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Everything posted by DEF BUNGIS

  1. Make sure there is room for everyone to look out the same window. Each wall semms to be able to give LOS to around one squad with a couple individual teams or leaders. If you order to many sqauds to the same wall for LOS, one of them will move to the back of the building automatically. Almost like they are cowering. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  2. Good god CEO; As for American WWII tactics, I dont know where to start, there are assloads out there. Are you looking for something specific? ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  3. There is a difference between "bogged down" and "temporaily immobilized". I think what you are talking about scott is the temporary immobility. A vehicle can still move when it is bogged down, it just moves slower. I had a vehicle in one incident that refused to move for over 6 turns. It was on half concrete and halve grass. WTF? I also noticed it did not display "immobilized" over the tank. But when I have a bogged vehicle, the status is always displayed over it. Bug? ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  4. Mad Matt: Are you following this here? What are the current plans on how to handle scenario creation, uploading and ratings for CMHQ? ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  5. One thing I would like to see is a more "burnt" or "dull" appearance on the battle field for some scenarios. Something that adds a little more "shock" to the scene. Of course I have not played the entire version of CM yet, but When you look at the battle field, all the grass is green and soft, all the buildings look brand new, all the trees are in full bloom. Now I relize that some things may burn or turn to rubble, but it would be nice to start a scenario like this. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by citizen: Better to have 4 different scenario sections: 1. "Balanced" scenarios that would make for "fair" PBEM games. 2. Historical scenarios 3. "Different" or "just for fun" scenarios 4. Operations There's no reason to not post any kind of scenario that someone makes. With 4 catagories, there'd be a place for every scenario to go. No need to have 2 people or a committee review scenarios. Just let the players rate the scenario after playing it (on a scale from 1-5). Once a few ratings have been compiled and averaged, you'll know how well the designer did. The TOAW scenario center goes by player ratings and that works just fine. Matt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm just saying that with the random battle generator, you could crank out a scenario tweeak it for a couple minutes, and post it for download. I don't think people want to download random battles when they can make one themselves. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  7. Each scenario should be play tested by at least 2 people prior to posting for download. This will work out bugs and balance issues. I understand the quick battle generator will make great battles in a short time. So the only scenarios that should be posted for download would be unusally large and complex scenarios, or historically accurate scenarios. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  8. So, if I understand correctly. 1. Fuzzy logic is not a misnomer 2. AI common sense(I am assuming this is the opposite of fuzzy logic), can still be programmed along with fuzzy logic and both running at the same time. (sorry, no nothing about programming) 3. I sense a bit of sarcasim in USERNAME's post. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  9. I was checking out the PARADE REST picture of the day on CMHQ and started thinking about a couple different things. I know it was sort of a joke, but that is the best POTD so far. By the looks of it, there seems to be no limit to what we will be able to do with the scenario editor. Looking at that picture leads me to believe you could actually make a Stalingrad scenario,... oops wrong front,.... anyway, I was wondering if there is a limit of units CM can effectively keep track of. Or the limit the AI can effectively keep track of. Or will the limit of units on the map be up to how much our video cards and CPU's can handle? ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by :USERNAME:: From what BTS claims, they are using fuzzy logic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just what, is fuzzy logic? ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  11. I think you can't go wrong either way with CM. I think each scenario will be fun to play one time for both sides when playing the AI. But for playing a human apponent, I think you should have a new scenario for every game. I was kind of wanting the scenario screen at the start up to show what turn the saved games are currently on. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  12. I sort of enjoy the liberal targeting of my direct fire units. Especially when playing against the AI. Most of the time I just let my units target what they feel is the priority target. It seems %99 percent of the time my tanks and infantry will fire at the same thing I would have ordered them to any way. However, when I give an indirect fire order to my mortars or ARTY units, I expect that order to be strictly carried out. If they are threatened, they should only take cover or hide. Then continue the mission once it's clear, or I move them if need be. One thing I don't understand is how the enemy can identify any ol' GI with bino's to be an ARTY spotter, when in fact almost any HQ unit or officer can call in an indirect fire mission. So if your spotter bites the bullet.....there goes your ARTY support. This is not right. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  13. Here is some interesting reading with full maps for anyone interested. http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/wwii/balkan/intro.htm ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all [This message has been edited by DEF BUNGIS (edited 05-17-2000).]
