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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Mr Tittles? What the HELL is a Mr Tittles, and why wasn't I invited to the stoning? </font>
  2. No, it is a portion of Talinmylly. Of course, for such an explicitly deprived fellow as Andreas, even Mount Doom would remind him of his mum. Should someone send him a DVD full of Swedish pornography (no, not grog/war porn)? He probably is missing all that in No-Sex-Please-Britain, which is a great cultural shock after his career at Reeperbahn. </font>
  3. Wouldn't trust that Belgian website. Jon, thanks for the info.
  4. I'd quibble with your '8)' CombinedArms. That is not how I understand the Stug as AT weapon was developed. The Stug was a standard vehicle at war's start, with a 75L24 howitzer for direct infantry support in the assault. It was around sometime before the Panzer III became the mainstay of the Panzerwaffe, let alone became obsolete.
  5. They don't 'throw' them, they place them. The graphical depiction is not what happens in the game. The game assumes a very brave soldier strolling over to the tank, whistling the RiverKwai march, and manually placing the grenade bundle with a 'Have a nice day' note at a vulnerable place. That is why it takes a while to do it, and if the squad is unhappy about being treated to the tender attentions of other supporters of the Komintern, it may not happen at all. War is hell.
  6. Seen that thing about the Grant troops as well. I would think that 'I' tanks would have a standard 3-tank platoon, if it was not the British army, where anything that is possible has been done at some point in time.
  7. Gamey updates - so far I am about as favourably impressed by the performance of my Finns (who, in between making 'ugga-ugga' noises seem to have cleared the map of Communist wannabe-worker-liberators = CWWLs) as I am baffled by Sergei managing to put in a non-appearance so far. I am sure he is trying the old 'let him have the VL, and then I bombard it' trick, that may have served him so well while playing Estonians, but of course won't work against a seasoned hand at this game, such as I am. Of course, these forests being Finnish, there is always a possible delay for invaders because they may have stepped into something, and now have to clean their boots. To escape the interminable boredom that so far permeates our game, I took a trip to Derby. Oh well, another pearl to the pigs, I think only English people will understand the irony.
  8. Might I suggest the "members who will receive CMAK before Seanapoo list"? That worked so well for CMBB. </font>
  9. Peter Beale's 'Tank Tracks' gives a Churchill Squadron as five troops of three tanks each, plus Sqadron HQ with 2x CS, 1x HQ and 1x ARV Challengers only seem to have been issued to 11th Armoured's Recce Rgt. Recce Rgts normally did not have Fireflies, but instead just Cromwells - IIRC. The Canadians had Fireflies in 4th Armoured, but then again they had Shermans in the Recce Rgt. 8th Armoured Brigade seems to have concentrated Fireflies into one troop per squadron.
  10. And I thought "Bomber" Harris said that! </font>
  11. See item c) above You just can't win. Would anyone notice if Lapland burnt down? Hmmmm... chargrilled Reindeer...
  12. Thanks Ken. Just spent another Euro 150 or so on books that I don't have time to read
  13. What?! Are you saying TOP GUN was anything else than a close-to-life representation of the US Air Farce? You must be kidding. </font>
  14. My secret diary of the battle with Sergei By Andreas B., aged 35 Following an unstomacheable insult from that lowest common denominator of manking, Sergei, I had but little choice but to throw a challenge to him to meet me on the field of battle. Being the insulted person, I had first choice of weapons, and I chose - the Finns. The reasons for this were: a) Finns rock (in the game) They make noise in that guttural kind of way that I presume passes for a language in the forests yonder; that is kinda cute c) I win either way - if I lose the battle it is the fault of the Finns. If I win the battle, I beat a Finn. Sergei contributed an abomination of a map (don't tell him I said that) that seems to resemble what I have heard about Finland. Dark, dank forests, tit-shaped hills and fallow fields, criss-crossed by patheticn paths that seem to be the Finnish excuse for roads. I bought lots of Finns - with added stuff, either produced in Germany or the Soviet Union (we all know the Finns are only good at making things you can carry in your pocket, like ATRs, SMGs and mobile phones - I believe they fail to think big). So far, my forces have successfully advanced across large swathes of the map, without meeting his heroic, iron-fisted liberators of the suppressed workers anywhere. The only reason I have to believe that he actually has any forces, is that the AI has not yet auto-surrendered on him. For a while, Sergei tried to confuse me by sending multiple turns. Since I am not a Finn, that was a bit too simple to be confusing. He blames Fuerte, but we all know the score. I will update you on the glory that will fall to the Finnish forces - who finally see a competent commander (me). Alternatively, you will see me back in this thread, b*tching about the performance of my Finnish underlings. See, I told you, I can not lose. I am so evil, I think I have to go downstairs and purr a bit. War!
  15. Haven't read that one, but could he be talking about the much more common Nashorn?
  16. Heavy barrages on identified assembly areas were a common feature on all fronts of the war. If your opponent had the chance to assemble out of your LOS, and did not make that choice, his problem. If your opponent had no such choice, I would can the game and start a new one. My £0.02.
  17. While you ramble on, I have sent my men to get a manicure. That way they look more dashing at the victory parade on the Red Square. The 3,7cm PAK is a superb infantry gun. Don't mock it.
  18. What?! Are you saying TOP GUN was anything else than a close-to-life representation of the US Air Farce? You must be kidding.
  19. Stop messing with him Famine - WE told you what you should do with that habit of puppy-kicking. Kick it. No, not the puppy. Git.
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