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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Ouch! Now that's gotta hurt. In my opinion Stolfi, Hoth and Andreas are wrong. Keke and Foxbat seem to have a firmer grasp of reality </font>
  2. Recently I have been reading more and more stupid posts that are clearly a waste of space. They complain about things that others offer just because they are a bunch of whingers. I know I have got no right to complain, because I neither make the coffee, nor do I do stupid posts. And I will insert a smiley in a vain attempt to make this post less offensive to the wasters. Since they can't do decent posts, why do they bother at all? My fundamental human right to not have my time wasted is being infringed upon, or somefink! :confused: BTS - fix or somefink! Your devoted rabid fanboy.
  3. Nice one - BTW Tracer, DL'd your winter jeep. There are some pink spots on it, do you want a screenshot?
  4. The next thing that he is going to post will probably have the words 'rabid' and 'fanboys' in it.
  5. Indeed. Add to that the complete reorganisation and upgrading of weaponry the Red Army was undergoing after the Finland desaster. Also the fact that many of the new tanks went into combat with untrained drivers, no AP rounds, guns that were not zero'd in. Does not sound like an army ready for world domination, especially when there is the at that point probably most effective army of the world in time facing it. The reason the Stalin line was so far back was that it was the old border defense. The new border defenses were still in the process of building up. The whole idea that the Soviets were about to strike west and Barbarossa just snuck in before that is just idiotic. Especially when one considers that the Germans planned their attack on the Soviet Union from July 1940.
  6. Help help, I am turning into a winter modslut Great work Dimitris. You should contact the people running CMMC2 - I think they look for a retained modder
  7. Interesting statement, unfortunately it appears that historical documents from August 1941 don't quite agree with it. Many German commanders saw the problem in turning south then, and disagreed with it.
  8. Have to try and DL it again Scipio - I tried when you first published it, and the DL aborted. Then I forgot about it
  9. Martin, wunderschön. Now, can I ask for some vehicles to be winterised like this? As you may know, CMMC2 has begun preparatory work. It is a 1942 winter battle. Soviet and German tanks and vehicles I would like to see are: T70 KV1 Stug IIIF (75L43) Panzer IIIJ (50L60) Panzer IVG (75L43) Panzer IVF (75L24) Panzer IIIN (75L24) Trucks Guns Jeeps/Kübels HTs (all variants) Lend-Lease tanks of the period You get the drift. Your mods are very very impressive - I say that as someone who is normally not that interested in mods. Weitermachen
  10. Troop strength may have been the same, but the troops were certainly six weeks better prepared. I don't think anyone would assume those troops would just sit on their rear for six weeks waiting for the Germans to attack. A big problem with the early push would have been the insecurity on the flanks (21st Army attacking into the southern flank and troops in the Waldai hills).
  11. Sgt. Steiner - the book is expressly saying that not the weather but operational indecisiveness in August caused the German defeat. When they finally decided to go for Moscow 6 weeks later, three main factors had changed: 1) The German mobile forces were a lot more worn down 2) The Soviet defenses had been prepared on the Moscow axis 3) The weather was going to get bad six weeks earlier. '3)' is not what mainly defeated them, 1) is. Without the operational indecisiveness, the Germans would have taken Moscow before the onset of winter, because there would have been little in their way. 'The weather defeated us' is the same tired old line as 'It was all Adolf's fault'. It is equally wrong.
  12. There is something north of Watford? Will wonders ever cease. Nolloff - haven't forgotten about the scenario, just been busy. I'll try to get to it this weekend.
  13. Steven - that was beautiful. Did you like my card by the way?
  14. That would be Fugate/Dvoretsky 'Thunder on the Dnjepr - how Stalin defeated Hitler's Blitzkrieg' (or somefink). Hoth is scathing about the operational ineptitude shown by OKW (read: Hitler) and OKH in concert, and of Guderian's playing along with it. In that he and Fugate/Dvoretsky agree.
  15. Generaloberst Herrmann Hoth (GOC Panzergruppe 3 during Barbarossa) in his assessment of the campaign ('Panzeroperationen - published 1956) agrees with that assessment.
  16. Command Post 121st Rifle Regiment, outside Kalinin. Present: Polkovnik Andrej Biermanovich (for it is him) Kapitan Ethan Rasienovich Haplesski (for it is him) In the background some NKVD stooges glance menacingly at the poor Kapitan. Pol AB: So, Tovarich Ethan, why did you fail to throw the fascist invaders out of the village, as I ordered you too? Kp. ERH: Tovarich Polkovnik, my men were tired, from all that running, and I had to tell them to get some rest. In the exercises and in Finland, they ran much better. So there I could concentrate on tactics and strategy. Pol. AB: You forget to mention that in Finland they ran because an Uberfinn hit them with a log - on their helmets; several times. Kp ERH: 'Tis true he did. But they ran much better, so I thought I could continue doing that. So I had them run from the startline for two miles, and inbetween had them advance in leaps and bounds for another mile. I did not know they would tire. In fact - I once watched someone run a marathon at the 1934 Komsomolets games, and he did not tire for many miles. Shurely my men are doing something wrong, and it is STAVKA's fault for not providing me with better men. How am I supposed to know that my underfed men will tire if I give them pointless running orders for a long distance because I am bored to watch them move? I just wanted to concentrate on strategy and tactics, none of this humdrum stuff of men getting tired. Pol AB: (after copious rolling of eyes) What about that company that got shot up by the HMG - did you not know there was an HMG covering their route? Kp ERH: Well, by then I had figured out that if they ran a bit slower, they would not tire. I think it was completely gamey by the Hitlerites to shoot at them there. I just wanted to concentrate on strategy and tactics, you know. Pol AB (turns to the NKVD stooges): I have had enough of this, take him away. Next!
  17. a) run hide c) panic Come to mind. Once you are through with either of those, try: a) massed AT assets (45mm, 76mm) SU-122 c) Valentine IX d) mines e) massed AT assets (45mm, 76mm) f) pioneers in ambush g) massed AT assets (45mm, 76mm) h) heavy artillery and TRPs to strip the Tiger of any accompanying infantry i) massed AT assets (45mm, 76mm) j) 57mm ATG BTW - did I mention massed AT assets? (on the grounds that even if they don't get through, they have a chance to damage the Tigers)
  18. Can't you do that mod with trenches (apologies if that is a silly question)?
  19. The Germans and the Soviets used SPOt7ing balloons for artillery observation in WW2.
  20. Says someone who lives in 'White Trash Heaven', aka Kent...
  21. JD - I don't know if you saw my pictures of hasty snow camo of 6.PD panzers near Stalingrad in this thread? As you can also see however - the T70s (I am reasonably certain the caption is a misidentification) have full whitewash. Also, pictures from the same book, but taken later, show that e.g. the Pz IVlg of PzRgt 11 seem to have full white-wash by the time of the withdrawal. 'Hasty' camo may therefore be appropriate in some cases, but as soon as soldiers had the time, they seem to have spent it on getting their vehicles camo'd, in the east at least.
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