  14. Yo, Yo, Yo !!!! Very good work. I gave it a %97. Still alot of things I would like to see added. But this is the best war game ever, hands down. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  15. Thats where I seen SP IV adverised for $49.00 When I asked Wild Bill about it, he said SP IV may not even ever be developed by SSI. Ha! and these knuckle heads were already selling it. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  16. Ya, now I remember. Back when I was playing ASL I remeber having to roll the dice for a moral check using the German ASSLT engineer sqaud to run up and place the magnetic mine on the "Beyond Valor series". ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  17. The germans (I think) used to use a magnetic anti-armor mine that the infantry carried around, in case they got close to enemy armor. The problem was you had to have some serious kahonas to run up and stick on to an enemy tank. (not sure if that was americans or germans) ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  18. Hey OBG; I don't think you can go wrong with a Sound Blaster LIVE. My SB16 is a total sucky card, but I have to save some money before I upgrade to the SB LIVE. Its about $130.00 bucks. Check out PRICEWATCH.COM for some good deals. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts: Oh I agree! But what tends to get on my nerves, is all the little nit-picky things that wargamers want in their games.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ya, This is great point, sometimes it gets old reading all the threads that nit pick at a War Game product. But I think in some way's it's good. It seems Most of these guy's are trying to reach that level they wanted to expirience with older games like ASL or SP. I kinda sit back and soak up all the good idea's from people, but I basically know a good product when I see one, without all the suggestions from fans. I shopped and browsed long and hard before choosing CM. There definatley seems to be more nit picking here than i've seen anywhere ever! And I think BTS has done a good job handling suggestions and giving feedback to it's fans. But most of these guy's here are some serious hard core War Gamers. And we want a game based off of a true, real life event that was simply enourmous. And that is hard as hell to recreate into a damn video game. It's not like BTS is making up some fantasy game here....like diablo or some Star trek stuff, where they have the freedom to say...yep this guy will be tough and that one won't, this vehicle will shoot lasers and that one will shoot harpoons. Just going with the flow......... WWII really happened, and theres a **** load of history on it. So people want what they know was real, and they know what, and what was not real. So I think this is what War Game developers are faced with. Hey, they chose to do it, they should know what to expect outa the fans input. You are going to have your nit pickers everywhere, but with historical war games, it seems to intensify with the amount of everything everyone already knows. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  20. I may be outa the norm here, but this game just doesn't interest me. I'm not quite sure why. I think it just may be thats all anyone is going to here about the next 2 years. I played Diablo I, good concept and great atmosphere, but personally I was bored with the game after a month or so. The "getting to the next level" thing always turns me off. My wife bought the SIMS, what a corny game. But I think I disliked it the more I heard about it and all the great reviews it got. I like the war gaming community, small yet organized. War games to me, have infanate replay value, what more could you want. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all [This message has been edited by DEF BUNGIS (edited 04-26-2000).]
  21. Aww shucks....., So I don't get a poster because I ordered after the demo. I'm wondering if the price is going to go up after the release? You know, CM is the greatest thing since sliced bead, gets all the great reviews..and everybody and thier brother wants to order the game. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zamo: What the heck is a Booooyaaa???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yo, Yo, Yo...just ask the master of smack talk, DEF BUNGIS baby! BooooYaaa = Equal to or lesser than "BAM"! Not as popular with the younger crowd such as "DA BOMB!" or "TIGHT!" Used at the end of a phrase to indentify coolness and happiness together, while maintaing seriousness. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  23. Hey, I was just wondering if there was any special offering with combat mission for those of us who pre-ordered. Like will we get a limited edition, or an extra scenario...or something like that. And did we get the game at a cheaper price than people who are waiting to order? Just wondering. I can't wait to get this game. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: I think you have some valid points but i am not sure they apply to the wargammer audience at large. I don't remember their being any 'gore' counter in ASL or in any micro-armor game I played yet both of those did and still do have huge followings. Military gamers by and large are after a much different experience than what seeing your squadmates intestines splattered all over a wall would instill. These games give us the chance to match wits against either a human or AI in a duel of skill and ability within the confines of historical accuracy. Its the ultimate extension of WHAT IF and thats why I game. Madmatt...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Madmatt, you hit it right on the nose bro. I think war gamers (true war gamers) are looking for the historical, what if...the chess like game, and the fun of meeting people with the same type of stragetic interest in WWII gaming. Concerned a little about graphics and such, but mainly concerned about game play and the challenge. This guy sounds like a little teenie bopper who's mad because Diablo II isn't released yet. Hey Super Flunk, get back to your class now and get off the teachers computer. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
  25. Yo, Yo, Yo,.... wazup wit dat Yo Why you gotta act a fool. ------------------ Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all
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