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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. May i ask why :confused: Seems some valid information and nothing special, so why it should be dubious information is beyond me... </font>
  2. Have you got enough indian mates to provide the sound files? My guess is that would be the major stepping stone. Unless you want them all to sound like Hapu.
  3. Enemy at the Gates and Beevor's book on Stalingrad seem to be the big two </font>
  4. Enemy at the Gates and Beevor's book on Stalingrad seem to be the big two </font>
  5. What part of the T-34s armor is 8cm thick and what other materials do they use other than steel and cast? </font>
  6. The difference between the standard Katyusha and the Nebelwerfer is that one was on a motor carriage, and the other needed to be hooked up to something. I have no idea whether the Katyusha redeployed after every firing, but it would make sense for them to do so. In which case the reload time is: a) Time to PUFO at location Time to travel to new destination c) Time for reloading and recalculating firing position, unless position was prepared. Whether that is stuff that would happen in a single scenario is anyone's guess. For the Nebelwerfer, I have seen pictures of it being dug in quite well. There also was a variety mounted on a fully armoured half-track, and I have seen it firing from the open (only preparation was a foxhole dug for the operators). So there seems to have been more variety, but I guess you can defend a simulation approach that leaves them in place and reloading there. Which is rather quick, because there are only six tubes per launcher, and they are quite accessible. They are not identical weapon systems, so a differential handling of them is not a problem per se. Note - the above only applies to the standard varieties.
  7. They explode really nicely when hit by the 75 gun.
  8. Wicky, you just have to come to London drinks sometime.
  9. Hehe - the TOG 2 looks like a Cromwell on steroids. Take that Herr Gropenfuehrer!
  10. And that is the key point. Listen to the man. While the fire power of the M2 is something to behold, getting it to where you need it is a big problem, unless you can drive it there. Unfortunately Europe (or most places fought over) are just not that accessible. The big advantage of the MG34 was that it was a true GPMG, where the heavy firepower of the SMG was mated with the light-weight transportability of the squad MG. If you fire at something from a dug-in position, I take a Vickers anyday, thank you very much. If I have to lug it to the place where I want it, I am going to take the MG34/42 sMG along, because it travels well. Therefore, in terms of intended role, the German 2cm Flak is quite comparable to the M2. Whether it could be mounted on a tripod is completely beside the point.
  11. What this report argues is that they are not. I note with interest you chose not to respond to it in any way. Is that because your bias is showing?
  12. In the case of the German and Italian 20mm guns, they were employed in much the same role as the .50 </font>
  13. I was talking about penetration by the 75mm or other guns, hence my reference to 'AT gunnery school'. I am sorry if that escaped you. Now, care to provide some info on penetration for these guns other than handwaving Villers-Bocage old warrior stories? Or is this the same tactic as in the 75L43 thread on the CMBB where you seem to feel excempt from providing proof for your assertions?
  14. I don't know if this has changed from CMBB, but you can easily work around it by giving an order to button up at the beginning of the turn. If they are still buttoned, just hit the button twice. I would find it equally annoying if they stayed buttoned.
  15. Hah! You are making it up. When the Germans designed the MG34, they had no idea about the T34. I knew it, I knew it. So what do you say now, Mr. Smartypants-r-down?
  16. It's called aiming, and they teach it in AT gunnery school. Much like they taught German AT gunners to aim for the turret ring, also a small target. Instead of the AARs from Villers-Bocage, I'd be more interested in some better evidence, such as firing tests. I don't think that Villers-Vocage is sufficient proof for the non-performance of the 75mm gun against side armour. Even if you find quotes, they are unlikely to tell you angles. Seeing that the main damage was done to a surprised Cromwell formation, with crews outside the tanks, not one in combat formation.
  17. It is, but it is also curved along one axis. I don't know if this is modeled in CMAK, but I don't think it was in CMBO. </font>
  18. First of all you should really edit the title and content of the question. Secondly, in CMBO there was no early Bazooka ammo, the Bazooka had been in service for over a year by the time that game started. Also, the performance against Tiger I side armour was not the issue, but against Tiger II, AFAICT. The same thing probably goes for the Sherman gun performance. This is the first time I hear that it should not be able to get through Tiger I side armour at a decent distance. Tiger one side armour is a 0 degrees, and it is not that strong. It was designed to defeat the T34 gun, but AFAIK it is accepted that the Sherman gun has better penetration capabilities against vertical armour at least.
  19. Gamey updates - we have now joined the fight on the tit-shaped hill that holds the main VL. Sergei has tried to counter my Suomi-wielding Finns with SMG-wielding Russians. Clearly he has not been quite understanding of the difference between the Suomi and the PPsh (or whatever), which have as much in common as a Ferrari and a Kuebelwagen. Therfore, my Finns stay, his future Gulag inhabitants run. No surprises there.
  20. That is a very much reduced quality JPG that is linked there, for ease of loading. The original looks a lot better.
  21. When I could have it, on the Mac, I usually turned it off anyway. I somehow found it quite straining for the eyes. Now on the PC I am not missing it thus far.
  22. I'm not sure what you mean by this. I wasn't arguing that every American squad in a game be given a green rating, but rather that one would encounter it fairly frequently. Michael </font>
  23. Yeah well. They were turned into SPGs. 105mm Howitzer on M3 chassis = Priest SPG.
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