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Everything posted by howardb

  1. I'm afraid they can't win this battle no matter what they do. If they release to soon to make a few souls happy they make the other side angry for releasing a game that's not finished. I'm playing other games and enjoying myself, checking out the board daily and eventually the game will ship
  2. Fionn: Easy for you to say considering you almost got the full game. Just don't tell us to restrain ourselves. Afraid your opinions doesn't get any sympathy from me. On the other hand it's x-mas even developers needs to spend time with their families (If it was up to me I would do a Dungeon Keeper 2 on them. Throw them in the workshop with a bunk, a couple of chickens, give them a good slap and lock the doors. That should speed them up a bit I think).
  3. Good thinking Panzerleader. Personally I thought we would receive the game for x-mas so I didn't understand all the nagging for another demo but now I'm really hot for another scenario.
  4. Gamespot just had an interesting little update on the progress of Windows2000. I recommend anyone interested to read it. www.gamespot.com that is.
  5. How about a vehicle (or artillery etc) + a quick Fionn (doesn't have to be Fionn but someone who knows their ****) reference on how the vehicle performed every week or something? If you did one a week or something it wouldn't take too much time I reckon and I've always liked opinions on vehicles more than dry stats anyway. Throw in shots of vehicles from the game. It would've been a blast. MTV got Phil Collins weekend Combat Mission HQ got Sherman weekend.
  6. Mac users love anyone making games for them
  7. Yeah while we're at it. Merry Xmas all
  8. I agree with that.. loyalty to corporate businesses usually never pays from a consumers view. Buy products after it's quality not it's brand/name.
  9. STOP !!!! Don't give me more screens I'm dying here. It's like having your best friend telling you what it's like having sex while you're still a virgin... well maybe just one more.
  10. Eridani: Think about AMD when they get the Athlon to run in 0.18 micron with copper... smoking. There's a revolution in CPU's these days and we're there to see it, didn't think that would happen actually
  11. Haven't read all the other posts so they might have said this already. If you're upgrading don't buy another super7 mainboard because they're dead. Been a while since I was into the upgrading myself so I might have forgotten some of the names and stuff but I think the Athlon got somthing called socketA, the pentiums got socket2 (not that important really what is important is that the pentiums and athlons got different sockets and it's not socket 7). Go over to www.tomshardware.com for information and specs on everything hardware, there you will find out that a system with an Athlon and a GeForce 256 is the top of the line today. The good thing about the new generation AMD cpu's is that they're actually better than INTEL in crunching numbers so you can't really go wrong with it. With that system you can invite me home anyday. I still got my old trusty Celeron300 @450mhz w/hercules TNT and it's enough for now but only barely, I'm going for a GeForce first and maybe the next 6 months or something I'll buy a new Ghz Athlon cpu (if INTEL hasn't countered the AMD threat by then).
  12. Last year we had below -50 celsius here in Norway. If you throw a cup of water in the air it's frozen before it hits the ground, pretty cool (pun intended). Speaking of cold do your respective armies (which has snow that is, Africans don't have to answer) dig snow caves for bivuac? I've heard some crazy stories about the GI's coming to Norway on winter maneuvers, like digging a cold hole in the tent and place their heads in it etc (as we all know a little hole in the tent opening will press down cold air into it. Low pressure anyone). Then again when I was on the exchange program between our army and the US the guys up in Minnesota had a very good knowlegde about cold environments.
  13. Only comunists on the western front was those fighting for the French resistance
  14. Where's the Bjerke surname surely you all must know it's one of the more common surnames in WW2? If Bjerke isn't included the game will be very unrealistic indeed
  15. I'm one of the guys that complains about the AI when it has a seldom stroke of luck but doesn't give it another thought when I do the same thing.
  16. Hah I knew that would make some of you angry (well maybe not angry). No I've never had a Mac myself so I can't really say something about it but an editor in CGW said it best. He was tired of being faithfull with Mac's while all his friends got to play the coolest games serveral years before him (if they were released at all for Mac), so he bought a PC finally. That's the problem in a nutshell I think. I've actually heard people that knows Mac's quite well saying that it's really good machines but they wouldn't trade it with their PC anyway.
  17. What's wrong with you people.. why do you own Mac's anyway? Did you know that the Mac's are actually a project started by the aliens to find out who's stupid enough to buy one. When they've investigated in on enough people they will invade the earth and kill off all Mac owners. Acopolypse in year 2000.. yeah this is it people. You still got some days to sell or throw out your machines though
  18. Hmmm.. while we're at it. I'm still impressed by what the Danes pulled off. They barely qualified and then they went all the way and won the tourney, that's what legends are made of. Who cares about who ordered the game or not, if you don't it's your loss really.
  19. Think about room for maneuvers when the dessert version arrives or the Russian steppes.
  20. *sigh* Yeah CC2 was a stroke of genius if you ask me. You usually had so little armor that if you had 2-3 vehicles you felt invincible. You really cared about your tanks in that game and one single tank in reserve could win you the day. Anyone remember how often your guys ran out of ammo? Don't think I've ever run out of ammo in CC3/CC4 (well a couple of times).
  21. What Steve is saying there is exactly what I read in a book about Spetznas. The russians invented a weapon that threw out a small container that ignited on contact in that way they didn't use up fuel to reach the target. This was a handheld weapon though.
  22. You mean hordes of chong's vs a platoon of marines + 50 Phantom's and 40 batteries of arty Saw a documentary on the Vietnam war and the americans kicked some serious behind (kind of stupid writing butt twice), but air and arty support saved more GI life's than anything else.
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