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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Doesn't look that smokeless to me: All the best Andreas
  2. Good find. Interesting to note that incendiary bottles are to be used either on already holed turrets, or to damage the ventilation system. All the best Andreas
  3. So you are also of the opinion that the 37mm round was "highly destructive"? All the best Andreas
  4. So, JonS and I don't have a working knowledge of the English language? Why don't you just accept that different interpretations of the passage are possible? e Since you have such a great working knowledge of the English language, why are you not capable to quote Garrett correctly? Your recap is not what the report says. Frequently is not identical to generally, unless we are supposed to have a working knowledge of Kettler's English, as opposed to Queen's English. All the best Andreas
  5. Go for the eyes Jochen, go for the eyes! All the best Andreas
  6. I don't have to explain anything John. The quote simply does not say 'all German APHE rounds from 3.7cm up are capable...' - it is you who is saying that. The quote says that all German rounds from 3.7cm up had APHE. Then it says that hits by (unspecified calibre) APHE frequently resulted in wrecking. That's all it says. You are making a connection that is not supported by the quote. It is an interpretation - yours. Mine is different. All the best Andreas All the best Andreas
  7. Oh, before I forget. Good to see you back Jeff! All the best Andreas
  8. The PAK 36 may've been a marginal ATG in very short order, but the Jentz quote appears to confirm that it was quite capable of wrecking tank and crew alike, given penetration/(partial penetration per British OR) followed by detonation. </font>
  9. You are welcome to do so. I don't agree with your opinion. That is absolutely not what says, you are again inferring, with no basis for this in the original text. Thanks. That sounds reasonable, even though it is a surprisingly quick switch, considering that the 37mm soldiered on for a long time in other theatres. All the best Andreas
  10. Interesting, but from these reports it is not clear whether an APHE 2pdr round would have done better. It is also of interest that Garrett specifically excluded the 37mm from the list of projectiles. At least in the AT role I would have expected the 37mm to be widely present at this date? Or were the main AT guns shipped to Africa 50mm from the start? What is the comparative amount of HE filler in the various calibres? All the best Andreas
  11. Please show where anything you linked proved that 37mm APHE was 'highly destructive'. Garrett's note does not discuss 37mm APHE anywhere, in fact it is conspicuous by its absence when he lists all other German calibres. The second time he restricts the effectiveness of APHE remark to 88mm calibres. Well, duh, who would have thought that 88mm APHE is effective against mid-war tanks. Amedeo says 'large HE burster', but nothing about its effectiveness. Only in your mind this seems to equal to highly destructive, even though there is zero proof for it being highly destructive, in either Amedeo's post or Garrett's notes. It is your personal inference, nothing more. I.e. you are making it up. Amedeo is not indicating 'high projectile lethality', you are putting words in his mouth. Here is what he says: Where does it say anything about 'high projectile lethality'? His next post, the one you actually link, is discussing 50mm ammo. So, please stop making things up. You have not shown any proof that 37mm APHE should have high lethality, let alone that it should be 'highly destructive'. All the best Andreas
  12. It probably does not have enough spare lift in the high altitudes of Afghanistan. Them not being able to fly at all in hot&high could be an indication of that. Northern Ireland is quite low, so the situation is not comparable. All the best Andreas
  13. Let's hope they don't have children. Can you imagine lots of little Menschs running around. Shudder... Seriously though - congrats on your big day, and congrats to Greg on having risen above the level of Mace. May they be happy ever after, or sumfink. Where's my turn Elvis?! I hate you all. Andreas
  14. Sorry, where in that quote or in the linked thread does it say anything about 37mm firing highly destructive APHE? None of the Garrett quotes refers to 37mm firing APHE. Please stop making things up. All the best Andreas
  15. Wouldn't the heli part of heli-borne happen before the scenario starts? All the best Andreas
  16. I don't think any G4 iBook is OS 9 bootable. To my knowledge the first one was the white G4/800 which I had until the motherboard failed, and it certainly was not dual-boot. All the best Andreas
  17. I liked Affentitten's idea of changing the background setting to Styria. Those naughty Austrians need some sorting out! Good thread. All the best Andreas
  18. Thanks a lot Sgt. Morgue! All the best Andreas
  19. Yes. I do. I think it is a very interesting overview of the development of UK tactics. Probably best posted in the Allies & Neutral States Section. All the best Andreas
  20. Quite. One thing CMx1 absolutely did not handle well was forest fighting, such as the Hürtgen. Or at least, I never figured out how to make it handle that well. If you could design sumfink that handles Viet Nam, it should be an interesting game. All the best Andreas
  21. Great article Michael - would you consider reposting that at the AHF? Cheers Andreas
  22. Don't cry Jochen, I'll still design scenarios for CMBB as long as my computer makes it. On second thoughts, maybe continue crying. More importantly, where's my turn Jochen?! All the best Andreas
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