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Everything posted by jdmorse

  1. Good suggestion Pillar.......Havermeyer's it is ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-01-2000).]
  2. There has been a bit of chat from time to time on the nature of Meeting Engagements, dash to flags, not realism, disguised attack/defense etc. I have been playing a pbem that by the nature of the set up seems to have created a more true chance encounter rather than the standard CM style. In a bit of fancy the board is set at around 2-3000 pts, and we chose a large map. What this did was make a LARGE map. The net result is that as we moved our forces, a series of firefights, flanking movements and general uncertainity have prevailed, esp as it unfolds. As the game progresses forces then start to coalesce and become more coherent in having an objective. The fun of this is that due to the size you cannot just grab the flag. Due to the size you have to keep your forces relatively whole, yet spread out enough to avoid flanking actions. It has been a most enjoyable battle of movement and scattered contact. Just a thought if you want to give it a try and see if it works for you JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu: -- jdmorse's e-mail address appears to have gone dead. Although I am all in favor of silencing the lawyer class, I am trying to get a turn to him. At this point, however, disappearing off the face of the earth may be to his advantage. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In a bit of a dementia related stupor this morning I believe I confused you and Meeks (*shudder*)Poor Meeks, he is still probably trying to load that turn I sent him. Things seem to be working now, email wise, not within my own sodden cranium. Unfortunetly, it seems to be a natural by product of the days of my lives (this and prior) as opposed to the ingestion of any substance. More's the pity. As to our little tete a tete, a war of mauver it doesn't seem to be........ TTFN yerself JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  4. Just out taking a walk, waiting for Ser Hamsters to deliver my next Messainic Meeksian existential experience. I must say it is a mind altering event. The difference of observing Herr Meeks from up close and from afar is significant. So the fairer sex has wandered in, eh? Good on them, Seems some of our denizens are either a tad more loathsome, or slicking back their hair with brylcream. Careful lads, from seeing what Miss Kitty and YK2 can dish out, you are at a severe disadvantage..as most of us with former wives can attest. Nice to see alls right in here. A bit disorganized out there. No raison d'etre, no organizing principle...ahhh home, sublime and supine, esp if Reeks doesn't get it back soon it's nitey night for me. JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-01-2000).]
  5. Poking around the recesses of CMHQ and came across a feature that predates alot of people, called "quick Tactics" they offer good advice. http://combathq.thegamers.net/archives/expired_qt.asp ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  6. Oh yes and the differences....... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Squad Leader for the PC and the Advanced Squad Leader board gameshare some things in common, but they also have some key differences. Here is a quick overview of these two products. Similarities Both Squad Leader games are turn based tactical level combat simulations allowing the player to think about their actions before committing them to battle. Both games simulate the sense of fate that has the soldiers in its grasp. An accurately thrown grenade or a well-timed artillery strike can turn certain defeat into victory and vice versa. Both games simulate the ferocity of house to house fighting. Once the scenario builder is active, both games allow the player to design their own battles. The player can make their own maps and then fight over the ground that they have created. Opportunity fire can ruin an attack before it really gets going! Differences Squad Leader, the computer game, allows soldiers to learn and become better as they struggle from mission to mission. Squad Leader, the computer game, allows the player to customize their soldiers' equipment. Should you equip for short-range automatic weapon firefights or long range sniping? You decide. In Squad Leader, the computer game, soldiers have identities. They have a past, a present and (hopefully) a future. Squad Leader, the computer game, allows the player to play against the computer AI. Why did Hasbro Interactive change the game? We wanted to bring the game of the '70s and '80s into the next millennium,to take the best ideas from the board game and incorporate it into a new format and give fans and newcomers alike a new experience. Just asSquad Leader led to Advanced Squad Leader, Advanced Squad Leaderled to Squad Leader, the computer game. The most obvious change we made was to give the game's characters some personality and to make the player feel more attached to his unit. In the end, we hope you try and enjoy both of these great games. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shameful, esp the last paragraph.....as they say, you decide. JD
  7. There were some comments in a previous thread about how Hasbro was marketing SL. This is from their web page:It is found by a link labeled History of the Squad Leader Game <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The SQUAD LEADER PC experience is founded on an innovative and engagingboard game by Avalon Hill that has developed a loyal following over the last 23 years. SQUAD LEADER was originally published in 1977 as a two-player board game using printed mapboards and counters to simulate World War II squad-level combat. Players could command either United States, German or Russian forces.The original game quickly became a classic, yet avid players demanded moreand more detail. ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER was developed in 1985 to provide this additional detail as well as expand the SQUAD LEADER experience. ASL isnow the premiere tactical board game on the market, and every major and minor World War II combatant is depicted. Historical expansion sets have provided the ASL player with the penultimate experience of depicting tactical combat on historical maps using historical forces. From the rubble of Stalingrad to the U.S. Marine landings at Tarawa, ASL uniquely combines soundness of design with attention to detail and ease of play. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It is clear that they are intentionally trying to use the past reputation of SL as a hook to convince people that they should buy it....pathetic (yes I know it is marketing) JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  8. Colin put up some old screen shots from the beta days on his web site at http://cm4mac.tripod.com/hero.html Those were the days......how many times did we play Chance Encounter and Reisberg????? Alot. Actually, what was so heady was to find something so cool, so what we had been hoping to have some day.... But the real ache was in knowing that the real deal was approaching.....er someday....which led to the infamous Night of the Refreshing Monkeys which crashed the BTS server..... ah memories ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 10-31-2000).]
