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David Aitken

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Everything posted by David Aitken

  1. I swear I saw a padlock on this thread. I thought Matt had read this page and flipped, or decided that Dunnee was right or something.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Abbott wrote: I still have not figured out exactly what a Womble is.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm... this one looks ripe for the kill. You can have a setup too.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>armornut wrote: ... blah blah ... file blah ... blah send me ... blah blah ... send me a file ... blah<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have a mind to rip out your windpipe. Your file is on the way.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>jshandorf wrote: You stupid git. You fell for the oldest trick in the book. You deserved to loose, so quit yer bitchin'.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I won't hear any of that kind of talk, and neither would jd or Lawyer. Common sense doesn't come into it!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>i_M_l33t wrote: Man, this is a tough crowd!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Believe that and you'll believe anything...
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>armornut wrote: incoherent rambling<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I find it difficult to imagine that you could actually co-ordinate a military force, let alone decide how to use it against the enemy. Sounds like an easy win for me. I may condescend to kill you after all, but Abbott seems rather keen for a game, so I'll give him another chance to challenge me in new and interesting ways before I start any new games. You could help by sending him some balls.
  7. Give the Frenchies a break. They had a huge and invincible force of supertanks which could have wiped Germany off the face of the planet, except the tanks were planted into the ground along the border, and it occurred to the Germans that if they simply didn't attack these tanks they had nothing to worry about. The French are only guilty of a flawed defensive strategy. They did plenty to upset the Germans under occupation, but all I hear on this forum is that they used American equipment after Overlord.
  8. Would Sir Mace be so kind as to point out the word(s) which I have misspelt.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>armornut wrote: ... I haven't a clue what "telepathy" means ... I can't spell ... I am a wanker ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm... I'm starting to notice a pattern here.
  10. I just started wondering why 2in mortars can be knocked out. All they are is a tube with a foot at the bottom and a bit of canvas for holding them by. How is one of those going to be "knocked out" by artillery when the crew gets away unscathed? I think I'll have to start a new thread to annoy BTS.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>armornut wrote: ... I haven't a clue what "psychic" means ... I can't spell ... I am a moron ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aren't you lucky, I actually wasted several seconds of my life looking up the dictionary to give you a taster of the education you never had. psychic: 1a (of a person) considered to have occult powers, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. Now I've got a little task for you on behalf of BTS. They need to double-check the accuracy of the tank tracks they've modelled in the game, so you need to go to a historical tank demonstration and take a close look. The drivers will be expecting you, so you don't need to worry about them not seeing you and accidentally grinding you into a fine paste.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Moriarty wrote: Been using the Brits alot recently because I don't know much about using them well. I don't like that their squads don't have any AT capabilities, and are a bit light in the firepower, but you can get a bunch of them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The PIAT is supposed to stay with its platoon. The squads may not carry AT weapons, but the platoon PIAT should never be far away. The advantage of Vickers and similar machineguns is their sustained fire abilities, but this isn't modelled in CM. They may be heavy and have a slow rate of fire, but once in position they should be able to keep firing without risk of overheating.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>armornut wrote: His head will just swell.....but then it may match those ears<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought this guy was just a distasteful windbag, but know it appears he is a distasteful psychic windbag. Abbott, stop licking my shoes, I've just polished them. Nothing you have said so far leaves me with the slightest inclination to play you, so you might consider a refresher course in Peng Thread etiquette. In the meantime, I hear Charles and Steve have relocated to Siberia for their development work on CM2 – if you go and visit them, they might give you a shot of the Beta.
  14. As I see it, everyone is going to prefer playing their own nationality. If their own isn't included, they'll play the one they can most closely identify with. Those people whose nationality is included are unlikely to be happy playing other nationalities, but for everyone else it probably won't matter. The exception would probably be those who play to win, who will always choose the troops which offer them the highest firepower, regardless of the nationality. I'm Scottish and, surprise surprise, if I'm Allies I mostly choose the British. If I'm German I usually go for regular infantry or Sicherung troops, rather than Sturmgruppen or Volksgrenadier SMG squads. So, what are the reasons for disliking a particular kind of troops in CM, other than 1) you think their firepower is lacking, or 2) you just have something against their nationality?
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>harpooner wrote: Meeks has gone into hiding after being exposed by Aitken as the deceitful gamey bastard that he is.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That makes it a double moral victory for me. Lorak, I think you should chalk this one up. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Abbott wrote: Mummy, I want a spanking like you've been giving to Babra and Meeks and Germanboy and Ellros!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Go to your room, you insolent child, and come out when you've learned some manners!
  16. Why do I envisage this thread turning into a flamewar? You're encouraging people to pick on a nationality and explain why they don't like it? Good basis for some serious discussion there.
  17. BloodyBucket wrote: > The British Imperial Millimeter is 1/76th larger than the standard decimal millimeter Naw mate, you must be thinking of Airfix military models which are 1/76th the size of the real thing. This would explain the discrepancies in the Comet and Marder, not to mention the Besa machinegun: BTS bought Airfix kits of all the tanks in the game, built and painted them as instructed, and then did all their measurements with a ruler.
  18. What's worse, the Union Jack is the wrong way round. The diagonal red stripes should be facing clockwise, but in CM they're facing anticlockwise. BTS, fix or do somefink!!
  19. It might make BTS happy if people would stop posting new off-topic threads about Enemy At The Gates. This has already been discussed extensively here, so you might consider one of our time-honoured traditions and do a search!
  20. BTS appear to be using "Good moderator/Bad moderator" techniques to wear us down and destroy our will to Peng.
  21. PBEM Report Elvis's Canadians are getting whacked at their every move towards my darkness-cloaked bridge. I have returned Meeks's file, and claim a moral victory. I am throwing 25lb shells at Leeo's Sturmkompanie (I'm sure it's a Sturmkompanie) and trying to kill his marksmen (I'm sure they're marksmen) with my Sexton. I attacked Ellros where he least expected to be attacked in our rainy infantry scenario. He is now desperately trying to prevent me rolling up his forces from the flank.
  22. I thought Hiram posted the original Hi Mom!?
  23. Leeo wrote: > Mr.(and I use that term loosely (sit down, bauhaus))Aitken is trying to decide if he really wants to advance against an opponent who handed him his ass on a dark, rainy night. I made that decision long ago – at the same time as I elected to blow the crap out of your men before mine got anywhere near them. I have a growing affection for 25lb batteries...
  24. Phillies Phan wrote: > I just had a question about your old sig. So why did you have to ask it after quoting something completely different? "There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT" is a line from Harborcoat, which has lyrics relating to the Russian Revolution. They crowded up to Lenin with their noses worn off A handshake is worthy, if it's all that you've got Metal shivs on wood, pushed through our back There's a splinter in your eye, and it reads REACT The song is the first on their second album, Reckoning. Welcome to the Peng Thread, incorporating Everything You Never Wanted To Know About R.E.M.! Enjoy your visit!
  25. Stuka wrote: > Whats the frequency, Kenneth? "The title was a phrase allegedly uttered by gangsters who mugged American newscaster Dan Rather." – Peter Hogan, The Complete Guide To The Music Of R.E.M. Who says the Peng Thread is worthless?
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