'll be happy to throw some thoughts your way. [ May 30, 2002, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  17. Brandon, All your units get upgraded instantly. Not only does their maximum strength increase, but their charactersitics also improve. Check the unit purchase menu to verify this. Individual tank models are not included at the army/corps level.
  18. Brandon, That was a design decision by Hubert. It can't be done manually. Look at the unit purchase menu and you'll see the statistics have improved. Correct.
  19. The boys at TH-Forums CMBO have been hard at work preparing some very interesting articles for your reading pleasure.
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