  9. great work. Personally, this highlights what I like most in mods, those little details that persoanlize and set them apart from the generic textures. Unit markings, insiginas, numbers all really make the game more alive. The recent Panther mods are another example. I already have used the earlier "option" pack for my Allied Sherman variants, and this makes me want more!!!(just call me a mod slut) Keep up the great work and thanks to you and all those dedicated tweakers out there! JD
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: JD Horseface ...Boy, are you ever dead. This map is made for the defense.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes you are correct. That is why your demise, defeat and ruination will be all the more public and devoid of excuses ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: It's a squire's time to claim wot's his... A win against JD Morse. Sorry patron sir, knight sir sir.. but I kicked your little sir booty sir like you were some portable inflatable backside. I'll try not to do it again sir. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As a part of your training a "thrown" game is always necessary, does your ego good....Now lets see how you do in a REAL Game winging it's way to you shortly, oh and Peter? Don't expect it to be fair (sorry Pengie ole boy but if you'd stop around a bit more we might actually respect your position JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty: The Morse Forces, MFers for short, did indeed eke out a MINOR vic ... thanks to some outstanding work by my ATG crews, a stand-up effort (sit DOWN, Blousemouse) by the engineer platoon (you remember those Zippos, dontcha JD?) and an early ambush by my ninja infantry platoon<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I discovered that you cannot have a FO guarding prisioners at a VL .... CM on it's own changed that VL (well behind my lines and not anywhere near any of Moriary's forces) to a contested one by taking away a Major VL , otherwise we are looking at major vic. Oh well. Morie's AT acquitted themselves well, and the engineers were a pain, esp after we had to have our troops scrape the viscera from the hobnails as we finally marched over their lifeless bodies. At the end I believe he had all of one maybe two unpanicked troops heading for them thar hills. JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  13. Also info about control of VL. In previous games I discovered that you needed to keep at least 1 unit or team at a VL to maintain control. Otherwise it switches to "?". In a game just completed, I had a FO guarding 2 captured squads which had taken 50% plus casualities. My fighting units had swept forward and this was in a rear area, no other troops in area. Nearest were mine. At games end this VL showed as disputed, WTF!!! Anyway, what are parameters, is crew sufficient, are number of prisioners watched over by one unit important? JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  14. Quick Battle Reports: Victory against Moriarty... His Squads last seen screaming in panic and streaming for the rear. PeterNZ managed, with the obvious help of fith columnists, in burying my brave troops in a hypothermic blanket of death in the snow. Surrender put an end to the agony. An observation was made, if the game starts badly, it usually continues badly....yep. Meeks is proving that he is a creature of the night, no wonder he does not show himself in the day, nor do mirors work with him either. Why is the ONE move I forget to 1/2 squad recon, is the one I stumble upon his men at 13m's! Well they did not suffer long. New plans are called for, hopefully involving a cruifix and wooden stake. Hiramhas been transformed into a teaching tool, much like a dissected frog. Hakko and I in another nighttime slugfest are drawn up and toe to toe. Finally Crodais learning that taking on an old dog means dealing with a junkyard dog. By the end of turn two he has lost 1 PzKw IV, 1 other tank id'd as Tiger but prob MkIV,and 1 SPW 250/8. He has another SPW 250/8 that is caught in open and prob toast next turn. I hold high ground that dominates 1/2 the board, control 1 VL outright, will add second VL shortly and am poised for the others. Not bad for the second turn. Ya see Croda, Meeksy and putzNZ put me in a bad mood. You are handy. Yer Mum now says she never really liked you anyway. ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  15. Chumpforchange: I need another notch on my gun...your on. Hamsters at 50? Gerbils at 75, your choice, Straight up or silliness as some here seem to think? It is a good day to die, and I don't mean me! ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  16. FYI a mac sound manager is in beta test as we speak. It is an expansion of the CM Mac mod manager....shhhh, can't say any more, hush hush you know....but soon. ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  17. Pillar: Thanks for a nice summary of "good" realistic tactics. The rush for the VL has always bothered me, making so many games me attacking an stationary enemy. Of course there are times that it is justified and not alwuys "gamey" [yes there have been debates on this already] but there are other ways to play. Many of your principles are incorporated in Fionn's most recent AAR, which I heartly reccomend to others if you haven't seen them. Good job bringing this to awareness. JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  18. For me what really sets them apart is the optional details, the numbers, divisional insignias, and panther logo provide a degree of personaliztion that really makes them unique. Good work JD
