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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Kenneth Macksey in 'Afrika Korps' gives the info as follows. Originally 2-pdr could penetrate Panzer III and IV out to 1,000 yards. Then in March 1942 face-hardened improved armour turns up, and suddenly the 2-pdr fails over 300 out to 1,200 due to shatter, then penetrates to 1,800 (sometimes) and over that fails again, consistently. Unfortunately he gives no source for that.
  2. I am always a bit perplexed (being of a non-technical persuasion) when people say that the reason for non-issue of 2-pdr HE was it lack of oomph, to use the technical term. Does anyone have the comparative data for HE filler on the US 37mm, German 37mm, and the German 50mm rounds to the 2-pdr and 6-pdr? I may have the German ones at home, but am in a hotel in Manchester, which is about as far away as I care to be from my sources. If it was considerably less on the 2-pdr, then why was that? If not, why would the argument of lack of lethality hold water, when e.g. a German report about the 37mm ATG says it is a good infantry gun (but sucks as ATG)?
  3. Ant have you checked all the M3 versions? IIRC this should be an earlier one. I am working from the last beta, still, not the final version, so I can not check.
  4. We don't know what that 'sun' thing is you keep blathering on about. Shurely some European invention? I have the final beta which is pretty much identical, a boardgame with a mate, a life, and CMBB to occupy myself, if I so desire.
  5. I think the smaller font is to accomidate your post total </font>
  6. Sauerkraut is obviously what my Finnish lads had for breakfast, together with a nice reindeer sandwich (sit down Soddball). A very gutsy Panzerschreck team has just taken out a T34. Elsewhere on the map, Sergei pushed his tankers' luck too far, by venturing into the field of fire of my backstop 'oh-so-powerful-ATG-with-a-view-to-his-gamey-attempt-to-race-into-Finland', which saw said ATG deftly despatching his Sherman from the face of this planet. His infantry is meanwhile left to struggle on the objective against my Suomi wielding Finns. I feel that so far I have taught Sergei a number of lessons that will be valuable in his future CM career. He and Finland at large should thank me for it. Maybe he will be able to beat the AI next... In the meantime, his Commissar is getting anxious, and Stalin is known to have cried 'Sergei -give my tanks back to me' - alas, too late. Nice map though.
  7. Terrain exists, it's just harder to find. </font>
  8. IS-2 was *designed* to be heavy breakthrough tank. Doesn't mean it excelled in it, especially against enemy armour. What is was good at, was to keep up with T-34 and add massive HE firepower. </font>
  9. Well, at least he is not sinking so low to use hordes of T34 against unsuspecting Finnish Stugs, now is he Sergei? Where's my turn?
  10. Speaking of human opponents, you owe me a turn Lederhosenboy. And keep the 20th December free in the diary.
  11. Only the best will do for the colonial sc... err, allies of the Crown Mike.
  12. Mirror ? What is a mirror ? Does it have DNA ? Can I clone it ? cheers Helge </font>
  13. News from the front In another gamey move, Sergei has used his Russian hordes to shoot at my Finns. A Finnish Stug crew decided they had enough of that German trash (they could not hit sh*t) and disembarked to resort to tried and tested methods of djungle warfare, involving toothpicks. His T34s are doomed. Doomed!!! I say. He has left me the central VL after being treated to the love of the Suomi for a while. I expect to be stonked there shortly. In the meantime, my men resort to cleaning their fingernails for the forthcoming dates with Russian sniper ladies, who are probably desperately in need of dating real men, and judging by the performance of the rabble commanded by Sergei, those are non-existent in the Red Army. Fire support from my tank will have helped too though, in showing him whence to go. Another of his weirdo infantry flanking moves collapsed in the hail of fire that my Suomis dished out at his Kulaks. Things are going well. Seven more turns until we either find out that Finns suck, or that Sergei sucks. What do you say? He is a Finn? Good.
  14. I haven't examined the thread in question, but I have read many of his posts, and in cases where he says "we" it is because he is speaking of the group of which he is a part that is doing research and writing material on the subject being discussed. So far as I know he has no royal pretensions. Michael </font>
  15. I think because he did the research for the book with his mates.
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