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Everything posted by jdmorse

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: And so, donning my cloak of real aardvark fur, I step back into the shadows, poised, ready to strike at the next fool to cross me... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Croda You insolent dog. A fawning lap puppy of the deranged. Hell, Chinese Pugs have more bite than you. Meeks has returned....was he gone? and you wrap yourself in hautey couture and expect to be taken seriously? As your liege and lord I claim droit de seignior, or was that droit de greffe, or maybe droit de maitre.....oh never mind....I own you boy until you sleep with mum and kill me...it's time for that drunken rage to take me and whomp your backsides.....so until you can find the punctillio to respond to this challange..... Rage all you want against the world, for it pleases me mightly, but bow your head when my shadow passes in front of you....until you can place my head on a stake outside your tent. Until then, bother me not.....or if you think you can take me?????? Lorak the loathed by me and everyone else, because you keep the records of failure.....As much as it pains me to remind myself, I did lose to that miscreant GiTom due to his terribly un-cricket like play, but as the noble person I am I accept the will of the gods of war. So adjust our scores to reflect the same. ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: So I bow to your "Draw like" victory, Croda-ish gameyness notwithstanding... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Well now that I have dispatched him (notwithstanding his trademark froggisg sneer..they are SO practiced don'tcha know) it is the turn of the squire. Have at him Croda make me proud. PeterPtuz One of the hallmarks of being a lawyer is to be able to stand in front of the judge and act like you know what you are talking about, even though you ain't got a clue....and I am very good at what I do....so as to my forces......well either they are or aren't. That is something only a sheepshagger as yourself must discover. Besides as the ONLY one here who was willing to be associated in some minor way publically, perhaps a little fealty should be shown. ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  3. Lorak, wake up lad, battle results coming in..... For immediate distribution........ Unload those brie futures as "The Frenchie" aka Pawbroom has tasted the steely bitter taste of defeat. Legal scholars and students of this sort of thing were amazed and perplexed that the pinstriped hoards managed a minor victory (50-40) over Monsieur's PawBrooms troops. However in typical Gallic style they broke out the bottles and headed back into town to check out the sights. They apparentlly have alot of practice in this sort of thing. ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  4. make sure you have the high quality smoke enabled, not the fast and compatible. Also the lager secondary vehicle explosions happen only from time to time, not all times. Cheers JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: I have yet to be squirerered! Leave my name off your stinky list till I whoop Germygirl and he admits I am worthy or something.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You ARE worth nothing, however you have displayed a certain elan if tactical incompetence that seem to match my own. Squires do not have the respect of the kniggits, ever. So win yur spurs boyo, but as a boon I shall grant ye, that of being sponsored, call be irresponsible or irresistible, at least you haven't yet beaten me ( wait till the AAR screen there me bucko) You have a fond place in my heart (sitdown Gerbilboy) for Combatvision and your taunts have proceeded apace. I see some promise in you. Squires do not choose their sponsor, so Croda, heat up the branding iron and affix the mark. I'm sure you'll enjoy rooming with Croda, he's had his shots ya know. ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 10-23-2000).]