  19. Croda my squire. I am brooding in my tower......hmmmmmm should I send him a fair set up and see what he has, or finagle here and there and send him a slapdown, to show him as an impudent whelp. The answer shall be revealed this evening. PeterPutz Truly I believe my tactical options are sadly diminishing. Of course this was an experimental game, but it bores me (of course I have yet to play your most recent turn) We can continue or go on to something actually challenging. Of course it is the Liege's responsibility to see to the nutriment and empowerment of his squires, so that when they step out on the battlefield to try to win their spurs they have the confidence to prevail. This, it goes without saying explains why you may actually be allowed to win. It does your self esteem so much good to let you think you actually topplemented me. Of course a real game, without the forced gaminess and restrictions that we employ here, would perforce have a different outcome. Now I do not expect you to publicly agree with this, after all we are nurturing your abilities, so it'll be our little secret. JD, Esq. ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  20. Hiram....I was considering lamblasting you but I desist. There seems to be a cycle to your posts. Sweetly angelic and aplogetice, or mean and spiteful. Obviously you are not taking your meds my boy. There are some wonderful pharmacopiea out there and a frontal lobotomy is not out of the question. So since you seem beyond therapy and are an amusing tyke in your way, every court needs a jester and a fool perhaps to amuse us.....therefore I will answer your question with all the compassion I can muster for the afflicted such as yourself. MDMP - both Weathered AFV's and most of the indiv. ie camo Hetzer, various Tiger mods, Panther mods for battered and G and late G Winter mods galore, both guns and vehicles 1/2 of Magua building mods Some of Terrain mods although use low res grass. Stained glass church, roof tiles, wall and pond from the 3rd party source. Uniforms- SS camo w/ feldgrau pants. Improved Heer Feldgrau. Helment lining mod, Allied uniforms. The new faces on the soldiers.....in a word seems about everything. I really do not think that I have too many original textures left that were original. Oh also flags have been replaced and the swastika added to splsah screen and flags. I also have Deanco set as alternative set and the Gunslinger mods as alternative packages that all I have to do is change name of folder to "data" and relaunch. There Hiram, I have treated you civiliy and as a gentleman, now I truly depise and hate you for all you represent.As well as myself for that indulgence. It shall never happen again. I probaby will never shake him off the fawning lapdog that he is. This is a world where the dark and twisted are normal, but since you choose to be here you shall amuse us fool. ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  21. Croda, red in tooth and claw.....that's me boy! ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  22. Croda You mewling pustulent er postulant....Cut the caterwauling and prepare to meet thy doom. As previously posted, your time of testing arrives. Fawning sycophant that you are and genetic predisposition to bilious spewing, while appreciated, can only go so far. Our Oedipal dance can only result on either you entering the tempering fires of hell and emerging your mettle proved, or banal bleating (sit down Peter....) as you are once again consigned to oblivion where only Hiram's taunts signal your final defeat. I call for your scourging so that your betters, my fellow kniggits, shall know you by the hideous disfigurement you shall receive at my hands. As your liege and lord you shall not partake of topplement rather I shall preside over the crushing of your puny id and ego. This test, this rite of passage you may not forswear. The time is at hand, the die is cast. The only question is do have the gumption and ability to face oblivion and spit in the eye of death? I await in my tent your craven response, to see if I chose you as squire correctly, or as dung beneath my feet. After to all what are ye to Hecuba, or Hecuba to you. Your torn and rent bidy shall I around the walls of Illiam drag till Priam's tears shall surpass the flood of pain in which you shall abide. ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  23. Magua: Might I suggest a tweak. The winter mods bothered me a bit as the roof lines were very sharp. I've kept the MDMP winter mods because there is a snow accumulation along the lower lip. It hangs over te edge as opposed to that straight edge. However, they really give a nice european old world feel. I also like the way the hvy/light buildings are easily distinguished. JD
  24. I think Rob means delete the entire CM preference file. It is a common solution to Mac based problems from time immemorial. Delete the relevant pref file restart and see if the problem persists. Also if the scenario is a large one, with lots of units and action, fog or smoke, switching to fast/compatable smoke often takes care of the CPU hit. If there is a lot to deal with it may take orders a while to crunch the numbers (that moving blue bar) There is also an iMac issue on the game freezing up. There is a "thingie" that you can disable. Can't remember it now as I accept the very occasional hang up as acceptable (just restart) You might search the Technological forum to see what the "thingie" was. Good Luck JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 10-24-2000).]
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