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Everything posted by Runyan99

  1. Nice score. I used to live just outside an age restricted retirement community in Arizona. The local library had a book store, which was frequently refreshed with new inventory from the community. Either the snowbirds would donate books frequently, or a lot of collections of the deceased ended up there. Either way, I went there frequently to see what I could pick up for $1. Never had a whole collection like that though. I miss having that resource, but used books on Amazon is pretty good too.
  2. Yeah you would think the hand to hand and mass slaughter involved in say the sack of a city must have led to a hell of a lot of severe PTSD cases in the ancient world. Imagine what basket cases these men would be as they left military service and returned to their farms and families. Anyway, I wonder how long it will be now before Crowe puts on a moustache and does Wyatt Earp.
  3. According to Goldsworthy, the Roman front line changed in a matter of minutes. Prolonged contact might be interspersed with periods where both sides broke contact and caught their breath within short range. Based on my very limited boxing experience, I can well imagine the actual hand to hand stuff was short and exhausting.
  4. Yeah. It's worth remembering when people talk about "the good old days" or "simpler times" or when they say things are going bad or increasingly violent. The truth is society has always been nasty, and life dirty and short. Modern people will never appreciate what they have, unless it is taken away. We few history buffs have a wider view of the human experience on this planet.
  5. "He said yes! He said yes!" Excellent? I dunno. It's okay.
  6. Die Brücke is almost impossible to find on DVD in the US. I've been trying to see it for years now. Edit to say I'd like to pay less than $35 for a copy. Anybody know where? You cannot Netflix it.
  7. Well I'm certainly not going to see it, but not out of protest for Crowe. I simply can't get interested in yet another hack and slash rehash of the same old stuff. Seriously, who out there was really needing another Robin Hood movie about now?
  8. I heard Dark Blue World is really good. Got a DVD copy on the way.
  9. Gautrek = Kevin Costner?
  10. What about the fact that here in the US, we get most of our electric power from coal plants? So, far from being 'clean' cars, electrics are in truth coal cars. It seems none of the hippy-dippy hybrid buyers ever seem to make that connection.
  11. I'm seeing billboards for this now in LA, I think it actually airs in the next few days. Too bad I don't have HBO anymore. I'll have to wait for a DVD version.
  12. I heard good buzz on a podcast. Don't own it though.
  13. I have it on good authority that Ubi is considering shipping their games with a USB rectal probe. The games will only work as long as the probe is firmly inserted and reading body temperature.
  14. Regarding Kharkov, I found another video that shows a CMC style grid map. Does this game have a kind of operational layer? Edit - I think so, but the battles seem to be realtime only, and I don't think there is a PBEM option, so maybe not for my style of play.
  15. Everything I read always indicated that the failure to prepare for the bocage was simply a gross oversight. Nobody seemed to take it into account in the planning stage, or if they did, the assumed the hedgerows were only a slight obstacle.
  16. Despite what a generation of gamers learned playing Steel Panthers, my reading is that smoke was never widely used in WW2.
  17. So I heard a bit on the news today that apparently there is a number of people who are suicidal after watching the movie, because they are heartbroken they cannot live the unspoiled lives of the Naavi in the movie. Personally, I think these people are naive idiots. If they magically got their wish, lived in the forest, bowhunted for their food, and let "their mother" planet take care of them, I suspect the majority of these headcases would be dead within a month from illness and malnutrition.
  18. If BFC does an age of rifles era game I'm still going to suggest the American Civil War first.
  19. For those in the US, do you think the December prices will be better than any after-Christmas offers?
  20. When I was a kid I thought V was scary.
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