  6. PeterHDGz (Herr Dr. Goebbels) I mean for sheer propaganda spewing you take the cake. Let's review.....PHDGz says....he controls a VL's Fact..at that time I had squad or two there already. PHDGz later says.....that he controls all VL's....fact, I still have squads (greatly reduced and who had gotten thrown out earlier at that location) and have taken physical possesion of another. PHDGz says.....he is throwing me out of the VL (he claims he controls) Fact....I have several squads he has...a crew.PHDGz says.....he is going to crush me now. Fact ....I am still waiting, physically occupying 2 of 3 VL's and in full control of one of them. PHDGz says..... Nevermind, I shall deal with them shortly. Nice try however.Fact is the arty is falling like the leaves of autumn around his little head. His lice-troopers scratch themselves to oblivion and feed the maggots. Moriarty just dies....the clanking treads of my panzers crush the last viable resistance from the Morte Salient. Sasquatch....for it is truly a winter wonderland...and I are having so much fun. With the only moving tank I cruise the landscape like Tommorowland go carts blasting all I see. Of course it could be a rope a dope, have me expend my ammunition and then rise up. Sheer boredom is arising with some 15 turns to go. At least 1/2 our respective forces have already hightailed it in broken splendor off the board. Although having a FO (with full load) get it together after about 20 turns of craving blathering is comforting Hiram continues to roll over on his back exposing his throat. The resident of Arkham, the mad meek hamsters continues to perplex. Thus normal tactics need be discarded and I shall meet him in his own crazed and distorted reality. Heaven help the men under our commands. Pawpup needs to return the penultimate turn, the philosophers stone the window to our souls, the revealer the ravener the denoument of our struggle. Then it shall be posted. The next to the last turn had us killing off. 1 Firefly, 1 Priest (his) and 1 Panther (mine) This turn will make the fields of Flanders and the Somme blush.... ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: - JD Morse is a nice guy, he tries hard <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A proper taunt needs a spice of truth to be really effective. I submit that 1) I am a lawyer and make my living living off others misery and sucking the marrow from their splintered bones and 2) I sponsored Croda, 'nuff said BTW that VL you claim to own? Why are my squads camping out there? JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Oberst, you sorry excuse for a scurvy-riddled, lilly-livered, squint-eyed, pre-pubescent, half-pint, proto-homonid! You dare challenge Croda The Great! Croda The Mighty! Croda The Magnificent! Croda The Loquacious! Croda The Effervescent! I will not only send you the most vile and tormentuous setup ever seen by human civilization, but I will use said setup to denounce, destroy, and otherwise defile and de-kidney you! You have only a few hours to repent...once the sacred setup is sent, there is no quarter given!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This....this is something that warms the cockles of an ole kniggnets heart ( eg if he had one) So many squire wannabees have presented themselves, we scan the crop of fresh shavetails, looking, looking. Could he be the one? Or him? Trying to find a bit of ourselves in an age gone past. We have truly nice people come here, polite, poetic, even people who "taunt" us ever so ...well so. But, every now and again something rises to the top( much like our gorge after over imbibing) , so full of biliousness, vicious and cruel, whose parentage is so in question and whose training shows...then we experience a sublime moment, to know that we have achieved a greatness that transcends ourselves and we shall live through the ages as the sponsor of the ultimate evil...true Croda ain't it, but he'll do.He's a cur, but my cur. And he'll whip everymanchild of you too. Lord knows the times I've had to use use the belt (you remember Croda, don't you, the one with the bright silver fittings, of course you do) to teach proper respect, the sticks in the cage the denial of food, light, water human contact, until he springs forth able to stand upon the stage...in just ...7... days, I can make you a man....ahh that dynamic tension! So Croda my squire, have at them, no quarter [of course he WILL turn on me, then I shall have to destroy a magnificant specimen, and a shame it will be] ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: JD Morse: What amuses me most about this battle is JD keeps doing the tactically right thing, but he always manages to do it 30 seconds too late. That is, He charges a building, i'm in there and slaughter in bound troops. He moves a half track, there are two of mine and his goes booooom, he moves a light tank.. splato. This battle has made me laugh in great heaving chortles as the bodies mount up in the snow around a VL. I think he's getting desperate now so I can't wait to see what he tries. Hopefully it will involve some kind of running into an ambush or throwing himself at my units feet again. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes well aren't you the image of a modern major general. You, whose tactical doctrine seems to be drive forward until something kills you....which I have been doing. Granted a "few" of my boys seem to be making snow angels in the snow, flat on their backs and all, but war can't be all seriousness, doncha'know. Of course I have taught them not to start fires (like launching bazookas inside buildings) so you might want to do some retraining. Now for something completely different (like I am winning) GiT's slow, painful and ever so pleasurable strangulation proceeds apace. My four tanks are setting up and whaling on his troops. My Hamstertruppen keep haing to wipe their hobnails on the bodily effulent that Git's troops seemed to have vacated from their body cavities as they abandon their position and run for the hills. Meeks & Hakko proceed smartly. The computer pick on the Meeks (or is it Hakko?) game has thrown us in with Fog and at night. Seems he may have picked some onboard mortars and air support. As to the former, the visual range is 55m's, the later.... well if they fly I suspect we both will be ducking. Sasquatch and I still can't figure out how to mount any offense without killing our units. Nothing like issuing orders and being notified that "We might bloody well get around to it." in 78 seconds, if at all. Tanks are sitting ducks, anything bigger than a 2 incher WILL take out a Wespe and the ugliness continues. PawPuff and I seem to be running AFV's all over the countryside in random fits of insanity. Here, no there. This has gone like a bicycle sprint....ie lay about until the final lap then sprint like crazy. Only a few turns, left and he seems to think running some of his forces to assault my VL while I do the same to him is jolly good fun. I did find out, after a merry chase that there is design flaw with the new Hetzer camo. Seems the branches and foliage make it particularly susceptible to the flames from a Wasp, sigh. HieronimusrejectedbySirS.Sedai actually manged a few turns, even BEFORE the weekend. His few (the very few) the proud (not) the gerbilfood, are in disarray. He may or may not have a nother vehicle, but it shall join the others on the ash heap of CM history. It only remains to apply the remaining trowelfulls. JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 10-16-2000).]
