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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Tom I think Steve's point is more 'what on earth are you doing moving that HMG out of cover across ground overlooked by the nasty people in the first instance?' I would have thought that if you insist on doing that with a Maxim, the result will be similar by the way.
  2. Some vehicles share 3D models - the alternative would have been to not have them in the game at all. If you look in the info screen, you see they all have different data though.
  3. The guy (Marsam) who wrote that first review was a clueless git (and I am being hesitant with language here), not to put too fine a point on it. I wanted to say that for a long time, but unfortunately the 'answer to review' fucntion does not work on the depot for CMBB. I have a number of pictures of terrain just like that - in actual fact, when I first designed the map there was nothing on it. Other beta-testers asked me to put something onto it because they got depressed fighting over it. Reviews like that really upset me - that was a calculated insult by someone who would not know the eastern front if posted there. And you are right in what you say elsewhere, stupid reviews like that can kill a scenario for good. Not necessarily for me, since I have a bit of a reputation to live off, but for new designers it'll probably do them harm.
  4. Well, a couple of people figured it out, I think. I have won it, but that is hardly fair to say - I doubt I would have won in the first go playing the AI blind, since I am not a good player. I think one of the beta testers did win it first go - I'll see if I can dig out the report. Also, luck plays a huge role in it. If your fire support units pack it in before their time, you'll be sh*t out of luck.
  5. Well, I guess you found a game improvement then.
  6. Your first three points are pretty much spot on as I understand the model. This has often happened to me in 1.0, and has been in the game since beta days. You will also note that smaller guns take longer to be spotted than bigger guns (in general), which has to do with the signature when firing (much easier to spot a 12.8cm gun firing at long distance than a 3.7cm one). Why this should be a problem is a bit beyond me - you just order area fire on the last point where you spotted the gun with HE, and that'll sort it.
  7. The basic problem in balancing for me is still that you can never balance for the vastly varying skill base that the success of CM has created amongst the players. When most players were at least semi-literate tacticians, with the more forgiving CMBO, it was a lot easier. One problem now is that the people testing the games are usually quite good players. Which means that if two rookies pick up the scenario, they may have quite a frustrating experience, or even worse one rookie and one experienced player (good example is Cemetery Hill, where none of the testers came back saying it was unwinnable). It comes down to the PEBKAS effect, and I feel there is little you can do to cater for it in design. YMMV. The problem is that even recommendations like 'Give a +25% bonus to the Germans when playing PBEM' will not address a lot of this, because designers can not know what the skill levels of the players are.
  8. Reason is that with smoke it would be a walkover for the Germans. That came out in testing.
  9. I am travelling for a a few days, I'll do it when I come back on Sunday. Thanks for letting me know.
  10. This is a bug. Probably with Andreas v1.00 (haven't updated much in 34 years), but I am just trying to recreate it. They are supposed to come in on the road where the Jeep is at the beginning. I thought I had corrected this, but it appears not. Very sorry about it, I hope it did not totally ruin it for you.
  11. Canon, very nice mod, looks like you are very talented. The same comment as with my comment in the Sdkfz thread applies - it is too rusty (read the reasons up in that thread). Keep up the work.
  12. Guess you are out of luck then. We made very sure that all scenarios fail the Voxman test.
  13. I have made a habit out of not responding to Herr Schoerner's posts, but I will make an exception here, as the designer of the 'Bridgeheads' scenario. SPOILERS For those who have not read the briefing - the scenario is actually historical, minus the map. It is based on a small action in XXXXVIII. AK (Gebirgs) (can't remember whether it was 1st or 4th Gebirgsdivision). The historical outcome was that the German platoon with two HMGs in support slaughtered the Soviet attackers, estimated at battalion strength. This scenario is not intended to be a balanced affair - if it says differently in the briefing, that is a mistake on my part. I initially designed it not for the CD, but for myself, to test whether this historical situation can be recreated in CMBB. It can, the scenario shows that quite clearly, and that was as far as I wanted to go. It was then felt that it would make a good addition to the CD, and there were the 6k of space needed on the CD, and so it went on. So, to use 'The Bridgeheads' to argue about MG and the reactions to being under fire is not really a sound argument, since the scenario is loaded against the Soviets from the start. I am not sure if this answers the questions raised here, but I thought I should provide the information about the intent, to enable the discussion to take account of it.
