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Everything posted by gaffertape

  1. Okay, I'm likely going to get slammed for this, so understand that I too am desperate for my copy of CM. The wait... It has done strange things to many of us. We rush home from work daily; we see if there's a method of package tracking via canadapost.com (there isn't); we hit this thread daily - and generally before our morning coffee. I don't think i'll 'miss' the wait per se, but its interesting to experience this massive, mind smashing level of anticipation as adults. It really is like being five years old and wanting to get at the Christmas presents. The real difference here is that this particular present cannot disappoint (unless BTS has chosen to send me an ugly sweater). GAFF
  2. Welcome Dale H It was honourable to re-post and describe why you love the game. Nicely done. GAFF
  3. I was curious about how well CM would sell, seeing as how BTS doesn't have the big advertising bucks. I am absolutely thrilled that your sales are far exceeding your expectations. The game is exceptional and your attention to the customer is unparalleled. Nice to see the good guys win. GAFF
  4. "The whole 3D thing is a joke, it is just pictures" BTS are currently working on getting ACTUAL tanks to burst through your monitors, but their legal department said there may be some repercussions due to lawsuits regarding property damage. All kidding aside, I don't visit the CC forum, and if some of our guys have been lambasting CC on your board, I regret their behavior. Yes, I for one prefer CM, but they are different games and it should be left at that. Both games have their fan bases, and I know that I wouldn't like to see people trashing CM all the time on our board. Regards, GAFF
  5. Many choices, but some recent ones as of late: Guinness Keith's IPA Sleeman Honey Brown KLB Raspberry Wheat GAFF
  6. And again, despite my better judgement and the 'no Friday' posts, I shall scurry home from work today to see if there's a packing sticker in my mailbox or on my door. Side note: George Bradford, who mans the AFV News site, is sending me a detailed package regarding a Canadian battle at Brettevville-l'Orgueilleuse and Norrey-en-Bessin. One Canadian Firefly and some AT crews versus Kurt Meyer's Panthers and the 26th Panzergrenadiers. I hope I'm up to the editing task. GAFF
  7. Just a note to anybody who will ever play me in a PBEM: I always play full FOW. No question. GAFF
  8. I have yet to EVER receive any mail on Fridays at my new apartment, so if CM arrives tomorrow it will indeed be a blessed miracle. Of course, there is still the teeniest chance that it'll be there when I get home tonight. Then again, that would make me the first person in Canada to receive CM via the post office, so that too would be a frikken miracle. GAFF (Just so you all know, I'm now at home, and no CM, so we're still on equal footing, lads) [This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 06-22-2000).]
  9. Despite the postings which pretty much assure me that there is no CM in Toronto today, I'm still going to rush home after work. Just in case. GAFF
  10. Didn't mean to reduce you to tears, Kump. Sorry, eh. I just got a bit defensive regarding BTS. However, as Joe Shaw said, you have made amends brother. GAFF
  11. Whoa, MantaRay, that was pure evil. Funny... But pure evil. GAFF
  12. Thanks for the update BTS. I dearly hope that the more impatient individuals on the board will stop complaining regarding delivery times. The griping doesn't bother me personally, but think of new potential customers visiting this forum: They read post after post about delays which might make them reconsider ordering the game. We owe BTS better than this. Sure, I myself will rush home again tonight and check the mail slot, but I can afford to wait a bit longer for this particular prize. GAFF
  13. Its already been said by Deadline, but nope; no CM in Toronto yet. No complaints though - Its like being four years old, anticipating something this much. It'll come. GAFF
  14. I know it well Pillar... Not sure of your age, but many drunken night were had by me at Stairways during the late Eighties (and, yes, that is kind of a sad statement). Now I quite like the Lion across the street from it when I'm out that way. GAFF
  15. Hey Pillar. No Canadians have CM yet, but many of us are positively giddy with anticipation. Beer helps. Whitby eh? Whereabouts? I'm a former Pickering resident who now lives in Toronto. I spent a fair bit of time in your town. I'd e-mail you, but you didn't post it. Uh, nevermind... Yes you did. Disregard. Regards, GAFF [This message has been edited by gaffertape (edited 06-19-2000).]
  16. I dearly hope that you are right. I have no idea about computer game sales, but BTS have stated that they are aware that the 'internet only' sales practice will limit sales, if only temporarily. However, I am in full agreement that CM deserves the title of "Greatest Wargame Ever". All of us need to get the word out to anybody who might listen. Hey, even tell the mailman who delivers the package to you what it is. If you're felling particularly generous - give it too him and order a second one for yourself GAFF
  17. Easy, Captain. BTS cannot be held accountable for things getting out of order in the mail. Send the boys at BTS an email only if it hasn't arrived by the end of the week maybe. Think about the guys from Australia and New Zealand... It will arrive. Just have faith. (Oh, and I'm not condescending to you - I won't see mine for awhile here in Canada) GAFF
  18. tom_w 53.00 US dollars My VISA charge is for $79.73 Canadian from Battlefront. Not sure if more cash will be due upon delivery. I did get charged shipping for another package I got from the US (a replica pistol from Blade Runner), but I have no idea how consistent that kind of thing is. Customs rated that package's worth at around 75 dollars (luckily , because I paid a lot more than that) and the shipping costs came to $16.00 Canadian. We'll all have the real thing soon, lads. GAFF
  19. I didn't think there'd be any point for me to check my VISA balance on a Sunday... Was I wrong. Battlefront has my cash! Woo-hoo! patboivin, I think we can expect delivery maybe late this week or sometime the week after. Soon... Soon... GAFF
  20. Going to drink a cold beer right now for the BTS gang. Well, several actually. Cheers! GAFF
  21. Sure hope its me! I'm fairly certain that other Canucks got to this forum long before I did though. Soon we will have Fireflies... GAFF
  22. Hi jonp. Welcome to the forum! You can learn a lot just from playing the game. Do you have the Gold Demo? Don't be intimidated by the numbers of troops and tanks. Maybe just concentrate on a handful of squds and a tank, ignoring your other forces. You won't likely get a victory, but you'll soon see what items work well, and in conjunction with what. Good general advice though is to support your tanks with infantry. Let the ground troops scout the area and only then wheel in the big guns. Tanks are powerful but extremely vulnerable. When you get the final game, create your own battle. I understand that the editor is very user friendly, and you can choose exactly the units and terrain you wish to experiment with. Hope this helps. GAFF
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