  10. Buggered by wasps Peter and Paw bright fire shining ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  11. Ethan Rasiel wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Counselor, Am in receipt of your below cited missive of the 12th instant. It is with great regret that I am at this time unable to reciprocate owing to a breach of service committed by Messrs. Earthlink/Mindspring, Satan & Co. in the matter of my electronic postal system. Any further action on my part in the matter of The Forces of Good and all Hamsterdom vs. Morse must await a satisfactory resolution of my dispute with the aforementioned alleged perpetrators, preferably with compensatory damages plus triple damages for pain and suffering plus reasonable and customary attorney, accounting, actuarial, aeronautic, areopagitic, and amphibious fees. I will exert all possible good faith efforts to return your setup at the earliest moment possible, subject to the judicial calendar, the lunar calendar,my wife's menstrual calendar, and the Newgate calendar. I remain, Yours faithfully, Ethan M. Rasiel PS -- In future correspondences, please use the following e-mail address, [expletive deleted], as deja.com doesn't handle attachments well or, in technical terms, it sucks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sir: I am in receipt of your electronic communication of this date. I wish to memorialize our understanding vis a vis the pending martial (not marital) obligations that you are undertaking, to wit: 1. You are obviously in the throes of buyer's remorse, however, I regret to inform that the statutory waiting period has elapsed and as such will be fully and completely enforced. 2. Casting aspersions as to one's ISP as a way of avoiding said obligations smacks of the most debased and petulant behavior, akin to a major personality disorder and as such will not be tolerated. 3. Be warned that any attempt to breach your obligations shall ipso facto result in full prosecution of any and all remedies available to us. 4. I shall consider your email change to constitute notice as to your blatant attempt to flee the reach of a competent court exercising jurisdiction in this matter 5. I draw your attention that Satan & Co. and our profession have the utmost respect and close ties. Your insinuations come patently close to defamation and as such maybe actionable. 6. If this sort of obfuscation and delay continues I shall be forced to seek sanctions against you and request the appointment of a special master, Seanachai "Torquemada" Lost-To-Peng to investigate and if necessary pierce the corporate veil (or any other appropriate body part). I remain, JDMorse, Esquire ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  12. http://members.aol.com/PattonsGHQ/homeghq.html I think is the link busboy was referring to ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: NO ONE can question my devotion to the noble art of posting Mormon Wives, counselor, but I am prevented at present from acceding to your challenge on the grounds that I am already over my limit in games with attorneys ... i.e. I have ONE going and that's one too many. Therefore, go sequester yourself with your torts or something. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can brood with the best of them in my sanctum sanctorum, awaiting your avoidant personality and many excuses until the time is ripe, oh yes Mr Shaw long shall be my introspection and delight of carving my initials slowly into your flesh, I shall abide sir, I shall abide, but I won't forget...... ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  14. Hakkochump (gezuntidt or however you spell it) Oxymoronic Shyster that I maybe, but a frog that is disected, as you shall soon experience and Penged to the front door for the crowds to jeer and spit upon, much like Mussolini [insert manacial laughter here] is just as dead. In fact I think I'll cut your heart out and keep it in a bottle of saline just to watch it pumped until it is no more.......I shall be in contact ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  15. As Lucifier cast out fallen meeks dashed Toads croak their lament
  16. Kamerad, unmoving still mothers lament falling leaves echo
