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Everything posted by howardb

  1. Personally I think Atomic should have a grog button on their games from now on. I'm just tired of their weird weapons, silly voice cues, tanks that's reversing towards the enemy, Stuart's that kills off Panthers etc.
  2. How many guys are there in BTS, how many are working on the game? If it's only Steve and Charles shouldn't we stop posting on this board so the game would arrive earlier ?
  3. LOL Herr Oberst.. that's hillarious. Your own personal hell
  4. -Stirs my blood just thinking about it! You fellas gonna help me ask for this? No not really. But I'd help you ask for a Korean game
  5. I read an interview from Wargamer where Charles really gave an impressive humble impression of Battlefront, the kind of interview where you really want them to succed. I particularly liked this: The Wargamer: Talking about your website, it features an impressive discussion forum about Combat Mission and a lot of the ideas from there seem to actually make it into the game. Was this the idea behind creating this forum? Charles: We started up the Combat Mission forum to bounce ideas off of gamers and to field questions about how we plan to treat various aspects of warfare in Combat Mission. The feedback, questions, and debates we have had are a significant reason for Combat Mission being as good as it is right now. It's like having a large beta pool and design team all rolled up into one. The best thing is that we are addressing issues in Combat Mission now that would certainly have come up later in testing. Several suggestions have gone in as-is, others have simply sparked our creativity. Overall it has been a lot of fun kicking around ideas with so many knowledgeable and caring gamers. Most developers wouldn't admit they'd gotten help from fans. That's one of the things with these guys. You really want them to have success.
  6. As a european I've always found the pacific boring.
  7. Fionn: About bloody time you got to your senses and returned Hey Steve... *applause*
  8. In an operation and if you can refit the valued crew with another vehicle I would definately have them exit the battlefield. Unless they were regulars or something.
  9. I took some time explaining to my girlfriend the other day why we have to pre-order from BTS to get this game. Why BTS won't have any "suits" hanging over them to tell them release dates etc and she was actually quite impressed by the ethics some developers got: "Released when finished". Not just BTS doing this though, ID Software is doing it (all the patches for Quake2 was purely freebies, they could've released the game and forgotten about it) just too bad it's Quake2 really.
  10. Actually that thing about the HT blocking the bridge is pure brilliance and not gamey at all if you ask me. If you're smart enough to think about it you should be able to use it. If it on the other hand are glitches in the system that makes a bridge impossible to blow up (let's asume that's the objective of the attacker) because the HT is there it's unethical to use that tactic. Well that's my opinion for what it's worth
  11. -What I'm seeing (another forum) is complaining about; we're supposed to watch a movie a couple times to see what is going on Yeah and that's just a bonus free of charge. What other WW2 game can they be the director (I bet Steven Spielberg is feeling cheated)
  12. Have you noticed the low durability of action games compared to military/strategy games? Must confess that Opposing Force is a worthy expansion of Half Life, gave me a good couple of days of fun.
  13. Anyone interested in a WAN-party soon ?
  14. As much as I love this game I'd still stand up for the right of people to bash this game if they got something intelligent to say What can they honestly complain about, any rumours ?
  15. Goto www.winzip.com and download the free Winzip program for extracting .zip documents.
  16. As a matter of fact that guy I told you about that went all the way with the CG was actually at least 10 kg's lighter than me in the recruit period. I was in the area of 90-95 kg's and I'm 185 cm high so it's not that abnormal really. For running with a heavy burden it's not as much of your physique if you ask me, it's your ability to grit your teeths and take the pain. Pure will (it isn't size I mean. I've had small sized terriers that could endure much more pain than me in my platoon). Now with absorbing recoil weight really has something to say but if you don't deploy it right it will bounce on you no matter what, but remember half to one second bursts only. It's the same with almost any weapon really, on full auto it's hard to keep any weapon on target.
  17. Terrible effects? Bad looking UFO's and the PAK40 explosions was clearly from a Flak-88. Just kidding with you I liked the film though.
  18. As a WW2 game developer I bet you get to try/see a lot of cool hardware huh? How do museums/collectors etc respond when you ask them about information or tryouts for a game you're working on ?
  19. Berlichtingen: That's what I read on some site though but the T-34 was a very good tank so it doesn't surprise me. 50 T-34's.. wow that's alot.
  20. Actually I think there is. I also missed that ability so I took a look in the manual delivered with the demo. Try pushing Backspace or delete
  21. Definately written by Brits yes with a good sense of humour.
  22. yeah WOW.. the gfx has been tweaked a lot. If this doesn't draw the flashbangers nothing will.
  23. I certainly hope Fionn will return too. I might disagree with some of his ways to make a point (sometimes a little personal) but I do miss him already and nobody's perfect. I must also add that one of the posts against him was totally below the belt, I wanted to tell the person that posted it that but mysteriously I didn't feel like it at the time LOL. I won't beg for his return but I do hope he'll return because we're all friends here (more or less) and I think deep inside that Fionn knows I got nothing against him. There aren't that many WW2 freaks in our family the least we can do is stick together. I know he's still reading this board so I'm hoping he'll read this and come and shine on our board again.
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