  14. Very nice mod, although I have to agree that the rust effect is too heavy. I think that even in a combat situation, there will be time, a steelbrush and an irate NCO breathing down your neck making sure that this amount of rust won't build up. A soldier's life is usually characterised as short and intense periods of stress interspersed by prolonged bouts of boredom (or cleaning). Realistically (and we all, apart from Vader's Jester want our mods to look realistic, don't we ) the rust would also build up under the camo colour, therefore would not come to the surface in this amount so quickly. All a matter of taste.
  15. Looks like Mr. Butts had the usual trouble at the Cemetery Hill (sic!). Wonder how his chaps fared once they tried to get off that beach...
  16. You could also have corrected 'baited' while you were editing.
  17. 10cm K18 was issued on the scale of one battery per Panzer and motorised division. This replaced a 15cm sFH battery in the schwere Abteilung of the artillery regiment. There were also whole independent Abteilungen with this gun, and it was used as a coastal gun by the navy in the Baltics. It is those four guns per division that are being referred to in AARs for dealing with Soviet tanks (most famous probably 1.PD at Rossienie 24/6/41. Here is another post I made on the matter: OOB: 1) TO&E strength - Panzer divisions had one battery in the Schwere Abteilung with 10cm Kanone 18, the other two with 15cm sFH. This from 1940 to the end of the war. In 1941 702 guns on strength throughout the whole Wehrmacht. 2) OKH reported 50% losses in August 41 - the gun did not take kindly to being abused as an ATG. 3) Realistically, there may never have been enough to go around. Production just matched losses throughout the war. Use: 1) doctrinally - long-range artillery support for fast-moving mechanised troops (range 19km) 2) realistically (41-42): combating Red Army heavy and medium armour in DF mode 3) Counter-battery 4) Coastal Problems: 1) Weight - very heavy, at 6 tons 2) HE load - very low at 15.47kg 3) Range - insufficient for task, but no successor developed. 4) Flexibility - restricted field of fire is no good for an ATG. Reported combat use in 1941 - initial battles by 1. and 6. PD, e.g. Rossienie. Also confirmed later use. Penetration: 10cm Panzergranate rot(weight 15.7kg) mittlere Ladung: 602m/s MV (682?), 500m 112mm; 1000m 100mm armour penetration grosse Ladung: 822 m/s MV, 500m 155mm; 1000m 138mm armour penetration 10,5cm lFH 18 had a much worse penetration and range capability. using same ammo, at 500m (MV 470m/s) it was only 52-59mm. Effective range is given as maximum 500m (same for 15cm sFH) - I will test that in the game. Ammo penetration for HL ammo: 10cm Granate 39 rot HL/A - 80mm (90?) 15cm Granate 39 rot HL/A - 160mm (130?) For the 15cm sFH there was also a 15cm granate 19 Beton (concrete) for use against bunkers. Weight 43.5kg, penetration up to 450mm into concrete. All the data from Fleischer/Eiermann 'Die motorisierte und Panzerartillery des deutschen Heeres 1939-1945'. (quoted as 'F/E from now on) Figures in brackets are where picture captions disagree with in text quotations. Sources for use of 10cm Kanone 18 in this role: Glantz 'Initial period of war' F/E ibid Tsouras (ed.) 'Panzers on the Eastern Front' (IIRC) Stoves 'Die 1. Panzerdivision 1939-1945'
  18. Doesn't quite sit right when looking at all those reports about the almost constant shortages of artillery on the German side. Also, German production was distributed on a number of fronts, not just the east. Interesting stats though. What would probably be more important is the breakdown in calibre. (nb haven't looked at the site)
  19. Shep - that is all correct, it is just ignoring that Japinard is asking about every two days now where the patch is. I am beginning to think of it a bit like I would think of a kid in the back of the car on a long journey - 'are we there yet' 'are we there yet'. Does not get you 'there' any faster, but at some point you probably just want to shout at the little buggers.
  20. Is that a European or an African 45mm round?
  21. I totally agree - in actual fact, I have taken up the fact that the Steppe is so dreary-looking, thereby spoiling my enjoyment of CMBB steppe scenarios with The Creator, aka God, aka Allah. I mean, what was he/she thinking when he/she came up with it? Probably went like this: "Hey mate, I like so can't be bothered to do some nice stuff today, so like, let's just make a barren wasteland with some like balkas. Sodd those CMBB players." Seriously, I have asked for my church tax back. It just ain't good enough. I am with you man!
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