  17. Croda.....ya make me proud. The song was such a nice touch...*sniff* Right then, on to where we were........ Since ourdearlatelylamenteddepartedthread is no more, I bring forth this snippet from the grave and last page of THE THREAD (genuflect) thatshallneverhaveanequal.....to make sure this missive is not forgotten or overlooked. Me quoting me: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>....Shaw, Hamsters and Hicupchoo all seem to have demeaned and called into question my family name and honor ...Therefore they are marked men. I serve notice, bile and phlegm upon your unwanted carcasses that I shall have my vengeance at yourexpense, anytime, anyplace the call of honor slighted needs be addressed.Shaw your puerile sycophancy of senilpee's observation calls into question your true obsession with Mormon wives, Meek hamster your schizophrenic attempts at a personality have of course driven the need for a brick to your head which I shall only be too to happy to administer as a coup d'grace and Hakko....well the less said the better, but the Japanese don't want him having to do with something about his personal hygiene .....you and all of you are challenged to be taken on in a combat of honor, mine, since you have each shown yourselves bereft and unable to grasp the essence of such a concept.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Meeks (not Brutus, perhaps Cassius, he of the lean and hungry look) had actually sent a setup in response and even though he has no honor I shall dismember him nonetheless, because we are Gentlemen, and while not reading each others mail, a point of honor is a point of honor. As for you others, the stain of slander remains, yet to be cleansed ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise [This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 10-12-2000).]
  18. Seems young Hiram has thrown his lot in w/ the false peng, Herr Meeks...... figures. With the resurrection , albeit briefly of CombaHaiku thread I offer Winters shade approaches Falling leaves disguise The bloody dagger I am a bit unsure of my ISP's behavior over the last few days. I ask that if you feel I owe you a turn to notify me posthaste. Now on to things in the accepted style... I am in bit of a ethical quandary as that scum sucking bottom dweller with the brick in his head, Meeks actually sent me a set up in response to my challenge just prior to the transglorification of our late departed thread... Should I play the wanker? Hmmmmmm, more later. I am inclined to abuse him as my own private Pantagruel..... PeterNZ (donkey lover and antediluvian antipodean) talks a lot but other than running his jeeps around to be shot up has not shown up to rumble. My PzGren deploy and move out, well actually there verdamnit trucks broke down and they had to hitch a ride with a passing donkey, thus I know he of the shiny spot on his head, shall show up thusly... Morte.... was last seen dead., and running for the hills with urban renewal fast on his shiny tail.....He has 4 AFV's hunting him down with infantry moving in on the ground. Grenouille Boy and I are I fear girding our loins for the final show down, mano a mano, smackdown Armageddon style, The bear of the north is descending into the vale of tears, the beast bearing the mark 666 summons his forces, women wail and rend their clothes, children cower as monstrous forces beyond our ken converge in on orgasmic shudder of annihilation You others either slip my disease addled brain, owe me a turn or most likely do not matter. JD ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  19. Ahem, Hiram I believe a turn, or even a response to my soliticitious inquiry would be an appropriately polite gesture ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  20. So are we here or there Mandrake. This just wastes our precious bodily fluids until we are united again ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise
  21. All phenomena is transitory, suffering exists where we try to hold on to permanet forms; the Cesspool has changed it shape, but not it's form, it lives yet is reborn.Nice touch there Meeks. Sort of like being able to visit Ma in the Home. We get to visit that which formed our lives but move back into the world Let us go forth, It's a mutha of a beautifulthread and it's going to be right there! ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread
  22. I second that Futbolhead.....stay and be prepared to be rejected and reviled, that only means they like you, I suppose the only "rule" is to enter into the spirit. Now bloody hell we have to figure out where the pool is...... ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread
  23. and to restore a sense of stability ......Stenchpoo where's my turn, here you are ending life as we know it. If you had been attending to business this would all be a bad dream ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread
  24. My personal opinion is that the pool achieved critical mass reached sentience and rejected Footballhead by self destructing (posted originally in that usurper, Alexander Haig Iam in charge Meeks's thread) ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread
  25. My personal opinion is that the pool achieved criticalk mass reached sentience and rejected Footballhead by self destructing ------------------ Official 3000th poster to the Peng thread
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