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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Maybe you should just read the blimmin' thread, and then you would see that BFC is already here. Jesus Christ on a crutch...
  2. Are you using a cover arc for the IS2? Are you using the shoot&scoot command at all?
  3. I could tell you what I think you are, but I have to check with my lawyers first if it could be construed as slander
  4. BTW - tracer, if you read this, did you ever get the pink spots on the winter jeep fixed? If you email me, I'll send you a screenshot.
  5. To all the modders - we have seen some really great winter mods come out (I absolutely love the bi-colour scheme KV1s and the T34 with all the writing on it!). Here is a list of other things I would love to see for CMMC2, which is set in winter 1942: </font> Winterised guns (Soviet/German panzergrey, all types) </font>winterised soviet vehicles (BA64, Trucks) </font>winterised German tank commanders </font>winterised panzergrey Marder, Stugs, Trucks, Kuebels, etc. </font>Who is up to the challenge ?
  6. You're on 1.01? I wonder how you can possibly have tried it 50 times in 21 minutes. How long does it take your machine to load the 3D graphics?</font>
  7. How about some info on why using the new commands for armour in CMBB is beneficial and why CMBB is not CMBO with T34s?
  8. I own it - if you can get it cheaply it is worth getting, if only for the scene from Alexander Nevskyi at the start. Also look out for 'Battle of the Volga', Soviet documentary on Stalingrad produced in 1962.
  9. The biggest difference I would expect is, as I mentioned in passing, that you could not clear any but the smallest area of cover just by shooting blindly into it and then chopping down the infantrymen occupying it as they run out (in a known direction, towards their own baseline). Lots of sensible stuff snipped...</font>
  10. If you have read any substancial part of this thread by now, then you would have spotted that this is not an issue of specific vehicle pairs always showing this behaviour. It is one of many different specific sequences of coming up with spotting and targetting. This one sequence makes the stronger AFV chicken out, ruining its hit chances, which is a bug.</font>
  11. Redwolf, with all respect, I think you are getting a bit too much pride out of having a troll like Cpt.Kloss hang on your lips for every word you may utter. With that said - don't you think that if as in my example the SU-122 with the weaker gun (which I selected by mishtake - I am not a tank grog) stays and fights, your whole argument goes out of the window a little bit? Your whole problem sounds like PEBKAS to me. Answers on a postcard.
  12. Just checked this. Setup is five Sov coys with moving orders, either inf or ski. All German troops hide. Both PBEM files are 64k in size.
  13. I am sure Scott is already planning to publish that for the 60th anniversary of the start of the Berlin operation. He is very methodical, you know.
  14. That was just done to separate the wheat from the chaff Eden.
  15. I actually like seeing someone stick to his guns. Captain Kloss telling the Betatesters to stop testing and read Leon Degrelle's memoirs to better understand East Front History
  16. I don't think the Lehrregiment z.b.V. 800 'Brandenburg' had any Stugs. They were basically commandos - a bit difficult being sneaky and full of surprise if 20 tons metal screech up behind you
  17. Things that really matter are: 1) LOS calculations 2) long range gunnery 3) movement paths (the longer the worse) - because there has to be a calculation figuring out whether the unit can be seen and shot at, at any given point, for every moving unit in comparison to any other unit on the board (at least that is how I understand it). Now I have just sent off a turn in which I have quite a bit of long-range fire (up to 1,600m) and about 50-80 moving units. The size was 408k. In 1.01. I think BFC will need to see the file to figure out what is going on. [ November 30, 2002, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  18. Just had a look at this. I don't really know where the problem is. I use shoot and scoot, and unless outnumbered, my SU-122s don't bugger off. They get their shot off, and then retreat as ordered. I had one in a ding-dong fight with a Stug at 371m (the SU won), and what is clear to me is that the Stug is simply the better weapon. The SU penetration even at that very close range is marginal, while the Stug has a good chance for a first hit kill. Pretty much the same story for SU-152 against Pz IVG. If you give shoot and scoot orders, they will execute them. If you give hunt orders, they try to get out, which is fine by me, since the 75L4x is a better weapon for AT combat then the 122 or 152 howitzers. BTW - I have not seen a single instance where an SU neglects to take a shot at a single Stug in the flank.
  19. My movie recommendations It is almost certainly 1st Tank Army, according to Walsh, undertaking the counterattacks. Walsh has an aerial photograph that gives you a hint of contours, I may get around to scanning it sometime and will email it.
  20. Ugh - if that is Beevor at his best, I think I give it a miss Terrible, those Russki women... Stephen Walsh's coffee-table 'Stalingrad - Die Hoelle im Kessel' (can be picked up for €10 in German cheapo bookstores) has some info but no maps. According to him the division was commanded by Generalmajor Hube, and got into really dire straits, being attacked in its forward position by '62nd Army, militia battalions, and T34 straight from the production line'. The Corps commander of XIV. Panzerkorps (to which Walsh assigns 16.PD), von Wietersheim, approached Paulus asking for permission to withdraw but was denied. After five days of fighting, Hube authorised a breakout to the west because of a lack of ammunition and fuel, and relieved his officers from their oath to Hitler. Before that breakout occurred, 3. ID (mot.) made it through and opened the encirclement. As for Rynok, the movie I talk about in the other thread says it was an industrial suburb.
  21. What is the difference in overall game/simulation outcome terms between: 1) a unit routing, running away, and being killed in the process 2) a unit routing, cowering, and surrendering to the nearest enemy?
  22. Picked these two up a few months ago, during a visit by Mattias (anyone heard of him lately???) when I showed him my favourite cheapo bookshop in London. 1) Battle of the Volga - 1962 Soviet movie (I guess for the 20th anniversary) with US voiceover. Very interesting footage, great in use of language, really gives you a good feel of the time, although 20 years after. 2) Battle for Russia - US War Department movie from the war, to be shown in US cinemas I guess. Has the famous scene from Eisenstein's 'Alexander Nevskyi' where the Prussian knights charge on Lake Peipus at the start. Otherwise it uses all sorts of footage, not as good as 1). Since the DVDs were about a fiver (UK£) each, you really can't go wrong with them. Don't be deterred by the naff cover texts, they were certainly not written by grogs
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