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Everything posted by DEF BUNGIS

  1. I can honestly say that this is the only game that has kept my interest over 6 months. The replayability is endless, the community is great and the MOD makers are the best in the buisiness. Have fun.
  2. Hey, I checked your site out. Pretty nice.... I DL'ed your scenarios, some of them look really cool. Keep up the good work. ------------------ The counter-revolution, people smilling through their tears. Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.
  3. Try "BIG RED OMAHA". It's on the Rugged Defense site. I just DL'ed it. I heard its pretty hard. ------------------ The counter-revolution, people smilling through their tears. Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.
  4. The site looks as good as it always did. One of my frequently visited CM sites. ------------------ The counter-revolution, people smilling through their tears. Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.
  5. Well, I was at the epi-center. This place is so lucky nobody got killed. 6.8 is no joke.
  6. I'm using the gun metal interface too. It's great. The new clip board orders menu really adds a nice touch to it. More praise for deanco. ------------------ The counter-revolution, people smilling through their tears. Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.
  7. That V/R means "very respectfully" or something like that. Hey SFC Schultz; Take a chill dude, that site was very popular and I'm sure someone else will pick up on the same material of the likes. That was my favorite scenario site too. I feel your pain. ------------------ The counter-revolution, people smilling through their tears. Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years. [This message has been edited by DEF BUNGIS (edited 02-21-2001).]
  8. Awesome Tblaster. I was over there Back from 89-92 up in Friedberg. (just north of Frankfurt) Me and Duke went to Desert Storm in the same unit, but never actually met each other. Hiedlberg was very nice during my adventures in Europe. I hope the second time around is as much fun. I'm sure it will be.
  9. Will do the next one happily from Mannhiem, Germany!!!! Hopefully not from Kosovo.
  10. Ehh... I'm dead. Tblaster just pounded me to death with massive shells non stop. It seemed one round would panic an entire Platoon. My smoke mission and the bridge crossing went bad. It seemed to be coordinated right during Tblaster's 150mm pounding of the crossing area. Right as my guys started running to cross the bridge, BAM, BOOM, CRASH, BLAM, BLAOW, BLEEOW, and you get the point. It could not have been timed more perfectly. My chicken **** smoke spotter routed, and the the rest is history. Good luck in the finals Tblaster. Duke, you get an "F" for that map. You dirty bum.
  11. Here rommel, try Moons Games of war site. http://www.gamesofwar.de/
  12. I just keep my men focused on mowing down your grunts.
  13. Gee, I wonder how long this thread will last. Interesting though...... very interesting.
  14. Me and Tblaster should finish easy by Sunday. We are on turn 14 right now, and if I can pull a win out of this battle, it will be another miracle like the battle I had with Jeff H. Some how, Tblaster has managed to move a half track with a small gun all the way thru this miserable swamp, to my rear area. So, I got big **** falling on my head (150mm?) and enemy in my rear. Not good.
  15. And I fall victim at reply number 24.
  16. I thought COL Koltz ran ASL2CM from Finland or Sweden? Or some place in northern Europe. Do you really think Hasbro would mobilize international lawyers to take down something as petty as the ASL2CM scenario site? ------------------ The counter-revolution, people smilling through their tears. Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.
  17. Hmmm.... I've heard alot about this bug, but have yet to see it in one of my games. I wish I could replicate it to see the confusion. Does it happen against other armor? Or just armor vrs. spotted ground troops
  18. UPDATE!!!! Contact turn 9. Ummm, big **** is falling on my head.
  19. Wow. Thats the best MOD I've seen in a long time. Can't wait to get them on my HDD.
  20. Napoleon; Let us know when you finish the scenario. No beta versions please I love a good city fight.
  21. No, I think this thread is just fine here. Tblaster and I are moving along at medium pace. Turn 4, no action. DEF no like swamp to much. Thats about all I can say due to OPSEC
  22. This really is a nifty tool for hunting down specific scenarios. Very nice work.
  23. LOL, thanks for clearing that up for us FF. I never knew that was the proper way to simulate that. [This message has been edited by DEF BUNGIS (edited 02-01-2001).]
  24. AAHHHHH!!!!! It never existed! Thats the point value difference. BTS has created an imaginary vehicle and increased the point value by one so as to make it look like it really did exist. Their messing with our brains man! No one, ever, on this forum has produced a picture of the Firefly IIC.
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